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发布时间: 2023-01-02 05:23:26

1. 写三篇影片英文简介

Titanic is a love story about Jack and Rose.Theywere happy to be with each other on the ship celledTitanic.On the night of April 15 1912,the Titanic had a eriousaccident on the way to America.Jack and Rose fell into thr sea withmany other people.They were very nervous and frightenedbecause they were afraid of losing each other.In the end,Rosewas saved,but Jack died.Rose felt very sad.She was solonely.
二、Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)
Forrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama. Although his IQ is just 75, his
mother strives to make him feel no different from others。During
his life, Forrest achieves a lot more than any normal people may dream of. He
becomes a college student because he can run very fast and is recruited in the
college football team. After playing football for five years, Forrest join the
army with his college degree. In the army, he meet a black young man called
Bubba who does not look down upon him and they become good friends. On the
battlefield in Vietnam,
Forrest saves the lives of many fellow soldiers, but he loses his friend Bubba.
It happens that Forrest has an talent for ping-pong, so he is placed in the
All-American Ping-Pong Team to visit China together with officia
delegation headed by President Nixon. With
the money from doing advertisement for a Ping-Pong paddle company, Forrest
begins his life as a shrimp boat captain in honor of Bubba ,then
Forrest become a millionaire.
三、The legend of 1900(海上钢琴师)
1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship,
1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named
1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely
isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being
taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. 1900 spent his whole life on the ship. Max,
1900’s best friend, attempts to persuade 1900 to leave the ship and if so, 1900
would achieve whatever he want. But he was too daunted by the size of the
world. And feeling that his fate is tied to the ship, 1900 cannot bring himself
to leave the only home he has known. In the end, the ship blew up and sinks,
with 1900 still aboard. Max couldn't save his friend.

2. 求3部外国励志电影,及简短的英文简介


《三傻大闹宝莱坞》(3 idiots)是一部根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat)的处女作小说《五点人》(Five Point Someone)改编而成的印度宝莱坞电影,由拉库马·希拉尼(Rajkumar Hirani)执导。讲述了三位主人公:法兰(Farlan)(马德哈万R Madhavan饰),拉祖(Raju)(沙尔曼·乔什Sharman Joshi饰)与兰乔(Rancho)(阿米尔·汗Aamir Khan饰)间的故事。该片一上映就打破了印度电影的票房纪录,创下了宝莱坞电影上映首日、上映首周和全球票房的最高纪录。2011年12月8日在中国大陆上映。

英文简介:"Three idots" (3 Idiots) is based on a India best-selling author Chetan Bahat (Chetan Bhagat) debut novel, "five people" (Five Point Someone) adapted from the India Bollywood film, directed by Rajkumar Hirani (Rajkumar Hirani). Tells the story of three protagonists: flange (Farlan) (Madhab Van R Madhavan ornaments), razuvius (Raju) (Sharman Josh Sharman Joshi ornaments) and Lan Qiao (Rancho) (Amir Khan Aamir Khan ornaments) the story between. The film was an instant broke the India movie box office records, a Bollywood film debut, in its first week and global box office record. Released in December 8, 2011, in Chinese.

3. 推荐三部英语电影




本片的前身是同名音乐剧,根据法国大文豪维克多-雨果(Victor Hugo) 1862年发表的长篇小说改编,故事围绕一名获释的罪犯冉阿让(Jean Valjean)展开,着重描写他寻求救赎的过程。《悲惨世界》是一部音乐剧电影,片中全部采用现场录音,这对大腕们的唱功是一个极高挑战,即便是曾在奥斯卡领奖台或百老汇舞台上一展歌喉的休·杰克曼、安妮·海瑟薇也感到“压力好大”。然而两人不约而同地表示会为了贴合片中人物情感而自然、真实地表达,不过分追求唱法上的完美。钢琴就在摄影机旁,海瑟薇边流泪边唱歌的一幕凄美动人。

4. 适合小学生看的英文电影


1、动画片《料理鼠王》 美国












5. 求3篇英文电影的影评(100字左右)

Forrest Gump is a 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Gary Sinise. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a simple Alabama man who travels across the world, sometimes meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing firsthand historic events of the late 20th century.
People think there was something wrong with Forrest’s brain, but not serious. That was the case. Due to his blunt brain, Forrest couldn’t think too much, just did the same thing constantly, such as run, such as playing Ping-Pong, such as catching shrimp. Due to his clumsy mind, he even didn’t know many usual boring things of life and then he lived a quite happy life.

We are clever, we know a lot, and we care about too much. But many of us even can’t do one thing very well and can’t become successful like Forrest Gump. I used to think I was quite clever and I could do a lot of things. But I have achieved nothing until now. I must learn from Forrest Gump——just run, not consider why I run——just do one thing, not many!

Joe Somebody is a 2001 American comedy-drama film written by John Scott Shepherd and directed by John Pasquin. The film stars Tim Allen as a man stirred into action by a workplace bully. The film also stars Julie Bowen, Kelly Lynch, Greg Germann, Hayden Panettiere, Patrick Warburton and Jim Belushi.

“Joe Somebody” is the story of Joe Scheffer (Allen), an everyday business man who is constantly looked over in life. His wife (Kelly Lynch) has recently divorced him, the job promotion he was promised months ago has never happened and even though he’s worked for the same company for ten years, no one can remember his name. Rather than lashing out at the world, Joe continues to bottle up his anger inside of him. When he gets punched by a co-worker in front of his daughter over a parking spot though, it’s the final straw. Joe decides that this nobody is going to finally become a somebody and begins taking self-defense lessons in an attempt to finally beat the bully that set him off.
While the story behind “Joe Somebody” has a moral that’s good for young kids to learn, there have been 100 movies just like this geared towards a family audience. “Joe Somebody” was intended to finally break the mold of this family-friendly story by being rated PG-13, but when Fox discovered they didn’t have a film that was kiddie-friendly for the holidays, they axed “Joe Somebody” for a PG-rating. Now, “Joe Somebody” is a cliched-filled family film with lines and situations so predictable, audiences will be left groaning rather than laughing. Sure the film has a couple funny moments– the scene where Allen and a bunch of 40-something co-workers do Karaoke to the Backstreet Boys’ “Larger Than Life” should receive a few laughs from the 20 and under crowd– but it’s ending is so corny that nothing could prevent audiences from wishing they saw Harry Potter or Monsters, Inc. for the umpteenth time rather than sitting through “Joe.”

6. 30部必看经典英文电影,看完口语、听力大幅提升!你到底看过哪些



《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)取自斯蒂芬·金《不同的季节》中收录的《丽塔·海华丝及萧山克监狱的救赎》而改编成的《肖申克的救赎》剧本,并由弗兰克·达拉邦特执导,蒂姆·罗宾斯、摩根·弗里曼等主演。


《百万宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)是一部励志剧情电影。影片由克林特·伊斯特伍德执导,克林特·伊斯特伍德、希拉里·斯万克、摩根·弗里曼等主演。




小说涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间。故事的主线围绕主人公获释罪犯冉阿让(Jean Valjean)试图赎罪的历程,融进了法国的历史、建筑、政治、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰。1958年法国导演让.保罗·李塞诺拍摄过同名电影,2006年日本出品了根据原着改编的动画片《悲惨世界少女珂塞特》。



























7. 急求三篇英文的电影观后感大神们帮帮忙

英文影评:千与千寻(Spirited Away) Animated feature from Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki. A young girl finds herself trapped in a mystical realm, where she must find a way to save her parents - who have been turned into pigs There's something almost criminal about the way Spirited Away took over two years to reach Britain after its original Japanese release. In Japan, Hayao Miyazaki is both commercially successful (his films regularly beat box office records) and highly respected (Akira Kurosawa said: "I am somewhat disturbed when critics lump our works together. One cannot mimimise the importance of Miyazaki's work by comparing it to mine."). In Britain, however, his work has barely got more than a few cursory arts venue screenings. At least Spirited Away - which took the Berlin Golden Bear in 2002 and the Best Animated Film Oscar in 2003 - made it. Better late than never. After the stress of making his last film, 1997's Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki had a breakdown and retired. But he came out of retirement when an idea to create another, lighter film began to take shape. Princess Mononoke was an action-packed epic that ranged across 15th century Japan. For Spirited Away he returned to the quieter - but no less serious - themes that he addressed to a degree in 1988's My Neighbor Tortoro. Both films feature a family moving house, girls getting used to upheaval, and elements of 'Alice In Wonderland'. But where the 1988 film used a few specific motifs from Carroll's book (a plunge into a 'rabbit hole', a version of the Cheshire cat), Spirited Away casts its 10-year-old protagonist, Chihiro (Hragi; or Chase in the US b), fully into a Wonderland, a mystical otherworld populated by animal spirits and gods. Chihiro arrives in this realm by accident. Her parents, heading for their new home, take a road that leads into the woods. Arriving at a dead end, they walk down a corridor through a building and emerge in what dad takes to be "an abandoned theme park". It's something like a Japanese Portmeirion, but eerily deserted. While her parents greedily help themselves to food, Chihiro wanders off and meets Haku (Irino; or Marsden), a boy who warns her to leave before dark. She's too late though - a lake has appeared, blocking her route, ghostly forms have populated the town and her parents have turned into pigs. She's trapped. The only way to survive, Haku tells her, is to get work in the bath house that dominates the town. Here "eight million gods rest their weary bones", according to Yubaba (Natsuki; or Pleshette), the witch who runs the establishment. Chihiro makes her way to meet Yubaba with the help of Kamajii (Sugawara; Ogden Stiers), a multi-limbed codger who runs the boiler house, Lin (Tamai; Egan), a serving woman with a taste for "roasted newt", and even a 'Radish God', a giant sumo of a chap with tuber-like appendages. Yubaba is hardly forthcoming - her realm is "no place for humans" - but she's forced to give Chihiro work, thanks to an oath she swore. Chihiro gets work helping Lin. But the management give them the worst jobs - such as assisting a hideous oozing creature they take to be a "Stink God; an extra large stinker at that". It's an entity so foul its smell makes food rot instantaneously, while its suppurations fill the room with a noxious gloop. Chihiro - or Sen as she becomes when Yubaba takes her name as part of her contract - does get by in the bath house, but it's not without further incident. She may lose her identity, but she retains her decency. One act of kindness results in a dangerous spirit, No Face, getting into the bath house and wreaking havoc by playing on the greed of the other employees ("Gold springs from his palms!"). She even gets involved in an adventure that reveals her mysterious bond with Haku. But can she save her parents? It's often said that Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira (1988) is the greatest anime ever. That's as maybe, but every one of Miyazaki's films is a masterpiece, so it's hard to pick just one that stands out. It's also tricky to compare his works with the more traditionally received notion of anime (giant robots, demons with phallic tentacles, telekinetic fighting, atom bomb-style explosions etc). Although Miyazaki insists it's not his role to be didactic, all of his work (notably his second feature Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind and Princess Mononoke) has strong messages about ecology and the human relationship with the natural world. But he's also fascinated with coming-of-age stories, notably about how girls (many of his protagonists are young females) can not only face up to alt responsibility, but also how they can become strong, principled members of society. Here Chihiro is forced to grow up fast, but the process, while gruelling, is not without real benefits, as her understanding of the way society functions and experience of alt emotions develops exponentially. Some aspects of the film are likely to be too foreign for Westerners - we're ignorant of Japanese belief systems, with their hierarchies of entities - but Miyazaki's work has the power to transcend such culturally specific elements. While many of his earlier films drew on European stories (such as 1986's Castle In The Sky, from Swift), the folkloric features he reworks are often universal. But most of all, his team's animation - here utilising more digital techniques, while still being grounded in 2D traditions - is always beautiful and, in places, breathtaking. Locations are atmospheric, details are immaculate (you can identify the flower species in the gardens) and characters are diverse. Yubaba, for example, is a bizarre creation, a stocky woman with a huge head and even bigger hairdo; the bath house itself is stocked with all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures, from a Kermit-like assistant, to creatures reminiscent of his cuddly woodland deity from My Neighbor Tortoro, to troll-like beasts that look related to Maurice Sendak's 'Wild Things'). The only factor that could be seen as mildly misjudged is J Hisaishi's score, which is overbearing in places. It's no wonder the likes of Pixar's John Lasseter (who executive proced the US b) are so full of praise for Miyazaki. He's a true genius, an artist and great filmmaker who happens to work in animation - a medium often belittled as childish in the West. Spirited Away is wonderful. 蜜蜂总动员 Bee Movie review by Roger Ebert From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. -- Karl Marx Applied with strict rigor, that's how bee society works in Jerry Seinfeld's "Bee Movie" and apparently in real life. Doesn't seem like much fun. You are born, grow a little, attend school for three days, and then go to work for the rest of your life. "Are you going to work us to death?" a young bee asks ring a briefing. "We certainly hope so!" says the smiling lecturer, to appreciative chuckles all around. One bee, however, is not so thrilled with the system. His name is Barry B. Benson, and he is voiced by Seinfeld as a rebel who wants to experience the world before settling down to a lifetime job as, for example, a Crud Remover. He sneaks into a formation of ace pollinators, flies out of the hive, has a dizzying flight through Central Park, and ends up (never mind how) making a friend of a human named Vanessa (voice of Renee Zellweger). Then their relationship blossoms into something more, although not very much more, given the physical differences. Compared to them, a Chihuahua and a Great Dane would have it easy. This friendship is against all the rules. Bees are forbidden to speak to humans. And humans tend to swat bees (there's a good laugh when Barry explains how a friend was offed by a rolled-up of French Vogue). What Barry mostly discovers from human society is, gasp!, that humans rob the bees of all their honey and eat it. He and Adam, his best pal (Matthew Broderick), even visit a bee farm, which looks like forced labor of the worst sort. Their instant analysis of the human-bee economic relationship is pure Marxism, if only they knew it. Barry and Adam end up bringing a lawsuit against the human race for its exploitation of all bees everywhere, and this court case (with a judge voiced by Oprah Winfrey) is enlivened by the rotund, syrupy voiced Layton T. Montgomery (John Goodman), attorney for the human race, who talks like a cross between Fred Thompson and Foghorn Leghorn. If the bees win their case, Montgomery jokes, he'd have to negotiate with silkworms for the stuff that holds up his britches. All of this material, written by Seinfeld and writers associated with his television series, tries hard, but never really takes off. We learn at the outset of the movie that bees theoretically cannot fly. Unfortunately, in the movie, that applies only to the screenplay. It is really, really, really hard to care much about a platonic romantic relationship between Renee Zellweger and a bee, although if anyone could pull if off, she could. Barry and Adam come across as earnest, articulate young bees who pursue logic into the realm of the bizarre, as sometimes happened on the "Seinfeld" show. Most of the humor is verbal, and tends toward the gently ironic rather than the hilarious. Chris Rock scores best, as a mosquito named Mooseblood, but his biggest laugh comes from a recycled lawyer joke. In the tradition of many recent animated films, several famous people turn up playing themselves, including Sting (how did he earn that name?) and Ray Liotta, who is called as a witness because his brand of Ray Liotta Honey profiteers from the labors of bees. Liotta's character and voice work are actually kind of inspired, leaving me to regret the absence of B.B. King, Burt's Bees, Johnny B. Goode, and the evil Canadian bee slavemaster Norman Jewison, who -- oh, I forgot, he exploits maple trees.

8. 求三篇英文电影的观后感 用英语写(30词)


Last night,I saw a great film,Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film,by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded,and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who encourages Gump to be strong and live the same as normal people.


电影改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大 。


9. 求三篇电影的概括,每篇80~100个单词,英文。谢谢!

Finding Nemo(2003)
A clown fish named Marlin lives in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo. After he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. Nemo is abcted by a boat and netted up and sent to a dentist's office in Sydney. So, while Marlin ventures off to try to retrieve Nemo, Marlin meets a fish named Dory, a blue tang suffering from short-term memory loss. The companions travel a great distance, encountering various dangerous sea creatures such as sharks, anglerfish and jellyfish, in order to rescue Nemo from the dentist's office, which is situated by Sydney Harbor. While the two are doing this, Nemo and the other sea animals in the dentist's fish tank plot a way to return to Sydney Harbor to live their lives free again.

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