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发布时间: 2022-01-21 16:40:39

㈠ 求5篇英文电影简介(简介也是英文的最好)

The Crying Game 又译:乱世浮生 This highly original film put screenwriter-director Neil Jordan on the international map. The story begins at a carnival in Ireland with British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) kidnapped by IRA terrorists Jude (Miranda Richardson) and Fergus (Stephen Rea). Fergus is assigned to guard Jody, and they become friends. After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, Fergus escapes to London to track down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), to fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also come to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind.

㈡ 谁有书或电影的英文简介

Batman Begins 蝙蝠侠诞生 (中英文简介)
Batman Begins explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham City (戈特市).

As a young boy, Bruce Wayne (维恩) witnessed in horror (惊恐地目睹) that his millionaire parents were slain in front of him--a trauma that leads him to become obsessed with revenge (这个创伤让他时刻想复仇). When fate prevents him from avenging the deaths of his parents, Bruce flees to Asia where he seeks counsel from a dangerous but honorable ninja (日本武士) cult leader known as Ra's al Ghul.

When he returns now decaying Gotham City, Bruce finds it has become overrun by organized crime and other dangerous indivials manipulating the system. Meanwhile, there are forces at work trying to remove him from his inherited place as the owner of Wayne Instries.

The discovery of a cave under his mansion, along with a prototype armored suit, leads him to assume a new persona (角色) as a secret detective and guardian of the people of Gotham City; he becomes Batman (蝙蝠侠), a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister (邪恶的) forces that threaten the city!!!

In the new guise, and with the help of rising cop Jim Gordon, Batman sets out to take down the various nefarious schemes (阴险的计划) in motion by indivials such as mafia (黑手党) don Falcone, the twisted doctor/drug dealer (医生兼毒品贩子) Jonathan Crane, and a mysterious third party (神秘的第三方) that is quite familiar with Wayne and waiting to strike when the time is right.









Six Days Seven Nights

Six Days Seven Nights is quite a romatic and funny film. It tells us about an unexpected adventure. In the film, you can see the beautiful ocean, blue sky, golden beach, spectacular waterfall, charming rainbow, etc. You can’t help laughing in the characters’ humorous talk. You’ll also hold the breath when they meets the trouble. It’s fantastic, just beyond my words.
Miss Robin was an assistant editor for a magazine called Dazzle in NY. She worked hard, but she was opinioned, critical and stuck-up. She was enjoying her holiday with her fiance in Makatea, a tropical island paradise. Quinn was a bad-tempered pilot who carried them to Makatea.
Because of the emergency, Robin had to fly to Tahiti, so she payed Quinn for helping her. Unfortunately, a lightning hit the plane, fired the radio and the emergency location transmitter on their way to Tahiti. The plane had to land on a isolated island between Makatea and Tahiti. Air-Sea tried a rescue but without a beacon to hone in. So they were totally lost.
From then on, they began to a six-day and seven-night adventure. For surviving, they looked for the dringing water, hunted the peacock, searched the beacon. They cheered up each other in difficulties. But dreams as often as not are the reality. They met the pirates.
The film gives us the suspense that we’d eager to know the result. Of course, they used their intelligence to solve the problem, that’s the climax. At last, they saved themselves and they found the true love between them.
Through this film, we can realize that life is full of surprises. Like Forrest Gump’s mother said, life is just like a box of chocolates, you never know what you wanna to get. No one has any excuse to give up himself no matter what kind of situation you are. I think we can learn something from the movie. It worths watching. Just pick up a fine day and enjoy it. You won’t regret it.

㈢ 电影英语简介!!!

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!


功夫熊猫(Kung Fu Panda)

It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

它是关于一只懒惰熊猫的故事,名为Po,附近是功夫最大的发源地…当每天工作在他的家庭面条店时,po每天都希望能加入功夫行列中,意想不到地乌龟大师选择履行古老预言, Po的梦想成为现实,当他加入功夫世界并且沿着他的梦想学习,但却激怒了神奇五狭 -- 老虎、仙鹤、螳螂、蛇和猴子 。在他们的宗师的领导下一起干po走 但是,当他们知道不久之后,雪豹Tai向他们报复回来了,并且会对po和庄园进行威胁,大师不得不向po传授功夫。 他可以把他的梦想成真?为变成Kung Fu大师? Po终于全心全意地去参加训练,接受了任务:原来他的最巨大的弱点结果是他的最巨大的力量!不可思议的英雄诞生了!

变形金刚(Transformers )
In the Arctic Circle ring the 1800s, Captain Archibald Witwicky chips away at a massive sheet of ice, only to break it and fall into an abyss, landing on a robotic hand partially buried in the ice. He finds the eyes of Decepticon leader Megatron staring back at him, who burns a map showing the location of the life giving Allspark into Witwicky's eyeglasses. These are handed down to his descendant, Sam, in the present day. Elsewhere, Decepticon Blackout attacks a United States Air Force base in Qatar in the present day, grabbing and absorbing information from a computer whilst he destroys the base and deploys Scorponok. Scorponok chases Captain Lennox and his Special Ops team in the desert and in a village, when Lennox makes a phone call to The Pentagon, who send a jet to fight off the Decepticon. Sam Witwicky buys his first car, which happens to be the Autobot Bumblebee. Bumblebee helps Sam to gain Mikaela as his girlfriend. The Autobots come looking for Archibald's glasses, whilst hiding in Sam's yard, and the nefarious Sector 7 comes to invade Sam's house. The film eventually concludes with a battle that begins at the Hoover Dam and concludes in Los Angeles as Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Megatron face each other.

在19世纪期间的北极圈, Archibald Witwicky上尉损害冰巨型的板料,只有打破它和落入深渊,登陆在冰部分地埋没的一只机器人手。 发现Decepticon领导人Megatron的眼睛凝视他的他,烧显示给与生命Allspark地点的地图入Witwicky的镜片。 这些被递下来对他的后裔,山姆,在现在。 在别处,他毁坏基地并且部署Scorponok, Decepticon停电在现在,劫掠和引人入胜的信息的卡塔尔攻击美国空军基地从计算机。 Scorponok在沙漠追逐队上尉Lennox和他的特别Ops和在村庄,当Lennox打一个电话到五角大楼时,送一架喷气机与Decepticon战斗。 山姆买他的第一辆汽车,竟然是大黄蜂。 大黄蜂帮助山姆获取Mikaela作为他的女朋友。 掩藏在山姆的围场和恶毒区段来侵略山姆的房子, Autobots来寻找Archibald的玻璃。 影片以开始在胡佛水坝并且在洛杉矶结束作为Autobot领导人Optimus最初和Megatron面孔的争斗最终结束。

㈣ 英文电影简介

kongfu panda

this MV is funny ,at the same time it's a good MV to learn.
Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。
There are no accidents.世间无巧合。
You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。


---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn't you quit?
Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts.

㈤ 英文电影简介(英语)

第五元素的 其他的再等会
Every five thousand years, a door opens between the dimensions. In one dimension lies the universe and all of its multitude of varied life forms. In another exists an element made not of earth, air, fire or water, but of anti-energy, anti-life. This "thing," this darkness, waits patiently at the threshold of the universe for an opportunity to extinguish all life and all light.

Every five thousand years, the universe needs a hero, and in New York City of the 23rd Century, a good hero is hard to find.

One of today's most provocative and acclaimed filmmakers, director Luc Besson's works have captured the imaginations of filmgoers worldwide. His visually innovative style has marked the critically-acclaimed thriller The Professional, the exotic undersea adventure The Big Blue, the new wave thriller Subway and the seminal action film La Femme Nikita, the first major French blockbuster. Now, Besson teams with Bruce Willis, one of the most dynamic and successful actors of his generation, to take the science fiction film in a new and exciting direction.

Columbia Pictures presents The Fifth Element, a timeless story about love and survival, heroes and villains, good and evil, set in a strangely familiar yet intoxicatingly different 23rd Century.
The title of The Fifth Element refers to the four elements of alchemic Greek tradition -earth, air, fire, and water. Four elements gathered together to create the fifth one: life. Besson conceived of this energy -- the energy used to talk, to engage in sports, even to think -- as an actual, living thing that never disappears, but spreads throughout the universe and beyond.

Though the acclaimed writer/director conceived of the story while still a teenager, he was unaware that the concept of a fifth element -- known in Moorish traditions as "Akasha" -- is deeply rooted in ancient mythology. Besson remembers: "When my father came across Plato's writings on the subject, he came to me with the book and said, 'Do you know that your movie is a remake?' I read it, and was amazed to see the similarities between what Plato had written and what I had put into the script."

In The Fifth Element, Besson posits the question: what if an opposite form of life existed in another dimension -- one not made up of life-energy, but a dark, cancerous embodiment of all that is evil? "The energy of life, and this other, evil life-form, are opposites, like fire and ice," Besson explains, "and the more of this life-energy we create, the more it irritates and provokes this other."

In the 23rd century of The Fiffh Element, humanity has wandered out among the stars, spreading this life-energy, and further agitating the dark being. "It feels as if we are asphyxiating it," Besson notes. "It is dying because of us. It wants to fight back, and extinguish every source of energy or light --animal, vegetable, human. But it has its own limitations: it is isolated in another dimension."

The dark being's time to strike back occurs only once every 5,000 years when a doorway between the parallel dimensions briefly opens. "At the very beginning of the movie," says Besson, "we show that a way was once found to fight this entity, but the years have passed, and the way is forgotten. When our story begins, he is back, and no one knows how to defeat him."

The setting in which this heroic quest drama unfolds is among the most fully-realized fantasy worlds ever committed to film, and certainly one of the most unique. "We looked at all of human history," says Besson, "in order to come up with what we think is a very possible scenario for humanity in the year 2259, which is when the story takes place -- to be very precise, the story begins on March 18, 2259, at 2 a.m. What will the evolution be? How will people live, and think? And how will that be reflected in the world? It seemed very important to me to create for this story a world that people can accept as a real possibility for the future."

The result is a menagerie of weirdly exotic aliens: hulking, armored creatures with incongruously small heads called the Mondoshawan who, despite their imposing presence, work on the side of good; and huge, doglike Mangalores -- an army of mercenaries in the service of Zorg (Gary Oldman), the agent of all that is evil. The filmmakers also created imagery of a brave, new Earth that has never been seen before, along with an array of fantastically-imagined vistas on other planets and our own.
In the future, the polar ice caps have melted, the world is covered by water, and everyone is left to fend for themselves as scavengers in a grim reality. This is Waterworld, and you'll be glad to know: even in this harsh realm, the women still shave their legs.

The most expensive movie ever made (the final word is $172 million), Waterworld will be a true monument in Kevin Costner's career. Unfortunately, this film isn't going to have quite the effect something like Dances with Wolves had. The bottom line is Waterworld is a marginal film: always extravagant, sometimes entertaining, often preachy and ll--a pure formula picture.

The story is time-tested and painfully simple. Costner plays The Mariner, a lone drifter on the watery surface of the earth who talks about his boat more than Forrest Gump. Jeanne Tripplehorn (The Firm) plays Helen, the love interest and the protector of Enola (Tina Majorino), a child with a strange tattoo which just may show the way to the mythical paradise of Dryland. The obligatory bad guy is The Deacon (Dennis Hopper), a slave driver/preacher with heavy artillery that acts a lot like, well, Dennis Hopper. I won't be the only one to say, "It's Mad Max on water."

Of course, The Deacon wants the kid. The Mariner wants to protect her and falls in love with Helen. So for 134 minutes, The Deacon chases the trio, turning up over and over and over, always out of nowhere (ever try to hide on the ocean?), and always being thwarted by The Mariner. Basically, it's Costner trying to be a superhero, swinging around on a lot of ropes and blowing up everything else.

This gets pretty old after awhile, especially since Costner looks more concerned with what's for dinner than what's on the screen. The other problems are innumerable: it's hard to figure out where the story is headed, the bad guys act like members of a bumbling Keystone Coast Guard, and a number of effects are obvious digital fakes. There are a few bright spots, but it ends up being a passable story with lackluster execution.

All the hype surrounding this film has really spoiled what there was to enjoy. If you see it, you'll probably be trying to figure out where all that money went, too (I only counted about $100 million). It's too bad; you'll need that brainpower just to figure out what's going on.

㈥ 求英语电影内容简介

阿甘正传,Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

勇敢的心,What kind of man would defy a king? Every man dies, not every man really lives. His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king. He who fought, fought for freedom

勇敢者的游戏,6-year-old Danny and 10-year-old Walter is a pair of naughty naughty two brothers, their father go out and snooze sister Lisa to stay at home. Danny naughty in their own house in the basement accidentally discovered a rectangular box, the box has a space travel game board with the inscription space pattern, the path through the purple color of the planet Zha Tula. Silly Danny pressed the button at random, the brothers were scared of the month half dead, flew to their homes as early as Cloud Nine. two brothers in an astronaut's help, from mutual accusations to rely on each other and help each other to jointly overcome the difficulties to the game in the end, ultimately they returned to the original world.


㈦ 我要英语电影的英文简介

release Date: December 19th, 1997

Brock Lovett is a treasure hunter looking for a famous diamond among the debris of the Titanic. He finds a sketch in a safebox in which a young woman is wearing the diamond on a necklace. After showing the drawing on a TV program, Rose Dawson, an old lady comes forward claiming to be the woman in the drawing. She is brought to the explorer's vessel to help them determine the location of the diamond, but instead she tells everyone the "real" story of Titanic's sinking. She was a 17 year-old rich girl sailing to the USA to get married with Cal Hockley. Her mother was forcing her to get married so she felt trapped inside her own world. During the trip she tries to commit suicide and she is saved by Jack Dawson, a third-class passenger who travels around making pencil drawings. They get to know each other better until they fall in love. Hockley and Rose's mother try to separate them several times. Amidst all this confusion the Titanic hits an iceberg and starts to sink.

㈧ 经典电影的英文介绍

当幸福来敲门 ; 剧情介绍 克里斯·加纳(威尔·史密斯)是一个聪明的推销员,他勤奋肯乾努力,却总没办法让家里过上好日子。妻子琳达终究因为不能忍受养家糊口的压力,离开了克里斯,只留下他和5岁的儿子克里斯托夫相依为命。事业失败穷途潦倒,还成为了单亲爸爸,克里斯的银行帐户里甚至只剩下了21块钱,因为没钱付房租,他和儿子不得不被撵出了公寓。



阿甘正传 ;剧情介绍 阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。在学校里为了躲避别的孩子的欺侮,听从一个朋友珍妮的话而开始“跑”。他跑着躲避别人的捉弄。在中学时,他为了躲避别人而跑进了一所学校的橄榄球场,就这样跑进了大学。阿甘被破格录取,并成了橄榄球巨星,受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。


在隐居生活中,他时常思念珍妮。而这时的珍妮早已误入歧途, 陷于绝望之中。 终于有一天,珍妮回来了。她和甘共同生活了一段日子。在一天夜晚,珍妮投入了阿甘的怀抱,之后又在黎明悄然离去。醒来的甘木然坐在门前的长椅上,然后突然开始奔跑。他跑步横越了美国,又一次成了名人。在奔跑了许久之后,甘停了下来,开始回自己的故乡。在途中, 他收到了珍妮的信。 他又一次见到了珍妮,还有一个小男孩,那是他的儿子。这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症。甘和珍妮三人一同回到了家乡,一起度过了一段幸福的时光。


辛德勒的名单 ;剧情介绍 1939年9月,德军在两周内攻占了波兰,纳粹下令波兰全境的犹太人必须集中到指定的城市进行登记,每天有一万多名犹太人从乡村来到克拉科夫。



还有 《美丽人生》《光荣之路》《这个杀手不太冷》《海上钢琴师》《泰坦尼克号》《勇敢的心》这些全都是世界经典电影且全是英文版的!

㈨ 电影简介 英语

No Country for Old Men老无所依
When a Vietnam veteran discovers two million dollars while wandering through the aftermath of a Texas drug deal gone horribly awry, his decision to abscond with the cash sets off a violent chain reaction in a stripped-down crime drama from Joel and Ethan Coen. Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) has just stumbled into the find of a lifetime. Upon discovering a bullet-strewn pickup truck surrounded by the corpses of dead bodyguards, Moss uncovers two million dollars in cash and a substantial load of heroin stashed in the back of the vehicle. Later, as an enigmatic killer who determines the fate of his victims with the flip of a coin sets out in pursuit of Moss, the disillusioned Sheriff Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) struggles to contain the rapidly escalating violence that seems to be consuming his once-peaceful Lone Star State town. Woody Harrelson, Javier Bardem, and Kelly MacDonald co-star in a distinctly American crime story that explores timeless biblical themes in a contemporary Southwestern setting.

㈩ 英语的电影简介

When Pegg Bogs, the local Avon lady, attempts one last stop to sell her procts, she wanders off to the mansion on top of the large hill in the suburb. Finding a unique and alone man named Edward with scissors for hands, Peg decides to bring Edward back with her into society. Edward makes a good impression and even falls in love with Peg's high school daughter Kim, but after a robbery with a framed Edward as the culprit, things in his life begin to go downhill and Kim finally understands his feelings.

剪刀手爱德华 Edward scissorhands

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