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发布时间: 2022-01-25 21:04:33

❶ 求一段适合两个男生配音的英文电影或电视剧片段,3到5分钟,最好是两个人对戏的,没有其他角色


❷ 适合二人(男)配音的经典英文电影片段


❸ 有什么适合两个人配音的英文电影,或者电视剧,片段

盗梦空间 莱昂纳多和费舍在梦境里对话那段

❹ 急求适合两个男生配音的英文电影。


❺ 求适合两个男生英语配音3分钟至5分钟得电影,最好提供时间段

1.《大侦探福尔摩斯》(小罗伯特唐尼、裘德洛)的8分37秒左右开始到11分30秒,福尔摩斯和华生的对话 不过 有几秒需要一个女声(女佣) 你们可以考虑反串一下或找人帮忙 要不这部电影应该还有其他片段的 这电影还有第二部


3.《复仇者联盟》 有两段
B钢铁侠和美国队长有一段他们在联盟的飞船上 吵架加互相帮忙的片段 仔细看了一下他们两个对话过程有其他人的对话,嗯 你可以在血药配音的部分静音不需要的把声音放出来 钢铁侠和队长的从1小时10分08秒到1小时12分52秒+从1小时15分48秒到1小时16分31秒

4.成龙的在好莱坞的两个系列《上海正午》和《尖峰时刻》都是两个男人戏 很多片段可以选

❻ 急求一部适合两个男生配音的英文电影六七分钟左右,要经典电影

符合您要求的电影强烈推荐经典励志片《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happiness)
故事的主角就是当今美国黑人投资专家Chris Gardner,故事取材真实故事。
Chris Gardner:You got a dream, you gotta protect it.
Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves,they wanna tell you you can not do it.
Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!
Martin Frohm: What would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I
I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer,. 我是这样的人,如果你问我一个问题我不知道答案的话,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你保证:我知道怎样找到答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。
Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.

❼ 适合两个男生配音的英文电影

熊兄弟 Brother Bear

Kenai:Why is he chasing me ?
Koda: That's what they do .
Kenai:But it's not like him.
Koda: Yeah, well, lucky for him he didn't find us.'Cause when I get into a fight ,I go all crazy and I'm a raging ball of brown fur.Uhh! I mean, I don't want to brag or nothin' , but I got some moves.
Kenai: Oh, really?
Koda: Yep. This first one ,well , it's just a little thing I like to call "The Slasher"! And this one I like to call "Flying Fury of Death"!
Kenai: Uh-huh! He's coming back!
Koda: Where ?
(Koda immediately hides behind Kenai)
Koda: Yeah. Well, the next time we went into that hunter...
Kenai:There si no "we".OK? I'm not taking you to any salmon run.
Koda: What? But you pinky swore.
Kenai:Yeah, well ,things change. See ya, kid.
Koda: Um. Wait ,uh, the truth is :I got separated from my mom, and now with this hunter around...
Kenai:Kid , I got my own problems.
Koda: Come on. Please? Can't we just go together? There's a lot of bears and a ton of fish , and every night we watch the lights touch the mountain, and last year...
Kenai: Wait, wait, what'd you just say?
Koda:There's lots of bears and tons of fish.
Kenai:No, you know where the lights touch the earth?
Koda:Yeah. It's at the top of the mountain right by the salmon run.
Kenai:You're kidding me.
Koda:No ,no .They're practically next door. Come on, I'll show you. It will be great. I promise to help you escape from every trap you walk into.
Kenai:I'm not gonna into any more...uhh!...traps.
Koda:Come on. What do you say?
Kenai: You're sure you can take me to where the lights touch the earth?
Koda: Yeah, no problem.
Kenai:If you slow me down...
Koda:I won't , I promise.
Kenai:All right. We leave first thing tomorrow.

Koda性格活泼 Kenai性格稳重~!

❽ 适合两人五分钟左右的英语配音电影片段(两个男生)


❾ 适合两个人配音的英文电影


❿ 给几个适合配音的英文电影 男生啊


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