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发布时间: 2023-01-22 03:27:49

‘壹’ 求《勇敢的心》英文影评,500词左右。

The story of Braveheart is simple, but powerful. Peaceful William is driven to rebellion when his wife is killed. He becomes so devoted to the rebellion he starts, he sells his life to it, fighting both the corrupt Nobles of his country and the English oppressors.

The dialog of the film is simple and subtle. It's straightforward, and doesn't beat around the bush or sound poetic. It doesn't waste a moment of time, not an easy feat in a three hour film. THe film contains some great lines, lines that speak the pure truth of the matter. And also lines that are deceitful, the ones nobles are usually speaking.

James Horner's music is sweeping and majestic; it beautifully uses the bagpipes to add the ethnic flavor of Scotland and it sounds truly moving. It adds to the tension and excitement of every battle, and adds grace to every scene of love or silence.

The cinematography is an absolute treasure; a majestic sight to behold. A perfect fog always seems to settle, and the film looks as good rainy as it does in the clear sunlight. The towns are perfectly created, and look great. The costumes are superb, kilt to armor, looking authentic. Shots of thousands of soldiers charging look spectacular and epic on a grand scale.

The cast of the film are all absolutely superb. They all fit their roles perfectly, and everyone's accent is flawless. James Robinson is a great young Wallace. His facial expressions and quiet thinking-like stance, come off great and define the character early as emotionally pained. Catherine McKormkak is stunningly beautiful and full of joy , as Wallace's wife, and it is the memory of her that keeps William going. Brendan Gleeson is excellent as Wallace's friend Hamish; the gruff guy showing feelings through a lot of punches. Sophie Marceau is the weakest, but she nonetheless delivers a fine performance as the princess of Wales, who is not loved and suffers because of it. Patrick McGoohan is wicked awesome as Longshanks, the corrupt and evil king, with every line delivered with a wicked perfection. He is truly terrifying, in a villainous way. It's just the way he commands things, the subtly of how he so easily decides his troops can die, or how even after his nephew dies he is more concerned about the possibility of losing his head (in a literal sense). David O'Hara provides the comic relief as crazy Irishmen Stephen. He's downright hilarious, as he converses with god, but do not degrade the character to as little as a comedian. Soon after his first wise-cracking scene, it's down to being serious as he saves Wallace from a crazy man. Angus McFayden is perhaps the best support. He is the naive noble, who so badly wants freedom and to help Wallace, but is constantly deceived by those around him. His innocence rings true, as does his anger when he decides to change his ways of doing things. In a performance perhaps more terrifying then Longshanks, is Bruce's father played by Ian Bannen. Maybe it's the fact he's a leper, slowly decaying and dying (excellently shown with makeup), but I believe it has something to do with how he delivers every line so calmly. And what is he saying? He's discussing how he plays the country; how he thinks of the rebellions as a game, as opportunity for more land and support. It's scary. And of course there's the star Mel Gibson, as the heroic hero himself: William Wallace. Gibson is emotionally charged and deserved a Best Actor nod. He portrays Wallace as a very angered and hurt man. In one sequence particularly, from the time his wife dies until he brutally kills her murderer, Gibson does not speak. But it's all on his face; the pain, the hate, and even an air of sadness. And even as the dead body hits against his shoulder, he remains impassively depressed looking. He makes no acknowledgment that people are chanting his name in victory. His speech at the first battle, major battle, is truly inspiring. He delivers it with heartfelt passion, coming from a man who is being honest; trying to lead his countrymen in a fight for freedom not the Nobles' profit. And all the pain and anxiety, yet strength of will and character, come off perfectly in his final scene as he is brutally tortured. His face: unforgettable at every moment. Truly moving and powerful.

The direction is masterful. Here, Mel directs as as sharply as he acts. THe visuals are worthy of Peter Jackson, the battles are worthy of Ridley Scott, and the storytelling is worthy of Steven Spielberg. THe violence is intense, the battles being some of the most violent I've ever seen. It's not for the squeamish, but the violence is there to show the hardships of the fight for freedom. Mel holds no bars back. He unleashes medieval brutality. The final torture scene is brutal, but it shows Wallace's triumph to overcome it.

‘贰’ 跪求一偏《勇敢的心》英语作文观后感,要求原创,200词以上带翻译,重谢……

Braveheart was a huge deal when it first came out. I never really watched the film properly until recently. As a frequent cinema-goer since my youth I was not a part of the mid-nineties cultural phenomenon that was Braveheart's release in Scotland. I did turn up at the the cinema, the old Odeon in Edinburgh, but the queue went round the block (the literal term for a blockbuster) and there was no way in hell I was prepared to wait for three hours on a gray September afternoon (a choice I came to regret). Every subsequent attempt since then was blocked. I never rented the video as I didn't want to watch in pan-and-scan. The fact that every single living Scottish person had seen it apart from myself really got on my nerves, and I was quite bitter about it. And then, as the fever died down, I just kind of forgot about it and moved on.

Watching it fully as an alt I think I probably enjoy it more now that I would have done as a teenager. It's certainly a huge epic right up there with the best of them. Mel Gibson captures the pretty side of Scotland wonderfully with his scope photography accompanied by James Horner's bittersweet score. The film never really feels three hours long, the time just disappears.

Nearly every notable Scottish actor (apart from Connery and Connelly) appears at some point. From the brilliant (Brian Cox) to the dreary and pretentious (Peter Mullan). Keep a lookout for Tommy Flanagan too, in one of his earlier roles.

The battle scenes are impressive, but I wish there were more gory. Gibson's first cut of the film was apparently bloodier, I wish it had remained intact. But despite the grim satisfaction of seeing the English aggressors getting splattered the fact that Scotland IS still ruled by England kind renders Wallace's bravery irrelevant. It may have been 700 years ago, but I hate the fact that he ultimately died for nothing. We DON'T have a country of our own, plain and si-mp-le.








‘叁’ 急需电影勇敢的心英文影评一篇100到200字就行,要简单易懂的最好是先写的,谢谢啦!

The Review of Braveheart

I am deeply impressed by William Wallace’s courage and the efforts that the Scottish created to resume soverienty.It reminds me of my dream.Dream,whatever it is,really should be pursued heart and soul.Compared to Wallace,I am so lazy and passive.I watched it,giving free outlet to my thoughts and tears.

There are two scenes over which I really feel melancholy.The initial is when Meilun is buried. The same point happened when Wallace was yong,weeping at the death of his father.Tiny Meilun sent him a purple thistle .to console his sorrow.Even so,Meilun is dead now,no a single would send him a purple thist any much more.He has only himself in this world following losing the two persons he loves most.The second one particular is the very first war against England in the battlefield.,in which they were much weaker in regard to weapons and numbers.Confronted with immense difficulties,they had been not afaid,thinking we would drop.Instead,they fighted bravely and confidently.

Life will not usually be what we want. Wallace’s father died when he was a small boy.He did not want this tragedy transpire but it did take place,so he had to accept it;when his uncle came and would part him with his hometown,he obeyed with reluctance;moreover,his heart was broken facing the death of Meilan,but he had to accept it and be strong.Adversity leads to prosperity on situation that we can turn sorrow into strength.

Much as what is stated above,courage alone won’t guarantee success.Wallace’s uncle informed him :”you have to find out to use your thoughts,then weapons.”Being flexiable and conscious is even more critical,that is to say ,you know how to obtain your goal prior to you take actions.Additionally,it is worth notifying that pals are also extremely important in the pursue of dream.A life devoid of a pal is a life with out a sun.Wallace has Hamiss,who accompanied him to the end.


‘肆’ 求<<勇敢的心>>英文简介和影评

《勇敢的心》 Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces ring the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule... Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors... Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen... Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country... In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes... Wallace, by comparison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous... He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish nobles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne—Robert, the Earl of Bruce—to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them.' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princess Isabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps... Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution... Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthless Edward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks.' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil... While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, David O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's comic relief from even the most tensed moments... Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Braveheart.' It is a motion picture that dares to be excessive... Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excess that make the motion picture great... The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand combats are exciting rather repulsive... It is epic film-making at its glorious best... Gibson's 'Braveheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression...

‘伍’ 电影勇敢的心,英文观后感

remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was
impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The
acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses
were incorrect. Everything that happens in this movie in unpredicted.
The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a
powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a
great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did
make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while.
The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable, there was barely
any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they
did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who
enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or
maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.

19 November 2005 | by Sheldon Eyzenga

‘陆’ 英语作文 勇敢的心电影剧情介绍


‘柒’ 《勇敢的心》观后感(3)





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虽然威廉“华莱士被认为是苏格兰历史上最伟大的民族英雄之一;但苏格兰人心目中真正的英雄实际是片中那个最后悔悟的叛徒罗伯特。布鲁斯!罗伯特。布鲁斯历史上不仅没有叛变过,而且一直坚持与英格兰斗争;也许有人读过一篇英文课外读物,里面讲一名苏格兰王子屡次被敌人打败;最后逃到一个城堡,在绝望之际看到一支蜘蛛结网,每次都失败直到第七次终于把网结成了;王子受到了鼓舞,重整旗鼓再次战斗终于赢得了胜利。 这里讲的就是在最后为苏格兰赢得独立(也就是片子的结尾)的班诺克本之战之前的传说。

罗伯特。布鲁斯后来成为苏格兰国王,在他死后一名苏格兰骑士带着他的心脏想要埋葬到耶路撒冷;路上经过西班牙遇到和摩尔人的战争,这名骑士在冲锋前举起罗伯特。布鲁斯的心脏高喊”勇敢的心呀,带领我冲锋吧!“ ,最后这名骑士还是牺牲了;第二天一名幸存的苏格兰骑士在尸体堆里找到了罗伯特。布鲁斯的心脏并带回苏格兰丧于一个修道院里;这才是真正的勇敢的心,有个苏格兰的诗人还写了一篇诗来歌颂布鲁斯,其中有一句就是A noble heart cannot be at peace if freedom is lacking 勇敢的心 其实更大程度上应该说的是布鲁斯而不是华莱士,看来国外的电影和国内的也有的拼 ,也喜欢戏说。


‘捌’ 现在急要一篇200字左右的《勇敢的心》的影评要英文的

The story of Braveheart is simple, but powerful. Peaceful William is driven to rebellion when his wife is killed. He becomes so devoted to the rebellion he starts, he sells his life to it, fighting both the corrupt Nobles of his country and the English oppressors.
The dialog of the film is simple and subtle. It's straightforward, and doesn't beat around the bush or sound poetic. It doesn't waste a moment of time, not an easy feat in a three hour film. THe film contains some great lines, lines that speak the pure truth of the matter. And also lines that are deceitful, the ones nobles are usually speaking.
James Horner's music is sweeping and majestic; it beautifully uses the bagpipes to add the ethnic flavor of Scotland and it sounds truly moving. It adds to the tension and excitement of every battle, and adds grace to every scene of love or silence.
The cinematography is an absolute treasure; a majestic sight to behold. A perfect fog always seems to settle, and the film looks as good rainy as it does in the clear sunlight. The towns are perfectly created, and look great. The costumes are superb, kilt to armor, looking authentic. Shots of thousands of soldiers charging look spectacular and epic on a grand scale.
The cast of the film are all absolutely superb. They all fit their roles perfectly, and everyone's accent is flawless. James Robinson is a great young Wallace. His facial expressions and quiet thinking-like stance, come off great and define the character early as emotionally pained. Catherine McKormkak is stunningly beautiful and full of joy , as Wallace's wife, and it is the memory of her that keeps William going. Brendan Gleeson is excellent as Wallace's friend Hamish; the gruff guy showing feelings through a lot of punches. Sophie Marceau is the weakest, but she nonetheless delivers a fine performance as the princess of Wales, who is not loved and suffers because of it. Patrick McGoohan is wicked awesome as Longshanks, the corrupt and evil king, with every line delivered with a wicked perfection. He is truly terrifying, in a villainous way. It's just the way he commands things, the subtly of how he so easily decides his troops can die, or how even after his nephew dies he is more concerned about the possibility of losing his head (in a literal sense). David O'Hara provides the comic relief as crazy Irishmen Stephen. He's downright hilarious, as he converses with god, but do not degrade the character to as little as a comedian. Soon after his first wise-cracking scene, it's down to being serious as he saves Wallace from a crazy man. Angus McFayden is perhaps the best support. He is the naive noble, who so badly wants freedom and to help Wallace, but is constantly deceived by those around him. His innocence rings true, as does his anger when he decides to change his ways of doing things. In a performance perhaps more terrifying then Longshanks, is Bruce's father played by Ian Bannen. Maybe it's the fact he's a leper, slowly decaying and dying (excellently shown with makeup), but I believe it has something to do with how he delivers every line so calmly. And what is he saying? He's discussing how he plays the country; how he thinks of the rebellions as a game, as opportunity for more land and support. It's scary. And of course there's the star Mel Gibson, as the heroic hero himself: William Wallace. Gibson is emotionally charged and deserved a Best Actor nod. He portrays Wallace as a very angered and hurt man. In one sequence particularly, from the time his wife dies until he brutally kills her murderer, Gibson does not speak. But it's all on his face; the pain, the hate, and even an air of sadness. And even as the dead body hits against his shoulder, he remains impassively depressed looking. He makes no acknowledgment that people are chanting his name in victory. His speech at the first battle, major battle, is truly inspiring. He delivers it with heartfelt passion, coming from a man who is being honest; trying to lead his countrymen in a fight for freedom not the Nobles' profit. And all the pain and anxiety, yet strength of will and character, come off perfectly in his final scene as he is brutally tortured. His face: unforgettable at every moment. Truly moving and powerful.
The direction is masterful. Here, Mel directs as as sharply as he acts. THe visuals are worthy of Peter Jackson, the battles are worthy of Ridley Scott, and the storytelling is worthy of Steven Spielberg. THe violence is intense, the battles being some of the most violent I've ever seen. It's not for the squeamish, but the violence is there to show the hardships of the fight for freedom. Mel holds no bars back. He unleashes medieval brutality. The final torture scene is brutal, but it shows Wallace's triumph to overcome it.

‘玖’ 勇敢的心英文影评,不要网上能找到的,最好能自己写的,200字,大一水平

In this spectacular, historic movie a young Scotsman becomes the hero of his country, after his wife gets killed by the members of the English occupying force. In the beginning of the movie young William Wallace experience the death of his father and brother. They get killed by the English Kings Soldiers. After this he grows up with his uncle. Years later Wallace (Mel Gibson) returns back to the farm of his father to fall in love Murron (Catherine McCormack), the same girl who gave him a flower after the burial of his father and brother years ago. Because the English noblemen have the right to deflower every new married girl, Wallace marries Murron in secret. But the young luck won't last forlong. A few English soldiers try to rape Murron at a marketplace. Wallace tries to rescue her but the agressors can catch her and kill her right on the marketplace. When Wallace finds out about it, he takes revenge. He executes the murderers of his beloved. This ation is like a wake-up call for his fellow countrymen. They see him as their Leader to defeat the English occupying power. In their first battle the highlanders accomplish to defeat a numeral superior English Force. Wallace becomes an inspiration and more and more Scottish people follow him into war. Meanwhile in England the tyrannic King Edward the Longshankes (Patrick Mc Goohan) takes notice of the triumphs of Wallace. But this is not his only problem: His and heir apparent is a mollycoddled coward, who doesn't behave like his father would like to see it from a Prince. At least Edward the Longshakes arrange the marriage between his son and the lovely Princess Isabelle of France (Sophie Marceau). Besides this the Kings health is not the best anymore. But not only the English have their problems: The Scottish Landlords betray each other for more land and try to get more land for themselves from the English King. During the movie you'll see a lot of great filmed battles, two heart breaking love storys (first between Wallace and Murron, later in the movie young princess Isabelle falls in love with Wallace) and an exciting story about love, hate, patriotism, deception and heroism all in front of a wonderful landscape (the movie was actually set in Ireland). When you watch this movie, you'll be carried away by this powerful and always haunting epic and unterstand why there was no other chance than giving this movie 5 Oscars (including the award for the best film). It is a film who has it all: A great story, perfect filmed battles, one of the best soundtracks ever made (it is a shame, that the score didn't win an Oscar) and a hell of a cast. The role of William Wallace fits Mel Gibson perfect: heroic, romantic but always in a down to earth kind of way. Sophie Marceau and Catherine McCormack are lovely from their first appearance until the end of the film and Patrick McGoohan gives the most despicable (this is meant as a compliment) interpretation of an English King ever seen. This movie you can see over and over again and it never looses his magic and it is a movie you can watch with men and women as well: Men will love the great staged battles and women will love the lovestory.

在威廉·华莱士还是孩子的时候,他的父亲,苏格兰的英雄马索·华莱士在与英军的斗争中牺牲了。幼小的他在伯父的指导下学习文化和武术。 光阴似箭,英王爱德华为巩固在苏格兰的统治,颁布法令允许英国贵族在自己苏格兰的封地上享有结婚少女的初夜权,以便让贵族开发并统治苏格兰。王妃伊莎贝拉是个决断的才女,她知道这道法令会有利于英国统治苏格兰,但更会激起苏格兰人民的反抗。年轻的威廉·华莱士学成回到故乡,向美丽的少女梅伦求婚,并与其私定终身,愿意做一个安分守己的人。然而梅伦却被英国贵族无理抢去,并遭杀害,华莱士终于爆发了。在广大村民高呼“英雄之后”的呼喊声中,他们揭竿而起,杀英兵宣布起义。 苏格兰贵族罗伯想成为苏格兰领主,在其父布斯的教唆下,领导苏格兰贵族假意与华莱士联盟。华莱士杀败了前来进攻的英军,苏格兰贵族议会封他为爵士,任命他为苏格兰护国公。华莱士却发现这些苏格兰贵族考虑的只是自己的利益,丝毫不为人民和国家前途担心。爱德华为了缓和局势,派伊莎贝拉前去和谈。但由于英王根本不考虑人民的自由和平等,只想以收买华莱士为条件,和谈失败了。伊莎贝拉回去后才发觉和谈根本就是幌子,英王汇合了威尔士军,爱尔兰军和法军共同包围华莱士的苏格兰军队,她赶紧送信给华莱士。大军压境之下,苏格兰贵族们慌作一团,华莱士领兵出战,就在士气高涨,胜利似乎快要来临时,苏格兰贵族援军却逃离了战场。华莱士决定孤注一掷,独自追杀英王,却意外发现了罗伯竟与英王勾结,不禁倍受打击。 失败后的华莱士愤怒的追杀所有背信弃义的贵族,却放过了罗伯。王妃伊莎贝拉为华莱士的豪情倾倒,来到驻地向他倾吐了自己的真情,两人陶醉在爱情的幸福之中。 感到后悔的罗伯再次提出合作并表示绝不再背叛。华莱士为了和平统一着想,他依旧答应前去。在爱丁堡阴险的布斯设计抓住华莱士,并把他送交英王。罗伯对父亲的诡计感到怒不可遏,华莱士终于被判死刑。伊莎贝拉求情不成,在英王临死前,她告诉英王她怀的不是王子的血脉而是华莱士的,而这个孩子未来将成为新的英王。 华莱士刑前高呼“自由”震撼所有人。几星期后,在受封时,罗伯高呼为华莱士报仇的口号拒绝了英王的封赏,英勇地继承华莱士的遗志对抗英军,为苏格兰的自由继续奋战。

‘拾’ 《勇敢的心》英语影评,急








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