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发布时间: 2023-01-01 13:41:25

1. 《毕业生》影评 ....求专业的!!!!






在遇到Mrs Robinson之后,本更加茫然。
"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to sece me"
"Would you like me to sece you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
这段经典台词,以及摄像机透过Mrs. Robinson,的大腿间利用错位展现给我们慌张的本那一幕,在此后被众人引用。
Simon And Garfunkel的《The Sound Of Silence》穿梭在本每一次的思考和茫然里。
Hello darkness my old friend.
I’'ve come to talk with you again.
而Mrs. Robinson呢。

没有给我们更长远的故事。一切仍伴着《The Sound Of Silence》结束。



2. 毕业生观后感














本片的总体结构是很清楚的前后两段,前面是Mrs Robinson,后面是她的女儿。这两段结构中推进故事用了好莱坞电影不常见的的叙事手法,即对话段落和表意段落截然分开,相互交叉。这特别在前半段Mrs Robinson里有很明显的体现。

具体来说,对话段落里的台词每段都非常有意思,基本是本杰明和成人之间的对话。而这些对话,最重要的不是具体的谈话内容,而是对话模式处处都在体现着成人世界的潜规则。在Mrs Robinson和本杰明一一对话场景中,导演总是安排本处于镜头中的弱势地位,或者是背光处(Mrs Bobinson在明处),或者是坐立不安(Mrs Robinson坐得稳如泰山)。在这些段落里,导演利用了一切电影语言就是要安排主人公处在不利的位置上,说明年青人在成人世界面前的弱小。

表意段落,即Simon And Garfunkel的配乐。这时场景与MTV没什么不同,与故事的主体发展是无关的,重点是主人公内心感觉的写照。从开场的The Sound of Silence(打字幕时就是个表意段落),后来的April Come She Will,Scarborough Fair,所配的画面,不是游泳池,就是房间里的鱼缸(这里都是借用“水”来表示成人世界,本杰明对待“水”的态度也有很有意思的转变)。



3 影片剧本很考究。主体的对话只是在表现成人世界的对话模式,大量的深意其实是含而不露的,我小时候看就没能完全理解。

比如Mrs Robinson不让本杰明和她女儿约会。为什么?如果单看宾馆里一场戏,剧中人的解释是很含糊的,按照对话来理解 ,大约就是“本杰明配不上这姑娘”。其实抛开对话,非常容易想明白:如果你和她有性关系,当然就不能再和她女儿有性关系了!成人世界的潜规则就是:婚外情虽然不提倡,但某种程度上是可以被谅解的(Mrs Robinson和丈夫已经分开睡了,达成了某种妥协);但是绝对不能先后和母女两人发生关系(台湾就因为本杰明的这一举动,禁演《毕业生》20年,可见约定俗成的伦理极限)!!但是对于本杰明这一不懂成人规则的年青人来说,唯一的规则就是要“真”。所以和Mrs Robinson的关系对于他来看只是“一次握手”,而与她女儿的感情才是“真”情,没有理由不去追求。


4 影片的对话有大量双关。我大约听到了六七处,记下的有两处:

一处是宾馆前台第一次问本杰明:“Do you come to have an affair?”听到"affair",本杰明猛吃了一惊。

另一处是本杰明到处问人婚礼在哪里进行,说 “I'm supposed to be at the wedding”。知道了最后抢亲,就觉得这句很好笑,本杰明其实是说“新郎应该是我”!

5 影片的置景很讲究。特别是本杰明的房间布置,背景中的海报,照片等都很细致地在提示人物心理。

本杰明母亲的造型也刻意地和Mrs Robinson完全一样。这为故事的主题又加上了一层深意。

6 影片的结尾抢亲是很激动人心的。但是上车以后,随着和开场一样的The Sound of Silence响起,本杰明又开始迷惘了。影片拒绝像一般商业电影一样用完全的光明和大团圆做结局,也说明导演当时的创作姿态是很先锋的。

3. 电影《毕业生》的英文评价和社会背景

The Graate is a 1967 American comedy-drama film directed by Mike Nichols. It is based on the 1963 novel The Graate by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graating from Williams College. The screenplay was by Buck Henry, who makes a cameo appearance as a hotel clerk, and Calder Willingham. The film tells the story of Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman), a recent university graate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and then proceeds to fall in love with her daughter Elaine.
A.D. Murphy of Variety and Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised the film upon its release, with Murphy describing it as a "delightful satirical comedy-drama" and Ebert claiming it was the "funniest American comedy of the year".
For the film's thirtieth anniversary reissue, Roger Ebert retracted some of his previous praise for the film, noting that he now felt its time has passed and he now had more sympathy for Mrs. Robinson than Benjamin, whom he considered "an insufferable creep."He, along with Gene Siskel, gave the film a mediocre review on the television program Siskel & Ebert.

4. 毕业生英语影评80字

Ben has recently graated college, with his parents now expecting great things from him. At his "Homecoming" party, Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner, has Ben drive her home, which leads to an affair between the two. The affair eventually ends, but comes back to haunt him when he finds himself falling for Elaine, Mrs. Robinson's daughter. It makes us understand why Ben just has to do what he does, also telling us that Ben is not the strongest person in the world. Ross is quite nice too, although her character is pretty forgettable. If Ben would have chosen for Mrs. Robinson instead of the daughter it would probably have been more believable. Captain of the Crosscountry Team Head of the Debating Club Associate Editor of the college newspaper in his Junior year Managing Editor in his Senior ………... Overall I think this is a great film, with only the ending as really implausible, although I must admit I liked it this way. Even if it has flaws, even if it is a little dated at times, it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today. The Graate was a movie that everyone could relate to. The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just passing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling. When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo. I found Hoffman's character hard to grasp except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy. The action is mainly seen through the eyes of Benjamin Braddock, a confused twenty-one year old, who is worried about his future but who does not simply want to follow the commercial path of his affluent family and their friends. When Benjamin is on the plane there is a head shot of him staring straight ahead and his head seems to be enveloped by the brilliantly white head rest. I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he possessed even after completing four years of college. Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy, even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the diving suit; he was never heard, throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine. One of the many great scenes that drive the point across that he is lost in his own world where he can only hear himself is when he comes out for his 21st birthday party and his father will not listen to his objections. The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamin's perspective (his own world) looking through the goggles. All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to. His breath blocks every body out and he is pushed repeatedly back into the pool by his father. Benjamin decides to stay submerged and avoid reality. This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around, they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started. Benjamin feels alone in the beginning until Mrs. Robinson begins to show an interest in him and pretty soon that white 'halo' from the plane turns to black. As far as the viewer can tell there is no emotional connection between Ben and Mrs. Robinson, he still walks around aimlessly and his manner turns from that of a paranoid youth, like many of us, to an almost cocky young man. An interesting aspect between the relationship of Ben and Mrs. Robinson is the way the gender roles are switched. Ben is interested in involving conversation to their meetings and feels like he is being used while Mrs. Robison just wants to be purely physical. Ben has a more feminine personality then Mrs. Robison because she has so many secrets kept inside. The romance between Ben and Elaine is somewhat rushed because one second they are in a alt club where Elaine feels insulted and wants nothing to do with Ben, and then the next thing we know they are laughing and getting along and going on another date. The next instance Elaine is being married off yet she does not object. When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her. All she can hear is Ben screaming her name, everyone else is blocked out.

5. 电影毕业生的英文简介

After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old
Benjamin Braddock returns to his parents' Los Angeles area home a
graate. Although the world should be his oyster, Ben is instead in a
state of extreme anxiety as he has no idea what to do with his life,
which is made all the more difficult since everybody asks him what he
plans on doing or tells him what he should do. In his confused state
ring which he would rather be alone to wallow in self-pity, he is easy
prey for the aggressive Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's
business partner who he's known all his life and who seces him.
Thinking about and then eventually succumbing to her advances only adds
to his anxiety and confusion as he hides what they're doing from the
rest of the world, and as he needs more than just sex in a relationship,
sex which is all she wants from him. His confusion is lessened but his
life becomes more complicated when he is reacquainted with Elaine
Robinson, the Robinsons' daughter who too is home from college at
Berkeley and who he has not seen since high school. Despite a rocky
start directed largely by the wants of Mrs. Robinson, Ben and Elaine
start to fall for each other. In this complicated situation, Ben has to
try to figure out how at least to start to strive for what he believes
should be that successful post-graate life.

6. 电影影评英语范文



During the summer vacation, I watched a lot of movies,such as , “Hilary and Jackie”, “Up(飞屋环游记)”, “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]” ,“ The Legend ['ledʒənd] of 1900”,“ The Truman Show”,“ He's Just Not That Into You” and so on.Now I will share my deepest feelings about some movies with you together and taste it.

First of all,the movie “Hilary and Jackie” translated “她比烟花寂寞”in Chinnese.The six words include the infinite ['infinət] deep profound. The film is divided into two sections, the first telling events from Hilary's point of view and the second from Jackie's. It opens with Hilary and Jackie as children being taught by their mother to dance and play musical instruments, the cello for Jackie and the flute for Hilary. Jackie does not take practicing seriously at first, but when she does, she becomes a virtuoso [,və:tju'əuzəu],

quickly rising to international prominence. Hilary, on the other hand, plays in a community orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə, -kes-] and marries Christopher

of composer Gerald克里斯多夫, the son 杰拉尔德Finzi. The film, though focused primarily on Jacqueline, is ultimately ['ʌltimətli] about the relationship between the two sisters and their dedication to one another; to help Jacqueline through a

nervous-breakdown, Hilary consents to Jacqueline having an affair with her husband.

The last quarter of the movie chronicles in detail the last fifteen years of Jacqueline's life, ring which she is diagnosed with multiple ['mʌltipl] sclerosis

[skliə'rəusis] and loses control of her nervous system, becomes paralyzed

['pærəlaizd], goes deaf and mute [mju:t], and finally dies. The film ends with Jacqueline's ghost standing on the beach where she used to play as a child, watching herself and her sister frolicking in the sand as little girls..

The second movie , I was going to say the “UP”

Up is definitely one of the better Pixar efforts. It's about the grandeur

['ɡrændʒə] and excitement of flight and adventure. The first ten minutes of the film about Carl and his life-long love Ellie are surprisingly touching. It's heartbreaking to see him lose his wife even at old age. With nothing left to do Carl heads for South America, but he's not alone. Russell, a Wilderness Explorer [ik'splɔ:rə] trying to earn his

['ænimeitid] films. Like other Pixar films Up is also very funny. Thankfully, it's sweet humour instead of the gross humour that's present in many of today's Hollywood films. In conclusion, Up is another daring, unusual and beautiful animated ['ænimeitid] film from Pixar that both children and alts will enjoy watching. I highly recommend it.

Finally,the “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]”.I don’t know how to express the feeling about this film. the movie is so great and Andy is a bloody

smart man! When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to.

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.



The movie talks about a love story of a man whose father decided to come out after his old wife dead. The protagonist was a little bit autistic because of his home environment. After he met a beautiful girl at a masquerade party and fall in love with her, his life became different and colorful. But it’s not easy to maintain this relationship e to both of them grew up in a disharmony family. At last, they learned how to love each other and solve the problems. I do believe that we all are beginners, there are many things that we aren’t good at, and we should face and try to deal with it, not just escape.


It’s a science fiction. The main character in the film is a man. And he writes letters for living, it’s a boring job as well as his life. As the story went on, the protagonist got an AI system that can talk as a real human by chance. Not long ago, he just broken with his girlfriend,but soon he found that AI is easier to get along with than real people. Surprisingly, he and “her” both feel like falling in love with each other, it makes him feel very happy. But good times don’t last long, they would quarrel, and it’s not easy to have an AI “girlfriend”. In the end, all of AI left people, in myopinion it’s because they love people. And they don’t want to hurt people. This is my favorite movie this year.


The Hitchhikes Guide to the Galaxy This movie is a classic science fiction comedy, adapted from a popular book with the same title written by Douglas Adams. In a peaceful morning, the protagonist was having breakfast, and at the moment, the construction team was going to force demolition of his home. Of course he was very angry, but his best friend who looks “nerves” came out suddenly and admitted he is an alien, then took him to a big space ship. After that, the aliens who own the space ship destroyed the earth. Thanks to his alien friend, as the last human being, he started aninterstellar journey full of excitement and fun.

7. 一篇初二英语作文:一篇影评(60词)

My favorite movie is "kung fu panda,". This movie is about the beautiful scenery in the pinggu and, there lived a group of wulin. But the difference is, and the wulin, pinggu are all animals. The panda the treasure is probably one of the valley will not the fighting skill of residents. And fat and slow the treasure in the father of work in business noodle, father hope the treasure can inherit, however the treasure is a noodle who is learning in the valley, and become the first fighting skill of kung fu masters. But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just a distant dream only. The tortoise master recently had the foreboding: the great dragon snow leopard, is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely come and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting


8. 毕业生电影中的佳句

1.毕业生 这部电影里的十句话

Jesus loves U more than U will know(Wo,wo,wo).耶稣对你的爱护比你所感更甚。

Heaven holds a place 4 those who pray.天堂为那些祈祷的人保留了净土。

We'd like 2 help U learn 2 help Urself.希望能教你学会自助。

Look around U,all U see are sympathetic eyes.看看四周,净是同情的目光。

Stroll around the grounds until U feel at home.四处走走,直到你感觉舒心。

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes.把它藏在没有人的隐秘处。

Laugh about it,shout about it.高声谈笑,大吵大闹。

Every way U look at it,U lose.无论你怎么考虑,你都会失败。

A nation turns its lonely eyes 2 U(Woo,woo,woo).世人在用孤寂的眼神看你。

the world is a screwy place, it does not play by the rules.这个世界很扭曲, 并没有什么游戏规则。


您推崇真诚和廉洁,以此视作为人处世的准则。您是我们莘莘学子心目中的楷模。我崇拜伟人、名人,可是我更急切地把我的敬意和赞美献给一位普通的人 ―― 我的老师您。您对我们严格要求,并以自己的行动为榜样。您的规劝、要求,甚至命令,一经提出,便要我们一定做到,然而又总使我们心悦诚服,自觉行动。这就是您留在我心中的高大形象。

您的思想,您的话语,充溢着诗意,蕴含着哲理,又显得那么神奇 ―― 呵,在我的脑海里,它们曾激起过多少美妙的涟漪!




教师的春风,日日沐我心。 、一位好老师,胜过万卷书。


1 不快乐,他很厌烦被别人安排去做什么,穿潜水衣也是父母之命,这个场景折射出年轻人迫切的想得到主动权,极力的抵制父母之命的心里。

2 我感觉是因为压抑的不到释放吧,毕竟性有释放压力的作用

3 他也厌烦了两人只是性关系,当他的性需求得到满足,他精神层面或者说感情方面的需求也被提到台面上来,但是罗宾逊太太是不可能满足这方面的,她只需要一个给他性的人而已。

4 这就像是青春期反抗家长一样的。这是1967年那个特殊的年代里的时代气息,新生的一辈们正在逐渐步入社会并享受着战后发展的黄金时期。挺过二战的父母为他们铺设好道路,而他们就像一群站在天堂门口不知所措的人们。导演以一种艺术(艺术即夸张)来放大了而已,以更好的表现主题。



读电影台词学英语:《The Graate》毕业生Ben是一个刚刚大学毕业的学生,生活中充满了对未来的迷惘。


MRS. ROBINSON: Hello, Benjamin.BEN: Oh. Hello.MRS. ROBINSON: May I sit down?BEN: Of course.MRS. ROBINSON: Thank you.MRS. ROBINSON: How are you?BEN: Very well. Thank you.MRS. ROBINSON: May I have a drink?BEN: A drink? Of course.(Ben looks toward a passing WAITER and raises his hand.The waiter pays no attention. Ben looks back at Mrs. Robinson apologetically.)BEN: He didn''t see me.MRS. ROBINSON: Waiter!MRS. ROBINSON: I will have a martini.WAITER #1: Yes, madam.MRS. ROBINSON: You don''t have to be so nervous, you know.BEN: Nervous. Well, I am a bit nervous. I mean it''s –it''s pretty hard to be suave when you''re –MRS. ROBINSON: Did you get us a room?BEN: What?MRS. ROBINSON: Have you gotten us a room yet?BEN: I haven''t. No.MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to?BEN: Well – I don''t. I mean I could. Or we could just talk.MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want me to get it?BEN: You? Oh no. No. I''ll get it.MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to get it now?BEN: Now?MRS. ROBINSON: Yes.BEN: Well – I don''t know.MRS. ROBINSON: Why don''t you get it.BEN: Why don''t I get it? Well – I will then. If you''ll excuse me.(Ben walks out of the Veranda Room and into the lobby.)ROOM CLERK: Yes sir?BEN: A room. I''d like a room, please.ROOM CLERK: A single room or a double room?BEN: A single. Just for myself, please.ROOM CLERK: Will you sign the register, please?He pushes the card and a pen toward Ben.Ben writes his name on the card and then staresat it for a moment, crumples it up and fills out a second card.ROOM CLERK: Is anything wrong, sir?BEN: What? No. Nothing.ROOM CLERK: Do you have any luggage, Mister –Gladstone?BEN: Luggage? Yes. Yes. I do.ROOM CLERK: Where is it?BEN: What?ROOM CLERK: Where is your luggage?BEN: Well it''s in the car. It''s out in the car.ROOM CLERK: Very good, sir. I''ll have a porter bring it in.BEN: Oh no.ROOM CLERK: Sir?BEN: I mean I''d – I''d rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in.I just have a toothbrush. I can get it myself. If that''s all right.ROOM CLERK: Of course.ROOM CLERK: I''ll have a porter show you the room.BEN: Oh. Well actually, I''d just as soon find it myself.I just have the toothbrush to carry up and I think I can manage it myself.ROOM CLERK: Whatever you say, sir.BEN: Thank you.注释:*apologetically: 抱歉的*Martini:马提尼酒*A single room or a double room?单人间还是双人间?*register:登记表*Do you have any luggage?你有行李吗?*porter:宾馆的搬运工*I''d rather not…我宁愿不…*toothbrush: 牙刷*manage it:解决*Whatever you say.随你的便。




留下青春,带走回忆!我亲爱的朋友们,一路走好! 且行且珍惜!同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,都埋在心底,化作美丽的记忆吧! ??光阴似箭,一转眼, 3 年的同窗生涯已成为过去。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔跑矫健的身影。

这里的草坪、小溪、竹亭,是我们永远依恋的百草园。 毕业了,多么想留住那些温暖的日子,但又多么渴望着能早日投进生活的洪流。

那以往的同窗生活,是一串甜美的糖葫芦;那迷人的甜与酸,将永远回味不完。 ?? 采撷一串串的梦,学校的嬉戏,回想起是那么缤纷绚丽;而成长的追逐,竟已一跃而过。

世间的尘嚣喧扰,似乎沉寂,让我重新拾取记忆的落英。 ?? 有一首歌曾轻声地唱过,在年轻的岁月中,或许时间带走一切拥有过的季节 ?s ?颐怯涝都堑媚嵌窝艄庀碌娜兆印* 我们拥有 6 个在一起的春秋,每一次游戏,每一次探讨,每一次争吵,都将成为我记忆中珍贵的一页。

?? 还记得吗?军训场上的一顶顶红帽,阅兵场上嘹亮的口号,是的,从那时起,我们共同踏进了这片令人神往的天地…… ?? 我的朋友,你的声音飘荡在我的心里,像那海水的低吟之声,缭绕在静听着的松林之间。像露珠依恋着美丽的花朵 ? 记得我们在湖边,信步地走着。


?? 还记得那一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时也深深地烙在我的心灵里。 ?? 红叶纷飞的枫林里,我们曾拥有多少回忆。

那飘舞着的枫叶,将我们带进一个无比美妙的境界。 ?? 雪花乱飞的季节,我们也曾陷入迷茫的困惑,感到孤独和凄凉,但我们毕竟走了过来。

?? 再回首,是一串充满酸甜苦辣的昨天:昨天,有我们在课堂上的争论;昨天,有我们在球场上的奔跑;昨天,有我们在考场上的奋斗;昨天,有我们在烛光中的歌唱。是啊,昨天,多么美好,多么值得回忆! ?? 那个拨动着六弦琴的你,那个满不在乎地扬起黑发的你,即将像一只鸽子般地飞走了,多少年后,还能记得你我曾经同桌苦读的这段日子么? ?? 我们曾是并肩战斗的两棵小树,我们曾经是二重唱中的两个声部,我们曾经是一张课桌上的学友。

今天,我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。 ?? 还记得那天晚上我们在星光下畅谈的情景吗?谈学习、理想,还有……将来即使我们天各一方,但那晚的星空我永远都会记得。



无论是得到的,还是失去的,一切都将存留在我记忆的最深处。 ?? 三个希冀的春天,我们播种了三次;三个金黄的秋天,我们收获了三遍;我们曾经受了三个火夏的磨砺和三个严冬的考验,请别忘记这有滋有味、有声有色的时光。

?? 三年光阴,匆匆而过,如梦的年纪,弥漫着串串欢声笑语,不要挥手叹息,觉得繁花尽去,鼓足勇气,不要忘了互递惊喜的消息。 ?? 一千五百个日日夜夜就这样结束了,四年岁月,那么多争执,那么多欢笑,那么多烦恼,那么多骄傲,真的随身后的门这样“砰”地一声,就留给了过去 ? ? 三年同窗,共沐一片阳光;一千个白昼,谱写了多少友谊的篇章?愿逝去的岁月,都化作美好的回忆。

永留在心房。 别丢掉那以往的热情,你仍要保存着那真! 生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇着欢迎的花束。

勇敢地去吧,朋友!前方,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜红的大旗飞舞 …… 从五湖四海来,到天南地北去。不管走到哪里,不管在什么岗位,让我们继续填好人生的履历表,交出事业的优秀答卷,为母校的旗帜增辉添彩。

愿你作一滴晶亮的水,投射到浩瀚的大海;作一朵鲜美的花,组成百花满园;作一丝闪光的纤维,绣织出鲜红的战旗;作一颗小小的螺丝钉,一辈子坚守自己的岗位 …… 今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。

竞技场上讲谦虚,无疑等于宣告自己的失败;该需要毛遂自荐时,就要当仁不让。生活需要自己主宰,请珍惜大写的 “ 我 ” 。

聚也不是开始,散也不是结束,同窗数载凝的无数美好瞬间,将永远铭刻在我的记忆之中 …… 那以往的同窗生活,是一串糖葫芦,那迷人的甜和酸,将永远回味不完。 同窗几年,你把友谊的种子撒在我心灵上。

我将默默地把它带走,精心浇灌、栽培,让它来日开出芳馨的鲜花。 柳荫下握别百般惆怅 ―― 同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量! 生活已经向我们敞开了胸襟,朋友,让我们勇敢地迎上前去,去尽情地体验它无边无际的壮阔,无穷无尽的幽深吧! 小舟在青春的港口起航,我们暂时分手,满载着理想和追。


1.《毕业生》的主题曲是《ScarboroughFair》(斯卡布罗市集)和《The sound of silence》(寂寞之音)




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