‘壹’ 他在这部电影中扮演一个重要角色用英文怎么读
he plays an important role in this movie.
‘贰’ 你最喜欢这部电影里的哪个角色翻译成英文
Which role do you like best in this film?
/Which role is your favourite in this film?
‘叁’ “刘德华在这部电影中演一个英雄的角色”用英语怎么说
刘德华(英文怎么翻译) the role of a hero in the film
‘肆’ 英语表达:成龙在这部电影里饰演一个重要角色
Jackie Chan was the lead actor in the movie.
Jackie Chan played a key role in the movie.
‘伍’ 疯狂动物城这部电影里有多少只动物他们是谁(用英语回答加中午翻译)
Judi (rabbit)
Through his own struggle, he became the first rabbit police officer in the modern animal city.通过自己的奋斗,成为了现代动物都市的第一个兔子警官。
尼克·王尔德/Nick Wilde(赤狐)
In a town for a living animal to bluff and deceive red fox, prejudice childhood injury, giving up their own ideals.一只在动物城里以坑蒙拐骗为生的赤狐,儿时受到偏见的伤害,放弃了自己的理想。
博戈局长/Chief Bogo(非洲水牛)
The head of the first branch of the animal town police station, the fractious and difficult African buffalo, is concerned about the police station.动物城警察局第1分局局长,脾气暴躁难惹的非洲水牛,很关心这所警局。
本杰明警官/Benjamin Clawhauser(猎豹)
Animal City Police Office Receptionist, Benjamin love two things: the super star gazelle and donuts.动物城警察局里的前台招待,本杰明只爱两件事物——超级明星瞪羚和面包圈。
羊副市长/Dawn Bellwether(绵羊)
The mayor's assistant, a sweet little sheep with a very small voice. Always the lion mayor toe, with all the work of the mayor's lion.市长助理,一只声音很小但是毛很多的甜美绵羊。时时刻刻都对狮市长言听计从,非常配合狮市长的一切工作。
‘陆’ 哪部电影或动画有五个人物(要英文的 例如灰姑娘- -)英语配音用
‘柒’ 英语翻译 这部电影里有很多人物 他们各有特点 翻译
There are a lot of characters in this movie who have various characteristics.
‘捌’ 他在这部电影里扮演了一个角色。用英语翻译
翻译为:He played a role in the film