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‘壹’ 德伯家的苔丝哪个版本翻译的最好



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‘贰’ 求《德伯家的苔丝》2008年免费高清百度云资源,杰玛·阿特登主演的

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《德伯家的苔丝 Tess of the D'Urbervilles》
导演: 戴维·布莱尔
编剧: 托马斯·哈代、大卫·尼克尔斯
主演: 杰玛·阿特登、埃迪·雷德梅恩、鲁思·琼斯、汉斯·麦瑟逊、伊恩·普莱斯顿-戴维斯、克里斯托弗·法里班克、乔·伍德考克、史蒂文·罗伯特森、休·斯金纳、朱迪·惠特克、肯内斯·库兰汉姆、唐纳德·桑普特、丽贝卡·斯塔顿、杰西卡·特纳、杰妮·斯巴克、Joel Rowbottom、克里斯汀·博顿利、艾玛·史坦斯费尔德、艾米丽·比查姆、崔佛·库珀、Sally Bankes、安娜·玛西、劳拉·埃尔芬斯通、Sarah Badel、Sara Lloyd-Gregory、梅丽娜·肯德尔、Sarah Counsell、Julie Barclay、艾莉·达塞·阿登
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 英国、美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2008-09-14(英国)
集数: 4
单集片长: 60分钟
善良淳朴的农家姑娘苔丝(杰玛•阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰),为了改变家人窘迫不堪的生活,在家人的劝说下去攀附有钱的亲戚德伯家族。被心性险恶的“堂哥”少爷亚历克(汉斯•麦瑟逊 Hans Matheson 饰)在密林里奸污怀孕。怀有身孕的苔丝回到父母的身边,生下的小孩却在不久后夭折,失去贞洁的苔丝在周围人的嘲笑和议论中艰难度日,心灵和肉体都遭受着巨大的伤害。南部奶牛场辛苦的劳作生活让苔丝痛苦的人生有了一个崭新的开始,并结识了英俊正直的安奇尔(埃迪•雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰),与之相爱。新婚之夜苔丝向安奇尔坦白了自己的过去,原本企图获得原谅。生于基督教家庭的安奇尔无法接受事实,离开了苔丝。痛苦的苔丝又陷入了被过往的回忆折磨的绝望生活中。而伪善的亚力克此时又再度纠缠上了她…
改编自英国着名小说家和诗人托马斯 • 哈代的同名小说...

‘叁’ 德伯家的苔丝英文

德伯家的苔丝英文是Blowing in the Wind

上周读完《苔丝》,一直想说点儿什么,后来竟失语了。《苔丝》这样的书,以前从来没有卒读,现在想来是那时看不懂。现在也没有读懂多少,但是也足以让人失语。若说现在有什么渴望,就是渴望自己的笔,能像哈代一样一点不差地勾勒出苦难,就用哈代那样单纯的笔触。 最大的苦难不是当事人觉知的苦难,是当事人根本不能觉知的苦难。


可是哈代绝不,似乎他也怜惜笔下的人,长夜未央,先让这个苦难的精灵快乐一会儿吧。苔丝和Alec 的交集埋下了她一生苦难的种子。这一段落结束的部分最精彩,就是苔搏或丝决定回自己家,她告诉Alec,有两句话实在太精彩,一是说,如果我曾基游伍经爱你,那么我现在就不会如此痛恨自己。











安吉尔抛下苔丝远走巴西,实质是什么?苔丝被实实在在地遗弃了,被自己的丈夫,被自己愿意用生命挚爱的人。可能有人可以指责Alec 是个坏人,可是很难指责阿吉尔也是坏人。安吉尔是那样的驯良又自然,完全是神仙眷属中的男主角。可是,就苔丝的一生来讲,最悲剧的部分甚至不是遇到Alec,而是遇到安吉尔。到此,已经有些伤心得写不下去了。


他不保护,不承担,不提供任何支持。可是,苔丝还是爱安吉尔,用生命去等待,去忍耐,等待他回心转意。最高潮的部分是苔丝在和Alec 重逢,被Alec纠缠不休后第一次给安吉尔写信,这是在孩子夭折后苔丝这样一个逆来顺受的弱者的第二次呼喊:你快回来吧,来保护我。这也是她最后一次的呼求。

这本书最精彩的在于,似乎作者从来不在意情节的展开和铺排,笔触愿意在哪儿停留就在哪儿停留。到这里,故事的高潮似乎还没有到来,但是文章的篇幅已经几乎用尽了。接下来的情节是苔丝因为家里情况所迫,父死,全家被赶出原有的房子,在不得已的情况下接受了一直追求她的Alec 的资助,和自己最不喜欢的Alec 在一起。

然后,这时候,收到了信的安吉尔回来找她了。两个人的会面是在苔丝和Alec 的住所,对于苔丝来讲,最不可能发生的事情发生了。她是在对安吉尔彻底绝望之后才在新的现实中找到了自己的位置,可安吉尔是她此生的理想。





如果不遇到Alec 和安吉尔,她的命运是否有被改写的机会?可是什么都没有发生。胡适说:“善恶皆不朽。”这句话我引用过很多次。因为它可以时刻提醒自己对社会和他人可能产生的影响。


‘肆’ 苔丝的故事(一)中英文

the part 1 of Tess

Tess ws born at at poor family in marlot of England ,she is the prettest girl in the village around 5 miles.all her knowledge she had came from her lessons in the village school ,after she left school she had tried to earn a little money by helping in the fields or milking cows or making butter.she blamed her monther for thoughtlessly procing so many children ,but never though about the future .she felt responsible for her little brothers and sisters and  help her mother look after them .her father don't work hard and like drink little with heart problems .


One day ,her father be noticed a historian that they are descendant of the ancient and nobel family of the d’urbrvilles .its a oldest family in the whole country . tess family have old silver spoon and old seal ,it seems can prove that are actually its. it makes her father proud.


Her monther made a suggestion ,she found there are a rich lady living on the other side of the wood have the same family name with them and must be their relation. She ask tess go and claim relationship with her ,and also persuade some help in their trouble .tess wondered how she could help her parents , she know life now become rather difficult after their horse be died ,and her father can’t set off with beehives to market without horse .


Next morning,tess walked to the town she hardly know to meet her relation.she stopped in amazement.its was large and almost new house ,it should be no lack of money here.a young man appered in the garden ,he is the son of the lady ,and told tess her monther is ill .tess very shy her face blushed a deep pink ,she told the man named alec about her family situation .and before she leave ,alex filled her basket with strawberries and flowers.

第二天苔丝去了这个她从不知道的亲戚家,她怔住了,这里有又大又新的房子,这家一定很有钱。一个年轻的男人出现在花园里,他是这家女主人的儿子,苔丝非常害羞的告诉他,关于她的家庭情况。临走前,alec 给她篮子装满了草莓和花。

It's the beginning of the the young girl meet the wrong man .

When tess arrived home the following afternoon a letter had already received by her monther .its from mrs d’urverville offered tess work looking  after chickens.


It makes tess parents delighted .it means they recognize us as a family . and few days later alec visit tess’s home and ask tess could come or not .


Persuaded by her monther,after monents hesitation .tess finally agreed to go .


The chickents for which tess was responsible lived in an old cottage on mrs d’urberville’s land .alec teach and showed tess to make whistle tunes .and she often met him in the garden and began to lose her shyness of him . tess enjony her new work with chickens.


Every Saturday night the other farm works from the surrounding area used to go to drink and dance in the market town two or three miles away .for a long time tess did not go with them .but after a while she wanted to change from the routine and began to go the weekly trips regularly .


one saturday night she was waiting for her companions as it was time to go home ,when she realized the workers cant be going home soon,she meet alec and he offered to take her to home on the back of his horse.


she hesitated then accepted .they rode along in the dark together ,she was very tired ,it have big fog and alec lost the way .tess leave there and alec go to find where they are .

when alec back tess have asleep .at the darkness and silence ,alec lay down beside her and the girl was not strong enough to resist him .


tess grillish purity lost by the wrong man .the beauty damaged by ugliness.after from now on ,tess 's life was to be completely different .


‘伍’ 跪求《苔丝(1979)》百度云无删减完整版在线观看,娜塔莎·金斯基主演的



‘陆’ 急,求德伯家苔丝的故事梗概,英文的!

这个应该可以吧?! 中英文对照 One evening in late May, for the preparation of a new county - and with the residents of this study is the pastor told Dihandeba pedigree: He is the oldest of the samurai family of German descent berghei. This sudden news to the impoverished villages hawkers happy to dancing, he whimsical to the 17-year-old daughter Tess to a nearby rich Tess to identify where Granny "for his household," from fantasy to the economy plight. In fact, Tess Granny with the ancient samurai no family history and relationship, her family is relying on loansharking started upstarts and moved here from the north, the name is sent from the museum. Tess to her home, the son of Ya-lei Rydberg boss see this girl was pretty, a plainclothes out with good intentions, to his home in Tess chicken. Three months later, Ya-lei raped her. Tess Shishen, the Ya-lei extremely contempt and loathing with her spiritual and physical trauma returned to their parents around, find themselves already pregnant. She's not only not been humiliated the sympathy of the community, instead of being ridiculed and criticized. Babies born shortly after YAO out, to the misery of Tess change the environment, to the south a milk factory work. In the milk factory, she recognized the 26-year-old chi Klein. He is sprung from the rich family pastor, the administration has so far refused to take Fuxiong wishes to inherit the mantle pastor willing to give up on the University of opportunity to come here to learn the skills cattle, in order to self-reliance. In the workforce, and the Gong Tess had a mutual feeling of love. When he proposed the chi parents with a married Miss Mendanghui the Wealthy, he flatly refused. Tess and the thinking is very contradictory, she not only the integrity of the human chi, self-reliance and will have a favorable impression of her care, it has been in mourning Shishen, not qualified to be his wife. But finally overcome strong love of remorse for the past, and the chi she was married. Wedding night, Tess determination, to their own "sins" of the original text told chi. But when she finish a Ya-lei and the events of their own, seemingly thinking of the opening of the chi Klein did not forgive her, but decide to mercilessly, to Brazil to Yuandiechongxiang alone, and although he himself did not know a and the dissolute life of the woman. Tess abandoned broken heart. Her loneliness, remorse, anger, despair, but to the whole family, she had to enre humiliation and suffering. At the same time, she was holding a glimmer of hope for getting her husband to change its mind and return to its own side. Day, in the chi-Tess to inquire about information on the way back and found her virginity destroyed the Ya-lei actually become priests, the endless talk of virtue and morality are sermons. Ya-lei also entangled Tess, and her shameless attempt to cohabitation. Tess also afraid of gas, then to her husband wrote a long letter to implore Klein quickly return to protect themselves. Klein in Brazil sick Cross also experienced the ordeal. He then abandoned Tess regret the reckless behavior, decided to return to Britain and Tess Yanguixuhao. But when Tess family misfortune occurred: sudden death of his father, housing landlord was recovered, no family shelter, with no life. In this difficult moment, Ya-lei take advantage of money Youbi Tess and his cohabitation. Klein's return, like a sharp sword, Tess from a state of numbness Hune thorn Peter. In despair, she personally killed Ya-lei, catch up with Klein, in the desert wilderness in a few days to flee through the joy of life. Finally, the dawn of a quiet, Tess arrested, and then liable to be hanged; Klein with Tess's behest, with the feelings of remorse and Tess's sister started a new life. 五月下旬的一个傍晚,一位为编写新郡志而正在考察这一带居民谱系的牧师告诉约翰·德伯:他是该地古老的武士世家德伯氏的后裔。这一突如其来的消息,使这个贫穷的乡村小贩乐得手舞足蹈,他异想天开地要17岁的大女儿苔丝到附近一个有钱的德伯老太那里去认“本家”,幻想借此摆脱经济上的困境。 实际上,德伯老太与这古老的武士世家毫无渊源关系,她家是靠放高利贷起家的暴发户,从北方迁到这里,这个姓也是从博物馆里找来的。苔丝到她家后,德伯老大的儿子亚雷见这个姑娘长得漂亮,便装出一片好心,让苔丝在他家养鸡。三个月后,亚雷奸污了她。 苔丝失身之后,对亚雷极其鄙视和厌恶,她带着心灵和肉体的创伤回到父母身边,发现自己已经怀孕了。她的受辱不仅没有得到社会的同情,反而受到耻笑和指责。婴儿生下后不久就夭析,痛苦不堪的苔丝决心改换环境,到南部一家牛奶厂做工。 在牛奶厂,她认识了26岁的安玑·克莱。他出身于富有的牧师家庭,却不肯秉乘父兄旨意,继承牧师的衣钵,甘愿放弃上大学的机会,来这里学习养牛的本领,以求自立。在劳动中,苔丝和安巩互相产生了爱慕之情。当安玑父母提议他与一个门当户对的富家小姐结婚时,他断然拒绝了。而苔丝的思想却十分矛盾,她既对安玑正直的为人、自立的意志和对她的关怀有好感,又自哀失身于人,不配做他的妻子。但强烈的爱终于战胜了对往事的悔恨,她和安玑结了婚。 新婚之夜,苔丝下定决心,要把自己的“罪过”原原本本地告诉安玑。但一当她讲完自己与亚雷的往事之后,貌似思想开通的安玑·克莱不仅没有原谅她,反而翻脸无情,只身远涉重洋到巴西去了,尽管他自己也曾和一个不相识的女人放荡地生活过。 被遗弃的苔丝心碎了。她孤独、悔恨、愤慨、绝望,但为了全家的生活,她只好忍受屈辱和苦难。同时,她还抱着一线希望,盼着丈夫回心转意,回到自己身边。 一天,在苔丝去安玑家打听消息回来的途中,发现毁掉她贞操的亚雷居然成了牧师,满口仁义道德地正在布道。亚雷还纠缠苔丝,无耻地企图与她同居。苔丝又气又怕,随即给丈夫写了一封长信,恳求克莱迅速归来保护自己。 克莱在巴西贫病交加,也历尽磨难。他后悔当时遗弃苔丝的卤莽行为,决定返回英国与苔丝言归于好。但这时苔丝家又发生变故:父亲猝然去世,住屋被房主收回,全家栖身无所,生活无着。在这困难关头,亚雷乘虚而入,用金钱诱逼苔丝和他同居。克莱的归来,犹如一把利刃,把苔丝从麻木浑噩的状态中刺醒。在绝望中,她亲手杀死了亚雷,追上克莱,他们在荒漠的原野里度过了几天逃亡的欢乐生活。最后在一个静谧的黎明,苔丝被捕,接着被处绞刑;克莱遵照苔丝的遗愿,带着忏悔的心情和苔丝的妹妹开始了新的生活。


‘柒’ 苔丝的英文简介

Hardy (1840-1928) is an outstanding English realistic novelist and poet. Born in a small village adjacent to the Waste Land of Dorset. As an apprentice in his youth, he taught himself Latin, Greek and theological works.

He studied French at London University and began to write literature at the same time.

Tess is the representative work of Thomas Hardy, an outstanding British critical realist writer at the end of the 19th century. This novel establishes his position as the most outstanding British critical realist writer at the end of the 19th century.

Hardy wrote 14 novels in his lifetime, including Return of the Native, Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. He also wrote four short stories, eight lyrics and the epic The Kings.

Hardy's novels mostly reflect the changes of social economy, politics, morality, customs and the tragic fate of the people caused by the invasion of capitalist forces into English rural towns, expose the hypocrisy of the suffocating bourgeois moral and legal concepts, and eulogize the instrious, simple, honest and kind of the working people.

Tess, a beautiful and kind-hearted rural girl, was ravaged by the bourgeois young master, Ariel D'Urberville. From then on, she began to fall into the abyss of pain. Later she met Claire and they really loved each other.

On her wedding night, Tess told Claire about her tragic past in order to be loyal to her husband. In return, she left relentlessly. Forced by a difficult life, Tess fell into the hands of Are again. At this time, the return of Claire made Tess feel extremely desperate.

In order to live with her loved ones, she killed Ale, who brought endless pain to herself. A few days later, Tess was arrested and sentenced to death for murder. Clare followed Tess's instructions and started a new life with her sister.

In fact, Tess's tragedy is the result of many factors. First of all, Tess herself was a kind, innocent and rambling girl who had the courage to take responsibility.

When the family was in a bad state and had to turn to the so-called "Debo" family for help, Tess went to Tranland alone to take care of her family's livelihood.

After being insulted, she decided to leave again; she loved her family and children.

Tess was willing to continue to wronged herself for her parents, brothers and sisters, and to baptize her children after being insulted. Although she occasionally felt painful for herself as a "mother of a nameless child", she still "treated everything with peace of mind".

At the same time, Tess is also a brave pursuit of self-love. Although she was born in the countryside, she was different from those who lived in the countryside. In this land, most women think of marrying a rich family or clinging to a prestigious aristocrat.

Tess was different. She did not like Ariel and refused to be his mistress. Even though she was insulted and her reputation was damaged, she still firmly believed in herself.

Her love for Claire was unflinching. Although she had repeated her experience as a milkman in the dairy farm, when Claire found her again, she decided to leave with him.

However, from another point of view, Tess has her own hesitation and procrastination. Her deferral is different from the collapse of Hamlet's humanistic beliefs, but comes from the restraint of patriarchal ideas.

Tess's pursuit of love often wavered between the female independence under the humanistic belief and the fetters of patriarchal women.

The hardship of her family requires her to shoulder the responsibility of raising her family, which prevents her further pursuit of self-happiness. Humanistic beliefs also tell her that self-happiness is equally important.

Her love for Claire was influenced by her social attitudes, and her humanistic beliefs made her realize that she did not need to worry about the concept of family status.

Social morality is that she once considered herself a "sinner" and couldn't get the love she deserved. Then she cowered in Claire's repeated pursuits and consciously betrayed him.
















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