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发布时间: 2023-06-12 09:21:04

A. 英文影片的英文简介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


该片由拉尔夫·费因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯、朱丽叶·比诺什等联袂主演。影片于1996年11月6日在美国上映 。





B. 经典电影的英文介绍

当幸福来敲门 ; 剧情介绍 克里斯·加纳(威尔·史密斯)是一个聪明的推销员,他勤奋肯乾努力,却总没办法让家里过上好日子。妻子琳达终究因为不能忍受养家糊口的压力,离开了克里斯,只留下他和5岁的儿子克里斯托夫相依为命。事业失败穷途潦倒,还成为了单亲爸爸,克里斯的银行帐户里甚至只剩下了21块钱,因为没钱付房租,他和儿子不得不被撵出了公寓。



阿甘正传 ;剧情介绍 阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。在学校里为了躲避别的孩子的欺侮,听从一个朋友珍妮的话而开始“跑”。他跑着躲避别人的捉弄。在中学时,他为了躲避别人而跑进了一所学校的橄榄球场,就这样跑进了大学。阿甘被破格录取,并成了橄榄球巨星,受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。


在隐居生活中,他时常思念珍妮。而这时的珍妮早已误入歧途, 陷于绝望之中。 终于有一天,珍妮回来了。她和甘共同生活了一段日子。在一天夜晚,珍妮投入了阿甘的怀抱,之后又在黎明悄然离去。醒来的甘木然坐在门前的长椅上,然后突然开始奔跑。他跑步横越了美国,又一次成了名人。在奔跑了许久之后,甘停了下来,开始回自己的故乡。在途中, 他收到了珍妮的信。 他又一次见到了珍妮,还有一个小男孩,那是他的儿子。这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症。甘和珍妮三人一同回到了家乡,一起度过了一段幸福的时光。


辛德勒的名单 ;剧情介绍 1939年9月,德军在两周内攻占了波兰,纳粹下令波兰全境的犹太人必须集中到指定的城市进行登记,每天有一万多名犹太人从乡村来到克拉科夫。



还有 《美丽人生》《光荣之路》《这个杀手不太冷》《海上钢琴师》《泰坦尼克号》《勇敢的心》这些全都是世界经典电影且全是英文版的!

C. 谁有一些英文电影的英语简介100到200字~

1. 勇敢的心Braveheart(1995) William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. Braveheart is the partly historical, partly mythological, story of William Wallace, a Scottish common man who fights for his country's freedom from English rule around the end of the 13th century. 2. 肖申克的卜简救赎册模The Shawshank Redemption (1994) The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy'型姿裤s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.

D. 求3部外国励志电影,及简短的英文简介


《三傻大闹宝莱坞》(3 idiots)是一部根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat)的处女作小说《五点人》(Five Point Someone)改编而成的印度宝莱坞电影,由拉库马·希拉尼(Rajkumar Hirani)执导。讲述了三位主人公:法兰(Farlan)(马德哈万R Madhavan饰),拉祖(Raju)(沙尔曼·乔什Sharman Joshi饰)与兰乔(Rancho)(阿米尔·汗Aamir Khan饰)间的故事。该片一上映就打破了印度电影的票房纪录,创下了宝莱坞电影上映首日、上映首周和全球票房的最高纪录。2011年12月8日在中国大陆上映。

英文简介:"Three idots" (3 Idiots) is based on a India best-selling author Chetan Bahat (Chetan Bhagat) debut novel, "five people" (Five Point Someone) adapted from the India Bollywood film, directed by Rajkumar Hirani (Rajkumar Hirani). Tells the story of three protagonists: flange (Farlan) (Madhab Van R Madhavan ornaments), razuvius (Raju) (Sharman Josh Sharman Joshi ornaments) and Lan Qiao (Rancho) (Amir Khan Aamir Khan ornaments) the story between. The film was an instant broke the India movie box office records, a Bollywood film debut, in its first week and global box office record. Released in December 8, 2011, in Chinese.

E. 六部电影的简介.英文.3到4句.

By tying thousands of balloon to his home, 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America. Right after lifting off, however, he learns he isn't alone on his journey, since Russell, a wilderness explorer 70 years his junior, has inadvertently become a stowaway on the trip.

2.诸神之战 "The Clash of the Titans"
is set in the Greek city of Argos where a war is about to explode between man and the gods. Perseus (Sam Worthington) raised as a fisherman, but is actually a demi-god. Perseus is the son of Zeus (Liam Neeson) who is about to take on the gods after the death of his family. Zeus' brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes) was the one who killed his family, and Perseus wants to kill him. However, it is Perseus's destiny to rescue the city of Argos from the ruthless rage of Hades and his Kraken monster. With nothing to lose, Perseus leads a band of soldiers on a quest to defeat the Kraken. In doing this, Perseus will prevent Hades from overthrowing Zeus and in turn destroying mankind.

3.爱丽丝梦游奇境 Alice in Wonderland
Alice, an unpretentious and indivial 19-year-old, is betrothed to a nce of an English nobleman. At her engagement party, she escapes the crowd to consider whether to go through with the marriage and falls down a hole in the garden after spotting an unusual rabbit. Arriving in a strange and surreal place called "Underland," she finds herself in a world that resembles the nightmares she had as a child, filled with talking animals, villainous queens and knights, and frumious bandersnatches. Alice realizes that she is there for a reason--to conquer the horrific Jabberwocky and restore the rightful queen to her throne.

4.阿凡达 Avatar
A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.

5.钢铁侠 Iron Man
When wealthy instrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident, he ultimately decides to use its technology to fight against evil.

6.福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes
After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancée and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler.

F. 十部最好练英语的电影 关于英语电影的介绍

1、Love Actually《真爱至上》圣诞节必备佳片,一部充满了惊喜时刻的感人电影。由十个发生在圣诞节前夕的独立小故事串联而成,讲述了“爱无处不在”。而且故事的情节简单,对话内容生活化,适合英语小白入门学习。

2、Dead Poets Society《死亡诗社》一个不同寻常的老师基汀带学生们在校史楼内聆听死亡的声音,反思生的意义 ;让男生们在绿茵场上宣读自己的理想;鼓励学生站在课桌上,用新的视角俯瞰世界。老师自由发散式的哲学思维让学生内心产生强烈的共鸣,他们渐渐学会自己思考与求索,勇敢的追问人生的路途,甚至违反门禁,成立死亡诗社,在山洞里击节而歌!

3、Room《房间》非常非常棒的一部电影,女主也凭借这部电影夺得奥斯卡最佳女主。电影讲述的是女主被当做性奴,被囚禁了7年,这期间生下了儿子小杰克,而杰克从未离开过这个铁皮房间,对整个世界的认知就是这个房间。最后母子被解救之后, 在重新融入社会中时,小杰克承担起了安抚妈妈的角色,帮助妈妈走出阴影。电影最感人的片段,就是最后杰克再一次回到这个铁皮小屋,看到自己“儿时的伙伴”——马桶,盆栽,洗手盆.... 小杰克一一和小伙伴告别的时候,真的眼泪止不住往下掉,因为这个大人们所恐惧的房间,却是杰克的整个童年,电影对白也非常简单易学,毕竟男主只是个5岁小孩啊,单词量也不多,哈哈。

4、The Big Short《大空头》这部电影讲述的是2008年华尔街金融危机时,在大家都在亏钱的时候,有一群人却提前看到了危机,赚得盆满钵满。这部电影也入围了奥斯卡,高晓松在晓松奇谈里也力荐这部电影。也非常推崇有一定英语基础的同学学这部电影,毕竟,现在金融和我们每个人息息相关。没有金融背景的同学不用怕,这部电影可以把金融知识用各种花哨的方式,给你讲明白,还是挺难得的。

5、Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这是一部大家都很熟悉的童话故事改编的电影,对白很简单,单词也不难,电影中所说的是英式英语,很好听。大家可以两部一起学习,可以更好的掌握里面的单词和句子。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是一部很经典的童话故事,改编的这部电影也很适合小白学英语,建议大家看完电影可以再去读一读英文原版书,对自己的英语也会有很大的提高。

6、Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》7岁的奥利芙,戴眼镜,小肚腩,却坚信自己有朝一日能当选美国小姐;热衷推销成功学的爸爸,一事无成还濒临破产;立志要当飞行员的哥哥,为表决心9个月不开口说话;舅舅是一个失恋兼失业,自杀又未遂的同性恋;爷爷,被养老院赶出来的老流氓,沉迷毒品和黄色杂志;妈妈,似乎是这个疯狂家庭唯一还正常的人。为了支持奥利芙参加“阳光小美女”选美比赛,大家决定开车900英里去加州。于是,这一家人踏上了集体寻梦的旅程,跌跌撞撞,滑稽惹笑地开着那辆破旧不堪的巴士驶向未知的前方……

7、Big Fish《大鱼》爱德华生性热爱自由,成年之后,他选择离开家乡,踏上了环游世界的旅程。一路上,爱德华遇见了各种各样稀奇古怪的角色,经历了无数精彩绝伦的的冒险,而他日后最大的兴趣,就是向他人喋喋不休的重复讲述他的这一段奇幻旅程。威尔是爱德华的儿子,他并不相信父亲所讲述的那些光怪陆离的故事,甚至对此感到无比厌烦。婚后,他同父亲中断了联系,一晃眼就是数年过去。当再次得到爱德华的消息之时,威尔才知道父亲即将不久于人世,他决定去见爱德华最后一面。然而,这一次,威尔终于发现了隐藏在这些故事背后的奥秘和真相。


9、Pride & Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》是由简奥斯丁着名小说改编的影片,不得不说导演的选角真的很厉害,女主完全演出了故事里的样子,从一开始见面的互相看不顺眼,到达西先生的雨中告白,故事更加告诉女生不要因为别人的喜好和眼光放弃做真正的自己。该片也非常适合练习英语听力,除了部分因角色需要语速比较快,大部分角色语速适中。而且大部分是非常标准的英式发音,比较推荐。

10、The Intern?《实习生》影片中不乏对职场生态和规则的展现:朱尔斯的秘书每天工作14小时也没能得到上司的重任,在本面前崩溃流泪;朱尔斯将全部业余生活献给了事业,却面临董事会对其能力的质疑,和丈夫的背叛……本用自己的人生智慧开导着身边的人,我们也总能透过他的视角在影片中发现共鸣。是一部非常值得看的电影,也会对大家的职场有所启发。

G. 求10部英文电影的简介 简介字要少。

Film 1 THE BOUNDARY Fiction (12:00) USA Director: Julius Onah Once we cross, there is no return… A family on its way home is forced to deal with circumstances they would never hope for. 一旦越界,则无法回头。一个寻常家庭在回家的路上,遭遇了意料不及的经历…… ===================== Film 2 LOVE CHILD Fiction (6:00) Sweden Director: Daniel Wirtberg A young girl enjoys the perfect life of being the only child, when one day a new family member arrives. 一个年轻的女孩享受着完美的独生女生活,直到一个家庭新成员的来临打破了宁静…… ========================== Film 3 MOZAMBIQUE Documentary (13:30) Mozambique Director: Alcides Soares Sixteen-year-old Alcides Soares is one of a half a million AIDS orphans living in Mozambique today. American television writer Neal Baer and movie director Chris Zalla gave Alcides a movie camera and taught him how to shoot. The result is “Mozambique” a moving chronicle directed by Alcides himself, which details his journey to find his family and make a new life in his country. 非洲的莫桑比克有接近50万患艾滋病孤儿,16岁的Alcides Soares就是其中一员。美国电视做着Neal Baer和电影导演Chris Zalla给Alcides一台摄影机,并教会他如何使用。这部影片则由他自己导演,记录了他寻找自己的家庭,并在他的国家建立新生活的旅程。 =========================== Film 4 SKHIZEIN Animation (14:00) France Director: Jérémy Clapin After being struck by a 150-ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely 91 centimeters from himself. Henry被一个150吨的陨石撞了一下,导致他不得不适应91厘米的生活。 =============================== Film 5 PARKING Fiction (11:00) Spain Director: Jorge Molina An executive goes to get his car…when he discovers that someone else has beaten him to it. 一个经理正要去停车场开他的车,却发现遭到了别人的袭击。 ================================ Film 6 A’MARE Fiction (15:00) Italy Director: Martina Amati Andrea and Felice are two kids whose lives centre around the sea. One ring a fishing excursion their usual routine is disturbed when something unexpected appears from the water. Will their friendship survive the turbulent events that follow? Andrea和Felice是生活在海边的两个小孩子。这天,从水里出现的奇怪事物打破了他们有序的玩乐生活。他们的友谊是否能够支持他们度过难关? ================================ Film 7 PLASTIC Fiction (7:30) Australia Director: Sandy Widyanata Whilst Anna is preparing for a first date with Henry, a man she has secretly loved for years, everything goes wrong until she discovers the impossible – to sculpt her appearance like clay to any shape she desires. Anna深爱着Henry,终于迎来了和他约会的一天。可是一切都乱套了,Anna却惊讶的发现自己能够像陶艺一样随意改变自己的外貌…… ============================== Film 8 MIENTE Fiction (15:00) Spain Director: Isabel De Ocampo Doina wants to make a birthday present to her young sister, but it isn’t easy to get it. Doina不过是想给自己的妹妹制作一个生日礼物,没想到事情远不是那么简单。 =============================== Film 9 LASHABIYA Fiction (6:00) Israel Director: Yehezkel Lazarov In an elementary school courtyard, a young Palestinian man plays a dangerous game with an armed squad of Israeli soldiers. 在一个小学的操场上,一个年轻的巴勒斯坦人和一个全副武装的以色列士兵进行了一场危险游戏。 ==================================== Film 10 HAMMERHEAD Fiction (14:00) UK Director: Sam Donovan Boris tries to reunite his separated parents on a shark-spotting trip. The only problem is, his biggest enemy is along for the ride: his mother’s new girlfriend. Boris想要通过一次观赏鲨鱼的旅程来撮合他离异的父母。可问题是,这次旅程的最大困难,是母亲带来了一个她的女朋友。

H. 英文电影简介(120~150词,带翻译及电影名)


Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated
edy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark O *** orne and
proced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as Po.
The film was proced by DreamWorks Animation's studio inGlendale,Californiaand distributed by Paramount Pictures. Set in ancientChina, the plot revolves around a bumbling pandaPo, who aspires to be a kung fu master.


It is the year 1250 B.C. ring the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her hu *** and Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans. But they e to a s by Hector, Prince of Troy. The whole movie shows their battle struggles, and the foreshadowing of fate in this remake by Wolfgang Petersen of Homer's "The Iliad."
Trojan War
The Trojan War was a war waged, aording to legend, against the city of Troy in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey), by the armies of the Achaeans, after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her hu *** and Menelaus, king of Sparta. The war is among the most important events in Greek mythology and was narrated in many works of Greek literature, of which the o most famous are the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer. The Iliad relates a part of the last year of the siege of Troy, and the Odyssey describes the journey home of Odysseus, one of the Achaean leaders. Other parts of the story were narrated in a cycle of epic poems, which has only survived in fragments. Episodes from the war provided material for Greek tragedy and other works of Greek literature, and Roman poets like Virgil and Ovid.
The war sprang from a quarrel beeen the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite, after the goddess Eris ("Strife") gave them a golden apple with the inscription "to the fairest" (sometimes known as the apple of Discord). The goddesses went to Paris, who judged that Aphrodite, as the "fairest", should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women, fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, and the brother of Helen's hu *** and Menelaus, led an expedition of Achaean troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years. After the deaths of many heroes, including the Achaeans Achilles and Aias, or Ajax, and the Trojans Hector and Paris, the city fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse. The Achaeans mercilessly slaughtered the Trojans and desecrated the temples, thus earning the gods' wrath. Few of the Achaeans returned to their homes and many founded colonies in distant shores. The Romans later traced their origin to Aeneas, one of the Trojans, who was said to have led the surviving Trojans to Italy.
Ancient Greeks believed that the Trojan War was a historical event. They believed that this war took place in the 13th or 12th century BC, and that Troy was located in the vicinity of the Dardanelles in what is now north-western Turkey. By modern times both the war and the city were widely believed to be non-historical. In 1870, however, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavated a site in this area which he believed to be the site of Troy, and at least some archaeologists agree. There remains no certain evidence that Homer's Troy ever existed, still less that any of the events of the Trojan War cycle ever took place. Many scholars would agree that there is a historical core to the tale, though this may simply mean that the Homeric stories are a fusion of various stories of sieges and expeditions by the Greeks of the Bronze Age or Mycenean period. Those who think that the stories of the Trojan War derive from a specific historical conflict usually date it to beeen 1300 BC and 1200 BC, usually preferring the dates given by Eratosthenes (1194 BC – 1184 BC) which roughly corresponds with the burning of Troy VIIa.
Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the Titanic. The plot is simple, nonplicated, or not for those who love plots that ist and turn and keep you in suspense. The end of the movie can be figured out within minutes of the start of the film, but the love story is an interesting one, however. Kate Winslett is wonderful as Rose, an aristocratic young lady betrothed by Cal (Billy Zane). Early on the voyage Rose meets Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), a lower class artist on his way to America after winning his ticket aboard Titanic in a poker game. If he wants something, he goes and gets it unlike the upper class who are so concerned with their social worries. The o fall in love and the audience sees the sinking of the Titanic primarily through their eyes.
The movie begins in modern times with the exploration of the wreck by a group searching for treasures, that sunk with the Titanic, which has recently ourred. One of the survivors of the Titanic, Rose DeWitt Bukater, who had heard of the exploration of the wreck on television and is flown to the boat where the search is being led from to tell of what she remembers to help the search. She gets to telling her memory of the one and only voyage of the Titanic. With this, the scene shifts to Southhampton, Ireland where the Titanic set sail from on April 10, 1912 as all the passengers are boarding. After another s on the Irish coast Titanic went out to see on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic bound for New York. Historically the first few days of the voyage went by uneventful, but the fictional plot of the story is developed ring this time as Rose sees the hopeless entrapement of an engagement that she is in to the wealthy Cal Hockley and falls in love with third class passenger, Jack Dawson. Captain Smith alledgedly as shown in the movie was urged by the White Star Line Director to increase the speed of the ship so they would make the newspaper headlines and receive extra publicity by arriving in New York on Thursday night and not on Friday morning as planned. Smith then ordered the fateful decision going against his thirty-o years of experience to stretch the Titanic's legs out to full speed. The Titanic had reports that the waters in the Atlantic they were sailing in were full of icebergs, but they ignored these warnings and proceeded at full speed as shown in the movie. On April 15, 1912 at 11:39, an iceberg was sighted. They attempted to shut off the engines and turn the ship out of the path of the iceberg but there was not enough time and the ship hit the iceberg on the starboard side as depicted in the film. The portrayal of the many *** all holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is aurate. The crew of Titanic sent out distress calls and set off distress rockets as shown until 2:18 when the lights finally failed. The lights of the California were spotted six miles away but they failed to realize what was going on and did not respond to Titanic's many pleas for help. The California had tried earlier in the day to warn Titanic of the severe ice that had caused them to s their trip but Titanic had brushed them off causing the California to turn off its radio and leave the Titanic on its own. The first class women and children were the first as depicted to be put into the enty lifeboats that were on the ship. Overwhelmingly the third class passengers suffered the most amount of deaths of any class and the crew was hit hard in this tragedy too. The word of White Star Line employees and first class passengers was believed over that of second and third class passengers when authorities were trying to gain information of the sinking. Also, the metal that was used to build the Titanic has been found in recent years under conditions of severe cold, which were experienced the night Titanic sank to be extremely brittle. Overall, the basic plot is very aurate in its portayal of the events and the times at which these events took place on the Titanic.


Several years before, geologist Adrian Helmsley es across information that shows the world will e to an end in 2012. No announcement is made but the G8 countries begin to prepare for the event. Jack Curtis is a divorced and a less than suessful writer. While on a camping trip with his children in Yosemite, he meets Charlie Frost, who is preaching that the end of the world is at hand. A series of events leads Curtis to believe what Frost has told him and with his family, heads for China where the instrialized countries have been working on a response to the impending disaster


第一部《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
11-year old Harry, mistreated by his heartless relatives, realizes that he is, in fact, a wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start his 7 year long wizard ecation. But someone is up to something bad in the Dark forest outside the school...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter's adventures continue...Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is warned by a mysterious creature that danger awaits him at the school. Malevolent voices whisper from the walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts." The infamous Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and all sources believe he's after Harry Potter's life. What connection could there be beeen Harry's past and this crazed murderer? Can Harry figure it out before Black gets to him? And why does Mr. Weasley think Harry may want to find Black first? A shocking insight to a night 12 years ago.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. At the Quidditch World Cup, Voldemort's followers gather and wreak havoc. Then, at Hogwarts, a legendary event takes place. The Triwizard Tournament! The Goblet of Fire judges who gets in and who doesn't. On the fateful night, three champions are selected. But then the Goblet spits out one other. Harry's. These o major events point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore and the other teachers sense it, but it is inevitable. And Harry is no longer safe at Hogwarts. This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...


1.Titanic release Date: December 19th, 1997 Brock Lovett is a treasure hunter looking for a famous diamond among the debris of the Titanic. He finds a sketch in a safebox in which a young woman is wearing the diamond on a necklace. After showing the drawing on a TV program, Rose Dawson, an old lady es forward claiming to be the woman in the drawing. She is brought to the explorer's vessel to help them determine the location of the diamond, but instead she tells everyone the "real" story of Titanic's sinking. She was a 17 year-old rich girl sailing to the USA to get married with Cal Hockley. Her mother was forcing her to get married so she felt trapped inside her own world. During the trip she tries to mit suicide and she is saved by Jack Dawson, a third-class passenger who travels around making pencil drawings. They get to know each other better until they fall in love. Hockley and Rose's mother try to separate them several times. Amidst all this confusion the Titanic hits an iceberg and starts to sink. 2.Dragon Rider Orphaned farm boy Eragon (Ed Speleers) destiny is sealed forever when a mystic stone chooses him for its keeper, this is no ordinary stone, this is the last surviving egg of the dragon race. Eragon is now the new Dragon Rider, the boy who will be savior to the repressed peoples of the Kingdom ruled by the wicked King Galbatorix (John Malkovich) and his evil wizard Durza (Robert Carlyle). Running, hiding and battling across the lands with his mentor Brom (Jeremy Irons) and the gracious dragon Saphira (voiced by Rachel Weisz), together, with the beautiful Princess Arya (Sienna Guillory), this Band of Brothers learn more about themselves, their responsibilities and their destinies. Who shall sueed toward the end? Shall good overe evil? Or will all be lost to the dark forces forever? Fly with the adventure. 3.The day after tomorrow What if we are on the brink of a new Ice Age? This is the question that haunts climatologic Jack Hall. Hall's research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the pla's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been peting in a high school academic petition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his pla.


The minions is an interesting movie. It is about a lot of short creatures. They look for a master to serve. Interestingly, they look for villains instead of good people. Some of them only have one eye. They wear jumpers that are made of denim. Their eyes are very big and they look kind of cute. Sometimes they wear goggles. They don’t speak a human language. They have their own language. However, sometimes they speak a few English words. They like bananas. It seems like they only eat bananas. When they see bananas, they get very excited. In this movie, there was an event where some villains gathered. Some minions attended this event to look for a new master. One villain was Scarlet Overkill. She wears a big dress, and she has curvy, black hair. She challenged the audience to take the jewel from her. Many people jumped on the stage and tried to get the jewel, but they could not do it. One of them looked like a sumo wrestler. He was very tall and very heavy. Even he could not get the jewel. In the end, one of the minions held the jewel in its mouth, and then spit it out. I think the minions are very funny, cute, and *** art.


The Crying Game 又译:乱世浮生 This highly original film put screenwriter-director Neil Jordan on the international map. The story begins at a carnival in Ireland with British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) kidnapped by IRA terrorists Jude (Miranda Richardson) and Fergus (Stephen Rea). Fergus is assigned to guard Jody, and they bee friends. After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, Fergus escapes to London to track down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), to fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also e to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind.


中文名: 荒岛
外文名: Wilderness
出品时间: 2006
出品公司: First Look Home Entertainment
制片地区: 英国
导演: 迈克尔·巴塞特
主演: 托比·凯贝尔, 西恩·帕特维, 阿里克斯·瑞德
型别: 惊悚,恐怖
片长: 93分钟
上映时间: 2006年3月14日 法国




The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to fet the immense effort that these o technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested o and a half miles down on the ocean floor.

I. 10部英文版电影简介(用中文)适合中学生的,要有中文和英文的电影名字。【*简介要用中文】悬赏后追加、谢

主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯

主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安

主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凯奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奥尼

主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽 安德鲁斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威

主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基尔

主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 马丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基顿

主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇维格 Hugh Grant 休 格兰特

主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 迈奎尔

9蒙娜丽莎的微笑 “Mona Lisa’s Smile”
主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱丽亚 斯蒂尔斯
Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特

10甜心先生 “Jerry Maguaire”
主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆 克鲁斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇维格

11热血强人 “Remember the Titans”
主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔 华盛顿

12铁血教练 “Coach Carter”
主演: Samuel Jackson萨姆尔 杰克逊

13重建人生 “Life As a House”
主演:Kevin Cline 凯文 克莱恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科

特 托马斯
Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森

14海上钢琴师 “The Legend of 1900”
主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 罗斯

15大话王 “Liar Liar”
主演:Jim Carrie 金 凯利

16单身插班生 “About a Boy”
主演:Hugn Grant 修 格兰特

17风流奇男子 “Alfie”
主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛

18妙手情真 “Patch Adams”
主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯

19变人 “Bicentennial Man”
主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯

20猫屎先生 “As good as it gets”
主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科尔森
Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特

21完美男人 “The Perfect Man”
主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 荙芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 诺斯

22婚礼男友 “The Wedding Date”
主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麦隆尼

23男人百分百 “What Women Want”
主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特

24老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸 “Big Daddy”
主演:Adam Sandler 亚当 桑德勒

25大鱼 “Big Fish”
主演:Evan McGregor 伊万 麦克格



J. 请介绍十部英文电影

乱世佳人》 《罗马假日》 《角斗士》 《爱国者》 《魂断蓝桥》 《指环王》(任意一部) 《黑客帝国》(任意一部)《珍珠港》 《哈里波特》

1.燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall 1994
关于成长,亲情和爱情的故事 是一幅波澜壮阔的美国西部画卷,一部经典的唯美派电影,一个恍如隔世的成人童话。
主演:Brad Pitt
Anthony Hopkins(安东尼· 霍普金斯,英国演员,主演过出演过《教父》三部曲。获得2006年第63届金球奖终身成就奖( Award),绝对的好莱坞老牌巨星)

2.肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption,1994)
主演:Morgan Freeman( 摩根 弗里曼)
Tim Robbins (蒂姆 罗宾斯)

3.变脸 (Face Off,又译夺面双雄,1997)
主演:Nicolas Cage(尼古拉斯·凯奇)
John Travolta(约翰·特拉沃尔塔)

4. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump(1994 )
经典台词:“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”(生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。)
主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯

又译《逍遥法外》Catch Me if You Can (2002)
主演:Tom Hanks
Leonardo Dicaprio6.泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)
Kate Winslet 凯特·温斯莱特 7. A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)
主演:Russell Crowe 罗素·克罗
8. 这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
主演: 让·雷诺 Jean Reno
娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman

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