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发布时间: 2023-01-02 03:22:44

⑴ 求一份电影的英文故事梗概,最好是中英文对照的







Synopsis In the early 40s Shanghai, Bai Lisu, a divorcee, is staying with her own family. Yet it is a place of gossip and she is desperate to escape.

Mrs. Xu, the matchmaker, arranges for Bai’s sister to have a blind date with Fan Liuyuan, a playboy just back from overseas. Bai accompanies her sister to meet Fan but it truns out that fan falls for . After their first encounter, Fan asks Mrs. Xu to invite Bai to come to Hong Kong ot meet him. Bai agrees right away, ignoring all the gossip about her.

The Repulse Bay Hotel becomes a place for tug-of-war between Fan and Bai. They get along well one day but then are at odds on another. He is being kind not only to her but also other women.

Bai knows that if this tug-of-war lingers on,, she may lose the battle completely. She decides to return to Shanghai. Not long after, Fan waits for Bai to arrive at the pier in Hong Kong. He gives her a “home” but she still does not get the “status” of being married.

When the Japanese troops are bombing the Hong Kong Island, Bai and Fan are separated. When Fan rushes back to the house and finds Bai waiting for him there, they then know that treasure each other so much. Fan then proposes to Bai and They plan to get married right after the war is over.

Many years later, at the Bai’s house in Shanghai…

⑵ 罗密欧与朱丽叶英文故事梗概

Capulet and Montague are two families of a city. They have deep feuds and often fight with each other. The Montague family had a son named Romeo, 17 years old, with a dignified character. He was a very popular young man. But he liked Rosaland, a girl who did not like him.


When he heard that Rosaland would go to the Capulet's banquet, he decided to sneak into the banquet hall.So Romeo gave up Rosaland for the sake of Rosaland, while his friend gave up Rosaland for the sake of finding a new girl for Romeo.


He and his friends put on masks for their own purposes and went into the banquet hall.So at this banquet, he was deeply attracted by Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulets. That night, Juliet was the protagonist of the banquet. At the age of 13, she was as beautiful as a fairy.


Romeo went forward to express his love for Juliet, Juliet also had a good feeling for Romeo. However, neither side knew the identity of the other at that time.After the truth came to light, Romeo still couldn't get rid of his love for Juliet.


He climbed over the wall into Capulet's orchard and heard Juliet calling Romeo in the window. Obviously, both sides fell in love at first sight.The next day, Romeo went to see the priest of the nearby monastery and asked for help.


The priest agreed to Romeo's request and thought it was a way to resolve the contradiction between the two families. Romeo appointed Juliet to the monastery through Juliet's nurse and married under the priest's leadership.


At noon that day, Romeo met Juliet's cousin Tybalt in the street. Tiebert was going to fight Romeo. Romeo was reluctant to fight, but his friend (pacifist) thought Romeo had no face. So his friend and Tiebert eled, and Tiebert took the opportunity to kill him.


Romeo was so angry that he drew his sword to avenge his friend that Tiebert was killed by Romeo.After much consultation, the ruler of the city decided to expel Romeo and ordered him to be executed if he dared to return. Juliet was sad. She loved Romeo very much.


Romeo was reluctant to leave, and only after the priest's persuasion did he agree to leave temporarily.That night, he sneaked into Juliet's bedroom and spent his wedding night. At dawn the next day, Romeo had to start his exile.


As soon as Romeo left, the noble Count of Paris came again to propose.Capulet was very satisfied and ordered Juliet to get married next Thursday.Juliet went to the priest to find a way out. The priest gave her a medicine, which was like death after taking it, but it would wake up in forty-two hours.


The priest promised her to send someone named Romeo, and he would soon dig up the grave and let her and Romeo fly away. Juliet acted according to plan, took medicine on the first night of the wedding, and the next day the wedding naturally turned into a funeral.


The priest immediately sent someone to inform Romeo. But Romeo knew the wrong news before the priest's messenger arrived.


He came to Juliet's grave in the middle of the night, killed Count Paris, who had stopped him, opened the grave, kissed Juliet, took out the poison he had brought with him, drank it, and fell dead beside Juliet.


By the time the priest arrived, Romeo and Paris were dead. Then Juliet woke up.There were more and more people, and the priest fled before he could take care of Juliet. Juliet did not want to live alone when she saw Romeo who was dead.


Without finding poison, she drew Romeo's sword and thrust it at herself and fell on him to die.


Both parents came, and the priest told them the story of Romeo and Juliet.After losing their children, the parents of the two families woke up, but it was too late. Since then, the two families have eliminated their old grievances and cast a golden statue for Romeo and Juliet in the city.

















⑶ 急!随便两部励志的电影的英文故事梗概



⑷ 电影《音乐之声》的英文故事梗概


Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

英文电影《百万英镑》的主要内容概括 要用英文概括 30个词左右

At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and hasnotrouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit .

just by showinghisnote,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.

首先,一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌 ,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。





⑹ 《复仇者联盟》电影英文故事简介

A sudden strong evil cause deadly threat to the earth, without any a super hero alone could resist. Long-term commitment to protect global security.

Aegis board feel unprepared, and its commander "one-eyed man" Nick, Fred realized he must create a "in the history of the strongest alliance, gathered the parties.

Outbursts, together with the super hero can save the world from hot water and resist the invasion of the forces of the dark.

So by six big super hero - iron man, captain America, thor, green giant, black widow and hawkeye man of "avengers alliance" came into being they.

Demonstrated together, finally win over evil, to ensure the safety of the earth.


突如其来的强烈邪恶会对地球造成致命威胁,没有任何一个超级英雄可以抵抗。 长期致力于保护全球安全。



因此,由六位超级英雄 - 铁人,美国队长,托尔,绿巨人,黑寡妇和“复仇者联盟”的鹰眼男人组成了他们。




由六大超级英雄—钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神、绿巨人、黑寡妇和鹰眼侠组成的 “复仇者联盟”应运而生。他们各显神通,团结一心,终于战胜了邪恶势力,保证了地球的安全。

影片讲述了神盾局指挥官尼克·弗瑞为了对付《雷神》中被流放的洛基,积极奔走寻找最强者,在神盾局斡旋下将钢铁侠、 美国队长、 雷神托尔、绿巨人、黑寡妇和 鹰眼侠六位超级英雄集结在一起,组成了复仇者联盟,共同携手应对邪神洛基和故事。



⑺ 需求2部英文电影的故事梗概


故事发生在纽约大都会里,由让·雷诺所饰演的职业杀手里昂,受餐厅老板委托杀人。当他是以杀手的身份出现时,冷静而神秘,杀人手法令人热血沸腾。但当他卸下杀手面具时,则又回归成为平凡的市井小民,简单到连基本身份证、银行帐号都没有,每天至少喝杯鲜奶,喜欢浇花及细心地擦拭心爱盆栽的树叶,是个具有双重身份角色扮演的人。而就在里昂所住的公寓内,有人暗渡陈仓的进行毒品交易,小女孩马蒂达的父亲是警方缉毒组的线人,因为贪心,私吞了部分毒品,遭到神经质警官斯坦报复,杀了全家人却遗漏了小女孩马蒂达。马蒂达为了安全起见而躲进隔壁里昂家,她知道了里昂的杀手身份,为了保护自己及报灭门之仇,马蒂达以坚定的口气要求里昂训练她成为一位真正的职业杀手……在此之后,斯坦亦全力搜寻马蒂达以杀人灭口……里昂只身闯入警局解救去复仇的马蒂达,并杀死了警员。警方大惊慌之余,下令围剿公寓楼并全力搜捕里昂,双方交战之下引发了一场紧张刺激的终极追杀。 里昂撂倒一片警察,再次救出女孩并让她通过通风管道逃生,并嘱咐她他留给她的钱在餐厅老板那里。里昂化装成警察想混出包围圈,但被斯坦识破。最后一刻,里昂引爆了身上的炸弹……里昂已经40岁了,他是一名习惯独来独往的职业杀手,并且始终恪守着不杀女人和孩子的原则;而玛蒂达却只是一个普通的12岁的邻家女孩。这样的两个人的生活轨迹本互不相干,原来也不会有任何交集,然而只因后者不幸惨遭灭门之祸才令二人意外的走到了一起,并且在他们之间还产生了一种奇妙的化学反应:爱情。


一九零零年的第一天。邮轮弗吉尼亚号载着熙熙攘攘的欢呼人群在纽约港靠岸。在梦想的鼓动下黑压压的人流涌下船,迎接充满可能性的美好未来。喧嚣过后,船上除了船员所剩无几。添煤工人Danny Boodman于是偷偷跑到餐厅搜罗客人遗落下的贵重物品,结果一无所获。失望之余,他在钢琴架上发现一个漂亮的婴儿。他抱起婴儿,看见他的目光清澈,皮肤白净。Danny Boodman对这意外收获十分惊喜,于是收留了这个孩子,起名叫Danny Boodman T.D.Lemon Nineteen Hundred(丹尼 博德曼 T.D.雷蒙1900),纪念这孩子在新世纪的第一天被他收养。 善良的Danny Boodman十分疼爱小1900,教他识字,从不让他受苦。但因为没有任何出生证明之类的文件,Danny Boodman害怕1900会被别人抢走,所以不许他离开船舱一步。 在1900八岁时,Danny Boodman因为船上的机械操纵失误死了,在懵懂的1900于生离死别前迷茫时,突然听见远处传来美妙动人的声音,他回过头,身边一个亚洲女人告诉他,这是音乐。 几日后,1900在夜里偷偷溜进餐厅,来到白天专属乐手演奏娱乐上等乘客的钢琴前,弹起了自己即兴随想的曲子。歌声吵醒了许多乘客,他们好奇的想去探个究竟,却都陶醉在这小家伙如天籁般的音乐中。直到音乐停下来,船长才过去对他说,“1900,这一切都违背常规。”年幼的1900看着他的说:“去它的常规。” (Fuck the regulations) 几年后,成人的1900成了弗吉尼亚号乐队的钢琴师,虽然他从未下过船,但是却能在钢琴上幻想世间的一切,在一次暴风雨中,他巧遇了正在晕船的Max,两个人十分投缘。从此,Max成了他一生的知己。 Max十分欣赏他的音乐才华,但也同时对他固执的不肯下船登上陆地感到困惑。他希望1900能向世人展示自己的才华,得到世人的承认,名利双收,过上好的生活。但对1900而言,世人向往的生活对他而言太过遥远,无法理解,也因此根本不具备诱惑力。 之后,人们对1900音乐才华的广为传颂,爵士乐的始祖Jelly Roll Morton自认自己的才华无人能及,因而向1900发起挑战。最终1900获胜,这次比赛更加让1900名声大噪,唱片出版商希望为他录制唱片,并保证他会名利双收,他的内心依然平静,安于生活和音乐带给他的快乐。直到他遇到一个朴素而迷人的女孩。那一天他正在录制唱片,女孩顺着窗子向里看,和他四目相对,尽管女孩仅仅是在用窗户的反射照镜子,他却立刻爱上了她。随兴而发弹奏了一曲柔情似水的曲子。(那个女子就是手风琴匠的女儿,那个老人曾与1900在船舱内交心畅谈过。他来到了美国,开立了一家鱼店,开始了全新的生活。而1900却始终不能释怀。直到最后一刻。)唱片录制完成,出版商把唱片放给1900听,他没有把唱片给出版商,因为他不允许别人把他的音乐从他身边带走。他犹豫再三,想把唱片送给那位素不相识的女孩,却没能如愿以偿,1900无法掩饰自己的哀伤,他失望地毁了唱片把碎片扔在垃圾桶里。于是他与爱情失之交臂。(后由Max把唱片的碎片藏到了1900的钢琴中,这是1900唯一留下的音乐记录) 在女孩下船之后,Max和1900谁都没有再次提起那个女孩,1900依旧弹着钢琴,但心里却一直牵挂着女孩。Max的劝说和对爱情生活的憧憬打动了他,在至少十二年后的某个春天他最终决定下船,登上陌生的陆地。那天所有的船员都和他挥手告别,他穿着Max送给他的大衣,缓慢的走下船梯,但当他走到船梯的一半时,他茫然的看着偌大的纽约市,凝视了一阵,他突然摘掉头上的礼帽并将之抛了出去,礼帽掉在了船与大陆之间的海面上,然后1900转过头,返回到了船上。他对Max说,我再也不下船了。自此,他与世界失之交臂。 直到许多年后,大战结束,早已离开弗吉尼亚号的Max偶然发现破旧的维珍尼亚号就要被炸掉,他坚信1900在船上,可是1900并没有露面,直到船马上要被炸毁前,Max拿到当年的唱片独自在船上播放的时候,1900才在角落里现身。但是1900执意不肯下船,他说出了当年他未能下船的原因:世界太广阔了,让他陌生得害怕,那些城市里的街道无边无际,就像有无数个键的没有尽头的钢琴一样让他感到恐惧,他宁可退出生命的舞台,给自己一个尽头,而不愿意茫然无措的面对一个无边无际,无所适从的生活。Max无法劝他下船,最终悲伤的离去,在远处目送维珍尼亚号和1900一同被炸弹粉碎。 那天他告诉那个他曾对之提起过1900的传奇故事的乐器行老板:1900死了,老板也感到惋惜,于是把Max因为窘迫卖掉的小号还给了他并对他说,一个好的故事比一个旧小号值钱。带着旧小号与1900的音乐传奇,Max离开了,从此,只有Max一个人会记起那一生不会踏上陆地的天才钢琴师和他传奇的一生。




The film tells of a homeless African American boy, Michael och, who was an orphan since childhood and met the kind Mrs. Taoxi. With the help of the latter, he finally became the first selected player of the American National Football League.



This is a typical American theme film. Although it has its hypocritical side, it really moves people's hearts. It uses an ordinary person's personalized road of success to interpret the level of social development and national feelings.







⑼ 电影《雨人》 故事梗概(英文)

Rain Man (1988) is the story of a young man who regains his humanity through the unexpected love of a brother he never knew he had--until now. Charlie Babbitts father passes away, leaving him only the car that caused their estrangement, and some prized rose bushes. Using his cunning, Charlie traces the remainder of the inheritance, a trust fund, to an institution for the mentally challenged--Wallbrook. There, Charlie discovers the existence of a brother that he'd never known. Charlie abcts Raymond, an autistic savant, from the institute in the hopes of ransoming him for at least half of the $3,000,000 trust fund. Raymond's fear of flying forces a cross-country road trip, ring which the two brothers reconnect. Charlie learns that he'd actually known his brother when he was young, mispronouncing his name as "rain man," but Raymond had burned young Charlie badly in hot water and, for this reason, was forced to live at Wallbrook--all but forgotten. By the time the two reach Los Angeles, Charlie's love for his brother has rekindled the humanity within himself. He's left mystified by the enigma that is his brother and grows from the experience, even turning down Dr. Bruners offer to walk away for $250,000.

⑽ 用简短的英语概括下阿甘正传的电影内容


"Forrest Gump" is a film directed by Robert Zemigis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and released in the United States on July 6, 1994.


The film is adapted from the novel of the same name published by the American writer Winston Glum in 1986.


It depicts the boy of the innate mental retardation, Forrest Gan, who is self-improving, and finally "stupid people have stupid blessings" to get the favor of God. Inspirational stories that create miracles in multiple fields.


After the film was released, he won 6 awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995.


On September 5, 2014, on the 20th anniversary of the film's release, the IMAX version of Forrest Gump began to be released nationwide.




拍摄时Gary Sinise(丹中尉)的腿是用蓝布包着的,这样在后期制作时可以用电脑去除。



“Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don't go home at all. That's a bad thing. That's all I have to say about that.”

汤姆·汉克斯演阿甘时模仿了饰演小阿甘的Michael Conner Humphreys的口音。

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