❶ 各种电影名的英文
《Be There or Be Square》--在那里或者是平等的(《不见不散》,云山雾罩的还是见了就快点散了吧)
《Seventeen Years》--十七年(故弄玄虚,《回家过年》)
《So Close to Paradise》--天堂如此之近(《扁担,姑娘》,译名比原名有意思,原名让人想起什么《辘轳,女人和狗》之类的东东, “ 解不开的小疙瘩呀 ” )
《Ashes of Time》--时间的灰烬(《东邪西毒》,这个译名意味深长,无论你是东邪还是西毒,武功再高还不是最后都成了时间的灰烬?)
《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》--四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血(《水浒传》,《水浒传》有个英文译名就是《四海之内皆兄弟》)
《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora‘s Box》--中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(《大话西游之月光宝盒》,这个绝对是入乡随俗了,不过好象都挨不上边耶,葡萄)
《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》灰姑娘(《大话西游之仙履奇缘》,至尊宝成了孙悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!葡萄)
《Funeral of the Famous Star》--明星的葬礼(淡出鸟来,《大腕》)
《Dream Factory》--梦工厂(《甲方乙方》,够NB的)
《Steel Meets Fire》--钢遇上了火(翻译遇上了鬼?《烈火金刚》)
《Third Sister Liu》--第三个姐姐刘(《刘三姐》,典型的不动脑筋)
《Steal Happiness》--偷喜(《没事偷着乐》,直接联想到了 “ 偷欢 ” ,以为是限制级的)
《Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker》--红鞭炮,绿鞭炮(《炮打双灯》,儿童片?)
《Breaking the Silence》--打破沉默(《漂亮妈妈》,译名直接,反观原名倒有卖弄风情之感)
《Emperor‘s Shadow》--帝国的阴影(《秦颂》,是说希特勒的?)
《In the Mood for Love》-- 在爱的情绪中(《花样年华》,恋爱中的译者)
《From Beijing with Love》--从北京带着爱(到香港换不了菜,《国产007》)
《Fatal Decision》--重大选择(可惜FATAL有致命的意思,致命的抉择?《生死抉择》)
《In the Heat of the Sun》--在炎热的太阳下(《阳光灿烂的日子》,原文的 “ 阳光灿烂 ” 可有寓意啊。译文让JEWAYS想起中学语文第几课来着--祥子拉着人力车在街上走)
《Keep Cool》--保持冷静(《有话好好说》,郁讵!)
《Far Far Place》--很远很远的地方(《在那遥远的地方》,想起LONG LONG AGO)
《Sixty Million Dollar Man》--六千万美圆的男人(《百变星君》,谈钱很俗耶)
《Flirting Scholar》--正在调情的学者(别人看《红楼梦》看到诗,你看到了屎?《唐伯虎点秋香》)
《Royal Tramp》--皇家流浪汉(《鹿鼎记》,为什么不译成 “ 皇家马德里 ” ?)
《Flowers of Shanghai》--上海之花(PG18?《海上花》)
《A Better Tomorrow》--明天会更好( “ 玉山白雪飘零,燃烧少年的心...” ,《英雄本色》)
《Color of a Hero 》--英雄的颜色(《英雄本色》的另一译名,是不是李阳的学生译的啊?--GIVE YOU COLORS TO SEE SEE-- 给你点颜色瞧瞧)
《Once Upon a Time in China》--从前在中国(《黄飞鸿》,大而无边)
《Twin Warriors》--孪生勇士(《太极张三丰》,张三丰是双胞胎吗?)
《A Man Called Hero》--一个叫做英雄的男人(《中华英雄》,译者偷懒,照抄影评的第一句)
《Swordsman 3:The East is Red》--剑客3之东方红(《东方不败之风云再起》,东方一红就不败)
《Mr. Nice Guy》--好人先生(《一个好人》,有美国本土片名风格,国内译者可能会译成A GOOD MAN)
《Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon》--(《瘦虎肥龙》这位译者一定是后来翻译《卧虎藏龙》的那位吧)
《Saviour of the Soul》--灵魂的救星(啊呸!真不要脸!《九一神雕侠侣》)
❷ 产生消极影响用英语怎么说
make negative influence
And inorganic ion in HA solution can make negative influence.
negative influence
英文发音:[ˈneɡətɪv ˈɪnfluəns]
This will often exert much negative influence on their life and work.
You can't learn anything with negative attitude.
She's not a very good influence on the youth of this country.
❸ 劲什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么
- 拼 音 jìn jìng
- 部 首 力
- 笔 画 7
- 五 行 木
- 繁 体 劲
- 五 笔 CALN
[ jìn ]
1.力气,力量 :~头。费~。干~。
2.精神,情绪,兴趣 :干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。亩伍谨
[ jìng ]坚强有力 :~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。
1. 劲 2. 劲
(形声。从力坙声。①( jìng)本义:强劲有力。②力气)
力量力气 。如:劲兵(精锐部队);牛劲儿(大力气);加劲(增加力量);用劲(用力);带劲(有力量);脚劲(两腿的力气)
精神;情绪 。如:上劲(精神振奋劲头儿大);起劲(情绪高劲头儿大);干得非常起劲;他们真有这股劲儿;要鼓实劲不要鼓虚劲
神情;态度 。如:他们都显出高兴劲;骄傲劲儿;精明劲儿;别扭劲儿
趣味;兴趣 。如:打扑克没劲;他们两不对劲
指某种程度限度 。如:熟过了劲;白劲儿;香劲儿;够劲儿
另见 jìng
良将劲弩守要塞。——汉· 贾谊《新书·过秦论上》
风力虽尚劲。——明· 袁宏道《满井游记》
此劲敌也。——清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》
笔法遒劲 。如:劲骏(挺拔俊逸);劲丽(挺拔秀丽);劲妙(刚健神妙);劲利(形容书法雄健流利)
风劲角弓鸣。——唐· 王维《观猎》
摧坚陷劲所向有功。——明· 屈大均《东广州县起义传》
另见 jìn
【释义】 ①力量;力气:使劲|有劲|手劲。②精神;情绪:冲劲儿|干劲十足。③效力;作用:酒劲儿|药劲儿。④神情:瞧他那高兴劲儿!⑤趣味:这电视剧真没劲! 更多→ 劲
strong unyielding tough power
使劲 费劲 遒劲 强劲 较劲 来劲 脚劲 吃劲 闯劲 后劲 对劲 叫劲 下劲 松劲 更多劲组词[劲]相关搜寻
劲力 劲敌 劲风 劲草 劲挺 劲头 劲旅 劲道 劲的成语 劲字开头的成语
❹ 触不可及用英文怎么说
触不可及 英文意思 翻译 谢谢!
我一直喜欢你却触不可及 用英文是?
i like you , but cant touch you
奇妙的缘分说不清道不明,让爱与感动在时间中开花结果。电影开头那段被劫持的经历印证了他们之间无可替代的默契与羁绊。 也许是时间的力量,也许只是那一个在黑暗中突然出现的鼓励的眼神,重塑了他们俩彼此的生命。生命,因为有你,从此变得不一样。在最后,德瑞斯为菲利普细心安排好那一次约会,他为他做了能做的,直到菲利普找到人生的归宿,重获了爱情。他才放心地离开。看着德瑞斯渐渐远去的背影,所有的话语全部化成感动,流淌在心间,潺潺不息。真正的朋友是在你困难的时候能给你鼓励,希望你好的。
Through the Looking Glass. Lewis Carroll. In the novel that follows Alice in Wonderland,young Alice seeks to return home while exploring a mad,enchanted land and dodging those who seek to do her harm.
In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic
millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his
carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie. Out of the blue, the rude
African Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the
Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is
seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit.
Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to
gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like
to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the
mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees.
求电影 无法触碰 的英文简介和剧情介绍
After he bees a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires a young man from the projects to be his caretaker.
In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic millionaire that is interviewing candidates for the position of his caretaker with his red-haired secretary Magalie. Out of the blue, the rude African Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks to Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position to receive his unemployment insurance. Philippe challenges Driss and offers a period of adaptation of one week to him to gain experience helping him. Then Driss would decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the bet and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees.
The manager will deal with all the plaints
《触不可及》明看是一部谍战片,细察是一部爱情片,当谍战与爱情并行的时候,二者的催化作用,时时折磨和煎熬着孙红雷和桂纶镁这一对恋人。维系两人感情纽带的,唯有那一支支或雄浑或悲壮或缠绵或悱恻的探戈,伴随着舞曲《Por una cabeza》,带领观众走入那乱世的旋爱之中。
《Por una cabeza》作为探戈界的真正神曲,也是各大影视剧热衷使用的配乐,无论《闻香识女人》、《辛德勒的名单》、《真实的谎言》、《史密斯夫妇》,以及徐静蕾导演的《杜拉拉升职记》,都有它最华彩的呈现。这是在1935年由阿根廷史上最负盛名的阿根廷探戈无冕之王 Carlos Gardel(卡洛斯·加德尔)所作的一首探戈舞曲,用来表示对情人之间错综复杂难以割舍的惋惜,歌曲的中文译名大多叫做《一步之遥》,这个译名与片名《触不可及》有着同样微妙的情绪,将片中男女主角若即若离的情感,进行了恰如其分的表达。
也翻译成《无法触碰》 ,应该就是两个人的世界完完全全没有交集的意思。一个是上流社会富甲一方的白人,一个是贫民区温饱都成问题的黑人,两种人无论从世界观、价值观还是身世都完全不同,但这只是一开始。飞利浦从幽默这个共同点切入,给了德瑞斯一个工作的机会,从此拉开了二人相互信任到惺惺相惜的序幕。我想老头子刚开始只是赌气德瑞斯说他没有幽默感吧,没有幽默感?!开玩笑,我可是法国人耶,竟然说我没有幽默感!!哈哈,只是飞利浦试用德瑞斯的原因之一,我相信真实的原因还是因为他的善良。他宁可给冒险也打算给这样一个看起来吊儿郎当、什么也不可能做好的年轻人一个认可自我、树立自信的机会。 《Intouchables》有那么点遥不可及的意思,但这只是陈述了两人最初的状态,随着时间的流逝,二人之间的友情坚不可摧!!向友谊致敬!!
❺ 保持良好的心情用英文怎么说
Keep a good mood
1、读音:英 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd] 美 [kiːp ə ɡʊd muːd]
4、例句:Tobeahealthyperson,youshouldkeepagoodmood. 想成为一个健康的人,备孝你应该保持良好的心情。
同根词组:keep silence
1、读音:英 [kiːp ˈsaɪləns] 美 [kiːp ˈsaɪləns]
4、例句:'shearttokeepsilence. 她这做母亲的再也忍不住要说几声了。
❻ 伤感说说英文带翻译
You say you don't want to disappoint her, then you disappoint me peace.
Until one day, even lonely said tired.
The world is full of chance we meet, but I still can't meet you.
The ferry you pull someone's hand, and I was looking for the years lost in the spring and autumn.
There is a person who teaches you how to love, but he does not love you.
The sky is blue and could not clear, I always hope in despair.
No matter how deep, have become a stranger.
Forever is a person, nothing, including I care about friends.
Would like to ask you, there is no song, you sing, will think of me.
Who sing song, who to say love to you, who wrote.
Enthusiasm for the wrong man, what is love.
Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
He only regards you as a game, but you play with him.
If only met can not stay as not meet.
After you leave, in addition to recall what really wood.
Afraid of love, because it is poison, I was too poisoned.
I am a funny than to you, you do not know love is God Lengnan.
I miss, love you for many years.
The girl will never forget her first boy who took the life to love.
The person I trust most has taught me not to trust anyone easily.
The so-called growth is put heavy things easy, light things on.
These years only admire the man is himself, even if do stupid things are so hard.
The biggest pain is met you, but missed you.
The moment I softhearted, heartache.
The bell rings in the middle of the night, silence or Pss ignored, the heart is dead.
I can not stop the wind, can not hold the whole sky.
You don't say you love me, I don't know you love me.
In the face of too many changes and parting want to cherish feels powerless.
If the Pvious love is not in love, then I do not know what it is.
Youth is to make you laugh loudly, but also give you inexplicable pain.
I will think of your smile when you have no motivation.
But I never thought, to make up your mind to leave you.
I was so proud to show off you.
If you don't care about me, I will be on you in the same way.
Some stories are too late to really start, was written yesterday.
You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
Thank you for coming to my side, I'm sorry you finally left.
I cross the crowd alone but not redeemed by time kidnapped you.
A person is not alone, think of a person alone.
Full of lonely and sad little-known eventually nobody can understand.
Too long did not meet people will slowly miss even gone.
Forget yourself once more simple, not dirty not hide a dagger behind a smile.
I'm crossing the road, where are you.
After separation, don't say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you wish me happiness!
I met you somewhere, the original is not the original, only you can.
Some pain can not tell, until slowly forget.
Is to have how silly, how many idiots, can smile after the pain forgive.
Oath of beauty but only like a meteor. Only the moment of glory.
The man with the time and heart, not the eyes and those groundless talk.
Life consists in the fullness of the heart, not in the possession of the outside.
You're crazy without me, I'm strong without you.
I even think the name of the child is good, can give his surname who is not in.
A far fetched happiness, is the most senior of sorrow.
Nothing in this world is fake, good for yourself.
The people who hurt you most are the ones who said they never would.
A movie that has gone away, no more retrospective.
One day I will warm the heart as ice like people from.
How long I have no mood, how long did not think of you.
Graation day I thought I left the hell, in fact, I left heaven.
No matter when you end, it is important that you do not regret after ended.
Do not over this, I wish you happiness, but also I lonely.
Mouth up action, already not belong to me.
Listen to your favorite songs, write what we had.
Everyone has a soft heart where the record of the past bit by bit.
Even if I lose everything, I can do nothing.
Pursue my life that pure, heart not wipe that cloud.
Find a boy who loves to make you laugh. He will warm you like the sun.
The wound is ugly and shameful. Can only hide in loneliness.
Can only cultivate feelings, not love.
If sad, please don't embarrass yourself to smile, sometimes smile is cruel.
Whether exit will have happiness, is not forgotten can be all.
I thought I would be the strongest one, I overestimated themselves.
The most painful distance, you are not around, but in my heart.
The most humble but love, the most cool thin but people.
Rely on can make people happy but it can also make you hurt injured all over the body.
The snow wind Piaoguo my face, I still miss you so.
I wish you had it alone, blind your eyes I have no choice.
Don't say you love me, love me you will not care about me.
Do not meet also do not meet good, you will always be, I remember the look.
When there is love, we must love, when love has become the past, do not chase.
❼ 紧张的用英语怎么说
n. 紧张,焦虑;紧张关系,紧张局势;矛盾,冲突;(电线、绳子、肌肉等的)拉紧,绷紧;拉力,张力;(电影、书桥和岁籍中的)紧张情绪,恐怖气氛;(编织的)针织密度;电压
v. 使拉紧,使紧张
surface tension[流]表面张力 ; 表面张力系数 ; 界面张力 ; 表面张力场
tension headache紧张性头痛 ; 紧张性头疼 ; 严重性头疼 ; 严重性头痛
tension test张力试验 ; 拉力试验 ; 拉张棚桐试验
High Tension高压 ;[电]高电压 ; 高张力
belt tension传动带张力
pressure, strain, stress, tension
Thetensionwasmounting perceptibly.
❽ 心情不好英文怎么说
心情不好的英文是:“not in a good mood”或者“not feeling good”。
❾ 生气时或情绪激动时说的英语
1. 活该! serves you(him, her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)
e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!
2. 活该! you had it coming!
e.g. a: i gained weight!
b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much
without exercising.
3. 胡闹 that’s monkey business!
e.g. a: stop fooling around! That’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本
注:本句也可敏笑把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”
3.请便! help yourself.
do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。)
4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!
注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问桥旁含句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。
5.才怪! yeah,right!
as if!
e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.
b: yeah, right!
a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪!
注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。
6.加油! go for it!
e.g. a: go for it! you can do it!
注:这是鼓启态励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。
7.够了! enough!
stop it!
注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)
8.放心! I got your back.
e.g. a: don’t worry, man. i got your back.
注:这句原本来自“I’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗
9.爱现! showoff!
e.g. a: he’s been doing that all day. what a showoff!
注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is
always showing off his strength.
10.讨厌! so annoying!
e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!
11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)
e.g. a: it’s all settled. There’s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确
12.真棒! That’s great!
13.好险! that was close!
e.g. a: I’m so glad you made it. that was close!
注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同。
14.闭嘴! shut up!
15.好烂! It sucks!
e.g. a: that sucks. don’t buy it.
16.真巧! what a coincidence!
17.幼稚! immature!
e.g. a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she’s so immature.
what a baby!
e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby!
18.花痴! Flirt!
e.g. a: You are such a flirt! Stop kissing up to him! He doesn’t like you
at all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。
19.痞子! riff raff!
e.g. a: These people give me the creeps. Riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。
注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。
20.找死! Playing with fire!
e.g. a: Are you crazy? You’re playing with fire!
21.色狼! Pervert!
e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!
注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如:“You are rally perverted.” 。
22.精彩! Super!
e.g. A: Good job. That’s super!
23.算了! Forget it!
24.糟了! Shit!/ Fuck!/ Damn!
e.g. A: Shit! This stinks! 糟了!这好臭!
注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“***”等等咒骂的字,Damn是其中最温和的一个。
25.废话! Bullshit!
e.g. A: I don’t believe it. That’s bullshit!
26.变态! Pervert!
e.g. A: Let’s get out of here. There are so many perverts here.
27.吹牛! Brag.
e.g. A: He’s bragging. There’s no way he could do that!
28.装傻! Play mb.
e.g. A: Don’t play mb. You know about that.
29.偏心。 Biased (prejudiced)。
e.g. A: Stop saying those things about it. You’re just biased. 不要再这
A:He’s so prejudiced. He helps her just because he likes her.
注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“The author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。
30.无耻! Shameless!
e.g. A: How could you do such a thing! You’re shameless! 这种事你也做得出
注: Shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕丢脸的意思。
31.你敢? You dare?
e.g. A: I want to challenge you!
B: You dare?
32.赞成! I approve. / That’s a good idea.
e.g. A: Let’s go for a walk.
B: Sure. I approve.
33.好饱! I’m stuffed.
34. 休想! Over my dead body!/ No way!
e.g. A: You want to marry that guy? Over my dead body!
35.成交! It’s a deal!
36. 干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong? / what do you think
you are doing? / what happened? / what for?
37. 不会吧? That won’t happen, will it?
e.g. A: He will win the game. That won’t happen, will it?
不会吧? No, she’s not like that, is she?
e.g. A: Are you sure she stole the jewels? No, she’s not like that, is
不会吧? No, it won’t, will it?
e.g. A: He may not have much longer to live.
B: No, he won’t die, will he?
不会吧? No way! (or Be smart!, 较礼貌一点)
37. 起内哄。 Fighting one’s own. / In-fighting.
e.g. A: That company wasted too much time fighting its own.
A: I won’t tolerate this in-fighting!
38. 狗屎运! Lucky bastard!
e.g. A: He won the lottery! Lucky bastard!
39. 没风度。 Crass
e.g. A: He’s so crass. There’s no way I would date him.
40. 你说呢? So what? e.g. A: You are such a bad person. Who’s gonna
like you?
B: So what?
你说呢! You tell me! e.g. A: What are we going to do?
B: You tell me!
注:说“So what”时,若语气冷淡,则表示不在乎;若语气带挑衅,则表示不要人干涉,有“你管我 ”“那又怎样”的意思。
41. 别傻了! Wise up! E.g. A: Please, you believe that? Wise up!
Don’t be silly! E.g. A: I think we can get everyone to give us money.
B: Don’t be silly.
注:当女孩子说“Don’t be silly”时,大多是在打情骂俏。
42.别闹了! Keep it down! E.g. A: You kids are too loud! Keep it down!
注:Keep it down是不要闹了,但keep it up意思完全不同,是用来勉励对方继续努力下去。如果keep it up!用威吓的语气说就变成:若继续下去后果就不堪设想(你再给我试试看!)。
42. 不许碰! Don’t touch it! / Hands off!
43. 胆小鬼! Coward! E.g. A: He dare not do it! What a coward!
44. 考虑中! Sitting on the fence。
e.g. A: I haven’t decided what to do. I’m sitting on the fence.
注: 表示此人的决定仍摇摆不定,随时会受人影响。
45. 认输吧! Give in! e.g. A: Give in! You won’t have a chance.
注: 也可用“give it up!”,意即“不要再试了,你只是在浪费时间”。
46. 抢劫啊! Rip off! E.g. A: That shirt cost me $3,000! What a rip-off!
注: rip当名词也可当动词,所以可说:He really ripped me off.” 。
47. 别催我! Don’t rush me. E.g. A: I’m on it! Don’t rush me. 别催我!
48. 再联络! Keep in touch。
49. 干得好! Good job. / Well done!
50. 真划算。 What a great deal! E.g. I got two bikes for the price of one. What a great deal!
注:这里的deal是指买卖交易。在其他情况中“What’s the deal?”,“What’s
going on?”, “Why are you doing this?” 都是在询问“怎么了?”。
51. 看好喔! Watch me!
52. 死定了! I’m dead! E.g. A: I lost my computer. I’m dead. What am
I going to do?
I’m dead meat. E.g. A: I failed the exam! I’m dead meat!
子有“You’ll be the death of me.”意思是指你和你惹的麻烦会毁了我。
53. 羡慕吧! Eat your heart out!
e.g. A: Look out all these girls all over me! Eat your heart out! You’re
never gonna find a girl who will like you.
54. 无所谓。 Whatever。 E.g. A: You can do what you want. Whatever.
注:这是年轻人很常用的俚语,除了无所谓外,还有以下的意思:① I don’t care!
(我才不在乎) ② etc., etc, (等等,诸如此类的) ③ No! ④ That’s not the way
it is, but I don’t give a damn. (才不是那样的,不过我才不理它。)在不同上下
55. 别装蒜! Don’t play innocent. / Don’t play mb!
56. 去你的! Fuck you! (这句话十分粗俗,用生气或厌恶的语气说,有“滚你妈的蛋”之意。
57. 分摊吧! Let’s go Dutch.
58. 你做梦! You’re dreaming. E.g. A: That will never happen. You’re
注:“Dream on!”意思也是一样,另外多了点玩笑的态度。
59. 你真笨! You’re so lame!
e.g. A: You’re so lame. Even a kid can make it. Try again.
注:Lame 原来的意思是跛脚、不适当的意思。在这里指人不够酷、无能。
60. 并不想。 Don’t feel like it.
e.g. A: Come out with us tonight. It’ll cheer you up.
B: I don’t feel like it.
61. 好可惜。 What a shame (pity).
62. 随便你。 (It’s )Up to you.
63. 安分点! Behave! E.g. A: Stop making so much noise! Behave.
注: 年轻人用这句话的时候,多是在闹着玩的情况下,要对方“安分点”;男女朋友在打情骂俏时也会叫对方“安分”一点。
64. 再说啦! We’ll talk about it later.
65. 分手吧! Let’s break up.
66. 你看吧! I told you so! E.g. A: I told you so! It won’t work.
See! E.g. A: Like I said, it’s not as hard as you thought it’d be.
67. 不要脸! Shameless! E.g. A: I can’t believe she’s wearing that!
注:本句除了用shameless外,也可用“She has no shame. ”。
68. 别管他! Don’t worry about it. E.g. A: I don’t want to look bad.
B: Don’t worry about it. No one will
notice. Don’t pay attention to it. E.g. A: That guy over
there is staring at me.
B: Don’t play attention to it.
What the heck! E.g. A: Is it alright if I ask Dane to come over?
B: What the heck!
注: what the heck 与what the ****! 两个意思一样。
69.怎么说? How do I say this? E.g. A: It’s so hard to explain. How do
I say this?
What do you mean? E.g. A: I’m feeling sorry for him.
B: What do you mean?
70.胡扯的! That’s rubbish! E.g. A: It’s no like that at all. That’s
71. 蛮配的。 Suits you well. E.g. That color looks really good on you. It
suits you well.
72. 很恶心! Blood and gore.
E.g. A: I don’t like scary and violent movies. There’s too much blood and
That’s so gross! E.g. Will you stop making those gestures? That’s
so gross!
注:“Blood and gore”多半是指电影而言,而“gross”在一般的情况下都可使用。
73.懂了吗? Get it? E.g. A: We broke up two months ago! Stop calling me.
Do you get it?
(Do you) know what I mean? / know what I’m saying?
E.g. A: That’s the way it is. ( Do you ) know What I mean?
You know? E.g. A: I really hate this. You know?
74. 别装了! Stop pretending. E.g. A: I know you hate it. Stop pretending.
注: Pretending可用playing 代替。
75.神经病。 Crazy! E.g. A: You can’t do that! Crazy!
注:这字暗示某人精神失常,行为反常;年轻人的俚语常以“mentally challenged”
76.免了吧! No need! E.g. A: I want to make sure that I get it straight.
B: There’s no need. Forget it.
注: “no need”可自成一句,也可在句中使用。如:There was no need to
call the president.
77.又来了! Again. E.g. A: Here it come again. I don’t want to
deal with it.
That’s typical. E.g. A: He’s not taking responsibility for this
mistake. B: That’s typical.
78. 不骗你! Not joking。 E.g. A: Believe me. I’m not joking.
79.我请客。My treat。 E.g. A: please, it’s your birthday. My treat!
注: Treat也作动词用,如:I’ll treat you tonight. (今晚我请客。)
80.不赖嘛! Not bad。
81.去死啦! Go to hell! E.g. A: you’re such a bully. Go to hell.
注:生气时在口语上诅咒别人去死前面有时会加上“you can”。
82.冷静点! Calm down! E.g. A: Don’t get so excited. Calm down.
Keep your pants/shirt on! E.g. A: What’s the hurry? Keep your pants/shirt
83.我保证。 I guarantee. E.g. A: You’ll be fine. I guarantee.
84. 我发誓! I swear! E.g. A: It will never happen again. I swear!
注:swear还有下列用法:① I swear by my bike that I can get anywhere
in town in 15minutes. (swear by…, 对着…发誓,表示很有信心)。② The chief
of justice swore in the president. (司法院长监督总统宣誓就职)。 ③ I’m
going to swear off candy for the next month. (下个月我要戒吃糖果)。
85.来单挑! Let’s fight one-on-one!
e.g. A: let’s go, you and me, let’s fight one-on-one.
B: All right, leave the others alone. It’s between you and me.
86. 正经点! Have some decency! E.g. A: Stop playing with the cake. Have
some decency!
Seriously… E.g. A: Ok, stop joking around. Seriously
注:说这两句话的情况不同,“have some decency”通常是在对方有了一些恶
87.干脆点! Make up your mind!
E.g. A: Geez, we’ve been over this a thousand times. Make up your mind!
88.打扰了! Excuse me for bothering you.
89.清醒点! Sober up! E.g. A: Your parents are coming. Sober up.
Wake up! (Wake up and smell the coffee!)
e.g. A: Wake up! You look like you had a long night. 清醒点,你看起来
注:酒醉或吃药后,多会用“Sober up”。“Wake up!”或“Wake up and smell the
90.别理他! Don’t mind him. E.g. A: Don’t mind him. He’s just
Forget him. E.g. A: He saw me steal the diamond!
B: Forget him. I’ll take care of him.
注:forget him是“别理他!”,而“别理我!”是leave me alone。
91.有眼光Good taste!. E.g. A: That looks really good. You’ve got good taste.
92.谁说的? Who said that? E.g. A: It’s not like that at all. Who said that?
Says who? E.g. A: They cancelled our show.
B: Says who?
93.很难说。 Hard to say. 表示不清楚、不确定而难下定论。
94.老实说。 To tell you the truth (that…)/ Honestly…
95.你撒谎! You lie!
96.真恶心! So disgusting!
97.真碍眼! Rubs me the wrong way.
e.g. A: I can’t put my finger on it, but he really rubs me the wrong way.
98.别想溜! Don’t run away!
注:run away也可指闪避问题,如:“Don’t run away from your problems. ” 是
99.不客气。 You’re welcome. / No problem. / No bother./ Don’t worry
about it/ Don’t mention it.
100. 不上道。 Don’t know how to play the game.
E.g. A: Everyone accepted the bribe except him. He doesn’t know how to play the game.
注:这是现代的俚语。有一句Playing the field,它的意思就大不一样了,是表示同时跟很多不同的人约会。
101.你输了! You lost!
102.吵死了! So noisy!
103.不见得。 Not necessarily. E.g. A: Everyone is gonna hate me.
B: Not necessarily. (意味“情况可能正好相反”)
104.兜风去。 Let’s go out for a drive.
E.g. A: I feel so trapped in here. Let’s go out for a drive!
Let’s go out for some air!
E.g. A: We’ve been studying all day. Let’s go out for some air!
注:going out for a drive 是开车或骑车出去。 going out for some air 除
105.怕了吧? Now you are scared, aren’t you?
e.g. A: Now you are scared, aren’t you?
B: Get that gun away from me!
106. 真低级! How low-class! E.g. A: What do you think about Mary’s
new skirt?
B: How low-class! (通常不当别人面讲这句话)
107.就这样。 The way it is。 E.g. A: You can’t change anything. That’s
he way it is.
Let it be. E.g. A: I know it’s hard to accept. Let it be.
注:let it be通常语气和缓,以安慰别人或使人平静。
108.放弃吧! Give up!
109.太神了! Cool!
110. 解脱了! Free at last! E.g. A: Thank god I graated and I’m done
with school forever. Free at last.
111. 要你管! Not your business. /None of your business./ It’s none of your
112. 好恶心! Sick! E.g. A: Have you seen that movie “Friday the 13th”?
It’s so sick.
113. 小气鬼! Stingy bastard! E.g. A: He didn’t even pay for my dinner!
What a stingy bastard.
What a miser! E.g. A: He’s been wearing the same clothes since high
school. What a miser! Can’t he buy new clothes?
注:stingy bastard语气很刻薄,因为“bastard”已经近乎粗话了。Stingy
114. 我招了! I admit… E.g. A: Yeah, you’re right. OK, I admit it!
115. 别惹我! Don’t bother me. E.g. A: Ok, I’ll do whatever you want.
But just don’t bother me anymore.
Stop picking on me. E.g. A: Can you stop picking on me? 你能不能别再惹我?
注:Bother 意思是阻挠,困扰,或对某人唠叨。To pick on someone是指作弄人,找人麻烦。
116. 没什么。 Not much… E.g. A: Hey! What’s up!
B: Not much…
117. 答对了。 Bingo! / You are right!
118. 改天吧! Another time… E.g. A: Let’s go out again tomorrow night.
B: Maybe another time…
I’ll take a rain check. E.g. A: I’ll take you out to dinner.
B: I can’t tonight, but I’ll take a rain check.
注:rain check本意来自比赛因下雨而取消,所发给观众下次入场得延期证明;或是商店再减价时段特价品卖完时,发给客人在有货时可以相同优惠购买该商品得证明。
119. 我不管! I don’t care! E.g. A: But your rival has everyone’s
B: I don’t care! I’m going to beat him. Just watch.
注:I don’t give a damn! =I don’t care. 但是更粗俗一些。
120. 别多嘴。 Enough! Shut up!
121. 耍大牌。 Poser! E.g. A: Who does she think she is? A movie star? What
a poser!
122. 何必呢? What for? E.g. A: I want to go back to school.
B: What for? You already have a Ph D!
Why are you doing that? E.g. A: You have all the toys you
need. Why are you buying more? Why are you doing that?
123. 书呆子。 Nerd. E.g. A: All he does is study. He never goes
out. What a nerd!
124. 不错吧? Look, not bad, huh?
E.g. A: I’ve organized all this information for the presentation. Look, not bad, huh?
125. 真可怕! That’s terrible!
126. 别妄想! You’re dreaming! / I
❿ 表达伤感情绪的英语唯美句子
Hoeone that is coming or passing aan is eone is to be seated by his/her side and knoeone and not be loved in return . But loving u or loving u more.你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。
21There are no trails of the ise, girls dream, steel etimes u need to look back, otheran, eone,youre the ent, is the most beautiful.
Love is like fireething of a mystery.
Deep feeling is I cant afford to bear the heavy burden, se selfish.
Even if Im trying to scoot, final or return to the starting point of the sad.
Love is easy to doubt the illusion, once be found is automatically.
In a line and the most unfathomable.
Memory is a yellow photo album, silent telling the story of those who are already old.
people all over the world leave you I will be by your side, the hell we together rampant.
1. 或许,有些人有些事,该放弃的就应该放弃了。
2. 宿命的安排,曾让我们很幸福,到幸福过后,却是永恒的黑暗。
3. 那些记忆,在岁月流逝的演变中抑郁着不能言说的伤痛。
4. 幸福不在于你是谁,你拥有什么,而仅仅在于你自己怎么看待。
5. 你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。
6. 你说俄诱惑你。害的俄现在都不敢怎么见你。
7. 你说你要我的心留着好好爱。
8. 你笑一次。我就可以高兴好几天,可看你哭一次。我就难过了好几年。
9. 你走了只留下你的习惯,而你的这一切习惯。已经是我的习惯想丢也丢不掉。
10. 年华消失不见,你是我猜不到的不知所措。我是你想不到的无关痛痒。
11. 女人喜欢有安全感的男人;男人却往往被缺乏安全感的女人吸引。
12. 骗了我1次又1次、还求我原谅?你让我怎么原谅你?
13. 其实,我们的爱,仅此一兲,对吧?
14. 亲爱的、生活并没有我们想象中的那么简单。
15. 时间会让你了解爱情,时间能够证明爱情,也能够把爱推翻。没有一种悲伤是不能被时间减轻的。
16. 世间有太多的美好的事物,美好的人。对没有拥有的美好,我们一直在苦苦的向往与追求。
17. 世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋,而是我把心给你的时候,你却在欺骗我。
18. 事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想。只是有人可以学会遗忘,有人却坚持。
19. 是不是因为心痛的麻木了,我才笑得最美丽。
20. 是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。
21. 收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过他,你才会遇到他。
22. 受到再大的打击,只要生命还在,请相信每天的太阳都是新的。
23. 太美的承诺因为太年轻。
24. 糖,以前的最爱现在依旧最爱爱的人不在是他。
25. 天上的星星流泪,地上的玫瑰枯萎,冷风吹,冷风吹,只要有你陪。
1. 王子公主的爱情不够现实,金钱名利的爱情不会持久,唯有心灵深处的关爱,才是平凡人的爱情一个眼神,一个微笑,一个吻。
2. 为什么、他可以离我而去。爱情就这么简单。
3. 爱情是美好的、但它也可能是伤人的武器。爱情最重要的是不让对方受到伤害,要让她得到快乐,得到幸福。
4. 失望攒够了是不是还留下来攒绝望。
5. 遇见是开始却也是离开的倒计时。
6. 后来我终于明白了办不到的承诺就成了枷锁。
7. 无论过去发生过什么,无论你是否准备好了,下一刻都是一个崭新的开始。
8. 世界上唯独骗不了的是自己的心它总在你最没提放时暴露你的欢喜忧愁
9. 你要尽全力保护你的梦想。那些嘲笑你梦想的人,因为他们必定会失败,他们想把你变成和他们一样的人。
10. 生活累,一小半源于生存,一小半源于攀比。
11. 我坚信,只要我心中有梦想,我就会与众不同。你也是。早安
12. 爱无需完美;爱只需真实。
13. 不一定每天都很好,但每天都会有些小美好在等你。
14. 有些事发生了就不可能忘记,即使忘记也只是暂时的记不起。
15. 青春终将逝去,与其去缅怀,不如更好的把握青春。青春会走,愿心不老。
1. 世上找不出两个完全相同的人。生得再平凡,也是限量版。别瞧不起自己。
2. 低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路。仰头不是骄傲,是看见自己的天空。
3. 生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给你一块阴影,必会在不远处撒下阳光。
4. 世上最痛苦的事之一,不是落单,而是身边有一圈人,让你感觉自己孤身一人。
5. 现在终于到了要分别的时候,他比我先走,我反而觉得有点欣慰。这样的悲
6. 用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂。
7. 曾被爱伤得彻底才把自己关的那么紧。
8. 在你的微笑里我才有了呼吸,为什么你总在哭泣。
9. 曾经,有一个人真正的进入了我的世界。但已经不知不觉的消失了。从此再也没有人,能在我的小世界里随意走动。
10. 我多害怕习惯了谁的好,然后又被无情的丢掉。
· 遇见你是一种缘分,陪伴你是一份幸福。如果你想念,我就会来到你身边,如果你愿意,我就会一生为你守侯。
Taylor Swift写给前任的分手情歌是最多的!
悬崖上花儿依旧坚强的活着,火上上的草依旧 保护着自己,但是坐在这里的我却没有他们的坚强,只有懦弱,懦弱着你能爱上我,哪怕是一分钟也可以。
(1)发泄型:Blank Space-T·S 7 Years And 50 Days-Groove Coverage Wrecking Ball-Miley So What-p!nk
(2):报复型:picture To Burn Break You-Marion Raven Since U Been Gone-Kelly Clarkson
(3):诅咒骂人型:pray Of You-Jaron Lowenstein
(4):越挫越勇型:part Of Me-Katy perry Skyscraper-Demi Lovato
(5):和平分手型:My Happy Ending-Avril Just One Last Dace-Sarah Connor
(6):道歉型:Back To December-T·S Everytime-Britney Careless Whisper-Wham
(7):思念型:Tim McGraw-T·S Thinking Of You-Katy Wish You Were Here Adore You-Miley Wish You Were Here-Avril-Innocence Here I Am-Marion Raven Burning-Maria Arredondo The Day You Went Away-M2M Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
(8)难舍难分型:Just Give Me A Reason-p!nk
(9):被伤害型:Drunk Tonight-Emmelie de Fores Dear John-T·S Last Christmas-Wham I Dont Want To Talk About It-Marit Larsen
(10)走出失恋阴影型:Life After You- Daughtry
T·S-《Blank Space》: 新单MV《Blank Space》告诉你,女孩子应该如何做自己“感觉就像老娘豁出去了!老娘就是要交男朋友!老娘就是要分手!再交一个!不服来撕。
T·S-《picture To Burn》:在一次CMT的采访中,Taylor说,这个MV的情节就是,如果你和我分手了,那么我的乐队会洗劫你的家。在这个MV里,Taylor的乐队成员穿着西装,戴着墨镜,特别好玩,从那时起他们就自称是一群特工,所以Taylor的乐队的名字叫 The Agency。
T·S-《Back to December》:泰勒丝的单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在20xx年底与泰勒洛特纳一起拍摄电影《Valentines Day》。随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他。”Jaron
And The Long Road To Love - 《pray For You》:被人们称为”诅咒派之歌“、”史上最牛分手歌“等等,虽然歌词写得恶狠狠,但MV色调柔和,搭配美国乡村音乐的民谣,整首歌显不出什么暴力,反而有种童话般的可爱感觉,像是在恶搞,而且是和善的开玩笑,这样也适合网友的口味,许多人称赞该歌为“史上最牛分手歌”,唱出“男人的心声”。
Sarah Connor-《Just One Last Dance》:《Just One Last Dance》是一首旋律优美的英语歌曲,由德国女歌手Sarah Connor与前夫Marc Terenzi演唱。这是这段感情的终点,在他们在婚礼仪式之前MarcEric 特别在海边弹着钢琴当着众人对即将成为自己妻子的Sarah 演唱秘密写好的新歌《Love to be loved by you》。在场的许多人都被听哭,Sarah 也流下了幸福的泪水。
Katy -《part Of Me》:水果姐Katy perry最新空降冠军单曲《part Of Me》Kp从温柔淑女到穿上一身中性的迷彩服,这一切源于感情的伤痛!纵然是短发,水果依然美得惊艳,而这种美中更多了一种骨子里坚强的气质,我身上的这部分,你永远伤害不到也夺不走!你给的伤害,只能成为我坚强的动力,水果的MV总是让人看过之后依然无限回味,我不掩盖哭泣,但哭过之后我选择坚强,整首MV都诠释着这样一种精神,尤其是回忆到和前男友和军队中生活相融合的情节,我承认我被这个坚强的女人震撼到了。
Miley -《Wrecking Ball》:表现出感情的残酷与赤裸,描述热爱男友的少女被冷淡对待的真心,犹如被大铁球撞碎一般,歌词讲述少女对男友的爱大到犹如想用大铁球撞碎男友冷淡的心,使男友重新接受自己。而由于麦莉曾与前未婚夫(前男友)利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯多次复合及分手,被广泛猜测《Wrecking Ball》灵感来自麦莉的前未婚夫利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯。
Miley -《Adore You》:不同于前两单的激情节奏与荡气回肠,这首歌节奏舒缓,平静动听!而此刻麦莉却离你出奇地亲近,洁白的被子、纯色的内衣,仿佛你就在她的身下,如此荣幸能体验她的柔美与性感。
Avril Lavigne-《My Happy Ending》:加拿大着名流行摇滚歌手Avril Lavigne在20xx年7月发行的单曲。分手,有些人选择淡忘来结束一切、来麻痹自己。但是在繁华灯火中清醒,自己是否不断责问,不断纠结?
Avril -《Wish You Were Here》:Avril接受Billboard杂志采访时表示道:“《Wish You Were Here》这首单曲写的是思念曾经的爱人走不出阴影,而不断回忆起过往一起的光阴和美好的时刻。这支MV让我身处其境,想起了自己曾经的经历,所以我忍不住真情流露在拍摄的时候大哭一场。尽管我知道这都是在工作,但是我知道有些东西让我很有感触,因此我这样做了。”
Britney - 《Everytime》:小甜甜布兰妮的经典歌曲,出自专辑《in the zone》,融合了钢琴,小提琴,大提琴,竖琴等乐器,整体感觉好舒服,宁静,真挚。是布兰妮写给前男友的致歉之歌。