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发布时间: 2023-04-11 15:01:23

㈠ 疯狂动物城电影观后感30字用英语写


I just watched "Crazy Town animal",That's a great movie.The story es from a modern animal City, where the animals coexist peacefully. Judy, a rabbit, dreamed of being a policeman from an early age. But everyone thought that the rabbit couldn't be a policeman, but she still worked hard to bee the first rabbit officer. In order to prove herself, she was determined to detect a mysterious case. The way to pursuit the truth, Judy is forced to help Nick fox they teamed up bluff and deceive yourself, but found a huge conspiracy behind the case with a hidden desire to subvert the animal City, finally uncovered the truth.This film gives me a lot of inspiration, and as long as it's unremitting, "TryEverything", it will be a suess.


"Crazy Town animal" proced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation, a modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can bee animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy force in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found that behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, they had to cooperate together, to try uncover the hidden truth in this huge conspiracy.


由迪士尼影业出品、迪士尼动画工作室制作、中影/华夏全国发行的《疯狂动物城》(Zooia) 今日登陆全国影院,与北美同步上映!影片由《冰雪奇缘》、《超能陆战队》金牌主创倾力打造,讲述兔朱迪和狐尼克这两位性格相左的天敌阴差阳错成为拍档,一同踏上冒险旅程,破解惊天悬案的故事。
未映先红 国际票房火爆好评如潮


The movie Zooia is interesting, my family and I all like the charecters in it


迪士尼并没有塑造一个所谓的完美乌托邦,即使是动物的世界,该有的所有生存的残酷与博弈、脸谱化的成见、文化与种族的各种偏见……不仅一一俱全而且毫发毕现,好的是迪士尼创作者用美好的共存和包容的愿望让乌托邦在动物世界得到了实现,这是对整个人类未来共同想象力和愿景的一个美好期待吧,这也是他们在内心愿意把一个真实而又值得期待的未来美好世界留给孩子们的一种展现。一想到数千个人都在这样的愿望 *** 同努力创作的场景,就让人不禁心有戚戚焉。

虽然大量的台词对于不成熟的观众来说会有些稍嫌唠叨,但电影传递的信息非常明显:偏见和固有印象是极度危险的。面对这个伟光正到无法指摘的主题,《疯狂动物城》的主题曲应该是迈克尔·杰克逊的《Heal the World》。







电影讲的是一只有梦想的兔子,面对父母的不理解、朋友的嘲讽以及各种的刁难,经过不懈努力,终于实现梦想成为第一个兔子警察,来到梦寐已久的动物城。这是一个和谐的城市,不管是凶猛的食肉动物还是温柔的食草动物以及所有的动物都已经进化到共产主义社会阶段了,褪去恶之本性,只有善的一面,所以所有动物都能在这个美好的城市和谐共存。(难怪这部电影的英文直译为动物托邦,动物的乌托邦)。兔警官深深被这个城市吸引,再破的墙壁,再烂的床,再吵的邻居在她眼里都是那么的美好,就和所有的追梦的年轻人第一天面对地下室出租房的新鲜和兴奋。但是纵使在这么美好的城市里,并不是所有的事物都是美好啊。就算你是警校第一名,也不免被上司看扁,只好去当交警。这点兔警官也不必悲哀,想当年飞虎队的周星星也有过相似的经历。虽然和梦想有差距,但是她还是很努力工作,希望能靠自己的努力改变什么,直到那只狐狸的一番话,让她被残酷的现实打得体无完肤。狐狸说的没错,你再努力还是个交通警察。面对冰冷的房间,面对父母的关心只能强颜欢笑,多么相似的画面啊。 还好,兔警官没有因此沉沦,勇敢面对挑战,依靠自己的坚毅和智慧破获了失踪大案,揭穿了今天大阴谋,成为了城市的英雄。



㈡ 求疯狂动物城观后感英语60词左右初1,急


In the story, you can see all kinds of animals. They live in the city of animals, they like people like dressing, eating people eat food, no longer in other animals for food, with the mobile phone, intelligent life. They have a different job and bee an integral part of the city. They live in different areas, such as desert, rain forest, snow and ice. City equipped with the ability to meet the needs of every kind of animal facilities and shops. For example, in beeen the floor and dedicated to the *** all rat scampering in the street of pipeline bridge, on the train has three dimensions, respectively, so that large, medium and *** all animals pass, are designed to sell elephants large ice cream, as well as to provide to little mouse banquet of ultra *** all cake...... in the city you can see every kind of animal are equality, mutual respect, every kinds of animals have their own development opportunities.


"Crazy Town animal" proced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation,when this movie was first announced,I was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.

t adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today, it is so interesting!


"Crazy Town animal" proced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation, a modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can bee animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy force in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found that behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, they had to cooperate together, to try uncover the hidden truth in this huge conspiracy.


疯狂动物城观后After the concept of crazy animal City


zooia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.but it was incredible and ,yes,i cried like i always do at desney and pixar movies.it adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today,in a funny way but with a serious to heart message.bravo,disney!well look back at this movie someday and think,"was that really how the world was?" in spite of being a powerhouse pany,disney can really do some good when they use their plstform to inspire our society

Zooia is a perfectly hilarious and remarkable movie not only for children,but also for *** s.
The story is about a good theme from the great Disney, a rabbit Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) peacefully fights for the rights of weak animals.
There are several animals with various characters and different traits exactly as there are numerous indivials with different characters.
The script is didactic,great and funny.
(Original Author: lovemormoni *** from United States
27 March 2016,IMDB)




there is in every human being


首先是歧视。种族歧视,很巧妙借动物的种群矛盾推了出来。食肉动物和食草动物之间的隔阂、偏见,不正是我们当今对待有色人种的那不言而喻的情感吗?副市长她不算一个真正的负面角色,她其实是象征着现实世界里,那些被迫反抗被迫去做一些染红双手的事的人。但是,既然食肉动物与食草动物这对天敌都能happy ending,我们为什么不可以?我们为什么就要战火纷飞、血肉模糊呢?尽管中国的崛起可能还是需要战争作为跳板,我依然向往鸽子。
哦,对了,当然还有真善美,还有热爱与 *** ,还有音乐和活力。这是动画片不变的主旋律。
All in all,我从片子里,看到的最大的两个字,就是“本性”。中国古代文化里的“人之初,性本善”,西方古典文化的“性善论”,都告诉我们,每一个人生下来都蛮白的,只是这个世界还有炽热的太阳、混沌的泥浆、灰色的雾霾……它们很容易就把你变黑。



㈢ 电影奇迹男孩英文观后感100字



Films occasionally fall into the stereotype of children's films, which are too cute and create inappropriate humor for young groups.

However, the film's ultimate success not only tells a complex story, but also conveys the experience of confusion, loneliness and fear to the audience.





㈣ 看小黄人电影观后感英文版




I watch with my brother today.It is adout a panda.He likes KongFu,but his dad does not let him do that.So he leave home and learn KongFu. He becomes a KongFu Panda and he helps his Shifu and beats Tailang.All people love him,and his father is very happy.He gets what he wants at last.

I like the panda very much.I want to be like him and do what is in my mind.Some day ,I will become anther winner like him.


When I was a freshman in college I watched the film Gua Sha Treatment for the first time, now I am a junior student and I come back to review the movie from a multicultural aspect, I have many different feelings after watching the film again.

At the beginning of the film, XuDatong is given an award and later he delivers a speech. What makes me impressed most is in his speech he says “one day I will become one of you, a truly successful American, today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that.” At that moment Xu thinks he has realized his American Dream totally with his lovingly wife and adorable son. However, I think it is ironical that to make a speech like that and I assume it is made on purpose to hind a clue for the story’s development. How many non-American people have such a beautiful American dream? One of my classmate studies in American now and before he went aboard he told me his American dream is he can stand at the top of the New York. To be honest, I also dream that one day I can get the Green Card living there happily and successfully maybe working at the Wall Street. When Xu gets the award he thinks he entirely melted in the melting pot neglecting the multicultural obstruct, later the plot goes against the way he thinks. And later Quinlan asked Xu ‘why you be the scapegoat of your father?’ Xu answers ‘because he is Chinese.’ Then maybe Xu knows that there is always a wide gap between Chinese and American cultures.

The second scene is Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of xu’s boss, at the middle of the film xu tells his boss that he hit his own son is only to show his respect to his boss John Quinlan, that time Quinlan feels puzzled “what a Chinese logic”, yes, American can never understand such a logic full of Chinese characteristic, because they respect everyone including the children, they won’t beat a child to please the boss, and there is no such a conception of degree between employee and employer, they feel everyone is equal, which is quite different from china.

Connected to the second scene, the third difference I want to analyze is the care for the children. In America, people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law—leaving children alone at home is illegal, while in China it is so common that almost everyone may experience such loneliness. And Children Welfare Agency does work in America which shows the importance Americans attach to children’s right. What’s more, I remember a line ‘No one won the case, especially the child.’ In my opinion, it also manifests the universal concern from the American public to the children.

The fourth aspect is following the procere, in the film, more than there times, the people focus on the rule, the law, the procere. At the Christmas Eve Xu wants to return back to his home pretending as a Santa Claus, what a pity, the security recognizes him and persuades ‘you are always a good tenement, never causes troubles for me.’ And another scene is at the end of the film , the judge says ‘I have to follow the procere.’ However, in China people always have to ask for a favor to do something, and later you have to pay back the favor ,for myself, I prefer the American style, strict to the procere.

The fifth and the last point is the humors, Quinlan says ‘you can’t fall, your health security is the company paid.’ ‘Datong, welcome home, maybe next time, you can come from the front door.’ ‘dady, why you come from the window’ ‘ because we don’t have a chimney.’ I really adore this distinguished American humor, especially in dangerous situations, which is quite rare in China.

That’s my whole reaction to Gua Sha Treatment.


Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .


《勇敢的心》--观后感Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace。 leader of the Scottish resistance forces ring the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule。。。 Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors。。。 Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen。。。 Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country。。。 In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes。。。 Wallace, by parison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous。。。 He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish no

bles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne—Robert, the Earl of Bruce—to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them。' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princeIsabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps……Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution……Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthleEdward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks。' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil……While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, David O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's ic relief from even the most tensed moments……Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Braveheart。' It is a

motion picture that dares to be excessive。。。 Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excethat make the motion picture great。。。 The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand bats are exciting rather repulsive。。。 It is epic film-ma-ki-ng at its glorious best……Gibson's 'Braveheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression。


Hotel Rwanda ---- a story of an African Schinderler

Hotel Rwanda is a film about a man。 It was based on a real story of a man who saved 1268 people’s lives in a madness genocidal, which happened in Rwanda, 1994。 The film was directed by Terry George, 2004。 The main actor Don Cheadle is not handsome but just an ordinary man。 You probably will even not recognize him when you happen to meet him on the street。 He acted a hero based on a true story, a man who was as simple as he is, Paul Rusesabagina。 Paul is a hero, a real man, while a hero and a real man doesn’t always need to be handsome or attractive in the appearance。 There are two nations in Rwanda, hutu and tutsi。 Paul is a hutu manager working for a 4 stars hotel on town。 The hutu army planed a genocidal to clear out all the tutsi people in ruwanda。 The tutsi people were suffering a madness blood bath。 Over 800,000 people had been killed within 100 days。 Paul has a tutsi wife, in order to protect his wife, children and other tutsis; he took them to hide in the hotel Rwanda。 There a

re many white people from all over the world lived in this hotel so the hotel is the safest place in Rwanda to hide。 There are 80 UN soldiers in Rwanda but only 4 guarded in the hotel and all of them are not allowed to shot。 If we say that Paul just wanted to save his wife at the beginning, after recognized that there is no one would e to help the tutsis, Paul throw himself into the breach。 He bribed the hutu general by wine and gold, used out every coin of his to purchase the refugees’ lives, ten, a hundred, 2 hundreds, 3 hundreds… more and more tutsi refugees flee to the hotel wishing to survive。 To them, Paul is an angel who keeps a hope for those hopeless people in the calamity。 His goodness his mercy is the key to be alive。

The hotel Rwanda is a dramatically and war film, ingeniously, there was almost no lens for slaughtering; however, the threatener of death was full filling with the whole movie。 One of the tutsi asked Paul,

“Why they are so truculence?”

“ Hatred? Insanity? … I don’t know。”

㈥ 英语电影观后感<<疯狂的原始人>>120字


㈦ 急求电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的英文观后感,200字左右。万分感谢!!

When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film proction and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the instry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid ecational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen.

㈧ 5篇英文电影观后感(观后感中文)!










本影片在没有冰河时代那种有搞笑和赏心悦目也没有那种惊奇的搞怪夸张幻想在里面,只是很似人的故事情感的塑造了一个人物的思想和被改变到最后的为了救罗素和kevin和查尔斯的战斗让故事有了一个很好的体现人的性情和理想愿望等。他在为了完成心爱人的愿望将他们的房子放到天堂瀑布不懈努力坚强执着 一定要将这件事做完而放弃了kevin被查尔斯抓走而为了房子放弃营救,看出他心里情绪是多么在乎他妻子的愿望不为过之后,看了妻子留给他的……而想通。之后他在回想到与罗素、kevin和狗的生活,这些让他感受到了朋友的重要。他就马上行动去救罗素。他就把所有房子里的东西让自己……在有失去房子他那时的心里和最后罗素坐在房子旁数车的色彩,说明人物已经从过去的悲伤中走了出来,这里可以体现整部片子的人物生活性情的改变,说明我们现实也许要……

㈨ 5篇100字左右的英文电影的观后感,要用英语啊


To be honest, Ive never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesnt lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just cant ,but either way, this shows us dont need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.

It is just a movie, so maybe it doesnt work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition thats what a good movie should be able to do.





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