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发布时间: 2023-08-20 15:34:04

㈠ 很老的英国的着名电影









㈡ 雨中跳舞的男人是什么电影


影片里一言不合就唱歌跳舞,但是他的唱歌跳舞是很能为表现剧情的,甚至为剧情添加色彩的,经典的一段应该就是男主送女主回家后,一个人在雨中唱歌跳舞《sing in the rain》的那一段了,表现了男主在爱情里欢欣雀跃的心情了,在水中踢踏舞,跳得是真的不错。



㈢ “一个外国人拿着伞在雨中跳舞的音乐片”是什么片子









㈣ 电影singin' in the rain (雨中曲)中全部歌曲的歌词

singin'消逗 in the rain

Fit as a fiddle
All I do is dream of you
beautiful girl
You were meant for me
You are my lucky star
Good morning
Singin'拿槐卖 in the rain
Would you

Gene Kelly - ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU Lyrics

All I do the whole night through
Is dream of you
And with the dawn
I still go on dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You'明信re every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too
All I do the whole day through
Is dream of you...
All I do is dream of you...
I keep dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You're every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too,
All I do the whole day through.

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor - FIT AS A FIDDLE Lyrics

Don and Cosmo:
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
I can jump over the moon up above.
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

I haven't a worry, I haven't a care,
I feel like a feather that's floating on air,
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Gene Kelly - YOU WERE MEANT TO ME Lyrics

Life was a song,
You came along
I've laid awake the whole night through
If I ever dared to think you'd care
This is what I'd say to you

You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
Nature patterned you
And when she was done
You were all the sweet things
Rolled up in one

You're like a plaintive melody
That never lets me free
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

MOSES Lyrics

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
A Rose is a rose
A Nose is a nose
A Toese is a toese

Hupibi! (ehehehehe)

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

"Would You?"
music by Nacio Herb Brown; lyrics by Arthur Freed
He holds her in his arms.
Would you? Would you?
He tells her of her charms.
Would you? Would you?
They met as you and I,
And they were only friends.
But before the story ends...
He'll kiss her with a sigh.
Would you? Would you?
And if the girl were I
Would you? Would you?
And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor - GOOD MORNING Lyrics

Good mornin',
Good mornin'!
We've talked the whole night through,
Good mornin'
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good mornin' to you.
Good mornin', good mornin'!
It's great to stay up late,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.
When the band began to play
The sun was shinin' bright.
Now the milkman's on his way,
It's too late to say goodnight.
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good mornin', good mornin', to you,
And you, and you, and you!
Good morning,
Good morning,
We've gabbed the whole night through.
Good morning, good morning to you.
Don & Cosmo:
Nothin' could be grander than to be in Louisiana
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
In the morning,
In the morning,
It's great to stay up late!
Good mornin',
Good mornin' to you.
Don & Cosmo:
It might be just a zippy
If you was in Mississipi!
When we left the movie show
The future wasn't bright
But tame is gone
The show goes on
And I don't wanna say good night
Don & Cosmo:
So say, Good Mornin'!
Good Mornin'!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Rainbow is shining through
Good Mornin'!
Don & Cosmo:
Good Mornin'!
Bon Jour!
Don & Cosmo:
Bon Jour!
Buenos Dias!
Don & Cosmo:
Buenos Dias!
Buon Giorno!
Don & Cosmo:
Buon Giorno!
Guten Morgen!
Don & Cosmo:
Guten Morgen!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good morning to you.

Waka laka laka wa
Waka laka laka wa...
Ole, toro, Bravo!

㈤ 求电影 雨中情 的歌曲

美国老电影《雨中情》主题曲——Singing In The Rain


㈥ Singin' in the Rain《万花嬉春》/《雨中曲》1952:的资料

万花嬉春 Singin' in the Rain 1952年美国出品 彩色 片长103分 导演: Stanley Donen
Gene Kelly 演员: Gene Kelly
Donald O'Connor
Debbie Reynolds
Jean Hagen Gene Kelly在本片中将好莱坞从默片时期转变到有声电影的历史发展编成一出结合音乐、舞蹈、喜剧与灰姑娘罗曼史的音乐剧。本片自一九六0年以来便经常被列为影史十大佳片的名单之中。Kelly在雨中即兴高歌起舞的一段更是影史中最被称颂的镜头之一。影片对于好莱坞电影制作有从内部(舞台后台)观点所作的呈现,对于这门课能够给大家一个关于电影制作与电影历史的愉快简介。 其实《万花嬉春》的剧情非常简单:真基利饰演的Don Lockwood,与Lina Lamont都是默片时代的大明星(不过是面和心不和),Don出席老板的庆功宴时被热情影迷围困,情急下跳上Kathy Selden(Debbie Reynolds饰)的车上,但是却被后者教训一顿: “If you’ve seen one you’ve seen’em all.” --意即Don演出的电影千篇一律。虽然Don后来发现Kathy不是甚么演员,而是舞蹈团成员(在老板的派对演出),但是始终对她的一番话念念不忘。 正当Don与Lina为新片拍摄时,老板因为看到《爵士歌手》(亦即电影史首部有声电影)大收旺场,于是下令所有片组都要拍摄有声电影,岂料拍摄有声片不是想象般容易,单是学咬字已够麻烦Lina演出“收音”的一段更是笑破肚皮,结果试映时音效奇差之余更出现声画不同步的状况,劣评如潮自是不在话下。不过Kathy提出绝妙的建议,将本来的古代骑士电影改成音乐剧(Singing Caveliar),声线根本不能“出街”的Lina,对白及唱词则由Kathy代唱,此时Kathy与Don已经打得火热,Don也在送对方回家后,跳出经典的 “Singin’ in the Rain” 一段。 新版电影成功杀青,在首映时观众一致叫好,但是早已受不了过去一众谢幕词只由Don独揽的Lina,在后台“大发雌威”,要求独自一人上台致谢。但是发现现实与电影中的声线大大不同的观众,却要求Lina即席演唱“验明正身”,于是Don、其好友Co *** o(当奴奥康纳饰)及老板,下令Kathy再次幕后代唱,但在唱歌迷中拉起布幕,当众踢爆Lina根本“冇料到”,本来误会了Don的Kathy,也终于对方成为佳偶。 不喜欢歌舞片的人常说,歌舞片不真实,演员会说对白说得好端端时,突然音乐响起,然后就唱唱跳跳,最后又回复正常,总之就是非常“突兀”。电影其中一个最大的功能就是娱乐大众,歌舞片以人人都懂听的音乐、歌词及舞蹈去打动观册没众,令观众看得畅快的话,又何必理会它们现实不现实?正如在《万花嬉春》中,真基利在片末的 “Broadway Melody” 中又唱又跳,虽然与片中剧情无关宏旨(也就是剧中剧),但是观众如我者,一听到真基利大唱 “Gotta Dance” 时,又怎能不随着音乐打拍子甚至一起唱呢?又或是看那段着名的“在雨中歌唱世姿陵”时,都有跳舞的冲动? 分析与讨论: 就影片所呈现的电影历史而言 我们可以看到早期电影的许多史实被放进影片中。首先片中主角Lockwood(Kelly)在回顾他的成名过程时(当然影片以影片来兔槽他的自吹自擂是喜剧手法)我们可以略微看到电影前身的娱乐主要形式“综艺场”(vaudville)夸张爆笑的歌舞表演(burlesque)。最主要的则是影片将一九二七年有声电影发明所带来的冲击放进叙事中。我们可以看到默片的表演方式(片中将默片夸大的肢体动作更加夸张化)、制作过程与有声电影的区别。另外影片也将歌舞片的类型略做浏览。尤其不少镜头是后来Vicent Minnelie的正字标记镜头(如在影片Dames中)。其中Donald O'Connor所跳的"Make them Laugh"那一段被喻为是电影史上最爆笑的三分钟表演之一。 就一部歌舞片而言 本片属于歌舞片类型中常见的“后台歌舞片”让观众看到主角们如何让演出可以进行("the show must go on") 或称为“自觉搜戚型歌舞片”(self-reflexive或self-reflective musical)。Jane Feuer指出这类歌舞片虽然让观众看到表演是如何被“制造”出来,但是透过三种迷思或假象的安排,观众依然会在观赏中感到一切都十分自然,生活就是个有歌有舞的表演。一是随意自然的假象,片中的主角似乎都是自然起舞,同时跳舞时随意地将周遭的东西与景物纳入舞中,例如Kelly在发音教授中那一段,或是雨中欢唱中的雨伞与路灯,而不自然的Lina就成了负面角色。其二是融合的假象,前台与后台似乎并无分别,生活与表演也是不相冲突。其三是观众的假象,透过在影片中安排观众,然后让我们与这些观众认同,于是我们仿佛就被纳入影片中,例如影片圆满的末了,我们看到有情人终成眷属,而且他们亲吻时背后的电影广告正是我们刚刚看完的影片《雨中欢唱》,我们观者也成了片中人了。 就一部叙事剧情片而言 影片以灰姑娘爱情故事这个百试不爽的童话剧情放进电影圈的情节里,塑造二个对立的人物表: Lina Lockwood
Co *** os 不会歌舞 歌舞一流 声音难听 声音优美 自私 无私,肯为友/爱牺牲 好名利 喜好表演胜于名利 做作,有心机 天真 一边是这个声音难听,不会唱歌不会跳舞,粗鄙之至,最后甚至心肠恶毒的Lina,另一边则是完全相反的三个好人(甚至公司老板都是心肠好极了)来作为剧情推动的主要冲突点。影片围绕着这个对立的开头叙述Lockwood成功进入演艺圈的故事,主要剧情则是透过Kathy无私的协助完成了一个满足观众的表演。由于演出在这类歌舞片中的重要性,因此当主角三人想到解救惨不忍睹的影片之道时,正也是Lockwood爱情成就之时,因此他的雨中独舞正是片中叙事的最高点,配合上Gene Kelly曼妙自然的舞步,十个镜头呈现出美国影史最令人怀念的镜头。 lib.nctu.e/Multimedia/new/index/DVD/DVD000491' 2007-05-11 14:15:05 补充: Thank you.
============================================== Singin' in the Rain (1952) imdb/title/tt0045152/ 《万花嬉春》(Singin' in the Rain)是部美国电影,由米高梅电影公司于1952年发行。片中以歌舞片的形式传达剧情,至今被多数人视为歌舞片相当重要与代表性的作品之一。 Singin' in the Rain 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/f/f9/Singing_in_the_rain_poster/200px-Singing_in_the_rain_poster Release Date: 12 February 1953 (Hong Kong Directed by Stanley Donen Gene Kelly Writing credits Adolph Green (story) and Betty Comden (story) Runtime: 103 min Country: USA Language: English Color: Color (Technicolor) / Black and White ============================================== In 1927
Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a famous on-screen romantic pair. Lina
mistakes the on-screen romance for real love. Don has worked hard to get where he is today
with his former partner Co *** o. When Don and Lina's latest film is trformed into a musical
Don has the perfect voice for the songs. But Lina - well
even with the best efforts of a diction coach
they still decide to b over her voice. Kathy Selden is brought in
an iring actress
and while she is working on the movie
Don falls in love with her. Will Kathy continue to "ire"
or will she get the break she deserves ? ==============================================
参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E8%90%AC%E8%8A%B1%E5%AC%89%E6%98%A5
SINGING IN THE RAIN是gene kelly第一名作,由他主演和监制。 呢首歌令到他跟stanley kubrick面左左,因为后者用了呢首歌作为a clockwork orange发条橙的经典 *** 场面的背景音乐。
《万花嬉春》(Singin' in the Rain)是部美国电影,由米高梅电影公司于1952年发行。片中以歌舞片的形式传达剧情,至今被多数人视为歌舞片相当重要与代表性的作品之一。

㈦ 雨中曲和巴比伦河的确切出处

雨中旋律《Rhythm of the Rain》
这首曲子于兆燃1962年12月诞生,原唱是一支于1960年组队的THE CASCADES的五人男子乐队。

巴比陆猜虚伦河《River of Babylon》
于1972年创作,最早也出现在一部1972年的早燃电影中《 The Harder They Come》,而第一次以单曲发行是出现在1978年的一支德国迪士高乐队Boney M(German disco band Boney M)的专辑中。


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