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发布时间: 2023-07-24 13:49:05

‘壹’ 一部关于钢琴师的电影

1996年的澳、英合拍片《Shine(闪亮的风采,钢琴师)》是一部题材不同、视角新奇、风格迥异的音乐家传记片。它所讲述的并非作曲家,而是钢琴家——一个富有天分而又刻苦努力的钢琴家的富于戏剧性的、悲喜交集的一生。戴维·赫尔夫戈特(David Helfgott)确有其人,少年时代是位钢琴神童。他一生中最大的幸运与不幸,就在于他有一位崇拜音乐、“望子成龙”但却偏执成狂的父亲。影片并未认真向观众交待父亲彼得作为原籍波兰的犹太人经历这种族灭绝大屠杀的背景,我们看到的只是一个爱子如命、求成心切又狂暴专横、令人畏惧的人。出于害怕“家庭分裂”、失去儿子的心理,他烧掉了戴维靠自己的才华挣得一份美国留学邀请书,强迫他留在悉尼郊区的家里。他最尊崇俄国作曲家拉赫马尼诺夫,以至于竟不切实际地要求音乐教师罗森先生教小戴维弹奏“伟大的《D小调第三钢琴协奏曲》”!
与以往的音乐家传记片不同的是,导演斯科特·希克斯(Scott Hicks)在这部根据真人真事拍摄的悲喜剧作品中,运用了音乐史上许多大作曲家的丰富的古典音乐材料。这些素材的选择首先和戴维·赫尔夫戈特作为一个音乐会钢琴家的专业经历相吻合,而有些曲目的出现,则显示了影片导演和配乐作者戴维·希尔什菲尔德(David Hirschfelder)的创作构思。从钢琴家在少年时代参加社区音乐比赛起,我们在情节发展过程中先后听到了萧邦的《降A大调波罗乃兹舞曲》和《前奏曲》(雨滴);舒曼的钢琴组曲《童年情景》片段;李斯特的《升C小调第二匈牙利狂想曲》和他根据帕格尼尼的《钟回旋曲》改编的钢琴曲《钟》;以及贝多芬的《热情奏鸣曲》、《第九交响曲》等等。作为现实中的钢琴家和妻子吉莲的“爱情主题”,维瓦尔迪的经文歌《人间需要真正的和平》(Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera)被影片作曲家戴维·希尔什菲尔德改编成了由女声独唱、拨弦古钢琴和大提琴交织成的一首三重奏,出现在那组令人难忘的镜头中:由于生活在自我封闭的世界里而无法长大、甚至“越活越小”的戴维,陶醉在从耳机传来的甜美动人、圣洁无瑕的女声独唱里。他全身只穿了一件风衣,正在一张绷床上快乐地向着蓝天不断弹跳……
“拉三”被父亲彼得称为“世界上最难演奏的作品”是名副其实的。真实生活中的戴维在英国皇家音乐学院的教授西里尔·史密斯(Cyril Smith),曾形容演奏一次“拉三”在体力上的付出等于“铲十吨煤”。1909年11月,拉赫马尼诺夫本人作为钢琴独奏者在纽约首演时,也把自己这首协奏曲戏称为“大象之作”,以比喻其庞大与沉重。从各方面看来“拉三”都是作曲家的代表作“拉二”(C小调第二钢琴协奏曲)的延伸,但前者的演奏难度显然大大超过了后者。影片中英国皇家音乐学院的情节,真实再现了戴维在练习演奏这部作品的过程中所付出的艰辛和汗水。这组镜头中的画面与情节、音乐和对白的剪辑,在电影和音乐两个艺术范围内同时达到的专业水准给笔者留下了深刻的印象。澳大利亚天才的青年演员诺赫·泰勒(Noah Tayler)扮演学生时代的戴维,令人信服地展现了他生命中悲剧色彩最浓的一幕:一名看上去大有希望、如日中天的年轻钢琴家,内心却早已潜伏着来自父辈的危机的种子。结果无数个日夜的艰苦努力功亏一篑。就在生活目标即将实现——成功演奏一部高难度音乐作品以证实自己生存价值的最后关头,他的神经系统崩溃了。音乐会上,随着“拉三”的突然中断,钢琴家戴维·赫尔夫戈特的艺术生涯也不幸中止……
《Shine(闪亮的风采,钢琴师)》获得了世界电影界的一致好评。第69届奥斯卡最佳男演员获得者、澳大利亚着名演员杰弗里·拉什(Geoffrey Rush)才华横溢的优秀表演,是影片获得成功的最重要因素。令观众印象最深刻的场景之一,就是他在酒吧里叼着烟蒂,行指如飞地弹奏拉赫马尼诺夫改编自同行里姆斯基·萨柯夫作品的那首着名的钢琴小品:《野蜂飞舞》。而影片这一情节之所以令人激动和信服,就在于作为戏剧演员的杰弗里·拉什所拥有的钢琴演奏技能——他在青少年时代曾学过多年钢琴。所以在影片主角不同年龄段的3个演员中,只有他是在需要弹琴的场景中自己演奏——不用替身的。尽管出现在影片中的一些专业难度过大的作品象李斯特《升C小调第二匈牙利狂想曲》等等他必须依靠模仿动作和钢琴家原型——戴维·赫尔夫戈特的配音,但他本人把一首《野蜂飞舞》从头弹到最后一个音符时表现出的流畅到位和手指触键感觉的专业感,不仅征服了酒吧里的全体客人,也征服了世界上的所有观众。

[注1]Abel Gance(1889-1981):法国着名导演。早期较为着名的作品有1927年的《拿破仑传》(Napoleon)等。


专辑歌手:David Hirschfelder
专辑介绍:不可多得的电影原声发烧天碟!320kbit高保真!拉赫玛尼诺夫第三钢琴协奏曲是该部电影的回肠荡气的主旋律,在David Hirschfelder的演绎下,整部电影的画面仿佛又一次在我们的脑中回响。
David Hirschfelder - 01. With The Help of God, Shine
David Hirschfelder - 02. The Polonaise (Chopin)
David Hirschfelder - 03. Did He Win
David Hirschfelder - 04. Will You Teach Me
David Hirschfelder - 05. Scales to America
David Hirschfelder - 06. Scenes from Childhood - 'Almost Too Serious' (Schumann)
David Hirschfelder - 07. These People Are a Disgrace
David Hirschfelder - 08. Raindrop Prelude (Chopin)
David Hirschfelder - 09. Your Father Your Family
David Hirschfelder - 10. Tell Me a Story, Katharine
David Hirschfelder - 11. Back Stage
David Hirschfelder - 12. Punished for the Rest of Your Life
David Hirschfelder - 13. Moments of Genius
David Hirschfelder - 14. La Campalesson (Liszt)
David Hirschfelder - 15. Letters to Katharine
David Hirschfelder - 16. 1st Movement Cadenza from the Rach.3 (Rachmaninoff)
David Hirschfelder - 17. Night Practice - Parcel from Katharine (Rachmaninoff, Hirschfelder)
David Hirschfelder - 18. As If There Was No Tomorrow
David Hirschfelder - 19. The Rach.3 (Rachmaninoff)
David Hirschfelder - 20. Complicato in Israel
David Hirschfelder - 21. Raindrop Reprise (Chopin)
David Hirschfelder - 22. Bath to Daisy Beryl
David Hirschfelder - 23. Gloria (Vivaldi)
David Hirschfelder - 24. Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Liszt)
David Hirschfelder - 25. Prelude in C# Minor (Rachmaninoff)
David Hirschfelder - 26. Flight of The Bumble Bee (Rimsky Korsakov)
David Hirschfelder - 27. Rach.3 Reborn
David Hirschfelder - 28. Goodnight Daddy
David Hirschfelder - 29. A Loud Bit of Ludwig's 9th
David Hirschfelder - 30. Sospiro (Listz)
David Hirschfelder - 31. What's The Matter, David - Appassionata (Beethoven, Hirschfelder)
David Hirschfelder - 32. La Campanella (Liszt)
David Hirschfelder - 33. Familiar Faces - Rach.3 Encore (Hirschfelder, Rachmaninoff)
David Hirschfelder - 34. Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera (Vivaldi)

‘贰’ 教父电影经典台词激励人心篇


He (Don Corleone) had long ago learned that society imposes insults that must be borne, comforted by the knowledge that in this world there comes a time when the most humble of men, if he keeps his eye open, can take his revenge on the most powerful. It was this knowledge that prevented the Don from losing the humility all his friends admired in him.


PS: Any profession was worthy of respect to men who for centuries earned bread by the sweat of their brows.


The Don always taught that when a man was generous, he must show the generosity as personal. He gave the baker a Di Nobili cigar and a glass of yellow Strega and put his hand on the men’s shoulder to urge him on. That was the mark of the Don’s humanity. He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor from a fellow man.



PS: If a person is very generous, then he must behave himself an emotional generosity.

“You know those Arctic explorers who leave caches of food scattered on the route to the North Pole? Just in case they may need them someday? That’s my father’s favors. Someday he’ll be at each one of those people’s houses and they had better come across.”


The Don helped those in misfortune whose misfortune he had partly created. Not perhaps out of cunning or planning but because of his variety of interests or perhaps because of the nature of the universe, the interlinking of good and evil, natural of itself.



Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.


Never tell anybody outside the family what you’re thinking again.



“If there’s one thing the old man hammered into me, it’s never to do a thing like that, to let other people know there’s a split of opinion in the Family.”


Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.


Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.


Don’t let women dictate your actions and they’re not competent in this world, though certainly they’ll be saint in heaven while we men burn in hell.



I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.



He never asks a second favor when he’s been refused the first.


My father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract.

You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance gonna bring your son back to you? Or my boy to me? I forgot the vengeance of my son…..but I ‘m a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him—if he should get shot in the head by a police officer or if he should hang himself in the jail cell or if he’s struck by a bolt of lightning—then I’m gonna blame some of the people in this room. And that I do not forgive.



Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.


I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.


Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends .


I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life — I don't apologize — to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don't apologize — that's my life — but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time.



Friendship can build a solid defense.


The Don to Bonasera:

“My feelings were wounded but I am not that sort of person who thrusts his friendship on those who do not value it——on those who think me of little account.


The Don to Jonny:

“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government; it is almost the equal of family. Never forget that. If you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldn’t have to ask me to help.”



After five months of exile in Sicily, Michael Corleone came finally to understand his father’s character and his destiny. He came to understand men like Luca Brasi, the ruthless caporegime Clemenza, his mother’s resignation and acceptance of her role. For in Sicily he saw what they would have been if they had chosen not to struggle against their fate. He understood why the Don always said, “A man has only one destiny.”

迈克·柯里昂在西西里过了五个月的流浪生活之后,终于真正懂得了他父亲的性格和他自己的命运。他终于真正懂得了像路加·布瑞西和冷酷的克莱门扎这类人物,也懂得了他母亲那种安分守己的超然态度。在西西里,他看的一清二楚,要是他们不行动起来同自己的命运作斗争,他们将落得什么下场?他懂得了,为什么老头子反反复复地说:“一个人只有一种命运。”(这段话出自原版,很完整地解释了A man has only one destiny的原因。不抗争,便只能像蝼蚁一样的活着,不满也不甘,奋斗的原动力,促使着你向上爬,变得更强更有力,完成你在这个世界上的.使命。)

Michael Corleone understood for the first time why men like his father chose to become thieves and murderers rather than members of the legal society. The poverty and fear and degradation were too awful to be acceptable to any man of spirit.


If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.


Only don’t tell me you’re innocent. It insults my intelligence, makes me very angry.


See, all our people are businessmen. Their loyalty is based on that. One thing I learned from Pop was trying to think as people around you think. On that basis, anything is possible.


You make the choice, and this is your price.



All my life, I, kept trying to go up in society where everything higher up was legal, straight. But the higher I go, the crookeder it becomes. How in the hell does it end?



Tom to Michael:

There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don’t try to justify them. They can’t be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it.”


In Hagen’s world, the Corlenone’s world, the physical beauty, the sexual power of women, carried not the slightest weight in worldly matters. It was a private affair, except, of course, in matters of marriage and family disgrace.

在黑根(Hagen即家族参谋Tom Hagen)眼里,在柯里昂家族眼里,女人的肉体美,女人的性魅力,在人情世故中是无足轻重的私人小事,当然,除非涉及到婚姻和家庭荣辱。

Great men are not born great, they grow great, and so it was with Vito Corleone.


Tessio had a better opinion of Michael. He sensed something else in the young man: a force cleverly kept hidden, a man jealously guarding his true strength from public gaze, following the Don’s precept that a friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults.


“Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold.”


He (Albert Nerl) was rarely tactful. If he disagreed with a group’s attitude or an indivial’s opinion, he kept his mouth shut or brutally spoke his contradiction. He never gave a polite agreement.


It’s not personal,it’s business.


It was part of the Don’s greatness that he profited from everything.


‘叁’ 电影《圣战骑士》的主题曲叫什么

电影《圣战骑士》的主题曲是《We Will Rock You》。

《We Will Rock You》
所属专辑:《News of the World》
Buddy you are a boy make a big noise
老兄,你是个小孩 大声嚷嚷
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man someday
在街头 如果有一天将能成为大人
You got mud on yo'face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Buddy you are a young man hard man
Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world someday
是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣 总有一天将要接管这个世界
You got blood on yo'face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Buddy you are an old man poor man
老兄,你老了 穷光蛋一个,
Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace someday
眼里祈求着宽恕 总有一天将可以使你得到平静
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back in your place
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

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