‘壹’ 高分跪求美国科幻电影发展史英文介绍!急!急!只要回答出来悬赏好说!!
As one can conclude from the term science-fiction movie, these films have a background of an advanced, fictional technology that is normally set in the future. Most of these movies have in common that they expose their own vision of the future, with new technologies commonly being the most noticeable change in these hypothetical worlds. Besides visions about all kinds of scientific areas, the given context of this work concentrates particularly on computer interfaces.
As a part of the seminar "Intelligent Spaces" approaches of mainstream science fiction motion pictures are extracted and analysed regarding their references in real-life human computer interaction (HCI) designs. Similarities to ongoing researches will be outlined - especially to those, which are presented by other talks of this seminar that have already taken place. To be able to draw comparisons to reality it is often necessary to view the ideas and visions of a movie on a relatively abstract level.
At first some key factors that determine or influence the design of HCI in movies will be discussed. Starting from this viewpoint numerous examples from selected movies will be observed. Due to the limitation of the material that was at hand, we cannot claim to provide a complete overview of all movies, but the available selection should suffice and allow a representative inspection of the movie scene.
We will start with a review of movies that do not show any concepts at all or merely adapt common everyday techniques of that time. The second and main part introces visionary interaction design, divided into different areas of interaction technologies, followed by a brief view at a couple of satiric movie scenes and the conclusions of this work in the end.
‘贰’ 有关欧美电影历史发展的介绍
‘叁’ 美国电影发展历史
‘肆’ 好莱坞喜剧电影发展史(英文版)
‘伍’ 美国电影的发展史概述 简短一点 700字左右
在早期美国电影的发展中,由爱迪生控制的"电影专利公司"以纽约为基地一度垄断了电影业的经营。到1915年左右,这一垄断终于被打破,美国电影的生产基地移向今天已经闻名世界的好莱坞。在这里,美国电影史上闻名遐迩的八大公司逐渐发展起来,并建立起以"明星制""大制片厂制"和"类型片"为核心的好莱坞 制片体制,它们也被称为好莱坞的"三大法宝。"
1927年,美国华纳兄弟公司推出世界上第一部有声故事片《爵士歌王》,电影进入有声时代。从30年代到40年代中期,美国电影一直处于黄金时代。影片产量稳步上升,美国其他地方以至世界各地的许多电影艺术家纷纷来到好莱坞谋求发展。 随着有声电影的出现,除了早期的喜剧片、西部片、闹剧片外,歌舞片、强盗片、侦探片、恐怖片等各种类型片也迅速发展起来。类型电影是美国电影中的一种特殊现象,它以公式化的情节、类型化的人物和环境长期吸引着观众。如出现最早的西部片,它以美国西部开发的历史为背景,在西部独特的环境中描绘代表"野蛮"的印第安人、强盗、歹徒和代表文明的西部开发者、边疆居民、骑警之间的斗争,并一再塑造枪匹马、独往独来的牛仔形象,一直受到美国观众的欢迎。
‘陆’ 关于美国电影发展史
格里菲斯此时开始了他的电影生涯,他于1907年加入比沃格拉夫公司,1908年导演了第一部影片《陶丽历险记》。至1912年,他已为该公司摄制了近 400部影片,把拍片重心逐渐移向好莱坞,并发现和培养了许多后来的名演员,如塞纳-马恩省特,M.、璧克馥,M.和吉许,L.姐妹等。
‘柒’ 美国电影史英文版
英译:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.
By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).
从那以后,许多电影公司在好莱坞落户,着名的电影公司有:米高梅电影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,简称MGM)、派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、华纳兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷电华公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,简称RKO)、环球公司(Universal)、联美公司(United Artists)、哥伦比亚影业公司(Columbia Pictures)。
‘捌’ 英文电影发展史