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发布时间: 2023-02-16 23:20:28

㈠ 宫崎骏 龙猫 的英文介绍,不要翻译器翻译的。

My Neighbor TOTORO(1998)


Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan.



Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother.

Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is in habited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro).


They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.


The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family, the success of the audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work.






影片获得1988年 《电影旬报》 十佳电影的榜首









㈡ 宫崎骏及其作品英文介绍

Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked second.Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that factory.Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds.Hayao Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother pirates.Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike.Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.Tokyo will be transferred to the school.In 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine years.From this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen ring the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao Miyazaki.1958, the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have interest.Hayao Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be painted.He also resolved to be the master of a cartoonist---------------------------------宫崎峻简介 (上面的英语意思)1941-1969年 宫崎骏生于1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他们家原本住在东京都文京区,后来二次大战因战时疏散,举家迁往宇都宫市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父经营了一家飞机工厂,宫崎骏的父亲在那间工厂担任主管。宫崎骏的母亲 是个很严格的人,头脑很聪明。宫崎骏的么弟后来回忆说,他看到《天空之城》中的海盗婆婆不禁想起了自己的母亲,虽然长得完全不像,但是个性倒神似。宫崎骏小学一到三年级都在宇都宫市的小学就读,后来他们搬回东京,便转到东京的学校读书。1947年的时候,宫崎骏的母亲患了结核病,在床上整整躺了九年。从《龙猫》这部电影中就可以看到宫崎骏一家的这段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部长篇彩色电影动画《白蛇传》(东映动画制作)上映了,还是高三学生的宫崎骏迷上了这部片子,原本就喜爱漫画的他开始对动画产生兴趣。宫崎骏从前就喜欢涂涂画画一些军舰、飞机之类的东西,不过不太会画人,他也曾立志要当一名漫画家。---------------------------------毕竟回答里不能回答超过2000字所以直接用网址的【天空之城】介绍 http://..com/question/18179168.html这是每集【天】的英语剧情 http://tieba..com/f?kz=348203481---------------------------------《千寻》偶一个朋友就把这个写到英语作文交给老师了-.-给你参考看看 http://www.totoroclub.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=10013---------------------------------【风之谷】1984 *《风之谷》 Kaze no tani no Naushika In the far future, man has destroyed the Earth in the "Seven Days of Fire". Now, there are small pockets of humanity that survive. One pocket is the Valley of Wind where a princess named Nausicaa tries to understand, rather than destroy the Toxic Jungle. Note that the old US release titled Warriors of the Wind is an entirely kiddified version which edits the original movie heavily, thus creating an entirely different story n the far future, a thousand years after a nuclear war left the Earth as a nuclear holocaust. The Valley of the Wind, a small kingdom ruled by King Jil struggles for survival as the community tries to defend the Valley from gigantic Ohm creatures and toxic plants that live beyond the Valley in the Sea of Decay, whilst Jil's daughter and heiress to the throne, Princess Nausicaa tries to understand and feels it is wrong to destroy the toxic jungle. The Valley is attacked by the Tolmekian people who plan to destroy the Sea of Decay by using the greatest warriors that started the holocaust. After Nausicaa is taken prisoner, Nausicca escapes and goes beneath the Sea of Decay where she discovers the toxic plants are not poisoning the air and are purifying the world by draining the air of radiation and toxins. With everything at stake, Nausicaa unites with the Ohms and set out to the Valley and foil the Tolmekians plan of unleashing the Great Warrior which will start another holocaust.-----------PS很少有人会自己打英语的啦,毕竟网上有谢人们发感慨啊,用英语写的。都可以借来用....如果楼主是为了交作业的话,就用第二个好了(偶是经过“猪猪”同意才拿来借你参考额)

㈢ 求宫崎骏简介,用英文写的

Hayao Miyazaki is a prominent filmmaker of many popular animated feature films. He is also the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, an animation studio and proction company.

He remained largely unknown to the West, outside of animation communities, until Miramax released his 1997 Princess Mononoke. By that time, his films had already enjoyed both commercial and critical success in Japan and Central Asia. For instance, Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing film in Japan until Titanic (1997) came out a few months later, and the first animated film to win Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards. His later film, Spirited Away, had that distinction as well, and was the first anime film to win an Academy Award. Howl's Moving Castle was also nominated but did not receive the award.

Miyazaki's films often incorporate recurrent themes, such as humanity's relationship to nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. Reflecting Miyazaki's feminism, the protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls or young women; the villains, when present, are often morally ambiguous characters with redeeming qualities.

Miyazaki's films have generally been financially successful, and this success has invited comparisons with American animator Walt Disney. In 2006, Time Magazine voted Miyazaki one of the most influential Asians of the past 60 years.[1]

Anime directed by Miyazaki that have won the Animage Anime Grand Prix award have been Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind in 1984, Castle in the Sky in 1986, My Neighbor Totoro in 1988, and Kiki's Delivery Service in 1989.

Totoro, Satsuki, and Mei in My Neighbor Totoro.

Miyazaki, the second of four brothers, was born in the town of Akebono-cho, part of Tokyo's Bunkyō-ku. During World War II, Miyazaki's father Katsuji was director of Miyazaki Airplane, owned by his brother (Hayao Miyazaki's uncle), which made rudders for A6M Zero fighter planes. During this time, Miyazaki drew airplanes and developed a lifelong fascination with aviation, a penchant that later manifested as a recurring theme in his films.[2]

Miyazaki's mother was a voracious reader who often questioned socially accepted norms. Miyazaki later said that he inherited his questioning and skeptical mind from her.[citation needed] His mother underwent treatment for spinal tuberculosis from 1947 until 1955, and so the family moved frequently.[2] Miyazaki's film My Neighbor Totoro is set in that time period and features a family whose mother is similarly afflicted.

Miyazaki attended Toyotama High School. In his third year there, he saw the film Hakujaden, which has been described as "the first-ever Japanese feature length color anime."[3] His interest in animation began in this period; however, in order to become an animator, he had to learn to draw the human figure, since his prior work had been limited to airplanes and battleships.[3]

After high school, Miyazaki attended Gakushuin University, from which he would graate in 1963 with degrees in political science and economics. He was a member of the "Children's Literature research club," the "closest thing to a comics club in those days."[3]

In April 1963, Miyazaki got a job at Toei Animation, working as an in-between artist on the anime Watchdog Bow Wow (Wanwan Chushingura). He was a leader in a labor dispute soon after his arrival, becoming chief secretary of Toei's labor union in 1964.[2]

In October 1965, he married fellow animator Akemi Ota, who later left work to raise their two sons, Gorō and Keisuke. Gorō is now an animator and filmmaker, and has directed Tales from Earthsea at Studio Ghibli. Keisuke is a wood artist who has created pieces for the Ghibli Museum and who made the wood engraving shown in the Studio Ghibli film Whisper of the Heart.

Hayao Miyazaki's dedication to his work has often been reported to have impacted negatively his relationship with his son Gorō.[4]

㈣ 求宫崎骏 简介中英对照

英文:Gongqijun is one of the most populor animators(漫画家).He was born in Tokyo in 1941. For all his year ,he is done the less active and energetic.He love airplane and flying,because of his family owned a factory that build airplane.So his films are often having filying scenes .(场面)In 1984 , he had finished his first animat(漫画).

㈤ 求宫崎骏简介,用英文写的

The Carton King of Japan

Television cartoons are big business in Japan, where around 40 new animated TV series are proced every week. One of the country’s most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has proced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. Nevertheless,he finds television too restrictive, and prefers to make full-length animated movies.

Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland. His amazing drawing skills, entertaining plots, and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as “Princess Mononoke” and “My Neighbor Totoro.” He is widely respected by Japanese of all ages, and has won the admiration of animators and filmmakers around the world.

Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. His family owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark.

Miyazaki’s career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation to work on a TV series called “Wolf Boy Ken.” While there, he fell in love with a fellow animator, Akemi Ota, who later became his wife.

At Toei, he also teamed up with Isao Takahata, beginning a partnership that would last many years and lead to some of the great success stories of Japanese animated film. Miyazaki and Takahata changed studios several times and worked on a number of successful TV series in the 60s and 70s. Both men were, however, more interested in the challenge of procing feature-length animated movies.

In 1984, Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series, “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.” It was a huge success, enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company, Studio Ghibli. They were finally free to concentrate on doing what they liked best: making high-quality animated feature films.

Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning “a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert.” It was used by Italian pilots ring World War II in reference to their planes, and Miyazaki, who loves both flying and Italy, felt the name captured the spirit of his work.

Since it opened in 1985, Studio Ghibli has gone from strength to strength. “Princess Mononoke” is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history, and “My Neighbor Totoro,” as well as attracting huge audiences, was successful in another way. Sales of stuffed toys based on its odd central character helped the studio build a sound financial base.

Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration. Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others. Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation,with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership, have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki. He has, without a doubt, earned his place in the animators’ hall of fame.











㈥ 急…宫崎骏的英文介绍

宫崎骏(宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao)是日本着名动画片导演,1941年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。
中文名: 宫崎骏
外文名: Miyazaki Hayao
国籍: 日本
出生地: 日本东京
出生日期: 1941年1月5日
职业: 动画片导演
毕业院校: 日本东京学习院大学
代表作品: 《风之谷》、《天空之城》、《龙猫》、《千与千寻的神隐》等
Miyazaki (Miyazaki, Miyazaki Hayao) is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. Hayao Miyazaki has no substitute in the global animation instry status, Disney called "animation instry Akira Kurosawa" is award-winning.
Chinese Name: Hayao Miyazaki
English name: Miyazaki Hayao
Nationality: Japan
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Date of birth: January 5, 1941
Occupation: Animation Director
School: Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Representative work: "Nausicaa", "Laputa", "sequence", "Spirited Away hidden God", etc.

㈦ 用英文介绍宫崎骏,不用太复杂,但要重点(附带翻译),,谢啦

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, procer, screenwriter, animator, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animation directors.

宫崎骏是日本电影导演,制片人,编剧,动画师,作家和漫画家。 作为电影和动画工作室吉卜力工作室的联合创始人,他作为一名精湛的讲故事者和动漫电影制片人获得了国际赞誉,并被广泛认为是最伟大的动画导演之一。

Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan.

宫崎骏是日本最伟大的动画导演之一。 他的电影中充满娱乐性的情节,引人注目的人物和令人惊叹的动画,使他在评论界享有国际声誉,并在日本获得公众认可。










㈧ 关于宫崎骏及其作品的PPT,最好是英文的

1·太阳王子 霍尔斯大冒险(1968)剧场
GHIBLI时期作品(1985—— )
1·天空之城 (天空の城ラピュタ)(1986)剧场(票房收入:5亿8300万圆,观众人数:77万4271人)

2·龙猫 (となりのトトロ)(1988)剧场(票房收入:5亿8800万圆,观众人数:80万1680人)
译 名 龙猫
原 名 となりのトトロ
英文译名 My Neighbor Totoro
年 代 1988
国 家 日本
片 长 86 Min
制 作 德间书店
原 作 宫崎骏
音 乐 久石 让
作画监督 佐藤好春
美 术 男鹿和雄
色彩设计 保田道世
3·魔女宅急便 (魔女の宅急便)(1989)剧场 (票房收入:21亿7000万圆,观众人数:264万619人)

4·红猪 (红の豚) (1992)剧场(票房收入:27亿1300万圆,观众人数:304万9806人)

5·On your mark (On Your Mark)(1995)短片

6·幽灵公主 (もののけ姫) (1997)剧场
原 名:もののけ姬 (Mononoke Hime)
英文名:Princess Mononoke
制 作:徳间书店 日本电视放送网 电通 吉卜力
原作/脚本/监督:宫崎 骏
制 片:铃木 敏夫
音 楽:久石 让
配 音:石田百合子、松田洋治、田中裕子、美轮明宏
主题歌:米良美一 (演唱)
作画监督:安藤雅司 高坂希太郎 近藤喜文
7·千与千寻 (千と千寻の神隠し)(2001)剧场
原名:千と千寻の神隠し(Spirited Away)
配音:荻野千寻 --柊 榴美
白龙 ---入野自由
千寻的妈妈 ---泽口靖子
千寻的爸爸 ---内藤刚志
汤婆婆 ---夏木麻里
锅炉爷爷 ---菅原文太
青蛙 ---我修院达也
小铃 ------玉井夕海
坊 ------神木隆之介 等
8·哈尔的移动城堡 (ハウルの动く城) (2004)剧场
英文片名:Howl's Moving Castle
类型:动画 奇幻
主演:倍赏千惠子 木村拓哉 美轮明宏
9·悬崖上的金鱼姬(崖の上のポニョ) (2008)剧场
英文片名:Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea
音乐:久石 让
主演:奈良柚莉爱 土井洋辉 山口智子
·侧耳倾听 (耳をすませば)(1995)剧场(又名梦幻街少女),近藤喜文任监督,宫崎骏担任脚本,分镜等制作。
·萤火虫之墓 (火垂るの墓) (1988)剧场 高畑勲
·岁月的童话 (おもひでぽろぽろ) (1991)剧场 高畑勲
·听见涛声 (海がきこえる)(1993)剧场 望月智充
·平成狸合战 (平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ) (1994)剧场 高畑勲
·我的邻居山田君(ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん)(1999)剧场 高畑勲
·猫的报恩 (猫の恩返し)(2002)剧场 森田宏幸
·种山原之夜(种山ヶ原の夜)(2005) 剧场 男鹿和雄
·地海传说(ゲド戦记)(2006)剧场 宫崎吾郎(宫崎骏的儿子)

·《mononoke hime》(もののけ姬)
英译:Hayao Miyazaki Daydream Note

㈨ (加分)宫崎骏的英文介绍

Hayao Miyazaki (宫崎 骏, Miyazaki Hayao?, born January 5, 1941 in Tokyo, Japan) is a prominent filmmaker of many popular animated feature films. He is also a co-founder of Studio Ghibli, an animation studio and proction company.

He remained largely unknown to the West, outside of animation communities, until Miramax released his 1997 Princess Mononoke. By that time, his films had already enjoyed both commercial and critical success in Japan and Central Asia. For instance, Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing film in Japan until Titanic (1997) came out a few months later, and the first animated film to win Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards. His later film, Spirited Away, had that distinction as well, and was the first anime film to win an Academy Award, topping Titanic in the Japanese box office. Howl's Moving Castle was also nominated but did not receive the award.

Miyazaki's films often incorporate recurrent themes, such as humanity's relationship to nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. Reflecting Miyazaki's feminism, the protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls or young women; the villains, when present, are often morally ambiguous characters with redeeming qualities.

Miyazaki's films have generally been financially successful, and this success has invited comparisons with American animator Walt Disney. In 2006, Time Magazine voted Miyazaki one of the most influential Asians of the past 60 years.[1]

Anime directed by Miyazaki that have won the Animage Anime Grand Prix award have been Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind in 1984, Castle in the Sky in 1986, My Neighbor Totoro in 1988, and Kiki's Delivery Service in 1989.
Miyazaki first gained recognition while working as an in-between artist on the Toei proction Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon (Garibā no Uchuu Ryokō, 1965). He found the original ending to the script unsatisfactory and pitched his own idea, which became the ending used in the final film.

He later played an important role as chief animator, concept artist, and scene designer on Hols: Prince of the Sun in 1968, a landmark animated film directed by Isao Takahata, with whom he continued to collaborate for the next three decades. In Kimio Yabuki's Puss in Boots (1969), Miyazaki again provided key animation as well as designs, storyboards, and story ideas for key scenes in the film, including the climactic chase scene. Shortly thereafter, Miyazaki proposed scenes in the screenplay for Flying Phantom Ship, in which military tanks would roll into downtown Tokyo and cause mass hysteria, and was hired to storyboard and animate those scenes. In 1971, Miyazaki played a decisive role in developing structure, characters, and designs for Animal Treasure Island and Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, as well as storyboarding and key animating of pivotal scenes in both.

Miyazaki left Toei in 1971 for A Pro, where he co-directed six episodes of the first Lupin III series with Isao Takahata. He and Takahata then began pre-proction on a Pippi Longstocking series and drew extensive story boards for it. However, after traveling to Sweden to conct research for the film and meet the original author, Astrid Lindgren, they were denied permission to complete the project, and it was canceled.[2]

Instead of Pippi Longstocking, Miyazaki conceived, wrote, designed, and animated two Panda! Go, Panda! shorts which were directed by Takahata. Miyazaki then left Nippon Animation in 1979 in the middle of the proction of Anne of Green Gables to direct his first feature anime The Castle of Cagliostro (1979), a Lupin III adventure film.

Porco Rosso (1992) was a notable departure for Miyazaki, in that the main character was an alt male, an anti-fascist aviator transformed into an anthropomorphic pig. The film is set in 1920s Italy and the title character is a bounty hunter who fights air pirates and an American soldier of fortune. The film explores the tension between selfishness and ty. The film can also be viewed as an abstract self-portrait of the director; its subtext can be read as a fictionalized autobiography.[citation needed] Like many of his movies, it is richly allusive and generates a lot of its humour and charm out of its references to American film of the 1930s and 1940s. Porco Rosso, for instance, owes much to the various screen personae of Humphrey Bogart.

1997's Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-Hime) returns to the ecological and political themes of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. The plot centers on the struggle between the animal spirits who inhabit the forest and the humans who exploit the forest for instry. Both movies implicitly criticize the adverse impact of humans on nature, and portray the military in a negative light. Princess Mononoke is also noted as one of his most violent pictures. The film was a huge commercial success in Japan, where it became the highest grossing film of all time, until the later success of Titanic, and it ultimately won Best Picture at the Japanese Academy Awards. Miyazaki went into what would prove to be temporary retirement after directing Princess Mononoke.
In July 2004, Miyazaki completed proction on Howl's Moving Castle, a film adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones' fantasy novel. Miyazaki came out of retirement following the sudden departure of original director Mamoru Hosoda[5]. The film premiered at the 2004 Venice International Film Festival and won the Golden Osella award for animation technology. On November 20, 2004, Howl's Moving Castle opened to general audiences in Japan where it earned ¥1.4 billion in its first two days. The English language version was later released in the US by Walt Disney.

In 2005, Miyazaki received a lifetime achievement award at the Venice Film Festival. Later that year, Chinese media reported that Miyazaki's final film project would be I Lost My Little Boy, based on a Chinese children's book.[6] This later proved to be faked news.[7]

In 2006, Miyazaki's son Gorō Miyazaki completed his first film, Tales from Earthsea, based on several stories by Ursula K. Le Guin. Hayao Miyazaki had long aspired to make an anime of this work and had repeatedly asked for permission from the author, Ursula K. Le Guin. However, he had been refused every time. Instead, Miyazaki proced Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind and Shuna no tabi, (The Journey of Shuna) as substitutes (some of the ideas from Shuna no tabi were diverted to this movie). When Le Guin finally requested that Miyazaki proce an anime adaptation of her work, he refused, because he had lost the desire to do so.

㈩ (加分)宫崎骏作品的英文介绍

风之谷:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Kaze no Tani no Naushika, 1984), was an adventure film that introced many of the themes which recur in later films: a concern with ecology and the human impact on the environment; a fascination with aircraft and flight; pacifism, including an anti-military streak; feminism; and morally ambiguous characterizations, especially among villains. This was the first film both written and directed by Miyazaki. He adapted it from his manga series of the same title, which he began writing and illustrating two years earlier, but which remained incomplete until after the film's release.

Following the success of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki co-founded the animation proction company Studio Ghibli with Takahata in 1985, and has proced nearly all of his subsequent work through it.

Miyazaki continued to gain recognition with his next three films. Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986) recounts the adventure of two orphans seeking a magical castle-island that floats in the sky; My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro, 1988) tells of the adventure of two girls and their interaction with forest spirits; and Kiki's Delivery Service (1989), adapted from a novel by Eiko Kadono, tells the story of a small-town girl who leaves home to begin life as a witch in a big city. Miyazaki's fascination with flight is evident throughout these films, ranging from the ornithopters flown by pirates in Castle in the Sky, to the Totoro and the Cat Bus soaring through the air, and Kiki flying her broom.

红猪:Porco Rosso (1992) was a notable departure for Miyazaki, in that the main character was an alt male, an anti-fascist aviator transformed into an anthropomorphic pig. The film is set in 1920s Italy and the title character is a bounty hunter who fights air pirates and an American soldier of fortune. The film explores the tension between selfishness and ty. The film can also be viewed as an abstract self-portrait of the director; its subtext can be read as a fictionalized autobiography.[citation needed] Like many of his movies, it is richly allusive and generates a lot of its humour and charm out of its references to American film of the 1930s and 1940s. Porco Rosso, for instance, owes much to the various screen personae of Humphrey Bogart.

哈尔的移动城堡:In July 2004, Miyazaki completed proction on Howl's Moving Castle, a film adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones' fantasy novel. Miyazaki came out of retirement following the sudden departure of original director Mamoru Hosoda[5]. The film premiered at the 2004 Venice International Film Festival and won the Golden Osella award for animation technology. On November 20, 2004, Howl's Moving Castle opened to general audiences in Japan where it earned ¥1.4 billion in its first two days. The English language version was later released in the US by Walt Disney.

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