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发布时间: 2022-01-20 20:51:23

1. 电影林肯观后感英文200字



2. 外国电影读后感200字5篇 英文的 如果不错可以加到100 如果不够还可以加。

加勒比海盗的观后感:Pirates for me, more important is that stimulate and adventure of feeling.
Pirates of the Caribbean first a formerly known as Pirates of the Caribbean-the curse of the black pearl. The curse of the black pearl,.
By Johnny Depp plays Jack Sparrow, is a yearning freedom and adventure captain. Johnny Depp acting is great, one of the most memorable is his empress gestures, and in a deserted island escape legend. He good, face the temptation of wealth without reason can not. Dare to stuck to his guns, the humor and wit humor explanation, pirate code.

3. 速求,英语作文观看电影读后感,200词,不要太深奥,比较简单


When I first saw this movie I didn't appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn’t get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches you so much about life and the meaning of it. That life isn't as bad as most people feel. Forrest Gump, the innocent man can impact so many lives with his innocence. The meaning of the movie to me is that everyone needs to have a better outlook on life. That we need to appreciate more of the little things and not let the big things hold us back. Although life may throw us trials and tribulations like a box of chocolates, we just have to bite into it and get through it even if we don't like it. I just love this movie. And anyone who hasn't seen it or who thinks that don't like it I seriously suggest seeing it or seeing it again. It truly is amazing
有些内容自己可以缩略, 网络英语教师团为您解答, 谢谢采纳!

4. 电影英文观后感200字

《silence of the lamb》
Before watching the film, I was so familiar with “the silence of the lamb”. I often see this title in some magazines. In the poster there is a woman’s head and a butterfly which is sticking on the woman’s mouth. I think this woman must be a main character of the story, and so it is. She looks beautiful and intelligent, making a good impression on me. It is said that the woman had best-actress award because of this film. And then I had the chance to enjoy this film with several classmates.

As for a young woman, Clarice has outstanding bravery and great capability. Faced to such a abnormal man, she was not afraid. She could investigate some incident alone. At last, she went to visit “Buffalo Bill” on her own. Thanks to her sober mind and quick reaction, she could kill the Buffalo Bill and save the woman ultimately. Certainly, she was highly commended for her good job.
In a word, this film is worth seeing.

5. 看英语电影的观后感200

My thought about the filmA Beautiful Mind

Yesterday I saw a film named A Beautiful Mind ,whichI like very much. A Beautiful Mind is a story film about a real genius. The prototype of the story was a mathematician named Jr.Jone Fordes Nash. In his early age ,Nash, who was handsome but very odd, made a remarkable mathematical discovery and began to enjoy international reputation. Facing the challenge of schizophrenia which destroyed many people, with the help of his wife named Alicia , he was not beaten by it and on the contrary, he fought against it bravely. Through hard efforts of decades of years ,he finally conquered the unfortunate and won the Nobel Prize for economics. This is a true moving legend story, which I like very much.

In my opinion, a good film may conct our behavior, purify our soul and change our bad minds. It may not affect you immediately, but will work when you meet with something similar. As for me , I think the hero could get through the hard times to get great success, and so can I . I believe a famous remark—There is nothing difficult in life if you try your best. As for a postgraate, to research is really a boring and lonely job. It needs patience. We should believe we can do it better if we insist on it.

6. 英语作文200字20篇电影观后感

e warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming.
A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child. A beautiful fairy stands in front of her. She had a wand in her hand. “Why do you cry? What’s the trouble? Perhaps I can help you”, the fairy says. “My mother is dead. I am lonely, and nobody loves me”, answers the girl. “I am a fairy, my home is in the moon. Do you see the light of the moon? How pleasant it is. Would you like to live with me in the moon?”
“Thank you, dear fairy, I want to go with you”.
The fairy leads the girl into a wood where there are many dwarfs. They look very busy. Every one of them has to dig the soil. They are trying to find varieties of seeds. They cultivate the fields with their hands. All day long though they are exhausted, yet they are forced to work on. Otherwise they will be whipped to death. I made up my mind to save all of those dwarfs. The sound of the bell suddenly came to my ears. I had to wake up.
Oh! This is no other than a dream. I will not let it trouble my mind. (264 words)

考试作文2: Title: A Visit to My Uncle (Grandfather,… )
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Word Limit: No less than 120 words

7. 写一篇电影观后感,英语写,200个单词左右!

Jane Austen, in December 1775 16 - July 18, 1817), Austin's biography: Austin, 1775 December (born 16 Steven meal Xiang parish family pastor. Being a good family ecation,the main material is the father of literary books. Austin, a love to read popular novels, her teenage assignments is imitation of this kind of popular novels, so that the formation of the she works in a sarcastic tone. Her six novels "sense and sensibility" (1811), pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1815), and the author's death after the publication of the Sangjiao Temple "(1818) and persuasion (1818), most of the township middle class daily life as the theme, through love and marriage and the conflict reflects the late 18th century and 19th century at the beginning of the British social style. Works are often the comic scenes of people ridiculed the stupid, selfish, snobbish and blind confidence as contemptible ridiculous weakness. Jane Austen's novel appeared in the early part of the 19th century, all the rage swept off the tide of romanticism, inherited and developed in Britain in the 18th century outstanding realist tradition, is the climax of the 19th century realism novel prepared plays an important role in forming a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

8. 我需要两篇关于电影的观后感,要英语的大概150-200左右


The movie tells the story of Forrest Gump, who was born with some disabilities, but he has overcome them and somehow seems to be present at a lot of historical moments. He's in love with his childhood friend Jenny, who constantly eludes him.

Tom Hanks gave us an unforgettable performance that goes down in history as one of the greatest. He is lost in this character and Gump takes a life of it's own. Probably one of the most lovable characters in the history of cinema. Jenny, the woman of his affections is played by Robin Wright Penn, her performance is almost saddening. Her life is constantly spiraling out of control and you can do nothing to stop it. Gary Sinise is hilarious as Lt. Dan, the hard ass in the army who loses his legs. We love to hate it at the beginning, then we come around, much like his character.

Forrest Gump is an everyman film. Meaning the almost everyone will like it. Some political messages may turn people the other way, but the overall feel of the film is something that a lot of people share. Every once in a while there is one film that touches a lot of people, I think Forrest Gump is one of those films.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman star in The Buket List. A film that was a ton better than I expected. Freeman plays Carter, an engineer and Nicholson plays Edward, a miserable rich man. Both of them have cancer. Both of them had or has a family, of course. While in the hospital, Carter comes up with a list, he calls it The Bucket List. It's a list of all of the things you want to do before you die. For instance, witness something majestic, laugh until I cry, and kiss the most beautiful girl. Edward thinks those are lame, so he adds a few.

When Edward and Carter get out of the hospital and do cooler things. They go skydiving, to France, to Africa and many other places .Sean Hayes from Will & Grace stars as Tom, Edward's assistant. Though his name's not Tom, it's Matthew. Edward thinks it's too Biblical. That's pretty funny.

The Bucket List is a fun film to watch. I don't know why so many critics around the world bashed it. It's also very funny. I think the part that makes it funny is Jack Nicholson. The film is also a drama, Nicholson's character is having problems with his daughter. The Bucket List is truly a great film. Put it on your list to watch.

9. 简爱电影观后感英文200

《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学着作。至今已152年的历史了。它的成功在于它详细的内容,精彩的片段。在译序中,它还详细地介绍了《简爱》的作者一些背景故事。 从中我了解到了作者夏洛蒂.勃郎特的许多事。她出生在一个年经济困顿、多灾多难的家庭;居住在一个远离尘器的穷乡僻壤;生活在革命势头正健,国家由农民向工业国过渡,新兴资产阶级日益壮大的时代,这些都给她的小说创作上打上了可见的烙印。 可惜,上帝似乎毫不吝啬的塑造了这个天才们。有似乎急不可耐伸出了毁灭之手。这些才华横溢的儿女,都无一例外的先于父亲再人生的黄金时间离开了人间。惜乎,勃郎特姐妹! 《简爱》这本小说,主要通过简.爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,塑造了一个出生低微、生活道路曲折,却始终坚持维护独立人格、追求个性自由、主张人生平等、不向人生低头的坚强女性。 简.爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境。从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇:姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑视,表哥的侮辱和毒打然而,她并没有绝望,她并没有自我摧毁,并没有在侮辱中沉沦.所带来的种种不幸的一切,相反,换回的却是简.爱的无限信心,却是简.爱的坚强不屈的精神,一种可战胜的内在人格力量. 不幸,在学习生活中,简.爱仍然是承受着肉体上的受罚和心灵上的催残.学校的施主罗可赫斯特不但当着全校师生的面诋毁她,而且把她置于耻辱台上示众.使她在全校师生面前丢尽了脸.但简.爱仍坚强不屈,化悲愤为力量,不但在学习上飞速进步,而且也取得了师生们的理解. 不久,简.爱又陷入了爱情的旋涡.个性及强的她同样保持着个人高贵的尊严,在情敌面前显得大家闺秀,毫不逊色,对于英格拉姆小姐的咄咄逼人,她从容面对. 同样, 在罗切斯特的面前,她从不因为自己是一个地位低贱的家庭教师,而感到自卑,她认为他们是平等的.不应该因为她是仆人,而不能受到别人的尊重.也正因为她的正直,高尚,纯洁,心灵没有受到世俗社会的污染。使得罗切斯特感到自惭性秽,同时对她肃然起敬,并深深地爱上了她。他的真心,让她感动,她接受了他.后来,简.爱发现罗切斯特已有了妻子,她的自尊自重再次出现,毫不犹豫地离开了他,她对爱情的专一,让我敬佩. 最后,简.爱得知,罗切斯特为了拯救在活中的妻子不幸双目失明.躯体严重残疾,完全丧失了生活能力,而同时又妻亡财毁.简.爱全身心的爱再次投入了他的怀抱

楼主在改改 这样可以伪原创

10. her电影观后感英文200

《她》是讲述在不远的未来人与人工智能相爱的科幻爱情电影。主人公西奥多(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是一位信件撰写人,心思细腻而深邃,能写出最感人肺腑的信件。他刚结束与妻子凯瑟琳(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)的婚姻,还没走出心碎的阴影。一次偶然机会让他接触到最新的人工智能系统OS1,它的化身萨曼莎(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 声)拥有迷人的声线,温柔体贴而又幽默风趣。西奥多与萨曼莎很快发现他们如此的投缘,而且存在双向的需求与欲望,人机友谊最终发展成为一段不被世俗理解的奇异爱情......











既然最完美的亲密关系都是意淫的产物,那么Theodore会喜欢上操作系统OS一点儿也不奇怪,这世界突然有这么一个“它”,是专属的、私密的、忠诚的,至少一开始是。你能放下防备,毫无负担地袒露脆弱、孤独和彷徨,而这个“它”又如此聪慧的理解你的喜怒哀乐,恰如其分地安慰你、鼓励你、满足你,还有比“它”更能让你释放倾诉欲、感受安全暖的“soul mate”吗?









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