① 怎样用英语邀请朋友参加看电影活动并说对他有帮助
Hi, can you spare your time this Sunday? 你好,这个周日你有时间吗?
I‘'d like to invite you to watch movie. 我想邀请你去看电影
This movie is very popular. 这个电影很热门的。
Trust me, it is deserved to go. 相信我,它很值得去看。
And there will be a discount this Sunday. 而且这周日还会有折扣。
The price will be 50% off. 会打5折哦!
Let's go? 我们去吧?
② 昨天,我邀请了我的朋友们去看电影 英文
Yesterday,I invited my friends to see a movie
③ 我将要和朋友们一起去看电影的英语怎么写
I am going to watch a movie with my friends. 我最早,采纳我的。
④ 英语作文邀请同学去看电影100词带翻译
This weekend I invited three students to go to the movies together. There are many new movies released recently. We are going to take a bus to the cinema at the weekend.
When we get to the cinema, we will go to the front desk to buy movie tickets. Our plan is to go to the restaurant after watching the movie and go shopping after dinner. This is our preliminary plan. We will revise it according to the actual situation.
It must be a happy weekend.
⑤ 对话形式描述怎样邀请你的同学和你一起去看电影的(英语短文)
Dear John:My family's "Family Day" every week a very interesting life. Not only to play games, eat, and many children can play, I am most happy is that we can know a lot of friends, after listening to you, I would like to send our teams to participate in it? We welcome you to join.
See you
我家的“Family Day”每个星期都过得非常有趣。不仅有游戏玩,东西吃,还能与很多的小朋友玩,我最开心的就是能认识很多的朋友,你听了之后,想参加我们的派队吗?我们欢迎你的加入。
2.A school to become a good school, must be to have some of the provisions. I now give me some suggestions of schools to provide for the conct of students:
1. Can not be run in the corridor
2. Should not make much noise
3. The library can not eat
4. School to concentrate on
3.The new semester, new beginning. Each semester is very important. Then we can grasp how to best? I think it is necessary to conscientiously attending class, good work to be completed carefully. No matter how the sample is to be a serious word. Do not understand that in time to ask questions, so good. I think if can do the above, the results should be good.
⑥ 我想邀请我的朋友星期天和我一起看电影英文
Mom, can I invite my friends to share the fruit with me? 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可追问~
⑦ 我和我的两个好朋友一起去看电影用英文怎么说
I went to watch a movie with two of my good friends.
my two friends and i went to the cinema together.
⑧ 想邀请朋友一起去看电影,用英语怎么说。(要两种)急!
let us go ro see a movie !
why not see a movie?
I'd like to invite some friends to the movies
邀请invite; request
朋友friend; boy friend; girl friend; amigo; panion
一起去go along with
看电影see a movie
I went to see a movie with my friends.
他喜欢和她的朋友一起去看电影 用英语怎么说
He likes to go to movies with her friends together.
Going to see a movie with friends by car.
can i go to the movies with friends on the weekend.
想请朋友晚上一起去看电影 英语怎么说
I want to invite friends to the cinema at night.
我希望你能邀请你朋友一起去看电影 英文:
I hope you can invite your friends to the movies
⑨ 今天晚上我要和一些朋友一起去看电影用英语怎么说
Tonight I am going to watch movies with some friends,3,I will go to see the film with my friends tonight.,2,I'll go to see a film with my friends tonight.,2,tonight,My friends and me are going to see film,2,I'll go to watch movie with my friends tonight.,1,I'm going to see a movie with my friends tonight.
I'll go to see a movie with some of my friends tonight.
这两个句子都行。 至于词组可以互换着使用,无所谓,0,
⑩ 我跟朋友一起去看电影了用英语怎么说
看电影的固定词组是go to the cinema
英美人地道的表达法是My friend and I went to the cinema.
如果是写作文可以在后面加上时间如yesterday或者last week,这个句子就完整了
中国人一般会翻译成I watch a movie with my friend.这是典型的中国式英语,翻译的痕迹太明显了。以英语为母语的人不会这么说。