❶ 影片了不起的盖茨比,到底是在讲述一个怎样的故事
电影的尾声,尼克完成了这部小说,用钢笔填上了题目《The Great Gatsby》。这个举动富含深意,Great在英文中的含义远多于“了不起”,而隐含了尼克对盖茨比深深的认同。参与其中又置身事外的尼克,清晰的看到了盖茨比的本质。尼克正直的品格让他无比的尊重、钦佩盖茨比,成为盖茨比生前与死后唯一的知己。
❷ 用英文介绍《了不起的盖茨比》的内容概括
Nick came to New York from his Midwest homeland, next to his residence is the luxury house of Gatsby, the protagonist of the book.
A grand banquet is held every night. When Nick and Gatsby met, the story began.
Nick's interest in exploring Gatsby. The result of the inquiry is: Nick realized that Gatsby had a deep feeling in his heart.
Gatsby was not rich when he was young. He was a major officer. He fell in love with a girl named Daisy, and Daisy also had a feeling for him.
After the outbreak of World War I, Gatsby was transferred to Europe. As if by chance, but also by necessity, Daisy broke up with him and married Tom, a son of a wealthy family.
Daisy's life after marriage was not happy, because Tom had another mistress.
Materialistic satisfaction does not fill Daisy's spiritual emptiness. Gatsby was in great pain.
He firmly believed that money had betrayed Daisy's chastity of heart, so he was determined to become a rich man. A few years later, Gatsby finally succeeded.
He built a building opposite the daisy residence. Gatsby spent all his money in the night, trying to get Daisy's attention to save her lost love.
Moved by Gatsby's infatuation, Nick visited Daisy, his long-unconnected cousin, and conveyed Gatsby's thoughts to her.
Daisy always made fun of her meeting with Gatsby. Gatsby was dazed and listened to her at random, and naively assumed that the ending was not the end.
However, the real tragedy is quietly starting at this time.
Daisy was no longer the old lady daisy. Daisy, however, regarded her ambiguous relationship as a stimulus.
Nick finally realized that it was too late. Once Daisy was driving in a state of distraction, she ran over her husband's mistress.
Gatsby took responsibility for protecting Daisy, but Daisy had made up his mind to abandon Gatsby.
Under the provocation of Tom, the husband of his mistress shot Gatsby. Gatsby finally became a victim.
Gatsby did not find the smile on the face of Daisy's face until she died. Gatsby's tragedy is that he devotes everything to his beautiful dream, while Daisy, as the embodiment of his ideal, has only a beautiful body.
Despite Daisy's long-standing love affair, although he clearly heard that "her voice is full of money", he remained unchanged and stubbornly pursued the revival of her old dream.
Daisy and her husband were on the way to Europe when they were holding a funeral for Gatsby. Finally, there is no end.
Nick witnessed the unreasonable feelings of human reality and was deeply disgusted, so with a tragic mood, he left the noisy, indifferent, empty and false metropolis and returned to his homeland in dismay.
❸ 求了不起的盖茨比的英文概括 rt
Plot summary
The main events of the novel take place in the summer of 1922.Nick Carraway,aYale graate and World War I veteran from the Midwest — who serves as the novel's narrator — takes a job in New York as a bond salesman.He rents a small house on Long Island,in the (fictional) village of West Egg,next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby,a mysterious millionaire who holds extravagant parties.Nick drives around the bay to East Egg for dinner at the home of his cousin,Daisy Buchanan,and her husband,Tom,a college acquaintance of Nick's.They introce Nick to Jordan Baker,an attractive,cynical young golfer with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship.She reveals to Nick that Tom has a mistress,Myrtle Wilson,who lives in the "valley of ashes":an instrial mping ground between West Egg and New York City.Not long after this revelation,Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle to an apartment they keep for their affair.At the apartment,a vulgar and bizarre party ends with Tom breaking Myrtle's nose after she taunts Tom about Daisy.
As the summer progresses,Nick eventually receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties.Nick encounters Jordan Baker at the party,and they meet Gatsby himself,an aloof and surprisingly young man who recognizes Nick from their same division in the war.Through Jordan,Nick later learns that Gatsby knew Daisy from a romantic encounter in 1917 and is deeply in love with her.He spends many nights staring at the green light at the end of her dock,across the bay from his mansion,hoping to one day rekindle their lost romance.Gatsby's extravagant lifestyle and wild parties are an attempt to impress Daisy in the hopes that she will one day appear again at Gatsby's doorstep.Gatsby now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy.Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house,without telling her that Gatsby will also be there.After an initially awkward reunion,Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection.They begin an affair and,after a short time,Tom grows increasingly suspicious of his wife's relationship with Gatsby.At a luncheon at the Buchanans' house,Gatsby stares at Daisy with such undisguised passion that Tom realizes Gatsby is in love with her.Though Tom is himself involved in an extramarital affair,he is outraged by his wife's infidelity.He forces the group to drive into New York City,where he confronts Gatsby in a suite at thePlaza Hotel.Tom asserts that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand.In addition to that,he announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal whose fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol and other illegal activities.Daisy realizes that her allegiance is to Tom,and Tom contemptuously sends her back to East Egg with Gatsby,attempting to prove that Gatsby cannot hurt him.
When Nick,Jordan,and Tom drive through the valley of ashes,however,they discover that Gatsby's car has struck and killed Myrtle,Tom's lover.Nick later learns from Gatsby that Daisy was driving the car at the time of the accident,but that Gatsby intends to take the blame.The next day,Tom tells Myrtle's husband,George,that Gatsby was the driver of the car.George,who has leapt to the conclusion that the driver of the car that killed Myrtle must have been her lover,tracks Gatsby to his mansion and fatally shoots both Gatsby and then himself.Nick then stages an upsettingly small funeral for Gatsby,ends his relationship with Jordan,and moves back to the Midwest disillusioned with the Eastern lifestyle.
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❹ 了不起的盖茨比英语观后感150字,最好带汉语翻译。谢谢!
❺ 了不起的盖茨比英文介绍,急100-200字,初中水平,最好还带观后感!跪谢,写完了还加财富值!!
范文:It's a story said about a man named Gatsby.he lost his heart to a grirl wealthy women named Daisy when he was young.But he lost her at that time because he was poor and he forced to the war.When he come back from the war.
He do business in a illegal way,and became a man with a lot money.But it's 10 years ago.And he do everything just for Daisy.And he come back,wanting married with daisy.But at last he was dead for Daisy.But noboby come to his funeral except his father and his friend Nick.And the story was said from Nick'angle of the view.
❻ 了不起的盖茨比英文评论500-800字
TheGreat Gatsby is written by an Amercian writer F.Scott Fitzgerald, who was born in 1896 and died in 1940.His novel In 1920,hisnovel This Side of Paradise make himvery famous. Then he published the novelThe Beautiful and Damned which was also popular among the public. In the 81stOscar Awards ceremony got three Oscar-winning films Benjamin Button was based on his short novel Benjamin’s Fantasy Trip adaptation. The twentieth century , theUnited States academic community selected 100 the best novels in the river ofEnglish literature . The Great Gatsbywas second. However , at the time when TheGreat Gatsby was first published in 1925 , it was not well-sold on themarket and until 17 years later , it was recognized by people . Many expertsbecame to study on it .
This novel is told us the story of Nick’stone . Nick is tired of his hometown’s life in Amercia Middle West and came toNew York . Rent a small house in the suburb of West Egg . He is Daisy’s cousin. The Gatsby is his neighbor , living in luxurious . The most impressiveimpression Gatsby gave him is that he often held big parties and hang out withvarious kinds of people . Also , Gatsby is kind of mysterious to him . Later ,he knew the story between Gatsby and Daisy . They loved each other when theywere young , but because of Gatsby’s poor family , they broke up . Then hejoined the First World War. While Daisy married to rich Kids Tom. Five yearslater , Daisy and her family moved to the West from Chicago . Nick had someclose contacts with them . At that time , Gatsby made a great wealth throughsome kind of illegal means . Because of missing Daisy all the time , hefollowed Daisy came to New York and brought the villa-Gatsby Mansion which wasopposite Daisy’s house in order to have a chance to meet with her. The bigparties held every weekend were actually only for one person and he hoped toarise the lost love between them . Finally , Gatsby got the chance to meet withDaisy , but Daisy was not as innocent as he imaged , he found Daisy’s vanity ,vulgar and selfish . Gatsby’s years’ pink dream had been broken , but he stillinsisted it , still had any illusion about Daisy , and finally led to histragedy .One day , Daisy was driving Gatsby’s car and caused an accident thatkilled Tom’s mistress, but Tom and Daisy plan a plot to put the blame onGatsby. As a result , the victim’s husband shot Gatsby and the murderereventually killed himself. And Daisy and Tom were travelling to Europe . OnlyGatsby’s poor father and Nick attended at the funeral . The story ended up withthe Gatsby became victim for selfish and cruel of Daisy .
Gatsby is a tragedy hero . His behavior isalways handsome and gentle . As Nick said in Chapter 3 “He smiled understandingly –much more thanunderstandingly …It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood ,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself ”. And he is also astrong person who has a belief , knowing self-training when he was a boy . Hebecame wealthy through hard work and good luck . However , his dream is Daisy’slove . He inlges into his own dream in the imagination . “It has beyond her ,beyond everything .” His pursuit of his imaginary love is unpractical , but Iam also moved by his persistence of love because “Love ” is more than a luxury, but his not only heart but also was always committed the only one person .Gatsby is the typical example of the person who pursue their Amercian dream ,but he can change his fate because of a woman . That is his tragedy.
Daisy can be said a half angle and halfdevil girl . She is a conservative and fickle-minded woman . At her young age ,she was even willing to abandon everything and live forever with Gatsby . Aftermarriage, she was loyal to her husband even her husband had love affairs, whichin my opinion was her tragedy .While she is also a woman who worshiped moneyand that was why she wanted to be with Gatsby . Because of her selfishness andstupidity led to Gatsby’s tragedy .
The reason why Gatsby is great because he issincere and persistent waiting for his love . However , in the society wherepeople were pursuing pleasure and pride luxury , in this material-drivenenvironment , whether it is Gatsby , Daisy or Tom , their pursuit, devotion andtransfer for love were closely linked with money and social status. A personlike Gatsby had no friends except Nick , people were polite to him just becausehe was rich , he can give them some benefits .
The story began in 1920s-was named by “jazz”and “money” era . It used Nick’s tone to tell the story . Happened as if isNick’s experience. It’s a unique literary vision , profoundly revealed theburst reason about Amercian Dream at Jazz and Money age . The lifestyle trendsto money worship was expressed most vividly . But it was under the cover of theselfishness and indifference of human nature .
❼ 了不起的盖茨比英文简介 小知识请查收
1、The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F.Scott Fitzgerald.At first glance,the novel appears to be a simple love story,but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scruti...
❽ 《了不起的盖茨比》英文解析求助
riotous excursions 这个比较好理解吧?可以译成肆意妄为/不受约束/放浪形骸的游玩/游荡/玩乐/闲逛/晃悠
privileged glimpse into the human heart 比较难理解,分解成两部分就容易了。 glimpse into the human heart 这个直译就是深入人心的一瞥。privilege意思是给与特权,被动式privileged做形容词表示被给予恩典、给予殊荣的,把两个连起来就是 “把看到人心的一瞥当成荣幸”
❾ 《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感
The Great Gatsby I read, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the well-known American writer, was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2004, with 225 pages.
The book is a novel. It is a story told by Nick about a man named Gatsby. The author gives the reader a vivid love story with a tragic end. The story can be interpreted many ways. The fall of the American dream is one major theme.
Here are the top four characters. Gatsby, the protagonist, has an obsessive love with Daisy. He struggles for her attention, for her joyance, and most importantly, for her herself. It turns out what he struggles for is only an allusion, a shadow, and a dream, just out reach of his hand. He pays “a high price for living too long with a single dream” (Fitzgerald, 200). Special attention should be paid to Nick, the narrator. He is “one of the few honest people” that we ever known in the novel (Fitzgerald, 70). Therefore, we can, first of all, trust his narration. As Daisy’s cousin and Gatsby’s neighbour, he then exists as a connection of the two. Another function he plays is that being an observer, he can evaluate and criticize our protagonist objectively. Daisy and Tom make a perfect couple. Daisy, though born a beauty, is sensual and “her voice is full of money” (Fitzgerald, 152). Then Tom, both physically and spiritually, is vulgar. Tom and Daisy lead a luxurious and profligate life.
The following is the plot of the novel. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other. However, Gatsby was too poor to marry Daisy. He went to war in Europe. When he came back he found Daisy had married Tom. He earned substantive money illegally, and came to New York City, and bought a house, and held parties, which were luxurious out of imagination, in order to draw Daisy’s attention. Finally he knew Nick, his neighbour, was Daisy’s cousin, and came to him for help. Under Nick’s arrangement, Gatsby met Daisy five years after they parted. After Tom had learned that there was something between Gatsby and Daisy, he attacked Gatsby that the latter did drugstore business in the face of Daisy and Nick, and asked Daisy back to his arms. Later, Daisy, driving, killed Myrtle, Tom’s lover by accident. However, Tom told her husband, Wilson, that it was Gatsby who was Myrtle’s lover and killed her. Consequently Wilson shot Gatsby to death and took his own life as well. After Gatsby’s depressing funeral, Nick decided to go back to the Middle West. After all, Gatsby, Daisy, Tom and he himself were all from the Middle West.
When The Great Gatsby was published, T. S. Eliot praised it was the first step of American novel had token since Henry James. I like this novel, which is not hard to understand but not easy to appreciate. First, it is a novel about dreams. Young men, maybe young women as well, without fortune and outlook may lack everything but dreams. Yet how their dreams will turn out to be is completely another thing. We notice in Chapter 9, Gatsby’s SCHEDULE, which is marvelously similar to Benjamin Franklin’s schele, and then we are reminded of the American dream. That is a dream, as James Truslow Adams has remarked, “of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” (“What is the American Dream” ). The generation of Franklin succeeded through their personal struggle. Unfortunately, this was never true to men like Gatsby, who lived in the 1920s America. Gatsby does have ambition, but he is a hero in an improper time where money is the sole criterion of success. Fitzgerald links Gatsby “with a world that no longer exist, a world that has been lost in back rush of time, a world that offers more in promise than has been realized in fact” (Lehan). It is the dream that deceives him into living with sufferings; and it is the dream that even makes him die willingly.
Besides the decline of the American Dream, another theme of the novel, in my opinion, is that there exists no true love in a world where ruthless materialism prevails. Notwithstanding “the love Gatsby has for Daisy seems to be the only pure impulse in a corrupt world” (Lehan), his love has no opportunity to flourish. Daisy finally chooses to follow Tom, and they escape, “and let other people clean up the mess they had made” (Fitzgerald, 222). About love, Fitzgerald says through one of his characters, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired” (Fitzgerald, 95). The love between Nick and Baker, if it exists, can support this point as well.
In terms of craftsmanship in American literature, The Great Gatsby can be said one of the most consummate. It is a work making good use of symbolism. First, the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock represents Gatsby’s hope and dream for the future. It is yet only an illusory dream which he will never reach. It is not more real than the stars in the sky. Second, the Valley of Ashes symbolizes “the moral and social decay that results from the uninhibited pursuit of wealth”. Third, the eye of Doctor T. J. Ecklebury’s in a billboard represents “God staring down upon and judging American society as moral wasteland”. Each symbol has more than one interpretation, with which I will not try to bother here.
Then the language of The Great Gatsby deserves to be mentioned. The language is elegant and graceful, and sometimes it could be compared to a poem’s language. In one of Gatsby’s grand parties, “people disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go somewhere, and then lost each other, searched for each other, found each other a few feet away”(Fitzgerald, 44). Then when Daisy was singing with the music in a husky, rhythmic whisper, she brings out “a meaning in each word that it had never had before and would never have again” (Fitzgerald, 135). Then Gatsby “stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air …” (Fitzgerald, 191). More examples shall not be quoted. The description of views of the evening and moonlight should be specially noticed.
In relation to our life, how shall we do with our personal dreams? Man, as he grows, becomes realistic. This process is like when we put a piece of paper into a glass of water, the paper is graally soaked and suddenly falls into the bottom. Then it is like an artichoke flower, peels off one petal after another, and finally withers. However, without dreams, what can man hold? The Pandora’s Box opened; everything flew out, leaving only hope at the bottom. Hope, thence, stays forever for the despairing people, even when they have nothing else.
Finally, the fiction urges me to think about what kind of life we are willing to have? All the four principle characters are from the Middle West and come to live in the East. Many in China come from the countryside and pursue the urban life. Nick never feels he is a part of the East, and if Gatsby has felt, he would not be dead. The relation between countryside and urban life deserves reconsidering, especially in the contemporary Chinese context.
It is my pleasure to recommend this novel to my friends. Another well-known American writer, who was contemporary with Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemmingway’s words are of service, “Gatsby was a great book. I’ve read it twice in the last five years. It gets better with each reading” (Hemingway, Gregory). I would like to read it twice when time is available.
The Great Gatsby is a significant classic in America literature and Fitzgerald is also considered as a chronicler of the “Jazz Age”. The women characters play an important role in revealing the theme of the novel. Especially the figure Daisy and the contradictions in her has aroused my interests to think carefully about the reason why she would choose that when her ideal ran into the reality.
Daisy was once a lovely, elegant and innocent girl when she was “Daisy Fay”. Though Gatsby was a penniless lower class young man, she fell in love with him crazily and happily. While she changed and showed her darker side graally. She noticed the importance of wealth and position, so she chose to marry to Tom Buchanan though she did not love him as much as Gatsby at that time. Besides, Daisy considered her daughter as a doll and continued playing with those guys. Even until the end, her former lover Gatsby who was wealthy and renowned then came back to her. Considering Gatsby’s illegal sources of money and his inglorious past, Daisy refused to go with Gatsby finally. What annoyed me the most is the plot that Gatsby was murdered because of the misunderstanding of Wilson while Daisy did not attend his funeral. She may have many scruples when her ideal life was disturbed by the cruel reality. Actually everyone may become confused and perplexed when we face the confliction. Also everyone has his own choice. But the point is how much we can afford when confront the result that happened after our decision.
The slang “Make friends with local tyrant” is very popular nowadays. We ought to think about the hidden reason for its popularity after we scoff at it. With the fast development of economy, more and more people are lost themselves just like the young generation after the World War Ⅰ. Their value has been or is going to be changed completely. They don’t know what exactly right is and what exactly they are supposed to do. Some students play online games in the dormitory rather than go to the classes. Some staff has become a workaholic in order to deal with the life pressure. Some married stars betrayed their families without remembering their oath. It seems that the whole society has ran out of the regular track. So it is high time that we calmed down and reflected ourselves. What exactly is our final ideal and how could we make it a reality?
Honestly speaking, nobody could live in the society without money. And obviously, almost everyone has been aware of the necessity of money. So no wonder people are struggling and fighting to get more money. But what if the life with plenty money is different from the life we used to dream of? As far as I’m thinking, it is definitely that life is more cruel that we thought and it is impossible that life goes as we designed. We can not own everything that we want to have. What we could do and what we could change is just ourselves. Our choices, our goals or our attitudes all have an impact on the final result. The change may be pretty small, but we ought to believe that the miracle will definitely show up as long as you stick to your ideal goal. So when your ideal is disturbed by the reality, don’t let your original step be disturbed as well. Just follow your heart and be yourself. And I believe that you will finally achieve your goal in the near future.
At the beginning of the review, I am afraid but I need mention that I read The Great Gatzby from my paper book, not online, so it might be a little strange in the record of my reading history and also the lack of comments.
After reading the novel, I sympathized deeply for Gatzby, who dedicated almost his whole life into pursuing Daisy, but eventually was shot down for Daisy’s fault, and also Nick, who narrate this heart-broken story to us. But I believe that all is destined, not only his success, but also his miserable, dramatic ending.
First, Gatzby meant to be succeed, which was determined by his personality. He was such an absolute perfectionist, fairly speaking, a paranoiac, that he never accept he was inferior to others in all kinds of aspects. He scheled his life when he was young in order to achieve his goal. He couldn’t live like Tom who dissipated his time on women, also couldn’t like Wilson live so meaninglessly, and his ambition made it impossible for him to be content with common life. After the moment he denied his poor family background, changed his name into Jay Gatzby, he either succeed, or die.
No matter how, he will succeed. I always believe it because his characteristic promised.
And I also believe Gatzby would fall in love with a lady with a celebrated background. Because he was a perfectionist , he must long for a charming, wealthy, graceful aristocracy. Daisy was just a representation of perfection, a concrete thing in his dream.
However, Daisy falls far short of Gatzby’s ideal. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, and hypocritical. She is careless person who smashes thing up and then retreats behind her money. She allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle ever though she herself was driving the car. Finally, rather than attend Gatsby’s funeral, Daisy and Tom move away, leaving no contact address.
Gatzby knew exactly what kind of person she was. And the very beginning of the novel, he said “Her voice is full of money”. But how can it matter? His puzzle of life would be incomplete without Daisy, and as we know, he was such a paranoiac that never let it happen. It’s impossible for him to restart.
Gatzby’s obsession about Daisy and Daisy’s characteristic determined the trend of plot.
So, it is destined.
And not only from the plot development we can say Gatzby’s fate was destined, but also from the writer himself. Technically, Gatzby wasn’t a only fictional character, but also the reflection of writer, Fitzgerald himself. He also had a complex relationship of his own. His own experience made him believe that there’s a huge gap between the “natural” rich and the ”new” rich.
In rich boy, his another novel, he showed his attitude directly:
Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.
They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.
Because of the poverty and adversity they had been through, they always cherish the first glamorous thing dropping in their life. Some of them even take it as the highest goal in life, like Gatzby who considered Daisy as his whole world. When their dream faded out graally, they might behave like Gatzby, deceive themselves to protect their “little green light” in their heart until their hearts are beaten to pieces by reality.
At last, I want to use the final sentence in The Great Gaztby as the end, which I consider as the most profound ending I have ever read and inspire me a lot. Gatzby’s dream was always behind him, from the moment he met Daisy and fell in love with her. So what he did was just striving hard back into the past against the current of time, like the ending says:
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
❿ 求 对了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的评价,要英文的,50-80词就可以了!!!感激不尽!!!!不要机器翻
The Great Gatsby is a reflection of the American Dream. Gatsby's life goal was to get enough money to please Daisy. In the end, though, Gatsby was killed e to Daisy's (fatal) mistake, and Daisy and Tom went about life as though nothing had ever happened. My interpretation is that happiness CANNOT be bought with money, and Gatsby's death is furthur proof of the superficial realities of the American Dream.
完全摘自yahoo, 搜一下Reflection on The Great Gatsby就可以了
这一段的中心就是American Dream