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发布时间: 2022-01-23 04:58:04

⑴ 英语口语喜欢的电影

外教的话,你看什麽电影没关系.. 你首先要熟悉这个电影.
要不然人家提问你.你就玩完了 ...最少你要看过一遍.

⑵ 学习英语口语,有哪些好电影啊

个人觉得动漫电影很不错 发音很准确 长发公主值得一看 当然你也可以多看一些美剧
这些对口语会有所帮助 但观看是不够的 口语学习的关键是要模仿人家的说话。这包括语音和语调两部分。

⑶ 我想提高英语口语,希望大家推荐几部英语电影


⑷ 学习英语口语的有哪些经典电影


⑸ 求英语口语考试作文… 题目:my favorite film 我最喜欢的电影 要求大约在2至3分钟

Hey! I guess my favorite movie is Big Hero 6. Hiro and Tadashi are totally cool. I like the idea of of combining Tokyo and San Francisco. The movie revolves around robots, one of my favorite topics. It has it's ups and downs, funny and sad moments. I guess my favorite character is Tadashi. Better not spoil it for you if you haven't watch it yet!

⑹ 英语口语,最喜欢的一部电影,想写盗梦空间。不用特别复杂。谢啦

《Taken》 飓风营救

⑺ 求一篇英语口语作文-我最喜欢的电影

安迪柔弱智慧,影片的前一个小时让我看得担心压抑,他只能循规蹈矩的在高压下勉强生活。监狱要彻底磨灭肖申克犯人对于未来的希望,让他们像死人一样听命生活。安迪改变了这一切。他不救赎了自己,还帮监狱中其他的犯人看到了希望,看到了多彩的监狱生活,人们暂时忘记了压迫、暴力、恐慌,自由祥和的生活的乐趣给每一个人都带来了希望。安迪居然用了十几年的时间挖开了在朋友瑞德的眼中要挖600年的隧道,在一个风雨交加的夜里, 他通过这条生命的通道,在500尺的污水管道里匍匐前进,在地狱和天堂的一线之隔间匍匐前进,终于,在对那一片湛蓝的天空和大海的向往下,安迪重获自由,并且巧妙的惩罚了有罪的典狱长等人。

Hollywood film is the most choose the easy way out of war, love and inspirational-type movies, they choose the easy way out is not only the audience, as well as the Oscar judges. Commercial films and art films in China's very difficult to integrate together so that both good and popular, while the United States in this regard the film does do a great success.
Understand my suddenly discovered today that I like "The Shawshank Redemption," the film certainly very shocked. It reflects the spirit and my personality so much contrast.
Bankers - Andy, wronged prison, was sentenced to life imprisonment. No hope of years, not just the face of the deteriorating environment, the treacherous governor ferocious, more pain and inner control system of human nature and about. Prison sentence is hard lines to speak for themselves: the sustenance of faith to God, the bad life to me.
Andy weak wisdom, an hour before the movie so I can worry about depression, he can only behave under high pressure of the life force. To completely erase the prison inmates Shawshank hope for the future, so that they obey the same像死人life. Andy changed everything. He does not own salvation, but also to help other inmates in prison to see hope to see the colorful life of the prison, people temporarily forget the oppression, violence, fear, freedom of peaceful enjoyment of life to each indivial brings hope . Andy had spent 10 years in opening the eyes of a friend Reid 600 years to dig the tunnel, the wind and rain in a night, he lives through this channel, in the 500-foot crawl in the sewers forward, hell and paradise in the compartment first-line creeping forward, and finally, in one of the blue sky and yearn for the sea, the Andy regained freedom, and subtly punish the guilty of the governor and others.
When a person has been abandoned throughout the world, in the face of despair, Andy - one of the Wise --- gave us the best answer --- their own salvation! ! !
Do not want to say more suspense to keep you, got to see, believe me, "Shawshank Redemption" will not disappoint you.
As long as cardiac death, people there is hope.
"I hope it is a good thing mind, perhaps the best thing, never mind I hope there is hope ... ... Since you have come here, go a little further on you ... ..."

⑻ 学英语口语最好看的的电影是什么

.好.多学习讥构比如:ABC天丅英语中心,都会先让你做个英语测试 他们是快速英语速成教材 一对一家教式教学 还使我拥有了美国人的思维,而且纠正了我的发音 这些是我的切身体验和感受 你如果觉得也适合你的话可以来试试..你可以看看美国大片呀,带字幕的,或者听听外文歌曲也不错,给你推荐一下教程,我用了后感觉非常棒,它对我帮助最大的就是英语口语课程中的“操作指导手册”针对不同基础英语口语学员,英语课程中都会有一本“操作指导手册”供参考和指导学员,按照上边的知道,轻轻松松英语口语就会有很大的提高。

⑼ 学习英语口语的电影有哪些

1. 多看国外的英语电视节目、电视剧
2. 多与外国人交谈、聊天(面对面或网上都行)
3. 多看英语书报杂志,吸取最新词汇
4. 平时看书时,如果可以,就一边读一边念出声,以训练自己的口语+听力
5. 让老外纠正你的发音,不能让中国的英语老师纠正
6. 上网尽量看英语的网站,增加阅读的机会,同时也可以读出声

⑽ 你觉得那几部电影最适合学英语(口语)


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