‘壹’ 到目前为止成龙出演了一百多部电影并且获得过很多奖他的翻译
So far, Jackie Chan has starred in more than one hundred films and has received many awards.
‘贰’ 求翻译:张艺谋导演了很多部优秀的电影,凭着这些电影他在国内外获得了很多奖项 定语从句 介词+which
Zhangyimou has directed many excellent movies, because of which he has won a lot of awards both at home and abroad.
‘叁’ 怎样翻译"他凭借这部电影获得了好莱坞电影的最高奖项奥斯卡金像奖"
He won the highest award in Hollywood movies for the film Academy Awards (英语)
彼はこの映画を得たハリウッド映画の最高赏でアカデミー赏 (日语)
Ce film a été récompensé hollywood film plus oscar (法语)
Он стал фильм получил высшую награду голливудские фильмы, Оскар(俄语)
‘肆’ 他因此片获得了奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖的英文翻译是什么
With this film, he was honored as the best director in the Oscar Academy Award.
Academy Award (美)奥斯卡奖(美国电影艺术金像奖)