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发布时间: 2023-01-20 05:53:40

A. 变形金刚电影版英文故事梗概

When the Autobots arrive on Earth, they do so in protoforms resembling meteors. A man with a video camera exclaims, "This is a hundred times cooler than Armageddon (1998/I)!" This is an allusion to director Michael Bay's earlier film, which extensively featured meteors.



简介1:The Earth is caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between two races of robots, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, which are able to change into a variety of objects, including cars, trucks, planes and other technological creations.
A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later, Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain's glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of Hoover Dam, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens...

哈利波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ):
After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore that Voldemort is really back. The ministry had decided to step in by appointing a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher that proves to be the nastiest person Harry has ever encountered. Harry also can't help stealing glances with the beautiful Cho Chang. To top it off are dreams that Harry can't explain, and a mystery behind something Voldemort is searching for. With these many things Harry begins one of his toughest years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

憨豆先生的假期(Mr. Bean's Holiday):
Mr. Bean enters a church raffle and wins a vacation trip to France as well as a camcorder. After boarding a Eurostar train and arriving in Paris, the French language proves a barrier for Bean, as he struggles to get across the city to catch a train to the south of France from the Gare de Lyon. Taking time to order a meal, he finds the consumption of a seafood platter to be a challenge. Just before catching his train, he asks Emil, a Russian film director on his way to be a judge at the Cannes Film festival to use his camcorder to record his boarding, but accidentally causes Emil being left behind at the station. Bean attempts to cheer up the director's son Stepan as the train continues south but matters are made more hectic by the fact that Emil has reported his son to have been kidnapped and Bean losing his wallet and essential travel documents at a pay phone where he and Stepan attempt to contact Emil. Heading in the direction of Cannes, Bean finds himself in the cast and disrupting the flow of a commercial being shot by the egotistical director Carson Clay. He and Stepan finally hitch a ride with the young and vivacious actress Sabine who is heading to Cannes to attend the premiere of Clay's film, in which she appears. After Bean sneaks into the showing, his camcorder images are destined to enliven the proceedings.
累死我啦 给我分吧!!!

C. 谁能和我简介一下变形金刚1到5的关系和剧情,今天看变形金刚5有一点看不懂!




变形金刚transformers登陆地球,其中两个派别,以擎天柱为首的汽车人autobots和以威震天为首霸天虎decepticon几乎同时出现,而他们都是在寻找火种(All spark)。
















?pwd=n8ix 提取码:n8ix

D. 动作电影《变形金刚5》剧情简介







演员 马克·沃尔伯格



演员 伊莎贝拉·莫奈



演员 劳拉·哈德克



演员 安东尼·霍普金斯



演员 -



演员 -



演员 乔什·杜哈明





2014年《变形金刚4》首周票房过63,171万人民币,累积票房达到197,681万人民币。还获得第18届好莱坞电影奖最佳视觉效果奖项,观众评分“速度与激情+哥斯拉+变形金刚的集合版” 时隔三年之后,观众已被吊足胃口,未映先火!

《变形金刚5 :最后的骑士》的故事发生在前作芝加哥终极决战四年后,汽车人与霸天虎从地球销声匿迹,而人类也在断壁残垣的'废墟中开始了新生。然而,一群手握大权的商人联合天才科学家,意欲通过那场入侵打破壁垒,研发出他们实则难以驾驭的全新技术。与此同时,地球也遭受到了一个古老而强大的变形金刚的威胁恫吓,关乎自由与奴役的正邪史诗决战一触即发。斯皮尔伯格担任制片人,卖拷贝执导,前作主角马克·沃尔伯格将在新一集中继续担当主演,升级的配方,熟悉的味道,将在2017年为观众奉献一场视觉盛宴。


如今正在热映的好莱坞电影《间谍同盟》同样由华桦传媒负责国内营销,该片由《阿甘正传》导演罗伯特•泽米吉斯执导,好莱坞巨星布拉德•皮特、奥斯卡影后玛丽昂•歌迪亚联袂主演, 一经上映,好评如潮。




E. 求《哈5》《变形金刚(电影)》《憨豆先生的假期》英文内容介绍

A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later, Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain's glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of Hoover Dam, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens...

哈利波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ):
After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore that Voldemort is really back. The ministry had decided to step in by appointing a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher that proves to be the nastiest person Harry has ever encountered. Harry also can't help stealing glances with the beautiful Cho Chang. To top it off are dreams that Harry can't explain, and a mystery behind something Voldemort is searching for. With these many things Harry begins one of his toughest years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

憨豆先生的假期(Mr. Bean's Holiday):
Mr. Bean enters a church raffle and wins a vacation trip to France as well as a camcorder. After boarding a Eurostar train and arriving in Paris, the French language proves a barrier for Bean, as he struggles to get across the city to catch a train to the south of France from the Gare de Lyon. Taking time to order a meal, he finds the consumption of a seafood platter to be a challenge. Just before catching his train, he asks Emil, a Russian film director on his way to be a judge at the Cannes Film festival to use his camcorder to record his boarding, but accidentally causes Emil being left behind at the station. Bean attempts to cheer up the director's son Stepan as the train continues south but matters are made more hectic by the fact that Emil has reported his son to have been kidnapped and Bean losing his wallet and essential travel documents at a pay phone where he and Stepan attempt to contact Emil. Heading in the direction of Cannes, Bean finds himself in the cast and disrupting the flow of a commercial being shot by the egotistical director Carson Clay. He and Stepan finally hitch a ride with the young and vivacious actress Sabine who is heading to Cannes to attend the premiere of Clay's film, in which she appears. After Bean sneaks into the showing, his camcorder images are destined to enliven the proceedings.

F. 电影《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》剧情简介及演员介绍




影片将会有两条故事线,一边是以凯德·伊格尔(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)为主的人类,将与机器恐龙一起面对即将到来的新威胁;另一边是擎天柱在太空中搜寻其统治者“五面怪”,也是它派赏金猎人“禁闭”四处搜捕领袖,而擎天柱将在途中遭遇超级反派“宇宙大帝”。另一方面,派拉蒙公司也在积极地寻找拍摄更多《变形金刚》电影的可能性。


马克·沃尔伯格 饰 凯德·伊格尔

简介 工程师

伊莎贝拉·莫奈 饰 伊莎贝拉

乔什·杜哈明 饰 威廉·伦诺克斯

简介 美军海豹突击队上校

劳拉·哈德克 饰 维维安·温布利

简介 牛津博士

安东尼·霍普金斯 饰 Sir Edmund Burton

史坦利·图齐 饰 约书亚·乔伊斯

简介 KSI总裁

泰瑞斯·吉布森 饰 罗伯特·艾普斯

简介 前美军海豹突击队队员

约翰·特托罗 饰 西蒙特工

简介 前第七区特工

利亚姆·加里根 饰 亚瑟王

彼特·库伦 饰 擎天柱(配音)

马克·瑞安 饰 大黄蜂(配音)

约翰·古德曼 饰 探长(配音)

渡边谦 饰 漂移(配音)

约翰·迪·玛吉欧 饰 十字线(配音)

弗兰克·维尔克 饰 威震天、惊破天(配音)

杰斯·哈梅尔 饰 路障(配音)

杰洛·卡迈克尔 饰 Desi

桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉 饰 Santos

吉尔·伯明翰 饰 Chief Sherman

艾伦·菲尼克斯 饰 卢克·雷诺兹

凯文·肯特 饰 TRF Group Leader

让·杜雅尔丹 饰 --

米彻·佩勒吉 饰 --


最近孩之宝公司的一份宣传材料曝光《变形金刚5》(Transformers 5)将在2017年第二季度上映。孩之宝公司是变形金刚玩具的缔造者,也是《变形金刚》电影的参与者,因此这一消息可信度还挺高,而且两部《变形金刚》电影之间间隔三年时间,也符合一般系列电影的制作规律。



目前《变形金刚》Instagram官微最新传出消息,续集中的`第一部也是系列的第五部正式定名《变形金刚:最后的骑士》(Transformers: The Last Knight)。



2016年7月29日上午,由派拉蒙出品,即将于2017年6月23日上映的《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》在上海举行的“2016塞伯坦年会(Cybertron Con)”上公布了最新款海报。



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