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发布时间: 2023-04-07 13:46:52

㈠ 大禹治水的大禹的英文名叫什么

1)Dayu或Yu或Da Yu
(1) Legend, Dayu flood control when, where ancient tombs found in disk. 传说, 大禹治水的时候, 在这里发现了盘古墓.
(2) This also indicates Da Yu to govern the flood situation wise. 这也足见大禹治理水患险情的高明.
(3) The biggest achievements water when the number of Dayu. 而治水成就最大的当数大禹.
(4) First of all, scuttling Yu Lung ( this yuncheng Hejin ), flood discharge. 大禹首先凿开龙孙前门 ( 今运城河津市物敏 ), 分洪下泄.
(5) If this standard, Dayu three without a home and perverse. 如果按此标准, 大禹三过家门而不入,有悖常理.
(6) West wall painted Yu , Houji , Boyi, burning, hunting, logging, religiousand agricultural proction activities. 西壁绘大禹、后稷 、 伯益, 烧荒 、 狩猎 、 伐木 、 祭祀以及农业生产活动等.
(7). Dayu flood control have to review the Western Regions Mountain ViewDistinguish the flow of water. 大禹治水也曾到西域察山观水明辨流向.
(8) Dayu appointed for the task of controlling the flood only four days after hismarriage.大禹结婚四天便承担了则蚂清治理黄河的使命.
(9). It is said that there are cliffs on the traces of water Dayu. 相传峭壁上仍有大禹治水的痕迹.

㈡ 大禹治水的英文简介

It tells the story of Gu and Yu's flood control. Facing the surging flood, Dayu learned a lesson from the failure of Gu's flood control and changed the method of "blocking".


Dredging the flood shows that he has the intelligence to lead the people to overcome difficulties; Dayu in order to control the flood.


He has been fighting with the people outside for many years, regardless of his personal interests, "three times without entering". This story is also recorded in most ancient Chinese documents.

长年在外与民众一起奋战,置个人利益于不顾,“三过家门而不入” 。该事迹也被多数中国古代文献所记载。

㈢ 大禹治水有电视剧吗,

该剧以远古帝王大舜传奇曲折的一生为主线,讲述了尧、舜、禹三代历经磨难、治理水患,为民造福、成就伟业的故事 。

㈣ 孙悟空的兵器原是大禹治水的什么



㈤ 盘古开天 女娲补天 逐鹿之战 大禹治水 鸟王少昊 羿射九日 嫦娥奔月 麻姑升天 凤凰飞天翻译这些名称用英语

直接字面翻译是没有用的, 这些每个名称的后面都有一个中华民族传统的神话故事, 没有文化的理解, 这些名称没亮樱有意义.

不信你找一些没有听说过这些故事的小学生, 就算他们认识这里的每洞键芦一个字, 也纳带不知道这些是什么意思.

如果真想翻译, 建议翻译故事. 就像<<梁山伯与祝英台>>被翻译成: Butterfly Lover.

㈥ 找一部关于大禹治水的电视剧

电影: 大禹治水 1996

地区: 大陆类型: 剧情
导演: 肖朗主演: 周剑英 / 马超英


㈦ 谁知道“大禹治水的英文介绍”


It is not clearly known how many years passed after Nuwa had patched up the sky with melted coloured stones (Cf. Nuwa Bu Tian) when trouble broke out again. Gonggong, God of Water and Thunder, defeated in a power struggle against Zhuanxu, knocked himself against the Buzhou mountain in a burst of anger. The pillars on that Mountain which supported the vault of heaven broke again. As a result, heaven tilted to the northwest and the sun, the moon and the stars were set in motion; the earth sank in the southwest, causing a great flood. Once more, great misery befell the people.

A superman by the name of Gun, in commiseration with the sufferings of the people, tried to contain the flood. He stole God's "inexhaustible earth" with which to block the water and dam it up. Not only did he fail, but for his offence, he was executed by God's order. After his death, Yu, our hero, was born out of his abdomen.

When Yu grew up, he carried on his father's unfulfilled task, fighting against the Great Flood in the face of untold difficulties. For thirteen arous years he traveled everywhere, devoting himself so conscientiously to his work that "wind was his hair - comb and rainfall his bath" and "three times he passed the door of his house without going in."

Drawing a lesson from his father's failure, he used methods of channeling and dredging and finally succeeded in subing the Great Flood. He did so much for the people that the reigning Emperor Shun asked him to take over the throne. (Incidentally, his son Qi became the second emperor of the first hereditary dynasty, the Xia, by which name China is still occasionally referred to by writers in the classical style.)

Yu the Great is the personification of wisdom, perseverance and selfless devotion and, as such, he makes a popular theme for artistic creations.

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