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发布时间: 2022-01-24 11:43:45

① 电影"风声"准确的官方英文名是什么


看 风声 下面 的英文名字 THE MESSAGE

② 求电影《风中奇缘》的英文介绍,急用啊

When Pocahontas originally came out, Disney's wave of recent hits came to a crashing halt. The film was labeled as racist or at least insensitive to Native Americans and the goodwill that Disney had established with its audiences quickly evaporated. You could say they have never been the same since.

The "fearsome foursome" that is The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and the Lion King has no equal, except perhaps the last four Pixar movies. Pocahontas is not, unfortunately in that "club" and never will be. Disney spent the next four to five years trying to recreate the "magic" with films like Hunchback, Hercules, Mulan, and Tarzan. Unfortunately, none of those films had the surprise and "good feeling" of the earlier Disney hits, and except for maybe Mulan, none of those films, as films, were as good either. And although Pocahontas is and was the point where the schizm occurred, in retrospect, it's a pretty damned good movie. So what went wrong?

First, it wasn't the Lion King. They could have put out something "safe" after the Lion King, and it still probably would have paled in comparison to what was then a great big giant behemoth of a movie. That movie earned over THREE HUNDRED MILLION in its theatrical run in 1994 - not as common then as it is now - thing was a juggernaut. Pocahontas, following on the heels of this bad boy, was not going to live up to expectations.

People blamed the fact that it was about PEOPLE and not animals, and that it was based on ACTUAL history rather than a fairy tale. THEN they blamed the fact that the history part of it was botched and that the film's portrayal of Native Americans was at best insensitive, racist at worst.

I'll grant you that making Pocahontas' mentor a talking tree and having her learn English "instantaneously" because she listened to her heart is a wee bit ridiculous, but racist? Come on. The message of the film - that love can conquer hate - is anything but racist and if anything, the film shows the "Indians" in a more human light than the English, who are their usual, stereotypical pig-headed selves.

Here's what else is good about the movie: The SONGS. Remember 'Colors of the Wind'? Could there be a better song about reconnecting with nature and valuing the earth more? We NEED this song right now, especially, with the world seemingly sliding ever more into a consumerist "bliss," what better than to see some beautiful chick running through the forest teaching that rugged white man how to value LIFE? And what the hell is wrong with that I ask?

And what about some of the other songs? The one about the RIVER BEND and making choices - good stuff. And the whole montage ending song that repeats SAVAGES SAVAGES BARELY EVEN HUMAN from both sides - showing that BOTH SIDES misunderstand each other. It gives me chills when Pocahontas is running and you see the war superimposed behind her and she sings "HOW LOUD BEAT THE DRUMS OF WAR!" - makes me want to cry! Don't we need this now I ask you?

But, by far the best thing about this movie is - the animation. It is absolutely GORGEOUS. The design for this film is sumptuous, with mostly blues and a seamless style that never gets in the way and illustrates the action (and the feminine nature of the film) so beautifully. Compared to the dreck that is the HUNCHBACK - that film is ugly as sin - and the absolute HIDEOUSNESS of Hercules - the animation in that is strictly straight-to-video, Pocahontas absolutely ROCKS. Only Mulan, with its chirpy story and colorful style match up to the grandeur of this one.

While Pocahontas didn't have the grand ending that the Lion King had (it was a downer, remember?), the story bucks tradition by making it about people instead of animals, and its' message outweighs the "historically inaccurate" complaint. What movie IS historically accurate? Disney took a chance with this one and they got BURNED, which is why they went back to doing "safe" crap like Hunchback, which tanked anyway. They should have done the SCARLET LETTER or something like that - really start pissing people off. How about the MARQUIS DE SADE? There's some history for you!

Watch Pocahontas again without the weight of expectations. You'll be surprised by how good it really is.

③ 急求电影《风声》的英文字幕,英文字幕!




④ 求 电影《风声》带英文字幕版的视频 写论文用,急求

《风声》(The Message)是根据麦家同名小说改编的中国大陆首部谍战大片,由华谊兄弟出品,冯小刚监制,陈国富和高群书联合执导,周

⑤ 一部英文电影 关于飓风


⑥ 和美国派一种风格的英文电影 帮忙推荐一下

〈留级之王〉1 2
〈混合宿舍〉1 2 不过不如前面几个好看

⑦ 电影风语者的英文是什么


⑧ 急求电影《风声》的英文字幕


⑨ 关于风的电影

【影片英文名】The Day the Earth Stood Still
较量开始了,克拉图在林肯纪念堂前看到的那一段文字“Klaatu barada nikto”果真是解救人类的密码吗?这场地球毁灭战会打响吗?地球真的会惨遭灭绝?谁将会是最后的救世主?
当男主角奇奴李维斯(Keanu Reeves)开口说中文的那一霎那,仿佛地球真的已经停止转动。是的,十分震撼,那短短的两分钟中文对白,没有找人配音,堪称经典。女主角珍尼佛康纳莉(Jennifel Connelly)在大学教书,如果不是遇上异像被政府部门抓走,还真不知道原来她是美国境内唯一鼎鼎有名的着名外太空学家。这位顶尖的科学家,为了解释李维斯逐渐斑驳脱落的厚重外皮,向白宫派来的特使说,其实这外衣具有保护外星人的功能,就像胎盘保护胚胎一样。之后,她跟着李维斯四处奔走。《地球停转日》(The Day The Earth Stood Still)讲述天空出现异状,原以为会重重撞击地球的大白球,却慢慢降落到纽约,从这荧光的白球中走出了小绿人,啊,不是,是裹着一身厚重皮囊的外星人。跟着才发现,世界各地都有小白球降落,可只有纽约这个大白球走出了外星人,还成了纽约和美国政府的通缉犯。

⑩ 求黑童话风的电影,最好是英文的



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