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发布时间: 2023-01-07 23:24:22

① 用英语介绍成龙

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954.

(成龙(Jackie Chan),1954年4月7日出生于香港。)

Born in wuhu, anhui province, he is a Hong Kong actor, director, action director, procer, screenwriter and singer.


When Jackie chan returned to Hong Kong with his family in 1961, yu zhanyuan became his master.


In the same year, he entered the Chinese drama academy founded by zhan yuan to study stage makeup and stage performance skills.


While studying at the China academy of drama, chan's stage name was yuanlou.


In a Peking Opera performance, he won attention with yuan long, yuan tai, yuan hua, yuan biao and others.


So the seven people formed the "seven little blessings".









6,《功夫梦》饰演:Mr. Han,导演:哈罗德·兹瓦特。

② 成龙拍摄的所有电影及其英文名

曾经作为: 演员 编剧 导演
1.Kung Fu Panda AS …… Master Monkey (voice) (2008)
2.《尖峰时刻3》Rush Hour 3 AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (2006)
3.90 Mins (2006)
4.《神话》The Myth AS …… 杰克/蒙毅将军 (2006)
5.2006 Asian Excellence Awards AS …… Presenter (2006)
6.《宝贝计划》Rob-B-Hood AS …… Fong Ka Ho (2006)
7.《中国电影华表奖》China Movie Awards AS …… Himself (2005)
8.《拳霸2》Tom yum goong AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2005)
9.TV total Episode dated 10 October 2005 AS …… Himself (2005)
10.《新警察故事》San ging chaat goo si AS …… Insp. Wing (2004)
11.《千机变II花都大战》Fa dou daai jin AS …… Lord of Armour (2004)
12.《环游世界八十天》Around the World in 80 Days AS …… Passepartout/Lau Xing (2004)
13.《电影香江三部曲/电影香江:功夫世家/电影香江:刀光剑影/电影香江:俪影倾情》Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong AS …… Himself (2004)
14.《大佬爱美丽》Daai lo oi mei lai AS …… Cameo (2004)
15.Jackie Chan: The Inside Story AS …… Himself (also archive footage) (2004)
16.Joe's Last Chance AS …… Friendly (2004)
17.《龙的深处:失落的拼图》Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family AS …… Himself (2003)
18.《千机变》Chin gei bin AS …… Jackie (2003)
19.《上海武士》Shanghai Knights AS …… Chon Wang (2003)
20.《飞龙再生》The Medallion AS …… Eddie Yang (2003)
21.《世界小姐2003》Miss World 2003 AS …… Judging Panelist (2003)
22.《功夫片岁月》The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture AS …… Himself - Interviewee (2003)
23.The 100 Greatest Movie Stars AS …… Himself (2003)
24.Brit Awards 2003 AS …… Presenter (2003)
25.《燕尾服》The Tuxedo AS …… Jimmy Tong (2002)
26.《金瓶双艳》Jin ping shuang yan (2002)
27.《蛇形刁手》She xing diao shou AS …… Chien Fu (2002)
28.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
29.《电影终结之战》Ultimate Fights from the Movies AS …… Wong Fei-Hung (archive footage) (2002)
30.Heroes of Black Comedy AS …… (archive footage) (2002)
31.Mad TV Episode #8.3 AS …… Himself (2002)
32.《特务迷城》Dak miu mai shing AS …… Buck Yuen (2001)
33.《尖峰时刻2》Rush Hour 2 AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (2001)
34.Making Magic Out of Mire AS …… Himself (2001)
35.2001 MTV Movie Awards AS …… Himself - Presenter (2001)
36.Hong Kong Superstars AS …… Himself (2001)
37.《艺术人生》Yi shu ren sheng AS …… Himself (2001)
38.The Big Breakfast Episode dated 2 August 2001 AS …… Himself (2001)
39.2001 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2001)
40.《成龙动画历险记》"Jackie Chan Adventures" AS …… Himself (live-action epilogue) (2000)
41.《李小龙:勇士的旅程》Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey AS …… (archive footage) (2000)
42.《上海正午》Shanghai Noon AS …… Chon Wang (2000)
43.《2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼》2000 MTV Movie Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
44.International Indian Film Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
45.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
46.《特警新人类》Tejing xinrenlei AS …… Poor Fisherman (1999)
47.《喜剧之王》Hei kek ji wong AS …… Famous Movie Star (1999)
48.A Piece of the Action: Behind the Scenes of 'Rush Hour' AS …… Himself (1999)
49.《尖峰时刻》Rush Hour AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (1998)
50.The Art of Influence AS …… Himself (1998)
51.Masters of the Martial Arts Presented by Wesley Snipes AS …… Himself (1998)
52.The Path of the Dragon AS …… Himself (1998)
53.《一个好人》Yatgo ho yan AS …… Jackie (1997)
54.《双龙会》Shuang long hui AS …… Ma Yau/Die Hard (John Ma/Boomer in US version) (1997)
55.《双龙一虎闯天关》An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn AS …… Himself (1997)
56.The Making of Jackie Chan's 'Mr. Nice Guy' AS …… Himself (1997)
57.《超级计划》Chao ji ji hua AS …… Inspector Chan (1996)
58.《警察故事IV:简单任务》Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu AS …… Chan Ka Kui (1996)
59.《金装武术电影大全》The Best of the Martial Arts Films (1996)
60.The 68th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Short Subjects Awards (1996)
61.Top Fighter 2 AS …… (archive footage) (1996)
62.Biography Jackie Chan: From Stuntman to Superstar AS …… Himself (1996)
63.《红番区》Hong faan kui AS …… Keung (1995)
64.《颠峰斗士》Top Fighter (1995)
65.Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine (1995)
66.《警察故事III超级警察》Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha AS …… Chan Ka Kui (1994)
67.Cinema of Vengeance (1994)
68.《城市猎人》Cheng shi lie ren AS …… Ry? Saeba (1993)
69.The Life of Bruce Lee AS …… Himself (1993)
70.《西藏小子》Xi Zang xiao zi AS …… Cameo appearance (1992)
71.Bruce Lee and Kung Fu Mania AS …… (archive footage) (1992)
72.《初到贵境》Chu gui jing AS …… Inspector (uncredited) (1990)
73.《火烧岛》Huo shao AS …… Lung/Steve (1990)
74."The Probe Team" AS …… Himself (1989)
75.《今夜不设防》"Jin ye bu she fang" AS …… Guest (1989)
76.《飞龙猛将》Fei lung maang jeung AS …… Jackie Lung (1988)
77.《火龙》Foh lung AS …… Footage from 'Mai nei dak gung i' (1984) (archive footage) (1986)
78.Ninja the Protector (1986)
79.《扭计杂牌军》Nui ji za pai jun AS …… Prisoner (1986)
80.《龙的心》Long de xin AS …… Ted/Tat Fung (1985)
81.《忍者神偷》Ninja Thunderbolt (1985)
82.《炮弹飞车2》Cannonball Run II AS …… Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi Engineer (1984)
83.Two in a Black Belt (1984)
84.《快餐车》Kwai tsan tseh AS …… Thomas (1984)
85.《迷你特攻队》Mai nei dak gung i AS …… Sammy (1984)
86.《神勇双响炮》Shen yong shuang xiang pao AS …… Motorcycle Cop #2 (1984)
87.《奇谋妙计五福星》Wu fu xing AS …… CID 07 (1983)
88.Iga ninpoucho (1982)
89.《炮弹飞车》The Cannonball Run AS …… Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi Driver (1981)
90.《杀手壕》The Big Brawl AS …… Jerry Kwan (1980)
91.《笑拳怪招》Fearless Master AS …… Jackie (1980)
92.《龙拳》Long quan AS …… Tang How-Yuen (1979)
93.《拳精》Quan jing AS …… Yi-Lang (1978)
94.《醉拳》Jui kuen AS …… Wong Fei-Hung (as Jacky Chan) (1978)
95.《飞渡卷云山》Fei juan yun shan AS …… Lord Ting Chung (1978)
96.《蛇鹤八步》She hao ba bu AS …… Hsu Yin-Fung (1978)
97.《剑花烟雨江南》Jian hua yan yu jiang nan AS …… Cao Lei (as Chen Lung) (1977)
98.《李小龙传奇》Bruce Lee, the Legend AS …… Himself (re-release only) (1977)
99.《少林门》Shao Lin men AS …… Tan Feng (as Chan Yuan Lung) (1976)
100.《少林木人巷》Shao Lin mu ren xiang (1976)
101.《新精武门》Xin ching-wu men AS …… A Lung (as Chen Lung) (1976)
102.《风雨双流星》Feng yu shuang liu xing AS …… Wa Wu-Bin/Tiger (1976)
103.Mi zong sheng shou (1975)
104.《花飞满城春》Hua fei man cheng chun (1975)
105.Pai an jing ji (1975)
106.《铁娃》Tie wa (1974)
107.《四王一后》Crash che botte! AS …… Stuntman (1974)
108.Blood Fingers (1974)
109.《香港过客》Guang dong xiao lao hu AS …… Jackie Chan (as Chan Yuan Lung) (1974)
110.《女警察》Police Woman (1974)
111.《龙争虎斗》Enter the Dragon AS …… Uncredited Extra (uncredited) (1973)
112. Hapkido (1973)
113.《小老虎》Xiao lao hu AS …… Himself (1973)
114.《顶天立地》Ding tian li di AS …… Si To (1973)
115.Fists of the Double K (1973)
116.《北地胭脂》Bei di yan AS …… Bit Part (uncredited) (1973)
117.《精武门》Jing wu men AS …… Extra/Jing Wu student (uncredited) (1972)
118.Qi lin zhang AS …… (uncredited) (1972)
119.《秦香莲》Qin Xiang Lian (1964)
120.Qin Xiang Lian (1964)
121.《大小黄天霸》Big and Little Wong Tin Bar AS …… Kid (1962)
122.Culture Clash: West Meets East (2001) AS …… Himself
123.Jackie Chan Adventures (2001) AS …… Himself
124.Jackie Chan's Hong Kong Tour (2001) AS …… Narrator (voice)
125.Language Barrier (2001) AS …… Himself
126.Kung Fu Choreography (2001) AS …… Himself
127.Attaining International Stardom (2001) AS …… Himself
128.Jackie Chan: Fast, Funny and Furious (2002) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
129.Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (2000) AS …… Himself (voice)
130.Tigres et dragons, les arts martiaux au cinéma AS …… Himself
1.《宝贝计划》Rob-B-Hood (2006)
2.《玻璃樽》Bor lei jun AS …… written by (1999)
3.《点只功夫咁简单》Dian gong fu gan chian chan AS …… uncredited (1980)
1.《龙腾虎跃》Long teng hu yue (2002)
2.《醉拳2》Jui kuen II (2000)
3.《成龙:我的特技》Jackie Chan: My Stunts (1999)
4.《我是谁》Ngo si sui (1998)
5.《成龙的传奇》Jackie Chan: My Story (1998)
6.《飞鹰计划》Fei ying gai wak (1991)
7.《奇迹》Qiji (1989)
8.《神勇飞虎霸王花》Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua (1989)
9.《A计划续集》'A' gai waak juk jaap (1988)
10.《警察故事续集》Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (1988)
11.《霸王花》Ba wong fa (1988)
12.The Brothers (1987)
13.《警察故事》Ging chaat goo si (1986)
14.《威龙猛探》The Protector (1985)
15.《A计划》'A' gai waak (1983)
16.《师弟出马》Shi di chu ma (1980)
17.《笑拳怪招》Hsiao chuan yi chao (1979)
18.《三十六迷形拳》San shi liu mi xing quan (1977)

③ 关于成龙的获奖及出演的电影要英文的

最新:辛亥革命 十二生肖

1962年 Big and Little Wang Tin-Bar

1963年 永恒的爱

1964年 小李的故事 成龙任跑龙套

1968年 一指禅

1971年 侠女复仇

1971年 愤怒的拳头

1971年 广东小虎 主演:成龙 元彪 较差

1972年 绑架

1973年 勇者无畏 主演:成龙

1973年 女英雄

1973年 Enter the Dragon

1973年 少年龙侠

1974年 金莲

1975年 喜玛拉雅人

1975年 全家同堂

1975年 小虎/女警察

1975年 降龙罗汉

1976年 死神之手
主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 一般

1976年 新愤怒的拳头
主演:成龙 武术指导:成龙 一般

1976年 少林木僧阵
主演:成龙 武术指导:成龙 一般

1977年 铁拳和尚

1977年 流星杀手
主演:成龙 一般

1977年 谋杀 主演:成龙 半好

1978年 少林蛇鹤掌
主演:成龙 较好

1978年 半块武功

1978年 保镖

1978年 蛇形刁手
主演:成龙 成功之作

1978年 形意拳
主演:成龙 武术指导:成龙 一般

1978年 龙拳
主演:成龙 差

1978年 醉拳
主演:成龙 极好

1979年 无畏的鼠狗
主演:成龙 编剧:成龙 武打设计:成龙 导演:成龙 很好

1979年 三十六招疯拳

1979年 奇怪的夫妇

1980年 无畏的鼠狗Ⅱ
主演:成龙 较差

1980年 师弟出马
主演:成龙 元彪 非常优秀

1980年 小河战役
主演:成龙 张曼玉 利智 较差

1980年 炮弹飞车
主演:成龙 较差

1982年 龙少爷
主演:成龙 导演:成龙 武打设计:成龙 剧本创作:成龙 良好

1982年 神奇特工队
成龙任配角 较差

1983年 胜者与罪人
成龙任配角 相当不错

1983年 炮弹飞车Ⅱ
成龙任配角 不理想

1984年 A计划
导演:成龙 创作:成龙 主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 堪称经典

1984年 快餐车
主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 优秀

1984年 Pom Pom

1985年 我的幸运之星
主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 优秀

1985年 保护者
主演:成龙 较好

1985年 龙的心
主演:成龙 洪金宝 相当精彩

1985年 闪烁的幸运之星
主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 刘德华 良好

1985年 警察故事
主演:成龙 张曼玉 林青霞 导演:成龙 经典

1986年 上帝的盔甲
主演:成龙 潭咏麟 关之琳 导演:成龙 上佳之作

1987年 A计划Ⅱ
主演:成龙 剧本创作:成龙 制片:成龙 导演:成龙 经典之作

1987年 永远的龙
主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 优秀

1988年 警察故事Ⅱ
主演:成龙 张曼玉 导演:成龙 经典之作

1988年 飞龙猛将
导演:洪金宝 编剧∶司徒卓汉 主演:成龙 洪金宝 元彪 叶德娴 杨宝玲 乔宏 元华 郭锦恩 很精彩

1989年 奇迹
主演:成龙 梅艳芳 客串:张学友 元彪 编剧:成龙 武打设计:成龙 导演:成龙 佳作

1990年 上帝的盔甲Ⅱ
主演:成龙 导演:成龙 上佳

1991年 飞鹰计划 主演:成龙 上佳

1991年 火烧岛
主演:成龙 梁朝伟 刘德华 洪金宝 良好

1991年 双龙会
主演:成龙 张曼玉 利智 上佳

1992年 警察故事Ⅲ
主演:成龙 杨紫琼 张曼玉 精品

1993年 重案组
主演:成龙 一般

1993年 城市猎人 主演:成龙 丘淑珍 王祖贤 黎明 优秀

1993年 超级警察续集
又名 S行动
主演:成龙 杨子琼 优秀

1993年 罪犯
主演:成龙 柯受良 极好

1994年 醉拳Ⅱ
主演:成龙 梅艳芳 刘德华 刘家良 黄日华 经典之作

1994年 红番区
主演:成龙 梅艳芳 非常优秀

1995年 霹雳火
主演:成龙 袁咏仪 佳作

1996年 简单任务
又名 白金龙
主演:成龙 导演:成龙 特技指导:成龙 优秀佳作

1997年 一个好人
主演:成龙 优秀佳作

1997年 成龙的传奇 讲述成龙自己的故事

1998年 我是谁
主演:成龙 经典

1999年 尖峰时刻 主演:成龙 优秀

1999年 玻璃樽 主演:成龙 舒琪 武术指导:成龙 好

2000年 上海正午又名 龙旋风
导 演:汤姆•戴伊 演员:成龙 刘玉玲 欧文•威尔逊 武术指导:元彪 优秀

2001年 特务迷城 主 演:成龙 监制:成龙 优秀

2001年 尖峰时刻Ⅱ
主 演:成龙 克里斯•塔克 章子怡 尊龙 导 演:布雷特•拉特纳 优秀

2002年 燕尾服 主 演:成龙 JENNIFER 优秀

2003年 上海骑士 又名 龙旋风2
主 演:成龙 欧文•威尔森 范文芳 甄子丹 优秀

2003年 飞龙再生 主 演:成龙 克莱儿•弗兰妮 李•艾文斯 钟丽缇

2003年 千机变 客串 好

2004年 80天环游地球 主 演:成龙 一般

2004年 千机变2 客串 一般

2004年 新警察故事 主 演:成龙 好

2005年 神话 主 演: 成龙 金喜善 很好

2006年 宝贝计划 主 演: 成龙 古天乐 高园园 超好
邻家特工 主演:成龙 Jackie Chan ....Bob Ho 安贝·瓦莱塔 Amber Valletta ....Gillian 玛德琳·卡罗尔 Madeline Carroll ....Farren

新宿事件 主演: 成龙 Jackie Chan ....铁头 Steelhead * 竹中直人 Naoto Takenaka ....北野 Inspector Kitano * 吴彦祖 Daniel Wu ....阿杰 Jie

大兵小将 主演:成龙 王力宏

功夫梦 主演:成龙 贾登·史密斯 塔拉吉·P·汉森 王姬 于荣光 韩雯雯 王振威
大兵小将 刁手怪招 简单任务 《大小黄天霸》1962年

④ 用英语来描述成龙的特征以及成名的作品

Chan Kong-sang, SBS, MBE,[1] PMW,[2] (陈港生; born 7 April 1954),[3] known professionally as Jackie Chan, is a Hong Kong martial artist, actor, film director, procer, stuntman and singer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts, which he typically performs himself. Chan has been training in Kung fu and Wing Chun. He has been acting since the 1960s and has appeared in over 150 films.
Chan has received stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a cultural icon, Chan has been referenced in various pop songs, cartoons, and video games. An operatically trained vocalist, Chan is also aCantopop and Mandopop star, having released a number of albums and sung many of the theme songs for the films in which he has starred. He is also a notable philanthropist.[4] In 2015, Forbes magazine estimated his net worth to be $350 million.[5]

from wikipedia of Jackie Chan

⑤ 成龙英文介绍

August 2, 2004
Jacky Chen manager
China Mobile of Zhejiang
16 Culture Avenue
zhejiang 310000
Dear Mr. Chen:
This letter is in response to your advertisement for telephonist on Zhejiang Daily.
I’m interested in the job your company offered, and I’d like to apply the position .
During my university study, I got CET-6 and pass the oral test. So I can speak Chinese and English fluently. Your company is well-known for communicating, and I’m looking forward to working in the fast rhythm company. I hope to be a member of your company, and hope you can give a further developing of my ability.
I’m looking forward to have an opportunity of meeting you so that you can see that I’m the best one who meet your all needs
Name: lee tingting
Sex: female
Age: 20
Hobby: movie, music, sports, travel
First major: information and science
Second major: English
Hometown: Ningbo zhejiang province, china
Tel: 0538-8244479
E-mail: [email protected]
Career objective
2002-2006 in Shandong agriculture university, china
B.S - Information and Science and B.A – English

⑥ 求一篇关于成龙的英语资料,包括其影片风格,及作品(电影)的英文名

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7th, 1954. His parents, Charles and Lee-lee Chan named him Chan Kong-sang which means "born in Hong Kong." Jackie weighed 12 pounds when he was born and his mother required surgery to deliver him. Jackie's parents were so poor that they had to borrow money from friends to pay the doctor.

Although Jackie's parents were poor, they had steady jobs at the French embassy in Hong Kong. Charles was a cook and Lee-lee was a housekeeper. Together, the Chan family lived on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. When Jackie was young, his father would wake him early in the morning and together they would practice kung fu. Charles Chan believed that learning kung fu would help build Jackie's character, teaching him patience, strength, and courage.

When Jackie was seven years old Charles took a job as the head cook at the American embassy in Australia. He felt that it would be best for Jackie to stay behind in Hong Kong to learn a skill and so enrolled him in the China Drama Academy where Jackie would live for the next 10 years of his life.

During Jackie's time at the school, he learned martial arts, acrobatics, singing, and acting. The school was meant to prepare boys for a life in the Peking Opera. Chinese opera was very different from any other kind of opera. It included singing, tumbling, and acrobatics as well as martial arts skills and acting. Students at the school were severely disciplined and were beaten if they disobeyed or made mistakes. It was a very harsh and difficult life but Jackie had nowhere else to go, so he stayed. He rarely saw his parents for many years.

While at the China Academy, Jackie made his acting debut at age eight in the Cantonese movie "Seven Little Valiant Fighters: Big and Little Wong Tin Bar." He later teamed with other opera students in a performance group called "The Seven Little Fortunes." Fellow actors Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao were also members. Years later the three would work together and become known as The Three Brothers. As Jackie got older he worked as a stuntman and an extra in the Hong Kong film instry.

When Jackie was 17, he graated from the China Drama Academy. Unfortunately the Chinese opera was no longer very popular, so Jackie and his classmates had to find other work. This was difficult because at the school they were never taught how to read or write. The only work available to them was unskilled labor or stunt work. Each year many movies were made in Hong Kong and there was always a need for young, strong stuntmen. Jackie was extraordinarily athletic and inventive, and soon gained a reputation for being fearless; Jackie Chan would try anything. Soon he was in demand.

Over the next few years, Jackie worked as a stuntman, but when the Hong Kong movie instry began to fail, he was forced to go to Australia to live with his parents. He worked in a restaurant and on a construction site. It was there that he got the name "Jackie." A worker named Jack had trouble pronouncing "Kong-sang" and started calling Jackie "little Jack." That soon became “Jackie” and the name stuck.

Jackie was very unhappy in Australia. The construction work was difficult and boring. His salvation came in the form of a telegram from a man named Willie Chan. Willie Chan worked in the Hong Kong movie instry and was looking for someone to star in a new movie being made by Lo Wei, a famous Hong Kong procer/director. Willie had seen Jackie at work as a stuntman and had been impressed. Jackie called Willie and they talked. Jackie didn't know it but Willie would end up becoming his best friend and manager. Soon Jackie was on his way back to Hong Kong to star in "New Fist of Fury." It was 1976 and Jackie Chan was 21 years old.

Once Jackie got back to Hong Kong, Willie Chan took control over Jackie's career. To this day Jackie is quick to point out that he owes his success to Willie. However, the movies that Jackie made for Lo Wei were not very successful. The problem was that Jackie's talents were not being used properly. It was only when Jackie was able to contribute his own ideas that he became a star. He brought humor to martial arts movies; his first success was "Snake in Eagle's Shadow." This was followed by "Drunken Master" (another blockbuster) and Jackie's first ever directing job, "Fearless Hyena." All were big hits.

Jackie was becoming a huge success in Asia. Unfortunately, it would be many years before the same could be said of his popularity in America. After a series of lukewarm receptions in the U.S., mostly e to miscasting, Jackie left the States and focused his attention on making movies in Hong Kong. It would be 10 years before he returned to make Rumble in the Bronx, the movie that introced Jackie to American audiences and secured him a place in their hearts (and their box office). Rumble was followed by the Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon series which put Jackie on the Hollywood A List.

Despite his Hollywood successes, Jackie became frustrated by the lack of varied roles for Asian actors and his own inability to control certain aspects of the filming in America. He continued to try, however, making The Tuxedo, The Medallion, and Around the World in 80 Days, none of which was the blockbuster that Rush Hour or Shanghai Noon had been.

Jackie's lifelong devotion to fitness has served him well as he continues to do stunt work and action sequences in his films. In recent years, Jackie's focus has shifted and he is trying new genres of film – fantasy, drama, romance – and is spending more and more time on his charity work. He takes his work as Ambassador for UNICEF/UNAIDS very seriously and spends all his spare time working tirelessly for children, the elderly, and those in need. He continues to make films in Hong Kong, including the blockbuster drama New Police Story in 2004.

Jackie has been married to Lin Feng-Jiao since 1982 and has a son, actor-singer Jaycee Chan. To learn more about Jackie you can read his biography, I Am Jackie Chan.

⑦ 用英语介绍成龙主演电影

rush hour 《尖峰时刻》
police story 《警察故事》
drunken master 《醉拳》
who im i 《我是谁》
the protector 《威龙猛探》
heart of dragon 《龙的心》
thunderbolt 《霹雳火》
around the world in 80 days 《80天环游世界》
city hunter 《城市猎人》
project a 《a计划》
operation codor 《飞鹰计划》
new police story 《新警察故事》
rob b hood 《宝贝计划》

⑧ 成龙所有电影英文名称

:《新警察故事》《千机变II花都大战》《80日环游世界》《赎金之王》《燕尾服》《大佬爱美丽》《飞龙再生》《千机变》《尖峰时刻2》《赎金之王2》《尖峰时刻》《龙火》《特务迷城》《特警新人类》《成龙的特技》《玻璃樽》《我是谁》《一个好人》《成龙的传奇》《警察故事4之简单任务》《霹雳火》《红番区》《醉拳II》《重案组》《城市猎人》《超级计划》《双龙会》《警察故事III超级警察》《火烧岛》《五福星撞鬼》《金瓶双艳》《飞鹰计划》《奇迹》《警察故事续集》《飞龙猛将》《龙兄虎弟》《龙威天下》《A计划续集》《夏日福星》《威龙猛探》《神勇双响炮》《杀手壕》《师弟出马》《奇谋妙计五福星》《炮弹飞车续集》《炮弹飞车》《迷你特攻队》《龙腾虎跃》《龙少爷》《龙的心》《快餐车》《警察故事》《福星高照》《A计划》《醉拳》《笑拳怪招》《新精武门》《蛇形刁手》《少林木人巷》《少林门》《蛇鹤八步》《拳精》《龙争虎斗》《龙拳》《剑花烟雨江南》《风雨双流星》《飞渡卷云山》《北派功夫》《香港过客》《女警察》《 广东小老虎》《顶天立地》《四王一后》《码头龙虎斗》《花飞满城春》《星光龙门阵》《一招半式闯江湖》
1 Rush Hour 3 尖峰时刻3 【2006】
2 New Police Story 新警察故事 【2004】
3 Time Breaker 时空破坏者 【2004】
The Myth/Titanium Rain
4 Around the World in 80 Days 环游地球80天 【2004】
5 Enter the Phoenix 大佬爱美丽 【2004】
6 The Hua Chronicles: Blade of the Rose 千机变 2 :花都大战 【2004】
7 Shanghai Knights 上海武士 【2003】
8 Vampire Effect 千机变 【2003】
9 Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family 龙的深处—失落的拼图 【2003】
10 The Medallion 飞龙再生 【2003】
11 The Tuxedo 燕尾服 【2002】
12 The Accidental Spy 特务迷城 【2001】
13 Rush Hour 2 尖峰时刻 2 【2001】
尖峰时刻 2(中)/巅峰时刻 2(台)/火拼时速 2(港)
14 Shanghai Noon 上海正午 【2000】
15 Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey (V) 李小龙:勇士的旅程 【2000】
16 Tejing xinrenlei 特警新人类 【1999】
17 Jackie Chan: My Stunts (V) 成龙的特技 【1999】
18 King of Comedy 喜剧之王 【1999】
19 Gorgeous 玻璃樽 【1999】
20 Rush Hour 尖峰时刻 【1998】
21 Who am I 我是谁 【1998】
22 Mr.Nice Guy 一个好人 【1997】
23 An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn 双龙一虎闯天关 【1997】
24 First Strike 简单任务 【1996】
25 Hong faan kui 红番区 【1995】
26 Pi li huo 霹雳火 【1995】
27 Jui kuen II 醉拳2 【1994】
28 Crime Story 重案组 【1993】
29 City Hunter 城市猎人 【1992】
30 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha 警察故事 III:超级警察 【1992】
31 Twin Dragon 双龙会 【1992】
32 Xi Zang xiao zi 西藏小子 【1992】
33 Huo shao 火烧岛 【1990】
34 Feiying gaiwak 飞鹰计划 【1990】
35 Chu gui jing 初到贵境 【1990】
36 Qiji 奇迹 【1989】
37 Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 警察故事 II 【1988】
38 'A' gai waak juk jaap A计划续集 【1987】
39 Fei lung maang jeung 飞龙猛将 【1987】
40 Armour of God 龙兄虎弟 【1986】
秃鹰计划 2(中)/飞鹰计划 2:龙兄虎弟(港)
41 Nui ji za pai jun 扭计杂牌军 【1986】
42 My Lucky Stars 福星高照 【1985】
43 Long de xin 龙的心 【1985】
44 Xia ri fu xing 夏日福星 【1985】
45 The Protector 威龙猛探 【1985】
46 Ging chaat goo si 警察故事 【1985】
47 Kwai tsan tseh 快餐车 【1984】
48 Cannonball Run II 炮弹飞车 2 【1984】
炮弹飞车 2(港)
49 Mai nei dak gung i 迷你特攻队 【1984】
50 Shen yong shuang xiang pao 神勇双响炮 【1984】
51 Wu fu xing 奇谋妙计五福星 【1983】
52 Project A A计划 【1983】
53 Dragon Lord 龙少爷 【1982】
54 The Cannonball Run 炮弹飞车 【1981】
56 Shi di chu ma 师弟出马 【1980】
57 The Big Brawl 杀手壕 【1980】
58 Hsiao chuan yi chao 笑拳怪招 【1979】
59 Long quan 龙拳 【1979】
60 Zui quan 醉拳 【1978】
61 Fei juan yun shan 飞渡卷云山 【1978】
62 Quan jing 拳精 【1978】
63 Jian hua yan yu jiang nan 剑花烟雨江南 【1977】
64 Feng yu shuang liu xing 风雨双流星 【1976】
65 Shao Lin men 少林门 【1975】
66 Guang dong xiao lao hu 香港过客 【1974】
67 Jin ping shuang yan 金瓶双艳 【1974】
68 Enter the Dragon 龙争虎斗 【1973】
69 Xiao lao hu 小老虎 【1973】
70 Tie wa 女警察 【1973】
71 Bei di yan 北地胭脂 【1973】
72 Ding tian li di 顶天立地 【1973】
73 Fist Of Fury 精武门 【1972】
74 Come Drink with Me 大醉侠 【1966】
75 Qin Xiang Lian 秦香莲 【1964】

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