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发布时间: 2023-01-27 08:08:04

A. 求一篇电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》影评


B. 有关罗密欧与朱丽叶爱情悲剧评论的英语论文

Research of Love-tragedy between Romeo and Juliet摘要 爱情是文学作品中永恒的主题。古往今来,不知有多少人为之倾倒,用挚热的感情唱出一曲曲爱的赞歌。尽管我们都衷心祝愿有情人终成眷属,文学史上还是留下了许多凄恻哀婉的爱情故事。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚着名的爱情悲剧之一。罗密欧与朱丽叶这一对恋人相亲相爱,他们忠于自已的爱情,忠于自己的誓言。他们为了获得幸福,不顾任何冷酷的现实,最后他们双双殉情自杀。莎士比亚正是通过罗密欧和朱丽叶的爱情悲剧,把爱情题材和文艺复兴时期的社会矛盾联系起来,批判了封建道德观念,表现了人文主义追求个人自由和个人幸福的理念。所以,这一时期的社会主义宗教改革和人文主义思想是悲剧产生的一个重点,而作品中的人物性格也是悲剧产生的一个重要的因素。 关键词 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,人物性格,悲剧原因,宗教,人文主义 Abstract Love is the eternal theme in literature. Up to the present, it is unknown that so many people pour out their soul. They sing a lot of love-paeans with vehement passions. Although we wish that the lovers have a happy wedding, there are still some tragic love-stories in literature.Romeo and Juliet is one of the famous love-tragedies in the works of Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet admired each other so much, they were loyal to their oaths and wanted to acquire happiness in spite of how cool the reality was. Finally, they committed suicide. Through the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare had connected the love theme with conflict in the renaissance period. In the thesis, he criticized feudal mores and expressed ideals of pursuing personal freedom and welfare. So the religious reform and humanism were main cause of tragedy in that period of time. And the personality of characters was also the reasons for the tragedy in this work. Key Words Romeo and Juliet; Character; the Cause of Tragedy; Religion; Humanism

C. 罗密欧与朱丽叶 影评




D. 罗密欧与朱丽叶英文简介,胡乱复制的请不要回答,还有,最好英语等级不要太高,字数一页左右!

Verona, Italy, two families of mutual hostility. Caplet their family is headed by the father of Juliet and Romeo headed by the father of the family Montt. A violent clash between two families, casts a shadow over the city. Romeo is a day inlging in the fantasy of youth and love. Encouraged by friends in Latin America Mok Chiu, Romeo participated in the fancy dress party held by Caplet home. To Lai Li Ye Juliet's mother married a young man she has chosen and sponsored by the party, but the opposite has been true. Juliet met in a dance Romeo, two Selections of Falling Love at First Sight. Romeo at the end of the ball home after sneaking into the backyard and Juliet Caplet God, they love each other to talk to the screen for him. With the help of the priests, two secret to the result of marriage. Father hope to eliminate the long-standing hatred between the two families. Juliet's cousin, Thailand and China is a brutal killing of a good guy, he has found his el with the requirements of Romeo, Romeo's hopes for peace were rejected. Romeo crazy to beat Thailand and China have aroused the anger Mok Chiu asked. Romeo in the deterrent, not kill the child Mok Chiu Thailand and China, but Thailand and China has the opportunity to kill a child Mok Chiu. This tragedy occurred, angry Romeo killed Thailand and China, was punished by expulsion. Romeo and Juliet meet and leave in the middle of the night, but now they want Juliet Juliet's father married a young man she does not love. Father in the planning, pretend to take poison Juliet commit suicide, but the priest's letter did not reach the hands of Romeo. Romeo received the news arrived at the church, on Juliet woke up and had to drink a toxic drug Romeo, Juliet has also shot himself. The feud between two families that led to a younger generation of romantic tragedy.

E. 罗密欧与朱丽叶英语内容简介

中文名称: 罗密欧与朱丽叶
外文名称: Romeo and Juliet
其它名称: 殉情记
电影类型: 剧情片 故事片 爱情片 译制片
所属国别: 英国
语种: 英文
原着作者: 莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)
出品者: Rank Film Organization [gb] Universalcine [it]
摄制日期: 1954年



F. 电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》相比原着来说好看吗



G. 有关罗密欧与朱丽叶的评论 要英文的!!!!

《Romeo and Juliet (1595)》BE the Zhao of the earlier period creations of Shakespeare(1564-1616) tragedy.Its poetry is full of life, enthusiasm be abundant and be full of heavy of the romance breathing and comedy atmosphere.Its art style and earlier period of writer creations of majority the comedy be mutually consistent, is been called sentiment tragedy by people.

The conflict of the tragedy is Romeo and romance and two old grudge of household and opposition of Juliet, it performance freedom of of love and feudalism influence of sharp of antinomy conflict.The occurrence of the story ground Wei Luo that city actually is England 16 century, end Elizabeth's queen be vigorous period society reality of art reappear.On the other hand take prince as a representative, symbol royalty unify of strength, it be subjected to large citizen of advocacy, is a nobility to receive on the other hand too thou household and Kai cloth Lai especially the accumulate of household generation enemy become enemies, it representative from
The Middle Ages continue down of fight mutually of the influence of feudalism group.But ages fore enter, the new generation person of this two greatest feud between familieses unexpectedly fall in love at first sight on a dancing party, each other love each other, hence household of hatred enemy and personal love of then formation sharp, huge drama conflict.Romeo and Juliet all is take no cognizance in the enemy hatred of household, they disdainfully feel and hinder them to combine of just waste hollow reputation of surname.The Juliet once said:

What does the name have?P we call rose of that kind of the flower change don't of the name be not just one fragrant.Romeo if isn't Romeo, same would so lovely perfect, this is original with the name have no relation.Romeo, abandon you of name, for exchange heel your milli- irrelative empty, I the whole son take go to.

Attitude of Romeo to surname more vehemence, plain deal:

You as long as be called the love to me,

I re- baptize, re- assign name to and the from now on be not Romeo any more forever.

Real love, make them become brave but fearless, they carry parents to the Lawrence father of secret in the monastery marry, end they for resisting the fully responsible for marriage of the influence and feudalism of the feudalism household to don't hesitate with dead die for love, table write one song the most tragically heroic and moving love canticle.

The coda of drama, receive too thou and Kai Pu Lai 2 especially finally because of this to lover of dead but lay aside old enemy, speech return in good, and use pure gold that to be like with Juliet Zhu for Romeo in the Wei Luo.This mean two young artificial dedicate a body of ideal victory.They will become people's model in future.Old Kai Pu Lai especially acknowledgement in deeply regretly:This is "our old grudges of wretchedness of sacrifice article" to the lover.However not only this 2 of the dying in play, concern of also not only this 2 be be like Wei Luo that prince end to say:"Everyone was subjected to punishment".But Romeo and Juliet be pathetic of death, in the meantime again certificate the humanism represent by them new the victory of concept of value, make society got away from a meaningless old grudge and conflict.The disaster endless feud between families eliminated a solution, personal enemy change but friendly, in the Wei Luo that, people will arrive extremely from Romeo and the Juliet's pathetic story high school importance of one lesson:The love is more more emollient than old grudge and even the death can't destroy it to conquer, either.Say from this meaning, 《Romeo and Juliet 》BE a joy
The tragedy of view doctrine.

The Shakespeare once clearly called 《Romeo and Juliet 》is a destiny tragedy.But this work and Shakespeare later the tragedy of creations have obvious of dissimilarity.It in addition to mightiness of the love feeling of this one with the result that outside, male hostess Mr. is not be like 《Hamlet 》《Ao match 》《Li3 Er3 Wang2 》etc. numerous tragedy in of person so be placed in various conflict of domination position, end result in destruction of inevitable final outcome.The Hamlet face a father suddenly death, Be a humanism, prince and son of he, have to
Three heavy missions of undertake, in addition play his personality in of hesitant with resemble Huang.But gram Lao Di Si of cunning, deceitful and it old influence for represent of strong, this vehemence of outside with inside of conflict, push young Hamlet more step by step to have no can choice of inevitable of tragedy final outcome.But 《Romeo and Juliet 》of tragedy but isn't so, it almost come from hard explanation of by chance.The inside space Er once clearly said:"In 《 Romeo and the Juliet 》 , outside of by chance the trouble smashed smart ability of
The intervention of father, cause two lovers of death."Taking Hegelian standpoint as the foundation comment on a Shakespeare the cloth of the tragedy to pull thunder virtuous also say:"Romeo and the destiny of Juliet is upward a development first, attain top in their combine, then because of both parties' household of objection beginning decline.Family of objection plus by chance the trouble result in tragedy of final outcome, but immediately again conversion for from regret cause of reach agreement."Careful study manuscript, definite such.Romeo's meeting with Juliet is by chance:For Kai Pu Lai especially the household raise
The servant of dancing party notice of do honored guest unexpectedly incognizant the name of the notification, Romeo read to cantillate for him knew this news, for see oneself be addicted to of beauty Se Lin, Romeo just decision adventure attend dancing party, don't think but saw Jiao the United States, pure Juliet, two people fall in love at first sight and become tragedy of cause.Romeo lose the cousin who kill Juliet to lift elder brother of one's father Er especially also by chance:Romeo of good friend luxuriant Qiu west Ao with lift elder brother of one's father Er quarrel especially, advise of Romeo Zu, invite to lift elder brother of one's father Er to curse and scold especially with challenge, Romeo again and again concession, provocation of luxuriant Qiu west Ao with lift elder brother of one's father Er to pull out sword especially mutually shot, is lifted elder brother of one's father Er to stab dead especially.Romeo of the grief and indignation is blunt top to put together shot and killed to lift elder brother of one's father Er especially, hence was bum out by the archke verdict Wei Luo that city, become tragedy details development of decisively move because of.Romeo end commit by poison still by chance, Lawrence father design Juliet the medicine deep slumber pretend to be dead, then send letter notice to banish of Romeo, make two people together far walk other place.But the letter didn't send to Romeo to get Juliet dead first of rumours, hence the secret Qian return to Wei Luo that, Lawrence father after know the news hurried rush through to graveyard, but Romeo already enter grave, commit by poison dead forthcoming will wake up of Juliet nearby, the all these become cause tragedy a final outcome of end of direct reason.In fine, 《Romeo and Juliet 》medium, is the details of a series contingency, make the feud between families of the household and the love of the earnestness constituted antinomy, constantly arouse to turn antinomy, make antinomy of solve can't adopt satisfactory of way, can choice end of demolish.So this drama stay to people of first is for might avoid but again don't avoidable tragedy final outcome of regret, is for die for love cause of the household reach agreement of delighted.But is not be like his middle creations of those of the tragedy be similar is for mankind society and mankind man's natural character in the middle of inevitability tragedy factor of thinking.

Moreover, 《Romeo and Juliet 》medium appear of a great deal of of sentiment idea and sentiment form, is that is in the other tragedy of Shakespeare have no.In the drama of male hostess Mr. complete sink to immerse in the rightness the enthusiasm of love, look forward to, two act two Kai Pu Lai especially in garden in the house, the Juliet express bosom to the month, youth men and women enthusiasm of emotion exchanges with mutually don't hour of difficult give up difficult cent, what to play is one the song song's cordiality be touching youth of canticle, love of canticle.

Juliet:Tomorrow I should be when calling person to see you?

Romeo:In nine o'clocks.

Juliet:My aming certain doesn't fail in promise, get there time, should have 20 years so long-last, I don't recall why be calling you come back.

Romeo:Let my station wait you to remember to tell me here.

Juliet:You so the station is in my in front, I a wish how love heel you at together, certain record not to get up forever.

Romeo:So I etc. let you record not to get up forever here forever and forget in addition to here outside still have what house.

The state of mind that this free youth and Chong overflow is an earlier period of Shakespeare the comedy of the creations customary performance of.This pure and fine love is opposite with the concept of value of material lifes such as reasonableness, method and society responsibility etc. to sign.Male hostess Mr. just because of death just realization the romance allow of no by material life, their dead manifestation the huge strength of the youth and love, to reality the world project an infinite ray of light and dissolved two old grudge of household.Say from this meaning, 《Romeo and Juliet 》of end final outcome still
It is a grand union.So, this drama be definite more close at the Shakespeare creations in same period of comedy.

What new version high school teaching material stanza choose is 《Romeo and Juliet 》 five act 3, namely the final outcome of the whole play part.This part medium coagulate of love of deep sink with faithful, male hostess Mr. blunt definitely feudalism social morals of fearless spirit, and they of dead to reality huge of pound at dint, especially male hostess Mr. dialogue in the Yun contain of heavy poetry, all deep body now the whole play be "optimism doctrine tragedy" of all characteristic.

The underneath is the Juliet that Romeo get into grave to see a medicine pretend to be dead of long article soliloquy:"A grave?P, not!……This be a lighthouse, because the Juliet sleep here, her beautiful looks make this last home hole become a be full of bright joys Yan of Hua hall."-Here die of Yin miserably with terror, reflect of but is the ray of light of youth and love, Juliet suppress don't live of source of vitality sweep to the utmost reality of haze, give dark of the life bring the abyss of time of bright with endless of happiness.

", My lover my wife!Although the dead have already sucked away Fang within your breath honey, didn't°yet the strength trample upon you of beautiful looks;You haven't been conquer by him, you of lips up, the noodles be huge up, still notable and rosy beautiful, have never let grey of death push on and occupy.…… , Dear Juliet, you why still so beauty?The p difficult way is that unreal death, that is emaciated abominable of be the demon also an affectionate seed, so hide you to be his sweetheart in this the gloom of the hole mansion?P for prevent°from so of love, I want to keep company with you forever, don't leave the You temple of this all the long night again."-This is to hum a regret love with vow of love, in Romeo's idea read aloud, although the Juliet lost "breath of Fang honey", but always Bao wear"rosy beautiful", the abyss of time of the youth won "grey of death" by the strength that can't trample upon, face Azrael, mutually depend on mutually love, never separate of Shi wish, current keep love Zhao, have more to the Middle Ages feudalism suppress of mightiness of rebel.Flow out what to move in praise the youth and the love and the rightness the life and death not the pursue of love of Yu here is the thought wave tide of the period humanism of the literature renew and to humanism ideal of constabcy of conviction.

"Come, the guide of bitter taste, despair of harbor pilot person, now hurry up you of tired up pound at to go in toward that rock at the ships of breeze big wave!For the sake of my lover, I stem this cup!"-This is the righteousness of Romeo returned before attending to ground alignment death express of end of true feelings.The Shakespeare use the style of drawing that the poetry turn and make sad Chuang of dead gleam human nature of work properly light, the response wear romance of melody, Romeo and the dead of the Juliet reformation reality life of settle type, creation the Cui be withered to pull the function of Xiu and make future life at two feud between families family of youth person can't again follow their destinies.They indicated to be full of tomorrow of hope with the young life, 《Romeo and Juliet 》have a clear conscience is a "optimism doctrine of tragedy" which be full of youth vigor in the literature renew later period.

H. 谁能帮我分析一下 罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet) 中Tybalt 的性格 最好举例说明.

2. 提戏剧性的影响(使用引号!!):提伯尔特,火一般的敌手,体现了嗜血成性的单一控制特征。例如,当提伯尔特在卡布利特的派对上认出热情的主角罗密欧时,他命令仆人“去拿(他的)剑”,并宣布他想“杀死(罗密欧)”。
3.主题:提伯特渴望战斗和杀死本沃利奥,并揭示了他无法控制的渴望流血。提伯特在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中表现出暴力的特征。最后一定要连上悲剧! ! !

I. 罗密欧与朱丽叶 英语写的评论

题目是:A comment on the love in the movie Romeo and juliet

After watching the movie Romeo and Juliet, I am quite interested in the story, especially in their love. However, it seems to me that they should not love each other, in terms of family background and their age.
For one thing, their families are opponents, which means their love would make the relationship between these two families more intence. They know the rules of their families, and they should have a criterion that do not love people in the opponent family. However, both of them are not self-organised enough, so they fall in love, and eventually, the tragedy occured.
For another, they should not fall in love because both of them are too young. Romeo is just a 15-year-old boy, and Juliet is even 13 years old. It is impossible that their love would succeed. In this age, they should focus on studying, because they do not know what is true and reliable love. If their love was allowed by the families, they would also break out finally.
In summary, I think they should not fall in love , and their love should not be accepted by people. I think people in their ages should focus on studying, in order to fit this society, a society that needs lots of knowledge.

J. 请写一篇英文的罗密欧与朱丽叶的读后感或者观后感(不太长,三段够了)

Shakespeare shows his dramatic skill freely in Romeo and Juliet, providing intense moments of shift between comedy and tragedy. Before Mercutio's death in Act three, the play is largely a comedy. After his accidental demise, the play suddenly becomes very serious and takes on more of a tragic tone. Still, the fact that Romeo is banished, rather than executed, offers a hope that things will work out. When Friar Lawrence offers Juliet a plan to reunite her with Romeo the audience still has a reason to believe that all will end well. They are in a "breathless state of suspense" by the opening of the last scene in the tomb: If Romeo is delayed long enough for the Friar to arrive, he and Juliet may yet be saved. This only makes it all the more tragic when everything falls apart in the end.

Shakespeare also uses subplots to offer a clearer view of the actions of the main characters, and provide an axis around which the main plot turns. For example, when the play begins, Romeo is in love with Rosaline, who has refused all of his advances. Romeo's infatuation with her stands in obvious contrast to his later love for Juliet. This provides a comparison through which the audience can see the seriousness of Romeo and Juliet's love and marriage. Paris' love for Juliet also sets up a contrast between Juliet's feelings for him and her feelings for Romeo. The formal language she uses around Paris, as well as the way she talks about him to her Nurse, show that her feelings clearly lie with Romeo. Beyond this, the sub-plot of the Montague-Capulet feud overarches the whole play, providing an atmosphere of hate that is the main contributor to the play's tragic end.

Shakespeare uses a large variety of poetic forms throughout the play. He begins with a 14-line prologue in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, spoken by a Chorus. Most of Romeo and Juliet is, however, written in blank verse, and much of it in strict iambic pentameter, with less rhythmic variation than in most of Shakespeare's later plays. In choosing forms, Shakespeare matches the poetry to the character who uses it. Friar Lawrence, for example, uses sermon and sententiae forms, and the Nurse uses a unique blank verse form that closely matches colloquial speech. Each of these forms is also moulded and matched to the emotion of the scene the character occupies. For example, when Romeo talks about Rosaline earlier in the play, he uses the Petrarchan sonnet form. Petrarchan sonnets were often used by men at the time to exaggerate the beauty of women who were impossible for them to attain, as in Romeo's situation with Rosaline. This sonnet form is also used by Lady Capulet to describe Count Paris to Juliet as a handsome man. When Romeo and Juliet meet, the poetic form changes from the Petrarchan (which was becoming archaic in Shakespeare's day) to a then more contemporary sonnet form, using "pilgrims" and "saints" as metaphors. Finally, when the two meet on the balcony, Romeo attempts to use the sonnet form to pledge his love, but Juliet breaks it by saying "Dost thou love me?" By doing this, she searches for true expression, rather than a poetic exaggeration of their love. Juliet uses monosyllabic words with Romeo, but uses formal language with Paris. Other forms in the play include an epithalamium by Juliet, a rhapsody in Mercutio's Queen Mab speech, and an elegy by Paris. Shakespeare saves his prose style most often for the common people in the play, though at times for other characters, such as Mercutio.


"Romeo and Juliet" is a comedy factors with the tragedy, reflecting the characteristics of Shakespeare's early creativity, His Romeo and Juliet love, full of humanism of the Renaissance romance, Shakespeare is relatively unique style of a play. The destruction of the opera to better reveal the thrust of the tragedy, the author left a final optimistic about the outcome: Mongolia and Kaipulaite Swire family and two good, two young people sacrifice their ideals for the victory They were pure gold statue will always be in the stands the city. This is the author of Romeo and Juliet tribute to the power of love, but also as a tragic drama to the tone of uncertainty optimistic one of the reasons why, as the author is a Renaissance humanist on human love and the pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of development and progress the embodiment of confidence.


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