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发布时间: 2023-06-17 00:57:57

1. 电影《音乐之声》的英文介绍(150字内)

This film is a triumph in all departments. Every aspect, from the cinematography to the acting, the sets to the costumes, the music, choreography, script, is top notch. While the film is family friendly and has a sweet story, it is constantly amazing the way people attack it as saccharine and sugary. This can certainly be said of the stage show, but the movie version has been carefully proced to provide a more well-rounded vision. Ernest Lehman worked wonders with the underdeveloped and unremarkable dialogue of the play. He inserted so many moments of wit, humor, romance and poignancy that are nowhere in sight in the original. the art directors purposefully chose muted settings and colors. Each of the actors bent over backwards to provide a brilliant performance. Andrews is already down in history for the performance of a lifetime (and a voice to match), but Plummer is not to be forgotten. Not only is he regal and handsome, but his decision to play the Captain as a complex, sophisticated man with a sly dose of sarcasm was wonderful. His steely, stern persona is eventually melted down by the irrepressible Andrews to great effect. Every supporting performance is also delivered with the right amount of appeal, humor or menace as called for in the script. However, the one that takes the cake....that amazes each time, is the slinky, catty, toweringly glamorous Parker as Baroness Schraeder. Wisely, her songs were cut, further separating her from all the glee around her, so that she could whip out such zingers as "Why didn't you tell me....to bring along my harmonica?" or when she's told that Andrews may not make a great nun, "If you need anything, I'd be happy to help you." The character is given a much more polished and integral position in the film versus the stage and virtually every line of her dialogue (unlike in the play) is a howler. Though Wood was lovely in her role as the Mother Abbess, it was Parker who should have gotten an Oscar nod....and WON! Every expression, every syllable, every glance belies the decades of experience Parker gained as a leading lady ring the 40's and 50's. Her clothes by Dorothy Jeakins are awe-inspiring. This type of film-making is GONE. The location photography, the simplicity of story and design, the sheer good-spiritedness of it all...they just can't do this anymore. Thankfully, there's this flawless gem to turn to when one just want to feel good. But saccharine? No..... Compare this to other beloved musicals with their garish colors and sugary story lines ("Seven Brides...", "Singin' in the Rain", "...Molly Brown", "The Music Man", to name just a few...) They are all highly enjoyable, but are hardly less sweet than this! Just one word.....Nazis!! Though virtually everyone knows the outcome, there is still genuine suspense at the climax of "The Sound of Music". The film has it all.

2. 求一部关于音乐的电影(英文的)

camp rock 摇滚夏令营

电影以Connie (Maria Canals Barrera), Steve (Ed Jaunz) 和 Mitchie Torres (Demi Lovato)— 一个怀有大志,希望成为歌手的年轻音乐家 (Who Will I Be) 在家吃早餐的情节作为开始。Mitchie希望能够参加摇滚夏令营,但因为报名费昂贵而被母亲拒绝。但之后Mitchie的母亲获得一个机会让她在夏令营里担任饮食服务;而Mitchie能够以优惠价参加摇滚夏令营的活动——前提是Mitchie需要到厨房帮她母亲的忙。 Mitchie到达夏令营不久便认识了Caitlyn Gellar (Alyson Stoner), Lola Scott (Aaryn Doyle), Barron James (Jordan Francis), 和 Sander Loyer(Roshon Fegan)等人;并遇上摇滚夏令营的天后:Tess Tyler (米格纳·杰特·马汀)—— 流行天后T.J. Tyler (Jennifer Ricci)的女儿,以及Tess的两位“好朋友”—Peggy Warburton (Jasmine Richards) 和 Ella Shang (Anna Maria Perez de Tagle)。 被宠坏的小天王Shane Gray (Joe Jonas)因为他恶劣的态度和不好的名声,而被他的同伴Jason (Kevin Jonas) 和 Nate (Nick Jonas) 在到达夏令营时赶下车,并被指派到当营里的舞蹈导师,为期一个月。当车子正要驶开场地时, Nate通知Shane需要与夏令营闭幕会里的冠军录制一首合唱歌曲,夏令营闭幕会是每个营友演出、比赛,希望争取冠军的音乐会。当Shane到达营地不久,就受到歌迷们热烈的追求,他躲在近食堂的灌木丛里。 Mitchie 看到食堂没有人,于是在钢琴前自弹自唱自己创作的歌(This Is Me 钢琴版),恰巧被躲藏在灌木丛里Shane听到。这首歌的内容给了Shane的启示、激励了他……正当Shane希望下决心希望能认识她时,Mitchie 已经离开了食堂。 在开幕音乐会上,Mitchie对Lola的表演 (What It Takes) 赞佩不已,并无意中遇到Tess。在极度渴望能够溶入大家的情况下,Mitchie向Tess谎称母亲是中国版劲歌金曲的主持。Tess、Peggy和 Ella 感到惊讶,并邀请Mitchie搬迁至她们的地方。次日早上,Mitchie偷走出来到厨房帮母亲的忙时遇上Shane。为免被Shane认出,Mitchie用面粉掩饰自己的脸。Shane对早餐一事作出投诉,Mitchie感到不满。下午,Shane担任Mitchie的舞蹈堂导师,并教他们Hip-pop(Start the Party) 。 Shane其后开始在营里找寻那把女声,但并不成功。Caitlyn曾经向Mitchie提过Shane寻找女声的活动,但Mitchie以 Shane从未听过自己唱歌而认定Shane要找的女声并不是她。Tess意外地发现她与Shane的关系,并发现Mitchie是厨师女儿的秘密。就在 Connect's 3表演完他们的新歌后(Play My Music),Tess向全场人揭发了这个秘密,令Shane当场感到心碎。 之后,Tess无意中听到Shane与Brown的谈话,并知道Shane找寻的女声正是Mitchie,所以她想避免Mitchie参加夏令营闭幕会。利用她母亲送给她的手链,Tess预先把它放在厨房里,并向Brown谎报她相信是Caitlyn和Mitchie偷了她的手链。当Brown在厨房里找到Tessh的手链时,他禁止Caitlyn和Mitchie参加期后夏令营的所有活动,包括闭幕会。 就在夏令营闭幕会开始之前,Tess、Peggy和 Ella正进行最后一次的彩排。当事情搞糟后,Tess指责她们,Peggy忍不往退出了组合,Ella其后也跟踪退出。在闭幕会里,Ella加入了Barron 和 Sander 表演的歌曲 (Hasta La Vista)。第二个出场表演的Tess看到母亲来了,Tess便充满自信地表演;可惜到了表演的中段,Tess看到母亲只顾听电话而忽略她的表演时,因为分心,Tess差点跌倒在台下。Tess其后冲到后台痛哭。 最后一项临时的项目是由Margaret Dupree( Peggy)表演。当 Peggy表演完她的歌曲(Here I Am)并回到后台时,Tess向她和Ella作出道歉,并对Peggy的表演作出赞赏。正当Shane、Nate和Jason三位评判在为参赛者评分时,Mitchie在台上演唱(This Is Me)。Shane听到后才明白原来他一直寻找的女声就是Mitchie,并与她一起合唱了一小段的(Gotta Find You) 。Peggy赢得夏令营闭幕会的冠军,Tess也向Mitchie和Caitlyn承认她对手链不翼而飞一事说了谎、并道了歉。最后,全部演员同唱We Rock。 在DVD里的加长版本中,加插一段了夏令营完结三个月后,Caitlyn在她家的车房里起了一个录音室,她邀请了 Mitchie, Tess, Peggy, Ella 和Lola一起录制一首歌(Our Time Is Here)的片段。

3. 所有与音乐有关的欧美电影

魔法奇缘 感觉最符合楼主的要求了
once 曾获奥斯卡奖
真爱至上 插曲都很不错
天使爱美丽 配乐非常不错
跳出我的天地 关于芭蕾舞的励志电影
放牛班的春天 天籁之声 恩
八月迷情 暂时还没看 不过评价很高啊 电影的纽带是音乐
想飞的钢琴少年 又是一部与钢琴有关的电影 参照 海上钢琴师 推荐的
布达佩斯之恋 最近看的 很喜欢
玫瑰人生 是部传记片 是我看过的感觉最好的传记片了 当然和音乐有关
钢琴课 也属于音乐绝美的
蝴蝶 配乐动听

暂时想到的就这些了 青春类的少了点 如果喜欢 海上钢琴师

4. 有哪些讲述关于音乐的经典电影


《妈妈咪呀》、《音乐之声》和前两部一样都有相关的音乐剧作品,也都是佳作。 《放牛班的春天》,很感人,是本人称赞不多的法国电影。
《海上钢琴师》,完美地讲述了一个钢琴天才1900的传奇人生,影片中的音乐可以当做唱片欣赏,极其优美。 《钢琴师》,很值得一看。
《谁动了我的琴弦》笔笔的音乐电影dancer in the dark--bjork主演,她自己也唱,是真正的音乐电影fight club三峡好人--纯音乐,氛围烘托的好,另外贾樟柯系列的都很好,他很有才华,用的音乐也好。我们俩--歌舞青春 123跳舞大电影发胶灰姑娘之舞动奇迹摇滚夏令营公主日记热力四射街舞少年 妈妈咪呀舞出我人生1、2平民天后劲歌飞扬 《歌剧魅影》,

5. 有哪些讲述关于音乐的经典电影


6. 电影The sound of music的梗概,英文版,大概初一的水平

音乐之声 Sound of Music, The The Sound of Music, feature-film musical about a young religious novice working as a governess who brings music and happiness to a widower’s large family, set in Austria ring World War II. Released in 1965 and based on real-life events, this box-office hit earned Academy Awards for best picture, best director, best film editing, best sound, and best musical score. Julie Andrews stars as Maria, the novice nun who, on the advice of her Mother Superior, takes a job as a governess in the household of Captain Von Trapp (played by Christopher Plummer), caring for his seven children, while she considers her vocation. Maria teaches the children to sing, and she and the captain begin to fall in love. When the Nazis invade Austria, Von Trapp and his family, including Maria, flee the country. The film was an adaptation of the stage show written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II and first proced in 1959; the songs include "Do Re Mi" and "My Favourite Things".
导 演:罗伯特·怀斯
主 演:朱莉·安德鲁斯
--国际巨星 成 龙
--影评人 Waddle
影片里以电影音乐的原貌参与了故事叙事的当首推那首脍炙人口的小歌《雪绒花》(《EDELWEISS》)。 上校在玛利亚和孩子们的盛情邀请之下,接过吉他自弹自唱了这首自己最喜爱的、已多年不唱的奥地利民谣:

7. 音乐之声电影英文版的简介




Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.

Every year on the festival of the dead, families who have passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth.

8. 电影《音乐之声》的英文故事梗概


Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

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