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发布时间: 2022-01-28 15:53:18

A. 帮忙用英语复述下电影《一个都不能少》

In a remote mountain village, the teacher must leave for a month, and the mayor can find only a 13-year old girl, Wei Min, to substitute. The teacher leaves one stick of chalk for each day and promises her an extra 10 yuan if there's not one less student when he returns. Within days, poverty forces the class troublemaker, Zhang Huike, to leave for the city to work. Min, possessed of a stubborn streak, determines to bring him back. She enlists the 26 remaining pupils in earning money for her trip. She hitches to Jiangjiakou City and begins her search. The boy, meanwhile, is there, lost and begging for food. Min's stubbornness may be Huike and the village school's salvation. Written by {[email protected]}

B. 四篇英语电影的英语复述


C. 求推荐一部英语电影,最好短一点,容易用几句话复述的。

Mrs Brown was going our for the day.She locked the house and tacked a note for the milkman on the door:nobody home.don't leave anytngwhen got back that night,she found her door broken open and her house ransacked.On the note she had left,she found she following messege added:thanks!we haven't left anytng!布朗夫人今天出门前锁好门后在门上贴了一张便条给送奶人,上面写着:家里没人,不要留下任何东西.当她晚上回来的时候发现家里失窃了,而在早上留下的便条上多了一条信息:谢谢你,我们没有留下任何东西 ]\I Have s Ear in My Pocket Ivan came home with a bloody nose and s mother asked, What happened? A kid bit me, replied Ivan. Would you recognize m if you saw m again? asked s mother. I'd m any where, said Ivan. I have s ear in my pocket. 他的耳朵在我衣兜里 伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,“发生了什么事?” “一个男孩咬了我一口,”伊凡说 “再见到他你能认出来吗?”妈妈问 “他走到哪里我都能认出他,”伊凡说。“他的耳朵还在我衣兜里呢。”Drunk One day, a father and s little son were going home. At ts age, the boy was interested in all kinds of tngs and was always asking suestions. Now, he asked, What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?Well, my son, s father replied, look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk. But, dad, the boy said, there's only ONE policeman! 醉酒 一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。喔 顺便说一下 几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞英语中心的教师要我明白 如果要学好英语是轻松的;一定要有一个适宜的学习空间及实习口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验 欧美人士比东南亚好很多,口语标准才行 不间断逐日练习口语 一对一加强化教学才会有非常.好.的进步效率。课后仍要重听课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识!不过实在没有人可以指导的情况 只能上旺旺或爱思取得课余教材练习 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,一下子英语水平就提升起来 学习效益是绝对突飞猛进的!” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

D. 电影i am ,sam用英文复述电影故事

古希腊传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯访问希腊,诱走了王后海伦,希腊人因此远征特洛伊。围攻9年后,到第10年,希腊将领奥德修斯献了一计,就是把一批勇士埋伏在一匹巨大的木马腹内,放在城外后,佯作退兵。特洛伊人以为敌兵已退,就把木马作为战利品搬入城中。到了夜间,埋伏在木马中的勇士跳出来,打开了城门,希腊将士一拥而入攻下了城池。Greek legends, Trojan prince of Troy, visited Greece went queen Helen, Greek so expedition Troy. Siege to the nine years in 10 years, Greek generals Odysseus offer a plan, the group is a great men in ambush the Trojan horse, out of internal after they pretend. Troy people thought the enemy soldiers already retreated, put into town as trophies in the Trojan horse. At night, the mighty men in ambush Trojan jumps out and opened the gate, Greece soldiers YiYongErRu down town.

E. 用英语简单复述一个英语动漫电影

机器人总动员(公元2700年,人类文明高度发展,却因污染和生活垃圾大量增加使得地球不再适于人类居住。地球人被迫乘坐飞船离开故乡,进行一次漫长无边的宇宙之旅。临行前他们委托Buynlarge的公司对地球垃圾进行清理,该公司开发了名为WALL•E(Waste Allocation Load Lifters – Earth 地球废品分装员)的机器人担当此重任。这些机器人按照程序日复一日、年复一年辛勤工作,但随着时间的流逝和恶劣环境的侵蚀,WALL·E们接连损坏、停止运动。最后只有一个仍在进行这项似乎永无止境的工作。经历了漫长的岁月,它开始拥有了自己的意识。它喜欢将收集来的宝贝小心翼翼藏起,喜欢收工后看看几百年前的歌舞片,此外还有一只蟑螂朋友作伴。直到有一天,一艘来自宇宙的飞船打破了它一成不变的生活……本片荣获2009年第81届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。)
Wall-E (2700 ad, the height of human civilization, but e to pollution and waste a large increase in the earth is no longer suitable for human habitation. Earth people are forced to take the spacecraft to leave the homeland, a long and endless journey of the universe. Before leaving, they commissioned buynlarge company to clean up trash for the earth, the company developed name for wall - E (waste allocation load lifters - earth earth waste packaging member) of the robot to undertake the important task. These robots are hard in accordance with the proceres, but as the work day in and day out year after year, erosion time and harsh environment, WALL E series of damage, stop motion. Finally, only one is still in this world without end seems to work. After a long period of time, it began to have their own consciousness. It will be like collect baby carefully hid, like knock off work to see hundreds of years ago in the musical. In addition, there's a cockroach companion and friend. Until one day, a ship from the ship broke its immutable and frozen life...... The film won the 2009 session of the eighty-first Oscar Award for best animated feature).

F. 千与千寻的电影内容用英语简单复述出来


G. 电影特工佳丽的英文复述



H. 谁能帮我用英文概括一篇电影啊


I. 概括英文电影(寒假作业)

精彩对白Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket!店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一张金门票!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Mike has just found a Golden Ticket] (麦克刚刚拿到了一张金奖票)TV Reporter: So tell us,what did it taste like?电视记者:告诉我们,它味道如何? Mike Teavee: I don't know,I hate chocolate!麦克:我不知道,我讨厌巧克力!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy!威利·旺卡:别碰松鼠们的松果!那会使它们生气的!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible,Charlie.奶奶乔治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willy Wonka: Little boy,don't push my button.威利·旺卡:孩子,不要碰我的那个按钮。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Wonka: Lollipops. Ought to be called cavities on a stick!旺卡医生:棒棒糖,应该被叫做蛀牙棒!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Wonka: Do you have an appointment? 旺卡医生:你预约了么?Charlie: no,but he needs to check.查理:没有,但是他早就应该来看看了。

J. ‘用英语复述故事或电影对白’用英语怎么说

To repeat a story or a film in English.

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