发布时间: 2022-12-31 17:25:24
⑴ 等风来的翻译是:什么意思
翻译成英文是Wait for the wind to come
⑵ 等风来摄英语
This week I saw the movie 《Waiting for The Wind》.It is a very refreshing movie.Whether traveling or living,in fact,do not hurry to make any decisions or changes.When you standing on the cliff side of life,at first you should not move or run,perhaps it's just the wind.
I also read a few books in this week,which made me know than we are not so easy to understand a person.Someday,when you find that the people once you well known ,has a different looking and deeds,you will suddenly realize yourself's ignorance,so life needs several unclear things to be a better one.