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发布时间: 2022-01-17 06:27:54

① ‘电影翻译中存在的问题与不足’ 翻译成英语怎么翻

Promblems and Deficiencies in Movie Translation

② 有关 论述电影优缺点的英语作文

Thank the teacher gave us a video to the twilight city. Through the see the movie, can we improve our English level, for we of the English language has very great help. Thanks for the teacher for helping us.

③ 发现看电影很令人失望用英语怎么说

I realized that watching a movie is very disappointing.
the movie is very disappointing.

④ 翻译影片评价(英文翻译)

Battle of the gods

The story is told is the God of heaven infighting, earth people fight a bloody battle story, if you like muscular men, then this film will never miss.A group of powerful metrosexual man up the whole movie, hope superior was criticized 3D effect will be improved


As a fusion of vampires and werewolves two big theme series, dark legend as we depicts a mysterious and violent underground world, failed to play in the third division of Kate Jin Sai's official return, black tights design cool.

Resident Evil

Biochemical crisis has developed to the fifth already and the original game is not much, but in order to bring the audience a fresh element, the director invited a film star Li Bingbing in the role of Ada, the face of the zombie horde, the elegant oriental beauty and Mira Joe with counter

The Avengers

The Avengers brought together many previously in the film singles heroes [Captain America, Thor, iron man, the Hulk] finally in a movie together, at the same time brought together the major movie star, this luxury large will undoubtedly become the biggest blockbuster summer box office


我在跨文化传播方面曾经写过类似的论文 现 截取一段
或许年轻的英语国家不像我们古老的东方文明留下了那么多能够为我们今人所用的经典故事,诗词歌赋去借用。比如我国一部里程碑式的电影《霸王别姬》在对外出口时曾考虑过四个英文译名,分别是,Xinag Yu the Con-queror Bids Farewell to His Concubine, Emperor Chu and Lady Yu, The King Parts with His Favourite和Farewell to MyConcubine。最后选择了最后一个,直译为“再见了,我的妾”。有人说这个翻译可以说是成功了,“永别”“小老婆”已经能够传达出某种悲剧色彩了。但是对于外国人,他们恐怕是无法理解中国人听到“霸王别姬”这个词语以及它背后众所周知的故事产生的对于英雄,美人,苍凉,遗憾,悲剧与史诗般的境象的无限感叹。《无间道》的英译名Internal Affairs也准确的表达了“内部战争,内心之战”,但又怎能敌佛教深刻寓意的“无间”二字要表达的受苦,解脱,轮回。从这个角度,“河东狮吼”就不得不用“野蛮女友”来代替了。 亦或许是我们不能充分理解西方文化,以致从中找到出能够准确表达的词汇。有时,一定要从文化遗产中挖出个“容器”甚至会造成“画虎不成反类犬”的效果。《大话西游之月光宝盒》将月光宝盒译为“Pandora"s box",明显.想借用希腊神话的潘多拉魔盒来提升文化底蕴,但潘多拉这个”灾难之源”的代表显然与月光宝盒这种时光穿梭机相差甚远。
其实,从中文与英文电影片名本身特点来看,将中文片名翻译成英文的难度明显要高于将英文片名翻译成中文的难度。如中国电影片名喜好使用动词,显得大气磅礴,喜好选择具有象征性或富有诗意的名字,也喜好使用短小精悍却又意味深长的四字短语。所以就有了《十面埋伏》《东邪西毒》《一江春水向东流》等片名,并且在翻译时也喜欢翻译成符合中国人审美观点的,具有上述特点的片名,如将《The Wizard of Oz》译为《绿野仙踪》,将《cast away》译为《荒岛余生》,将《leon》译为《这个杀手不太冷》等。而西方电影片名有时甚至是相当随意或松散的,如《the piano》《speed》等。与此相反,中国电影片名有时却是本身就是需要汉语再翻译的。如电影《孔雀》,它绝不是一部讲动物的电影,而是说每个人的人生都像是被关在笼子里的孔雀一样,被观赏的同时也在观赏着别人,尽管一生再黯淡,平庸的岁月再漫长,也总可以等到开屏的瞬间。

问题 就是 由于中国文化的博大精深 和 两种文化的差距和互相理解不够深入 造成 中文片名翻译成英文中的一些问题

⑥ 用英语说出电视的优点和缺点,最好还有中文翻译。急~~

In today modern world television is the most popular and
recognized from of media and most homes in the western and developed
worlds own one. That small (in some cases rather large) box sitting
in your lounge is your connection to the outside world. It is an
indispensable item and many of us cannot imagine life without it. As
with everything there are advantages and disadvantages with the
television. The main advantage is televisions ability to bring you
news as it happens. A second advantage is the fact we are using more
than one sense when viewing. The final advantage in this essay is the
vast amount of information and documentaries available for viewing.
However the first disadvantage is the amount of time spent watching
television is often considered a waste of time. The second
disadvantage is the fact that families may be in the same room but
with the television on may not even acknowledge each other. The final
disadvantage illustrated in this essay is that young children are
often being exposed to sex scenes and scenes of violence.
Firstly, for many of us the television is our first or only source
of news and current events. Most channels have news updates up to
four times a day and current affairs programmes which take a deeper
look at the news that has affected the world that day or week. Theses
programmes are often family friendly and are sometimes the only form
of media available or easy to understand for children or non-speakers
of English. These news shows keep people up to date on the outside
world it is possible to know everything that happened in a day
without even going outside. However these news shows can try and
monopolize people's opinions and be a bias to one political party
or one side of a war.
Secondly, what many of us do not realise is that we use at least
two senses to enjoy television. We use our eyes to watch the
television screen and the visual on the screen. We also use our ears
or hearing to listen to the dialogue and noises on the screen.
Compared to other forms of media which usually involve only one sense
e.g. the radio only requires the hearing sense and a book only
requires sight. Even though the television lets us see and hear
things it can cause eyesight problems and many people turn there
televisions up which can cause hearing problems.
The final advantage is the vast amount of ecational programming
available for viewing particularly on channels like the discovery
channel and national geographic which can ecate and stimulate
people and wet every audience member's appetite. It is also the
fastest way to improve your knowledge and help you learn something
completely new. Where else can you learn about Marylyn Monroe and
Winston Churchill in the same afternoon? Many people who cannot
afford university or night courses or simply just want a basic
knowledge of one particular subject or event. Use documentaries to
quench their thirst for learning.
The first disadvantage is that many people do not realise how much
time they spend watching television if you spend one hour a day
watching television. That is 365 hours a year and 3607 hours in ten
years. You can only imagine what you could do with that time, it is
possible to learn a language or do a university course. Many value
their television shows over exercise or physical activity which can
lead to obesity and 'couch potato'. Many people also feel the
desire to watch a favourite television show every day or every week
and neglect social commitments and therefore becoming anti-social.
A second disadvantage is that many people neglect their families
so they can watch television. A family may be in the same room but
would not say a word to each other or acknowledge each other. Many
families now also eat dinner in front of the television which means
normal dinner table conversation is lost. Most large families also
have multiple televisions so that each member can watch the programme
they would like to watch this means that some families may spend less
than an hour in each others company before going to bed.
A final disadvantage of watching television is the violence and
sex scenes that young children are often exposed too. Many of us find
shows with crime or violence entertaining but these are not suitable
for children of young ages. These scenes are practically common on
crime dramas. Children may not intentionally be being exposed but by
simply being in or near the same room as an older child or alt
watching the programme. With children being exposed to these scenes
it can corrupt there innocent minds leading them in some extreme
cases become violent to other children. It can also lead to more
permanent problems such as violence or evil thoughts well into
althood. Fortunately this can be easily avoided or reversed by not
allowing young children to view these programmes by placing them in a
different room from the television or sending them to bed.
In conclusion television is perhaps the world's greatest
invention though it is possible it will one day be replaced by
something resembling a computer it is still indispensable in todays
modern world. Television however has advantages and disadvantages as
illustrated in this essay. It can be an ecational, multi-sensory
communication devise that takes up our time to exercise or our family
time it can also have scenes that corrupt young minds. As Winston
Churchill once said 'the best things are either immoral or bad for
you' television is best in moderation. So next time you're boreddon't turn on the television go out and play some sport.

⑦ 用英语介绍一个喜欢的电影,说出缺点和优点


⑧ 英文电影名称采用异化翻译和归化翻译的优缺点


⑨ 各种电影类型用英语怎么说

1、喜剧片的英语就是comedy,其复数形式是comedies。浪漫喜剧是a romantic comedy,喜剧演员是comedian。而像老友记这样的情景喜剧叫situation comedy,也可以直接说sitcom。

2、惊悚片英文是thriller,但这个词更多是指有关犯罪和间谍的惊悚片。而像是鬼片之类的恐怖片应该是horror films/movies。

3、幻片的英语应该是science fiction,但是它也可以缩写成sci-fi。科幻电影可以是sci-fi films而科幻小说是sci-fi novels。

4、复联这种电影也经常被叫做好莱坞大片,而好莱坞大片英语应该是hollywood blockbuster。但是有一些科幻片也可以归为动作片,而动作片的英语是action movies.

5、以宫崎骏为代表的动画电影是animated film。宫崎骏的电影,以及迪士尼各种经典高分电影,虽然是以动画的形式呈现,但是其实剧情是拍给大人看的。

⑩ 电影的利与弊 英语

TV is vey imporrtant in our life. We can get to know all kinds of events around the world. We can know the weather,information, laws, knowledge and so on. After busy work, we can watch some funny programs to relax.
TV benifits us, but sometimes it has bad influence. Some students watch TV day and night. It influences their lessons.Some programs are not good for children.
So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages. Now TV has become necessary in our life. We can get all kinds of information through TV. The world is in front of us. The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy.
Although TV has some benifits, sometimes it has bad influence. Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time. And some programs are not proper for children.
So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children.


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