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发布时间: 2023-07-13 13:02:36

A. 谢谢 可以告诉我魂断蓝桥的英文简介吗

Waterloo bridge

Starring: Vivien Leigh, Robert Taylor
Directed by Mervyn LeRoy.
Proced by Sidney Franklin

Based on the play by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Robert E. Sherwood, WATERLOO BRIDGE stars Vivien Leigh as Myra, a shy ballerina whose life is irrevocably altered in war-torn London. It's love at first sight when Myra meets handsome, aristocratic British officer Roy Cronin (Robert Taylor) in the midst of an air raid. The couple soon plans to wed, but Cronin is called to the front, and shortly thereafter a newspaper reports his death. Forced out of ballet school, alone and destitute, Myra turns to prostitution. When she discovers that the newspaper report was inaccurate, Myra is unable to tell Cronin about her professional life, and tragedy ensues...This 10-handkerchief weeper was directed by Mervyn LeRoy. Joseph Ruttenberg`s photography is beautiful, as is the inspired soundtrack by Herbert Stothart (THE WIZARD OF OZ), but what makes WATERLOO BRIDGE is Leigh`s stunning performance and the very real chemistry between her and Robert Taylor.


In 1969, when Robert Taylor was dying from cancer and confined to his bed, he requested to view his old films. Apparently, he hadn't seen most of them since their initial release. Afterwards, he was asked by friends which film was he the most proud of. Of all the films he made in his 35 year career, "Waterloo Bridge" was the movie he chose. "That," he said; "was my best film." "Waterloo Bridge" will take your breath away by the simple fact that two of the most beautiful actors appear in it - Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor.

Academy Awards, USA

Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1941 Nominated Oscar Best Cinematography, Black-and-White
Joseph Ruttenberg
Best Music, Original Score
Herbert Stothart

B. 求《魂断蓝桥(1940)》百度网盘高清资源在线观看,茂文·勒鲁瓦导演的



C. 谁能帮我写一篇《魂断蓝桥》英文观后感,100字左右的


Waterloo Bridge is a classic. Few actors, simple plot, explaining the relationship between love and friendship and time.


The depth and breadth of love has nothing to do with time, only about the moment of meeting whether love, only about getting along with each moment of eyes only each other. A disastrous encounter breeds a lifetime of emotional sustenance, life and death together.


And friendship, friendship needs time to precipitate and accompany day and night, the length of time ferments the depth and breadth of friendship. Friendship has nothing to do with romance, blood, and decoration.


A lifelong friend a lifelong friend. Share every feeling in life, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, happiness, sadness, body, soul together, you know and I know.


Myra, life is short, but life is rich. It is enough to have a gorgeous love and a bosom friend.


D. 谁有<魂断蓝桥>的全部英文版台词

Chapter 1 Back to Waterloo Bridge
第一章 重回蓝桥
(Night.Street corner in London)(夜晚 伦敦街头)
Speaker: The resulting action, known now by all the world,has marked Sunday.September the third,1939,as a date to be long remembered.At eleven-fifteen this morning the Prime Minster,speaking to the nation from number ten Downing Street ,announced that Great Britain is at war with Germany .Meanwhil the London public are earnestly reminded of the emergency orders already issued.No light of any descrption should be visible after blackout time .No dogs or cats will be allowed to roam the streets after dark and it should be remembered that pets will not be permitted in public air raid shelters.Gas masks and warm clothing should be placed at hand before retiring and it is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos would be of great comfort to small children who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour.Every effort should be made to quiet the nerves of those children who still remain in London despite the evacuation which will continre until a late hour this evening.
(Official building. Car drives out through gateway. Officer calls and gestures)
(军官驻地 汽车驶出大门,一军官打着手势喊"到")
Official:Colonel! Cronin's car
(Colonel Roy Cronin comes out of building.He goes to car,gets into back seat)
(罗伊 克罗宁上校从大楼里出来,他走向小桥车,钻进后车座)
Roy:I was right.Thomas.It's tonight. 罗一:我是对的,托马斯,是今天晚上
Thomas:To France.sir?托马斯:是去法国吗,长官?
Roy:From Waterloo Station.罗一:从滑铁卢车站出发
Thomas:Yes.sir.Be familiar to you.won't it,sir?I mean,having been through the last one.托马丝:是,长官,对你很熟悉,是吗 长官,我的意思是,你经历过上次大战.
Roy:Yes.It'll be familiar.thomas.罗一:是的,---很熟悉,托马丝.
Roy: Go by way of Waterloo Bridge ,will you?罗一:走滑铁卢车站,好吗
Thomas: Waterloo Bridge .sir?托马丝:走滑铁卢车站吗?长官?
Roy :We have plenty of time.罗一:我们有充足的时间.
Thomas :Right. sir.托马丝:好吧.长官
(Waterloo Bridge. Roy's car stops .Roy gets out of car.)(滑铁卢大桥.车停下来.罗一走出车)
Roy :Wait for me at the other end of bridge .I'll walk across.罗一:你在桥那边等我,我想走过去.
Thomas :Right. sir.托马丝:好的.长官
(He comes forward to rail, looks down to water thoughtfully ,removes his glove, takes an ivory charm from his pocket ,and holds it in his hand .He thinks of the past)(罗一向前走到桥栏杆边,看着河水沉思,他脱下手套,从口袋里那出一个象牙"吉祥符".放在手中,罗一回忆往事)
Myra's voice: Here .Take this.玛拉的声音:给,拿着
Roy' s voice :Your good luck charm?罗一的声音:你的吉祥符?
Myra's voice :Perhaps it will bring you luck .I hope it .I pray it will.玛拉的声音:也许它会给你带来好运,我希望它会,我向上帝祈祷.
Roy's voice: That's wonderlly kind of you .罗一的声音:你真是太好了
Myra's voice: Do you think you' ll remember me now?玛拉的声音:现在你认为你能记住我了吗?
Roy's voice :I think so . I think so. For the rest of my life.罗一的声音:我想我会的,会的---一辈子都记得住 不会忘
The First Meeting on Waterloo Bridge
第二章 蓝桥偶遇
(The film flashes back to 1914 ,the beginning of the First World War when Myra and Roy met on Waterloo Bridge in a London air raid)(影片闪回到1914年,第一次世界大战初期,玛拉和罗一在伦敦的一次空袭中,在滑铁卢大桥相识的情景)
(Myra .Lydia, Kitty and girls enter.)(玛拉,利迪亚,凯蒂和其他姑娘上桥)
Girls :It was a siren!/ I heard it distinctly/ oh, you re dreaming! 三个姑娘:空袭警报!/我听得一清二楚!/你在做梦吧?
Girl :I did .Didnt you .Myra?姑娘:我听到了.玛拉,你听见没有?
Kitty :Stop !Listen! There it is again!凯帝:别说话,你们听,又来了!
Lydia :Be quiet. please. all of you !(to Roy )Pardon me. But was that an air raid warning?利地亚:请安静,大家安静!(走向罗一)对不起,请问刚才那是空袭警报吗?
Roy:I'm afraid it was .we'll know in a minute.罗一:恐怕是的,我们等会儿就知道了
Lydia: An air raid !I told you we will be late, and Madame will be furious!利地亚:空袭!我告诉过你们我们会迟到的,看夫人怎么大发雷霆!
Kitty :We would sorry about Madame!凯帝:我们还顾得上夫人!
Girl: Look !Look !姑娘:快看,快看!
(Roy and Girls standing near rail of the bridge. all look to searchlight beams flashing .)(罗一和姑娘们站在桥栏杆附近,都注视着耀眼的探照灯光柱)
Man :Air raid!男人:空袭!
Lydia :Please .where can we go ?利地亚:天,我们能去哪儿躲呢
Roy :To the underground station on your right! To your right !To your right!罗一:到右边的地铁车站,向右,右
(The girls running. Myra last, her purse opens ,contents fall to ground .Myra and Roy pick up things, putting them in her purse)(姑娘们在奔跑,玛拉落在后面,她的手提包散开了,里面的东西掉在地上,玛拉和罗一拾起东西,把它们放进手提包)
Myra: Stupid bag !It always does this !(to Roy )Thank you very much.玛拉(拾物品):这包真可恶.总是这样(对罗一)多谢
Roy :I imagine they're out of strafe this bridge !We'd better get off it!罗一:可能要炸桥,我们快点离开
Myra: Oh, my lucky charm!玛拉:哎呀.我的幸运符!
(Myra goes to pick her lucky charm on pavement .Roy pulls her up just as a wagon passes)(玛拉去捡幸运符,一辆车开过来,罗一拉住玛拉)
Roy :Your little fool, are you tired of life?罗一:小傻瓜,你火腻拉?
Myra :I've had it for years .It brings me luck.玛拉:随身带了多年,它给我带来好运气

E. 电影《魂断蓝桥》中的名字有什么来历和涵义吗

《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是《Waterloo Bridge》,直译的意思是“滑铁卢桥”。后来有人改译为《断桥残梦》,“断桥”寓意有情人不能终成眷属,意思到了,感觉却不美。








F. 一部战争爱情片 名字里面有 蓝 魂 二字

中文片名:魂断蓝桥 英文片名:Waterloo Bridge 年代:1931年 国家/地区:美国 对白:英语 类型:爱情/战争 片长:81分钟 色彩:黑白 声音:Mono
导演: 詹姆斯·威尔 演员: 贝蒂·戴维丝 Janet Cronin Enid Bennett Mrs. Mary Cronin Wetherby 1931版魂断蓝桥
Billy Bevan Soldier on the Make (uncredited) Rita Carlyle The Old Woman Mae Clarke Myra Deauville Louise Emmons (uncredited) Ethel Griffies Mrs. Hobley, Landlady Ruth Handforth Augusta, the Maid Frederick Kerr Major Fred Wetherby Doris Lloyd Kitty Douglass Montgomery Roy Cronin 编剧: Benn W. Levy Tom Reed Robert E. Sherwood play 制片人: Carl Laemmle Jr. procer 原创音乐: Val Burton (uncredited) 摄像师: Arthur Edeson 电影剪辑: 詹姆斯·威尔 (uncredited) Clarence Kolster 艺术指导: Charles D. Hall 音效: C. Roy Hunter recording supervisor 其他职员:
魂断蓝桥电影海报(20张)Carl Laemmle presenter Maurice Pivar supervising editor Richard Schayer scenario supervisor

G. 跪求电影《魂断蓝桥(Waterloo Bridge)》的BD高清 中英文双字 迅雷下载链接


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