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发布时间: 2023-05-27 05:13:37

1. 帮我用英语写一篇关于介绍电影后天的文章

In director Roland Emmerich's 'Independence Day' (1996), a boffin eventually defeats the space aliens that have wrought explosive havoc all over America (and incidentally the rest of the world) – without provocation. In 'Godzilla' (1998), a boffin eventually defeats the giant iguana that has rampaged through New York City's highrise – but the fact that the lizard's mutation was a proct of exposure to Pacific nuclear testing hinted that humankind was just reaping what it (or at least what the French) had sown. And now in 'The Day After Tomorrow', there is yet more disaster and destruction on a truly massive scale all over America (and incidentally the rest of the world), only this time the enemy is global warming, the starring boffin is unable to do anything to defeat it, and the blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of Western consumerism and blinkered US governance. In other words, Emmerich's delight in sublime catastrophe may be consistent to the point of repetitivene ss, but at least the man is maturing politically.

A sequence of extreme weather conditions (snow in New Delhi, bucket-sized hailstones in Tokyo, spectacular tornadoes in downtown LA) leads palaeoclimatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) to realise that a new ice age is coming. His son Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal) becomes trapped in New York's Public Library when a tidal wave strikes the city, and is forced to fight rapidly dropping temperatures – and a pack of hungry wolves escaped from the zoo – while Jack and two colleagues attempt the perilous journey from Washington to find him.

'The Day After Tomorrow' has everything you expect from a disaster movie: personal dramas set against apocalyptic mayhem; lots of scenes set in control rooms (with no-one in control); recognisable public monuments being torn apart/flooded/buried under snow/snapfrozen; and episodes so preposterously daft that you just have to love them, as when Jack feels the need to explain the relationship between the North Atlantic current and the world's climate to a room full of meteorological experts, or when Sam and his friends outrun a towering wall of water (and later a fast-moving coldsnap). Silliest of all is the realisation that Jack has undertaken his journey not to save the good burghers of New York, nor even just to save his own son, but rather simply to prove that he can for once keep an appointment – making the final scenes of this film hilariously anticlimactic, as our hero is left with literally nothing to do except grin.

While Emmerich is really only going over visual effects already well covered by films like 'Deep Impact', 'Twister' or even 'Meteor', he comes into his own in battering his viewers with total sensory overload to convey the sheer, overwhelming scale of the devastation. The bass rumble which accompanies the wave rolling through New York is quite simply the most ear-splitting sound ever heard in a cinema, and if the film's cataclysmic, but occasionally ropey, CGI fails to humble you, the soundtrack might just succeed.

It is for its politics, however, that this film is most audacious, as it represents a direct attack on the refusal of the current US administration to rece greenhouse emissions. Even if it is somewhat simplistic, 'The Day After Tomorrow' may have more impact on Bush's stance on the environment than any serious science could, as it terrifies its American viewers into doing something that the British have always enjoyed – talking about the weather.

It's Got: Widespread demolition of American cities beyond al Qaidas wildest dreams; fun environmentalist Bush-ting; neat satirical scenes in which floods of US nationals are forced to cross the Mexican border as illegals; and weather conditions as cold as a brass monkeys proverbials (still, mustnt grumble).

It Needs: To be seen (and heard) in a decent cinema - without its scale, there would be little left but cheese.


Deep Impact, Meteor, The Twelve Monkeys, Twister
At last the British get to see a film entirely about the weather.

2. 电影后天英文简介

(Acquired) is a 2004 American science fiction film, described the cold of global warming and global disasters arising.

3. 灾难片《后天》故事梗概是怎样的


4. 电影《后天》讲了什么故事



5. 电影后天的主旨是什么


英文片名:《The Day After Tomorrow》

导 演:罗兰德-艾默里克 Roland Emmerich

领衔主演: 丹尼斯-奎德 杰克-吉伦荷


中影发行集团公司 华夏电影发行公司



冰河世纪的威胁 严重的温室效应


注意到温室效应所带来的恐怖后果,《后天》导演罗兰-艾默里奇决心让《后天》成为全球首部完全“碳中和”(carbon-neutral)的A级制作: “拍片时大量使用的灯光、发电机和燃料,都让温室效应更加严重,我们努力让排放出来的二氧化碳被中和吸收掉来弥补地球?钡缬啊逗筇臁泛吐锥氐摹拔蠢瓷�帧弊橹?Future Forests)合作,由未来森林计算拍摄这部电影将会制造的二氧化碳总量,然后在加州跟不丹种植森林!不仅如此,导演还出资购买省电灯泡到牙买加以及协助美国低收入户家庭省电计划!真正做到不恶化温室效应,证实卖座电影也能爱护地球。






自然灾难的大集合 超逼真特效



狡猾的罗兰·艾默里奇几乎把所有关于水的灾难片里的元素都调动起来了,《天地大冲撞》中的洪水,在这次变成了冰川溶化后的滔天巨浪,狂涌入纽约市,《龙卷风》中的飓风,此次变得更加强大,掀起汽车和房屋已如家常便饭,它甚至把整个洛杉矶都撕裂殆?;褂性凇逗筇臁分兴�赜械娜玷肿影愦笮〉谋�⑾�鞫��蟊 ┓缪└哺橇诵碌吕铮�肺耷袄�拇蟊┯甓冀吁喽�础W詈蠡褂杏捎谑鼙�ㄆ谟跋于�纬傻耐蚶锉�猓�桓龃游丛谝�簧先绱吮普娉鱿止�谋�蛹驼瓜衷谖颐敲媲啊5苯裼疤澄ㄓ小逗筇臁吩谕�皇奔洌�盐奘�跏涝帜淹惩吃蚁蛉思洹?


在这部影片中,给人最震撼之感的就是极其惊人和逼真的特效。历史上罕见或从未有过的惊心动魄的旷世灾难这次真实地展现在我们眼前。影片中,最经典的画面就是纽约市"速冻"前后的画面,冲天巨浪狂涌进纽约市,自由女神被淹没,万巷瞬息沉没在汪洋之中,万吨巨轮竟被冲进楼宇之间。而转瞬间,气温骤降,浩瀚汪洋中的纽约城又变成冰封世界,茫茫冰原上,只留下自由女神的头像,象征着人类文明城市大半也永埋入冰雪中。人类和人类所创造的世界在大自然面前显得如此渺? T诖舜危?0世纪福斯公司花足了心血,融合了《鸟》、《龙卷风》、《天地大冲撞》等灾难的视觉奇观。

《后天》虽只拍摄了380个特效镜头,但它们却是导演艾默里奇职业生涯中最复杂的镜头,艾默里奇谈到在一个活动拖车里虚拟出纽约城被冰冻起来的效果时说, “这是我首先想象出的一个场景,所有的道具都是为影片而特殊制作的,但他们看起来必须能够以假乱真,无论是汹涌的洪水,还是呼啸而来的暴风雪,所有的特效必须没有任何破绽。所以我们在六个特殊制作的布景房间里像变戏法一样轮换着进行拍摄,海啸、地震……这样,看起来所有的灾难就仿佛真真切切地发生在地球上一样。”


三、1.25亿美元巨制 全球同步上映

2002年7月,二十世纪福斯公司打败了派拉蒙、梦工?⒒非蚝突�尚值艿惹康校�沼谇赖谩逗筇臁返牡缬芭纳闳ǎ�⒀�冒��锲?《独立日》、《酷斯拉》) 这位擅长科幻灾难题材的导演,而制作成本高达1亿2500万美元,将近90%的预算都用来制作特技效果。而且由于某些特效场面的制作难度过大,福斯公司决定将部分片段重新制作,所以该片的公映日期推迟了一年。本片原定2003年夏天上映,最终成为今年暑期的鸣锣大片。奎德扮演名为霍尔的古气候学教授,而他所要解决的难题比他以往面临的问题要困难得多:解救冰冻的地球。







6. 电影 后天 的中英文简介 100字左右

The day after tomorrow is a science fiction film proced by 20th century fox.


Directed by Roland emmerich, the film stars Dennis quaid, jake gyllenhaal, Amy rosen and Sarah ward.


It was released in the United States on May 28, 2004.


The film mainly tells the story of the greenhouse effect caused by the earth's climate change.








7. 电影《后天》的英文简介

Plot Summary:
This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...

8. 灾难片<后天>的英文简介

The Day After Tomorrow 《后天》

starring: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dash Mihok, Jay O Sanders丹尼斯-奎德、杰克-吉伦哈尔、艾米-罗森、莎拉-沃德
director: Roland Emmerich 罗兰德-艾默里克
studio: 20th Century Fox 发行公司:二十世纪福斯影片公司

级别rating: PG-13
上映时间release date: May 28, 2004
片长runtime: 124 minutes

synopsis 内容大纲
What if we are on the brink of a new Ice Age? This is the question that haunts climatologic Jack Hall. Hall's research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the planet's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been competing in a high school academic competition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his planet.

9. 后天的英文简介


The Day After Tomorrow

The science fiction film,The Day After Tomorrow,directed by Roland Emmerich,is not only a film about the crack of doom,but also a powerful critique of the envirenmental protection policies of The Bush Administration.It describes the process into glacial period after the one-day sudden decreasing of termperature in the USA.Humans in the film are faced with a catastrophe in terror and helplessly.The film contains a lot of special effects,convulses us and brings us into deep think of the severe damage we made to the environment.

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