发布时间: 2023-03-03 02:35:07
‘壹’ 他对这部电影很感兴趣 英语怎么说 RT.要最最准确的
He is very interested in this movie.
‘贰’ 他认为这部电影非常有趣用英语怎么说
he think this film very funny.
this film attract his eyes
‘叁’ 他说这部电影非常有趣并且他非常喜欢看英语
不能那样变,第二个从句需要加上and ,但要去掉that ,也就时and he enjoyed seeing it very much.
‘肆’ 我对这部电影感兴趣。用英语怎么说
I am interested in this film.
‘伍’ 我对这部电影感兴趣.用英语怎么说
I'm interested in the film.
‘陆’ 他认为这部电影非常有趣。 用英语咋说
楼主,翻译过来是:He thinks that the film is very interesting.
‘柒’ 他对这个故事很感兴趣英语怎么说
He is very interested in this story
‘捌’ ゛我们对这部电影非常感兴趣,用英语怎么说゛