发布时间: 2023-08-25 08:17:52
㈠ 翻译:不仅仅学生们喜欢这部电影,而且老师们对它也感兴趣
Not only do the students like the movie, but it is also of interest to teachers
㈡ 这个电影很吸引人,情节既感人又有意义所以人们很喜欢。翻译成英语用love.... because
People love this movie very much because it is attractive and it's plot is touching and meaningful.这不是唯一的翻译也有其他翻译表达可以参考
㈢ 憨豆先生这部电影非常受欢迎用英语怎么翻译
The film is vey popular is called “Mr. Bean”.
㈣ 据我所知,这部电影深受孩子们的喜欢,用英语怎么翻译
As far as I know,the movie is popular with children.
㈤ 英文翻译中文:电影《侏罗纪公园》有什么好句子
1、Life finds a way.生命会自己找到出路。天无绝人之路。
只不过我们习惯了当猫。To the canary, a cat is a monster. But we are used to being cats.