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发布时间: 2022-12-27 15:33:39

A. 撒切尔夫人的简介 英文中问都行,只要概括全面就好!

Margaret Thatcher
born: 13-10-1925
birth place: Lincolnshire

The daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham, she was ecated at the local grammar school, and at Oxford, where she obtained a degree in chemistry, and was president of the Conservative Association.

Upon graation she worked for four years as a research chemist. She then qualified as a barrister, specialising in taxation law, in 1954.

As Miss Margaret Roberts, she stood twice in parliamentary elections for the Conservative Party, before being elected (after her marriage) to the House of Commons, in 1959, as Member for Finchley.

Thatcher's first ministerial appointment came in 1961, and she quickly became a front-bench spokesman for her party, and member of the Shadow Cabinet.

When the Conservatives returned to office in June 1970, she was appointed secretary of state for ecation and science, becoming famous as "Thatcher, milk snatcher", after her abolition of the universal free school milk scheme.

After the Conservatives lost power in 1974, she was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet, and was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975.

In May 1979 she became Britain's first female prime minister, after the Conservatives regained power from Labour.

In power, she was best known for her destruction of Britain’s traditional instries, through her attacks on labour organisations such as the miner’s union, and for the massive privatisation of social housing and public transport. Also for her right-wing, pro-corporate alliance with US President Regan.

She resigned on November 28, 1990, after her disastrous attempt to implement a fixed rate local tax (Poll Tax), and to disenfranchise those who did not pay it, led to huge popular protest, and disapproval from within her party.

In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords, as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.



B. 有关 撒切儿夫人的电影。

《撒切尔夫人》Margaret (2009)
导演:James Kent
《铁娘子:坚固柔情》 The Iron Lady(2011)
导 演:菲利达·劳埃德
主 演: 梅丽尔·斯特里普/吉姆·布劳德本特


C. 撒切尔夫人的一段简介 英文翻译

Make the world admire the "Iron Lady" first female prime minister in British history European history is also the first female prime minister commandeered the political arena for 11 years, Prime Minister remarkable achievements ring his tenure in the history of the United Kingdom, I am afraid that no one Bimageli Tesaqieer created more first wife had. She is a British Conservative Party, this "man's world" where the first female leader, she was the first female prime minister in British history, but also created a reelection third term 11-year-old girl records Prime Minister. Britain since the early 19th century, Lord Liverpool, 15 years after the third re-election, then there is no prime minister had a bit of power so long time. She is the first in British history to its implementation of a policy has been bbed the "isms" and "revolution" of the Prime Minister, is also the 20th century, one of the best prime minister. She will be strong for its style of work determination, perseverance, tough on the Soviet Union was the "iron woman," said. She came from the civilian population, there is no prominent men of the shelter, and no husband to your wife glorious fall back, relying on continued efforts to pursue and tenacious struggle, and finally the heavy door in the UK first, one traditional country where being seen as " Men's Territory "in the whirlpool and rapids in the political struggle, step by step climb up the ladder of success, to reach the summit of power. She led her Government in England staged a called the "Thatcher's Cyclone," the drama, so the decline since the war has been sluggish in the United Kingdom, the emergence of the "Boom" of the situation. She is a ringed group of London's politicians, so many men's admiration, shame.

D. 能介绍一下撒切尔夫人吗

中新网4月8日电 英国“铁娘子”、前首相撒切尔夫人8日去世,享年87岁。撒切尔夫人1979年至1990年任首相,是英国唯一一位女首相,也是英国20世纪连续执政时间最长的首相。撒切尔夫人近年健康不佳,几次轻微中风后,医生建议她不宜再作公众演讲,她逐渐淡出公众视线。
玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔1925年10月13日生于英格兰林肯 郡格兰瑟姆市。1943年进牛津大学萨默维尔女子学院攻读化学。大学时代参加保守党,并担任牛津大学保守党协会主席。
撒切尔夫人1959年当选为保守党下院议员。1961任年金和国民保险部政务次官。1964年任下院保守党前座发言人。1970年任教育和科学大臣。1975年2月当选为保守党领袖。1979年5月保守党大选获胜,撒切尔夫人出任首相,成为英国历史上第一位女首相。1983年6月和1987年6月连任首相。1990年11月辞去首相职务。1992年6月被封为终身贵族。1993年5月任威廉-玛丽学院第二十一任名誉院长。2005年10月13日,撒切尔夫人80大寿 ,不管是多年的朋友还是曾经的政敌,很多人专门发来生日祝福,高度评价她,英国女王和布莱尔首相等嘉宾都出席她的生日庆祝会。

E. 撒切尔夫人简介


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