① 小说“大饭店”的简介
② 第三十九级台阶the hotel-owner主要内容概括
沃尔特勋爵带着汉内急返伦敦作好应变准备,此时警方已经不再通缉汉内。绷紧的弦突然松了下来,汉内感到有些失落。不过他感觉到“黑石 ”一定还会有惊人之举。在本能的驱使下,他立刻返回沃尔特勋爵的住所,及时发现“黑石”已经派人假扮海军大臣从这里召开的重要会议上窃走了国防机密。与会的英法高层人士纷纷震愕,一时间均感到束手无策。汉内根据斯卡德笔记本中提到“三十九级台阶”作出大胆推测,遂被委以重任领导抓捕行动。经过一番惊心动魄的殊死搏斗,汉内在警方与军方的配合下终于粉碎了德国间谍的外逃阴谋,截获了他们窃取的重要情报,把“ 黑石”一网打尽。
③ 介绍酒店的英语作文My favorite hotel
There are many reasons to stay at Byblos: the charming Provencal-village of adjoining houses that surround the beautiful courtyard and pool; the fact that each room is unique and different; the great dining options of Spoon and Le B; the incredible location right in town near the Place des Lices; the access to the fantastic Les Caves; and of course the incredible history (Brigitte Bardot participating in the opening, Mick Jagger and Bianca being wed there).
However, I would actually cite one reason above all others: the flawless service. From the moment we arrived and were personally greeted by the general manager, who urged us to let him know if there was anything he could do to make our stay more comfortable, we were treated simply wonderfully by everyone at Byblos, from the concierges, to people at reception, to the valet, to the wait staff, to the spa staff. Byblos employees understand how to walk that fine line of treating you with the utmost respect, without coming across as cold or stuffy. The result is a feeling like you are staying at home, like you belong there, like they have been waiting for your arrival all year long and want nothing more than for you to have the best time of your life while staying there.
Finally, I would note that (as others have mentioned) that Byblos just has that special something, which is hard to put your finger on, but that just makes every moment there feel wonderful and exciting.
Of course, there are flaws, as in any hotel. It is expensive, the rooms tend to run small, and some rooms may be loud on certain nights based on proximity to the nightclub. So if any of these issues would make your trip unpleasant, you might want to consider somewhere else, perhaps a hotel slightly out of town that is quieter and with more room.
But for me, Byblos is simply the best - in Saint Tropez, and probably anywhere.
④ 电影“精灵旅社”的英文简介
In an unusually remote part of Transylvania lies the Hotel Transylvania, which was created at great expense by dracula to provide a place for monsters and their families from all over the world to enjoy themselves, temporarily away from the confines of human society.
Franken "Frankenstein" , his bride, the mummy (Shilo Green), the Invisible Man , and the werewolf family find safety and peace here.
Dracula is not only known as the Prince of Darkness, he is also a father. Dracula protects his daughter Mavis from the slightest harm.
He even made up stories, mostly about how scary and dangerous the outside world was, to try to banish his daughter's occasional sense of adventure.
But when an ordinary human breaks into the hostel and falls in love with Mavis, Dracula realizes that his biggest problem has finally arrived.
⑤ 有什么关于酒店的英文电影
hotel babylon
全新剧集《星级酒店》由Imogen Edwards - Jones 畅销小说改编,是BBC英国广播公司的最新剧作,在英国开播时,其高收视瞬即打倒其他同时段节目,成为该时段收视冠军,大结局更赢得574万观众的支持,。在英国伦敦五星级酒店Hotel Babylon内,您可以体会到富贵人家紫醉金迷的生活,还可以一窥酒店员工殷勤服务和亲切笑容背后工作的辛酸,甚至乎上宾贵客光怪陆离的人生百态。华丽的场景、幽默的对白、以及魅力逼人的演员阵容,都令剧集引人入胜,吸引观众追看
The concierge(小生护驾)
The Million Dollar Hotel
影片根据捷克当代最着名的作家博胡米尔-赫拉巴尔(1997年去世)同名小说改编而成,以布拉格饭店服务生Ditie的视角回顾了欧洲二十年的历史。Ivan Barnev和Oldrich Kaiser分别扮演青年和老年时期的Ditie。Ditie被吩咐观察在那里发生的一举一动,但是很遗憾的说,Ditie似乎从未为英国之王效力过。
⑥ 真有这本小说吗the grand budapest hotel(布达佩斯大饭店)
没有,电影《布达佩斯大饭店》是美国导演韦斯·安德森的第八部电影长片,借鉴了一些书籍《昨日的世界》《象棋的故事》《邮局女孩》 《一个女人一生中的 24 小时》 。
⑦ 根据 阿瑟 黑利的《hotel》(大饭店)改编的电影
网上没有。有一部叫“大饭店”的片子,起初我以为是根据阿瑟 黑利小说改编的,但一看时间就不对了。电影是30年代拍的,阿瑟 黑利的小说“饭店”是1965年的。我找了很久,没有的。
⑧ 有什么关于酒店的英文电影
《1408幻影凶间》(1408 phontom horror)是由米凯尔·哈佛斯特朗姆执导,约翰·库萨克、塞缪尔·杰克逊、玛丽·麦科马克等主演的一部惊悚剧情片。影片改编自史蒂芬·金的同名小说。
《记忆碎片》是根据乔纳森·诺兰的短篇小说《Memento Mori》改编而成的悬念影片,影片由克里斯托弗·诺兰导演,盖·皮尔斯、凯莉·安妮·莫斯、乔·潘托里亚诺、小马克·布恩等人主演。
⑨ Arthur Hailey 的代表作Hotel的主要内容(英文版)
Hotel (novel)
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HotelHotel is a 1965 novel by Arthur Hailey. It is the story of an independent New Orleans hotel, the St. Gregory, and its management's struggle to regain profitability and avoid being assimilated into the O'Keefe chain of hotels. The St. Gregory is supposedly based on the Roosevelt Hotel.
The novel was adapted into a movie in 1967, and in 1983 Aaron Spelling turned into a television series, airing for five years on ABC. However, in the TV series, the St. Gregory Hotel was moved from New Orleans to San Francisco.
[edit] Characters
Peter McDermott, manager
Warren Trent, proprietor
Christine Francis, secretary to Warren Trent
Aloysius Royce, administrative assistant to Warren Trent
Curtis O'Keefe, owner of the O'Keefe chain
Dorothy "Dodo" Lash, O'Keefe's starlet companion
Albert Wells, aging hotel guest
The Duke and Duchess of Croydon, guests in the Presidential Suite
Ogilvie, house detective
Julius "Keycase" Milne, hotel thief
Herbie Chandler, villainous Bell Captain
Marsha Prescott, one night guest in the hotel
[edit] Story
Peter McDermott: The main character is Peter McDermott; the general manager with a past. He is a graate from Cornell University in Hotel Management and then got a job in a hotel. However then he had been involved with a lady at time when he was supposed to be on ty. This gave Peter’s wife and the lady’s husband a reason to ask for a divorce. Getting involved was not a big thing for hotel to avoid but it had marked the headlines of newspaper so much, that he was dismissed from the job and was blacklisted. But Warren Trent, the head of St. Gregory Hotel, ignoring the past and considering the skill, hired him. The novel captures McDermott attempts to deal with several crises in the hotel which involve a range of other characters.
The Hotel Finance Problem: The Hotel's unpayable and unrenewable mortgage is e on Friday, necessitating its sale. Curtis O'Keefe, the one who owns a large hotel chains plans to buy St. Gregory hotel in New Orleans as the O'Keefe chain did not have a hotel here. They had offered to pay the two million mortgages e and one million dollar and living accommodation to Warren Trent as well. However Warren did not want to lose the hotel which he had nurtured for so long. They decided upon Friday afternoon timeline to make a decision on the deal. Warren Trent meanwhile decided to mark a deal with Journey man Union who wanted to enter the hotel Instry for long but were not successful. This way Warren Trent could maintain an independence of the hotel and still have a say in the affairs of it. Journey man had decided to send two of his executives on Thursday to study the books of hotel and then decide before the Friday afternoon deadline decided between Warren Trent and Curtis O'Keefe.Royall Edwards of St.Gregory had been appointed by Warren Trent to work with the two officers, if required all night, so that they complete the whole of study. However upset with the denial of entry to Negro man in Hotel, which became the headline of newspapers, Journeyman Union broke the deal. Warren Trent had no option but to give in to Curtis O'Keefe. To his utmost surprise, a few minutes before Friday noon, the bank manager who had turned down refinancing of the hotel, came with an offer, that an Indivial, whose name could not be disclosed then, would be paying the mortgage and buying the major shares of the Hotel. Warren Trent would be the chairman, though Warren knew that he would be just a figurehead but as it was a better offer, so he accepted.
Christine and Albert Wells: Christine is the secretary to Warren Trent. Peter and Christine has a liking for each other. They share many things in common and feel they could be happy together. In hotel one of the guests Mr. Albert Wells had medical problems in his room. The hotel staff was quite alert and fast enough to move him in another room. He was quite elderly. Christine took care of Albert Wells personally as he was the hotel guest. Marsha Prescott: In another incident a group of teen-aged boys create a major incident that is aggravated by the fact that they are the sons of the local banker, car dealer, and other town notables. They try to attempt a rape on Marsha Prescott, the daughter of Mr. Prescott who is currently in Rome. However on listening her screams, Aloysis Royce, (a Negro and main help to Warren Trent who treats him like a son.) steps in and Marsha is able to escape then. Peter handles the situation and asks for a written apology from each of the boys involved in it. In said letters, villainous Bell Captain, Herbie Chandler is named as the one who made the incident possible. Marsha on the other hand falls in ‘love’ with Peter McDermott and proposes him for marriage. Peter finds it difficult to say no to her considering her affluence and beauty but finally says no as he knew that he liked Christine. However he overcomes his sense of guilt when he gets to know from Anna (Head maid servant of Marsha) that she is always the same and will be ok in some time and that Anna was not married. However Marsha in framing a good background to convince peter had said that Anna had a very good life with her husband whom she had met only once before marriage and it was not necessary to know a person for too long before to decide on marriage.
The Dentist Convention: Hotel business gains a minimum from room rent but a bulk of its profit comes from the food, conventions held at its place. As a sequel to it, a major convention of dentists was supposed to be held in St. Gregory. Dr Ingram, President of convention had arrived and settled in his room. Then Mr. Nicholas, a Negro, arrived at the counter, showing a confirmed reservation. However the hotel policy did not allow negros. Dr Ingram was quite disappointed at this and threatened the hotel authority that he would take the convention out of hotel, causing a major loss to hotel. When Peter discussed it with Warren he said, that after a few discussions this would be forgotten and the convention would be held and there was no need to worry. And after a few meetings the convention finally decided to stay though Mr. Ingram resigned from his post.
Curtis-o-Keefe and Dodo: Curtis O'Keefe, the one who owns a large hotel chains plans to buy St. Gregory hotel in New Orleans. He was there with Dodo, his girl friend. But it was time for Curtis to move on. He got movie role for Dodo and thought to go to New York to meet his new girlfriend. When Warren told Curtis that he was not accepting Curtis offer to sell the hotel, Curtis was very disappointed and in a fit of anger he told Dodo that he doesn’t want her any more. Dodo was upset, though somewhere she knew the truth already. She had to board her flight to Los Angeles and took elevator no 4, as she was about to move out of the hotel.
Duke and Duchess of Croydon: In another Instance the Duke and Duchess of Croydon are hiding out in the hotel from their responsibility for a gruesome hit-and-run accident which had been the highlight of the newspaper as the famous hit-and-run case. The ke had gone to a night club and the chess reaches the club to find her husband. On their way back the chess hits a woman and her daughter and both the woman and her daughter died on the spot. However in the accident the headlight and the trim ring of the car had damaged. Anyhow the ke and chess reached back the hotel and try to find way out, so that there is left a slightest print of them being involved in an accident. When the waiter arrived in the presidential suite with dinner, the chess intentionally hit the waiter so that her dress gets spoiled. The chess created a big issue over this, just to make her presence felt in hotel so that it can be interpreted that she was in the hotel. But the chief house officer Ogilvie gets hint of it and tries to blackmail the ke and chess. They finally reach an agreement that Ogilvie would drive their jaguar to Chicago and a total of twenty five thousand dollars would be paid to him. Further by the time the police identifies that the broken headlight and trim pieces would be identified as pieces of which car, Ogilvie would be out of New Orleans. The travel was supposedly on Thursday night at 1 am.Oglivie gets a written note from chess asking for permission to drive the car out of garage in case the garage officer asks for. The moment he was driving the car out of hotel Peter was entering the hotel and they had eye contact, though peter did not think much of it. However recollecting all the events….a jaguar being driven by Ogilvie which belonged to ke and chess….the broken headlight of the jaguar.… the fuss created by chess on waiter all established a link towards the involvement of the ke and chess.Peter enquired from garage officer and he informed that Ogilvie had a written note from the chess and so was allowed to drive the car away, but somehow the note got misplaced.Peter informed the police, captain Yolles of the incident but they could not prove it without any evidence. After working hard, the incinerator officer, responsible for garbage recycling managed to find the note. When the note was proced before chess she frowned. The Duke then decided to admit his crime and decided to leave and stepped into elevator no 4 of the Hotel.
Key case Milne: A hotel thief operating in the St.Gregory. He managed to get keys of several rooms in hotel by using tricks, asking for other room No keys from reception, using girls to obtain key for him and many other ways. When he saw the ke and chess in hotel, he thought, if he could get the key of their room, it would be an excellent breakthrough. He managed to get the key from reception playing trickery, got a plicate prepared and stole from chess room her fifteen thousand dollars and jewellery. After obtaining so much of amount he decided to leave the hotel and boarded the elevator no 4.
Climax: The meeting to take over the hotel scheled at 11.30 am Friday was in place. Mr Dempster from New York had arrived to tell who the boss was and it was Albert Wells, the hotel guest, whom Christine had taken care and thought of as not a rich man, had bought the hotel. To the utmost surprise of peter, Peter was appointed the Executive vice-President of St. Gregory and would be running the hotel with Dempster being the officiating president, the position Dempster had in all other hotels owned by Albert Wells. It was within the meeting itself that Christine came running and told that elevator no 4 met an accident and had a free fall.
Dodo suffered a lot of injuries and was rushed to hospital. It was then; Curtis realized how much he loved Dodo and got the best neuron surgeons for her. She was soon out of danger. Duke was dead on the spot in the elevator. The chess still cold on hearing that ,had no expression. The policeman, Captain Yolles, thought now the blame of hit-n-run could be easily moved on ke as he was already dead and chess could save herself. Key case managed to be safe and ran away from the country with all that money. Warren Trent was happy that he could retain his hotel being its chairman. Herbie Chandler, the evil bell captain would be permanently paralyzed and would never work again. Aloysius Royce left the hotel to study his law.
[edit] Structure of novel
The novel features multiple unfolding plot lines which take place over a period of five weekdays, Monday through Friday. Some days feature self-contained episodes exploring particular elements of the routine of a large hotel in detail. Meg Yetmein, the cleaning lady, "gets hers back" by smuggling out steaks under her clothing toward the end of her shift; Tom Earlshore, the fired bartender, does much the same by "skimming" liquor. Other brief episodes explain techniques used by prostitutes in entering and exiting the hotel undetected, and the various methods used by the hotel thief.
⑩ 关于英文电影有关饭店的情节