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发布时间: 2023-01-02 00:22:05

❶ 求时间规划局英文影评。 要有感悟。 只要是论述Time is money

In a future where time is used as currency people stop aging at 25. Upon reaching that age a clock on your arm starts counting down. Each person is granted a year. When your clock hits zero you die. To stay alive you have to earn time and because time = money it means people work, deal, fight, gamble and steal to get it. The poor live day by day, while the rich literally have all the time in the world.

Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) is a young man living in a ghetto. One evening he saves the life of Henry Hamilton, a wealthy old man. Henry, tired of living, rewards Will by giving him all his time before he clocks himself out(commits suicide). Will, knowing what it looks like, flees the scene and sure indeed, not soon after the police (timekeepers) accuse him of murder. In an attempt to get the timekeepers of his back Will takes a hostage, Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried), the daughter of one of the wealthiest men alive. Robbed of their time by the same gangsters that tried to kill Henry, Will and Sylvia must work together to stay alive.

I didn't know what to expect from In Time, mainly because I had trouble picturing how time can be used as currency. The filmmakers must have known this would be an issue so they waste no time to visually explain how the system works. In the first 10 minutes we follow Will and his mother in their everyday life. We see how they pay the rent on their apartment, pay for the bus, go the work and get paid. Through it all the word "time" is used so often you're likely to start counting it, but it also emphasizes how important that ticking clock on their arm is. After you're familiar with the concept the story gets up to speed immediately.

In Time creates a detailed and intriguing world.

"In order for a few to be immortal many must die."

It means many people will have to do with only minutes, hours and days so that only a handful of people can be very wealthy. The poor work their ass off to earn time, literally dropping dead to the floor when they run out of time, while the rich sit around wasting and spending it. There is a very strong division between the social classes, they are not allowed to mingle. Each class is kept in a time zone and to pass zones you have to pay. The closer you get to the wealthiest zone the higher the price becomes. It's simply impossible for people from the ghetto to travel through time zones. They are deliberately kept short on time and there is little opportunity for people to climb the social ladder. You are born in your time zone and that's where you'll stay.

Timekeepers meticulously keep track of time to guard that system. A dead millionaire in the ghetto means all that money is now somewhere on the streets. Imagine what would happen if poor people suddenly have all that money? They would rebel and so it is of vital importance for Leon (Cillian Murphy), head of the timekeepers, to quickly find Will and confiscate his time. Murphy excels in these type of roles. He brings a certain intensity to his character. Leon is focused, driven and convinced that the system must be maintained even though he is from the ghetto himself. He has the same background as Will and in a way cannot stand seeing Will defy the system.

Timberlake is a convincing leading man. He effortlessly guides us through the movie, handles the action with ease and is able to portray emotions. He connects well with Seyfried, his hostage and love interest, but there is no real spark. I'm glad the filmmakers didn't focus on the love story, too many movies have derailed because of that. Seyfried's role however is minor. Besides being the daughter of a rich guy, which gives Will leverage over the timekeepers, and running around there isn't much purpose to her being there.

What I simply love about In Time is the literal use of English idioms and sayings. For instance:

Time is money Running out of time Don't waste time Time's up

I also thought In Time was refreshingly simple. It's shot on location in LA, so almost everything that you see is real. It's a breath of fresh air in a time with so many CGI and computer animated movies.

On the downside is that In Time eventually started to drag a little. From the moment Will and Sylvia become fugitives the story is about stealing time and running, stealing time and running. The final confrontation between Leon and Will is a bit of anticlimax and there is no closed ending.

It's a movie that makes you think, a movie you can discuss after you have left the cinema. The one thing I can't get my head around is why this system was created in the first place. Why genetically modify people to stop ageing at 25? Why create a society of young looking people? What's the point of eternal living? Why would people want that anyway?

Personally I don't see the benefit of it, which makes the entire movie a bit unnecessary.

Nevertheless In Time is entertaining to watch. It's engaging, pacey, contains well-dosed action scenes, has a decent cast and presents a believable sci-fi universe. Even though the story is easy to follow it's clear that the filmmakers have thought the concept through, there is great attention to detail.

In Time is just a movie of one man on the run while fighting a system, but told in an original perspective. As there is a serious lack of decent original movies in mainstream cinema these days for that reason alone I would recommend seeing In Time!

❷ 时间规划局的读后感英语100

The worst thing is definitely not death, but died of poverty. This is the "time" gives us the enlightenment. With a thick smell like despair, poverty is a kind of original sin unforgivable.
This is a imaginative and creative future film, "time is money" that belongs to the concept of science fiction, but with life in exchange for money event in the us today is already true fact. Urban white-collar night overtime, regardless of the health of the enterprise boss wassail, site workers without security operations, these are not take life in exchange for money. From this point of view, "in time" and not just let us Xinqi to see a worth to write a great deal about the concept of creativity, but let us see in real life, people for wealth with the life of helpless and sorrow. The concept of time is money, so at this moment strongly to occupy my brain. "Time keeper" role in this moment is the most hateful, actually I do not know is for their own incapable of action. At the end of the film, though all the oppression and injustice all over but the power of love, we can only when is the right to a better future expectations.
The film acts as the premise of monetary established: aging limit of each person is 25 years old, then the life of only one year, in this year, everyone must make time to extend the life of their own, otherwise the time zero people died. What this means? Mean maximum physiological age of each person is 25 years old, everyone to the best time of life when 25 years old, began to either death or live forever, at the age of 25. Always wondered why the director in 25 years as boundaries? This is probably the most vibrant life moment, a young man's vitality and the mature alts, wonderful life in this age occur most happy. At the same time, in this age group, the poor to end death struggle, the rich began to enjoy a happy life, is also the reflection of real life. As the life of the watershed, go to a bright future depends on your ability to earn money / time. The reality and the film also sadly, the speed of rising prices will never catch up with the speed of your money.

这是一部想象力和创意十足的电影,未来“时间就是金钱”的假设虽然属于科幻概念,但是用生命换取金钱的事件在我们的今天却已经是铁铮铮的事实。都市白领彻夜的加班、企业老板不顾健康的参加酒宴、工地工人毫无安全保障的作业,这些无不是拿生命换取金钱。从这点来说, 《时间规划局》绝对不只是让我们欣奇地看到了一个值得大书特书的概念创意,而是让我们都从中看到了现实生活里,人们用生命换取财富的无奈和悲哀。时间就是金钱的概念在这一刻如此强烈得占据我的脑中。“时间守护者”的角色也在这一刻显得最是可恶,竟不知其实是对自己的无能为力。影片的结尾,虽是所有的压迫和不公都抵不过真爱的力量,我们也只能权当是对未来的美好期许。

❸ 时间规划局经典台词

“没人应该永生,即便只要牺牲一个人。” “No one should be immortal, even if one person has to die”




❺ 时间规划局




❻ 时间规划局的英文求解释

you have more nights like tonight.
为了强调more,在more前面加many 变成
you have MANY more nights like tonight
还觉得不够过瘾 再加 too增加程度
you have too many more nights like tonight.

live with yourself 不是按字面理解成自己生存,而是一个固定短语
牛津词典的解释是 be able to retain one’s self-respect as a consequence of one’s actions

❼ 有一部美国科幻电影里面时间好像金钱一样的,手臂上显示你剩余的时间,叫什么电影

英文片名:In Time
国家/地区: 美国类型: 科幻 / 惊悚 对白语言: 英语
导演: 安德鲁·尼科尔
主演: 贾斯汀·丁伯莱克阿曼达·塞弗里德希里安·墨菲马修·博曼

❽ 找一个外国电影内容是说用时间来代替金钱的








2、Sylvia Weis


3、Timekeeper Raymond


❾ 请用英文推荐时间规划局这部电影,不要太长,也不要太短。150词就差不多了。

In Time is a fine film with a terrific storyline, excellent acting and a pace that will have you glued to the screen. I'd seen the artwork and trailer for this movie quite a while back and I thought it looked good, a bit of fun trash with an attractive cast, however it's so much more that that, it really is an exceptional film that exceeded my expectations enormously.

The story is set in an unknown time in the future when money has been abolished and time is the currency, when you turn 25 you have a year to earn time or your life is over, your clock stops and you die. It's a pretty complex storyline but the script enables you to get a hang of it rather quickly, and you get drawn into the story instantly. Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried are excellent together, they have a chemistry on screen that is electric. Amanda Seyfried is the wealthy girl who comes "from time", who is kidnapped by JT but then abandons her previous life to become a fugitive, her character is one of the best in the film, she is a tough lady, and Justin continues to get better and better.

Basically to me this movie seemed like a futuristic sci-fi version if Bonnie And Clyde, it's just as awesome as that and I definitely recommend that you go and see this film on the big screen.

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