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发布时间: 2022-01-22 05:02:45

㈠ 关于电影的英语作文

Just Like Heaven is just about the best movie so far this year, and I've seen about fifity of them. As a comedy it's funnier than Bewitched or The Man, not quite as funny as The Wedding Crashers but far more refined. In addition to comedy it's got heart and spirit.

Reese Witherspoon plays a busy doctor who gets into a tragic car accident early in the film, and then the story follows Mark Ruffalo, who rents her apartment. Before long he sees her ghost, who can't remember who she is, and after a rocky start helps her to find out. Where the story goes from there is more important, but I don't want to give away any more of the plot.

It remains a pleasant comedy even through the profound life-and-death parts of the story; for only the second time this year Hollywood's made a film that addresses a current issue without preaching their liberal agenda (the other was The Island, which showed immoral consequences of cloning). I think movie critics who are berating this film are biased for that reason, and ignoring the quality of the movie, which is a pleasant comedy from start to finish with some heartwarming and profound scenes. Though it's a comedy, this is at least the second or third most important film I've seen this year next to The Great Raid, which was a true story, and perhaps The Island.

㈡ 求英语作文,关于英文电影对学习英语的帮助

We can learn English by many different ways. Such as textbooks, English songs, English programs and so on. But I prefer watching English movies to learn English. I can learn perfect English by waching movies as well as the beautiful stories. I can learn slangs and idioms,too. My watched movies like 《Gone with the wind》,《 Ghost》, 《Titanic》and so on. I always moved by the beautiful stories and their oral English. So I try to recite the sentences and little by little I have made lots of progress. So I think it is good way to learn English by watching movies.


㈢ 电视和电影的影响 英语作文

影视艺术是在影视合流的大背景下对电影和电视艺术的合称。但就影视创作的现状而言,影视并未真正合流。笔者认为,影视合流的真正形式是传统的电影制作机构参与电视节目的制作,而电视节目机构也加入电影故事片的生产发行。至今, 中国 的各级电视台并没有投资电影故事片的生产,据说中央电视台曾经决策每年投资数千万元扶持国产电影,但这个决策的执行并不明晰。国家主管部门用行政命令的方式将中央新闻纪录电影制片厂和北京 科学 教育电影制片厂划拨给中央电视台,但这两个电影制片厂没有成为电视台的电影制作机构,而是演变成电视台的两个电视节目制作中心,中央台通过收购节目的方式对其实施经营管理。国家电影事业管理局下辖的电影卫星频道节目制作中心(电影频道),虽对外号称中央台六频道,但与中央台没有任何隶属关系,中央台只为其提供播出服务。电影频道成立之初的主要节目是播出各电影制片厂各个时期的电影故事片,随着频道运作的成熟和观众的不断要求,电影频道开始制作一些与电影有关的电视专栏节目。1999年,由于片源日渐萎缩,电影频道开始投资制作电视电影(一种称作专为电视台播放而制作的影片)在电视上播放,同时,电影频道依靠丰厚的广告收入获取了巨额利润,先后参与投资了《春天的狂想》、《我的1919》、《横空出世》等主旋律电影故事片。电影频道的经营可以看作是影视合流的雏形,也许将来会成长为中国电影电视业的巨人,但现阶段由于行业法规不健全、行政手段干预等因素,电影频道还谈不上真正意义的电视节目制作机构,也没有电影故事片的出品权。 与影视制作分割的体制相适应的电影电视教育体制也呈现一种分割状态。原属于广播电视系统的北京广播学院曾经是中国电视教育的惟一高等学府,原属文化系统的北京电影学院曾经是中国电影教育的惟一高等学府。广播电影电视部成立以后,这两家学院都划到统一的旗下,但是电影电视教育并无任何交流。1995年,北京电影学院开始酝酿成立电视系,于1996年招收了第一届电视节目制作本科生,1998年,电视系成立的事搁浅,96级电视节目本科班转入导演系 学习 ,明确培养方向为纪录片导演。北京电影学院导演系负责纪录片教学的孔都副教授认为:“电影学院导演系增设纪录片专业,是顺应影视事业总体格局演变的举措”。据笔者了解,近十年以来,国产电影票房直线下降,各国营电影制片厂的生产日渐萎缩,电影学院毕业生求职的眼光从原来的电影厂转向电视台和一些民间的影视节目制作机构、广告公司等。电影学院希望成立电视系,建立电视教育体系,扩大毕业生的就业渠道是在这种背景下采取的措施。虽然成立电视系的愿望落空,但在电影学院导演系,本科生到三年级后分为三个专业方向,一是传统的故事片导演、二是纪录片导演、三是电视节目编导。应该说,电影学院已经意识到影视合流的大趋势,并顺应这个大趋势在专业教学方面作了相应调整。再看看北京广播学院,这个中国电视人的摇篮,为中国电视事业输送了大量记者、播音员、主持人、摄像、节目编导、制片人。随着电视的普及,观众对电视节目的要求越来越高,特别在中国,观众有收看电视剧的传统,电视剧的播出量占整个电视节目播出的五分之一强,但广院电视剧制作人才的培养在这个领域中的 影响 远不及电视新闻、播音、纪录片、专栏节目。究其原因,虽然广院从1979年就开始招收电视导演专业,但专业培养目标一直不是很明确,凡是与电视有关的导演都纳入培养之列,也没有教师专门 研究 电视剧导演培养的基本 方法 和步骤;第二,由于只有导演专业和摄像专业,电视剧制作的其他专业如表演、录音、美术、制片都没有开设,学生在校很难进行系统的电视剧制作练习,同时,学生毕业进入 社会 以后,很难以集团军的形式集聚创作力量拍摄有影响力的作品。中国电影第五代之所以在世界范围内产生广泛影响,很重要的一点就是创作集体的主要成员都是大学同学,观念容易沟通、创作心态统一,作品也是批量投入社会。与第五代电影导演是同代人的电视剧导演杨阳是广院79级导演专业的毕业生,1998年因执导电视连续剧《牵手》才在社会上产生广泛影响,可以说她的成名比第五代电影导演晚了大约14年(第五代的开山之作《黄土地》诞生于1984年)。在2000年1月广院电视学院影视艺术技术系成立大会上,作为校友的杨阳深有感触地说,这些年有种单打独斗的感觉,很羡慕电影学院的同行,他们往往都是同学在一起合作,创作之外的精力消耗就少了许多。看来,以集团军的方式为培养目标,使毕业生踏入社会后尽快做出成绩,从而扩大学校的社会声誉,是当前影视教育的一个明智之举

㈣ 看英文电影对学习英语的作用 英文1000字作文

Movies and Television do influence people's behavior. Violence is a special concern for both children and alts watching movies and television. But in my opinion, watching television and movies has an influence both for the better and for the worse on the people's behavior.

Movies showing violent acts make people violent too. The more we see the violence the less we become sensitive. Then the violence doesn't seem wrong and make us to commit it. We have come across several incidents of school boys carrying weapons and committing violent acts. We should realize that the consequences of the acts of killing is something permanenet. In movies, actors can be killed and still appear in other movies, which makes us bewildered in understanding the consequences and relating it to reality.

Movies and Television brings out a negative inflence on health. Watching TV is a passive avctivity. It makes us less active. If we watch too much, we become lazy both physically and mentally. Eventually, we become unhealthy. We stop using our own imagination. We would rather watch a sports event than play it. We would rather visit characters on the TV sitcoms like friends and Seinfeld than chat with our own friends. Won't it be exciting when we bring our own imagination into our lives?

Movies and Television also benefit us by providing a source of vast knowledge. Television broadens the window of the world by showing research advances in various fields of study. Watching TV shows and movies expose us to diverse cultures and races. We can overcome the inner prejudice easily. Besides, war movies like Gladiator and Pearl harbor emphasises the historical aspects of Greek and world politics. Movies like Harry potter and Lord of the rings, which were the movie makes of the books written by famous writers shows the extent of writer's imagination on supernatural powers.

The best influence of watching TV is that it relieves much of our stress. TV and movies makes us to escape from our own problems even for a little while. Sometimes they may even show a positive way to solve our problems we all face. They can help us to cope up with our problems not to hide away from our life.

It is true that Television and Movies can influence on our behaviour negatively, but they also brings positive changes in our lives. The influence on the behavior depends on how much you watch, what you watch and how you respond to what you watched.

㈤ 写一篇关于电影的英语作文

Going to the movie is an affair of recreation, I like in the movie theater to go to the movie, because movie theater in of that kind of the atmosphere is what home can't own, but the condition of now, we usually will go to the movie in the home, few go to movie theater, usually see foreign movie at ordinary times, the really local movie still has a certain margin, the movie of now comes close the modern living method more, the thinking of now, classic movie many meeting bodies now traditional pleasant impression, however as long as is a good movie, I will like.If is a book change of movie, I feel this have no intentional viewpoint, if the movie draws on a person enough, I think the original book that may see the bottom movie, if is a good book, I certainly think it can clap movie, see the oneself like of the person image move a screen up, can the better comprehension appreciate

㈥ 电影对英语的作用,求一篇英语作文

To watch English movies will help us improve our English levels as well as know something about the cultures in the English-speaking countries. As for how they can influence our daily life or really impact our thoughts and concepts of value, different people may hold different comments. To be more detailed, there're several advantages we can take from watching English movies in different situations.

Firstly, if the English movies are subtitled in English, we can learn the oral English in a writing forml. We may notice the grammar, the slangs,which we are not familiar with when we learn English with a text book. They help us get a rough frame of the speaking habits of the foreigners and tell us what to say in an informal occasion.

Secondly, if the English movies are substitled in two languages,namely,Chinese and English, we can pay attention to the translation work, and it will be easy to learn a new word. How the English subtitle is translated into good Chinese,how the work is successfully done will keep us in touch with a higher level of studying English.

Thirdly, if the English movies aren't subtitled in either language, we may improve our listening skills. When we pay attention to the pronounciation,tone,accent of the foreigners, we can speak their lines after them. In this case, our spoken English will be more native and authentic.

All in all, English movies help us a lot in learning English. We can entertain us,and at the meantime, we learn something. Therefore,watching English movies is indeed a good method for English learners.

㈦ 求一篇英语作文 在家看电影的好处 和去电影院看电影相比

Everyone has seen the movie, you most like what movie to see? I most like in the movies is a called" hands up" comedy. The film tells the story of the war of resistance against Japan a few farmers with the Japanese battle of wits, eventually turning them off the story, the story is very vivid and interesting, often make people laugh. Remember that there is a plot, there are many small Japan makes a donkey carrying a big box over a bridge, the box contained a Chinese farmer, Japan in the center of the bridge is placed a bomb, when the donkey to the center of the bridge, suddenly stopped, pee, placing a bomb out, gas to Japan at the bridge at. Another time, a Japanese accidentally falling into the river, a man pulled his pants, don't let him go, the results reveal a red underpants, when he had a tremendous effort to climb the red underwear, but drew cattle, results, the hapless Japan pursued by Niu Zhuilai, what a funny. " Hands up" although no other anti-Japanese war film that bloody scenes, but its share of funny and peaceful atmosphere makes people look at it again to remember, no matter go where, as long as mention it give people a fresh feeling. Readers, do you see? Not look at it as soon as possible to take a look.

㈧ 爱情电影的好处英语作文

北京,七十年代。年幼的安然(高圆圆 饰)和赵永远(谢霆锋 饰)来自不同的家庭,两人相似的遭遇却让他们成为了好朋友,无论春夏秋冬,永远每天都跟在安然身后保护着她。无奈小永远不得不跟随自己唯一的亲人南下生活,和安然分开。多年后在北京的秀水街,已是大学生的安然和在买卖服装的永远重遇,温暖过彼此童年的友谊迅速转化为炽烈的爱情,只是……这份情感能对抗命运的捉弄吗?

㈨ 一篇关于去电影院看电影的优点,英语作文怎么写,十句话之内

First, it could realax and kill time. Second, we culd learn alot of things through documents, war movies and stories. Third, You culd keep up with the flow and add more topics in the conversations with you friends.

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