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发布时间: 2022-12-24 23:37:18

A. 天才眼镜狗英语短句

1. 天才眼镜狗中的好词好句

If is called the dog means smart, single-minded, kindness, love, and so is my dog如果被称作狗就意味着聪明,专一,善良,爱,那么我就是狗Sherman, no matter what challenges you face, no matter what do you think of me how far is it from you, I have been in your side舍曼,不论你面对什么样的挑战,不论你觉得我离你有多远,我一直在你身边Hands-on learning the lessons of history is better than anything, though, is that right?不过亲身学习历史教训比什么都强,对吗?。

2. 天才眼镜狗中的好词好句

If is called the dog means smart, single-minded, kindness, love, and so is my dog


Sherman, no matter what challenges you face, no matter what do you think of me how far is it from you, I have been in your side


Hands-on learning the lessons of history is better than anything, though, is that right?


3. 天才眼镜狗的精彩内容用英文描述五十字

The story revolves around one of the world's "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy, Sherman, and started a wonderful journey. In order to let his son wonderful better able to witness the world, he invented a time machine. Peabody and Sherman through time and space, and the adventure, and make a variety of jokes.。

4. 天才眼睛狗英语描述100字

"Every dog should have a boy", I did not write the counter-you read that right, this is amovie in the genius dog glasses said, at DreamWorks work, will really be convinced by theirextraordinary imagination, a dog romance through the journey, this is a totallyextraordinary stories! Genius glasses dog to I of stunning, does not is this Department movie plot Shang how of subversion, that eventually only as one movie of stunt, and is this is one real nice has connotation of works, actually Hollywood animation this told extreme intensified of of similar movie very more, like snail racing hand, mouse big kitchen, Hollywood animation has been very at will this seemingly outrageous extremely of things, through fanciful of phenomenon, show in animation among, and genius glasses dog Maximum of shackles is how to breakthrough dog parent people child such a even in movie in the are hard was ordinary by accept of topic, dog dad Peabody Mr of crisis also is stems from this Shang, so movie in the side through repeatedly stressed Peabody Mr was amazing of talent and Peabody Mr adoptions Sherman experience of warmth memories, another side villain social survey member to with away from Sherman left Peabody Mr for movie of tension, Director Luobo·mingkefu in genius glasses dog in the show with as he of similar works Elf rat brother Cleverly made the worldaccept mice is a member of the family, and quotable movies way graally to accept theseemingly outrageous tales, even when the movie was over the crowd chanting "my dog!"Endearingly to in no way or not, but rather a heart touching. This Department dream factory animation of another a big watch, is to time machine for plot development of movie mainline, although Hollywood animation theme of family brand not variable, but France revolution, and ancient Egypt Pharaoh, and Troy of war, and Renaissance Shi of Leonardo da Vinci and Mona Lisa, and even last of Washington, movie in very good of build has pair dog dad people child of selling Hou, on several occasions through spatio-temporal into to those world are familiar of story in the, all laugh points full, was full with unknown of surprise, And as once success shaped Lions King Simba, Elf rat brother tuyate of Luobo·mingkefu, although he guide of number Department reality movie mediocre no odd, but the Director in will animal personification Shang extraordinary of talent, as star you in the are Professor genius glasses dog skin Boddy Mr of shaped, only said this a role will became Luobo·mingkefu hands was world by bearing in mind of third bit animation characters. Dog dad father deep, DreamWorks once again break the sky, this is still a charm for all agesall ages.。

5. 天才眼镜狗的英文简介

Mr. Peabody is an anthropomorphic dog who is the smartest being in the world. As a pup, he was rejected by every potential owner, leading him to devote his life to science, athletics, and technological discoveries. One day, Peabody finds an orphaned infant and legally adopts him under the name of Sherman (age 7). He tutors Sherman through a series of adventures throughout history with the use of the WABAC, a time machine. After narrowly escaping the French Revolution, Sherman starts his first day at Susan B. Anthony School in New York City, and falls into conflict with classmate Penny Peterson, who he innocently shows up in history class with his first-hand knowledge of George Washington. Penny bullies and humiliates Sherman, insulting him by calling him a "dog" for being raised by one, which provokes Sherman into biting her. Peabody visits Principal Purdy about the matter, but is confronted by Ms. Grunion, a bigoted child and family services agent who threatens to remove Sherman from Peabody's custody if an upcoming home inspection is deemed unsatisfactory.Peabody invites the Petersons over for a dinner party to mend fences between Sherman and Penny. While Peabody charms Paul and Patty, Sherman is left with Penny. Sherman reveals the WABAC to Penny after she calls him a liar about his first hand knowledge and they joyride in it, despite Peabody's warnings. Moments later, Sherman seeks Peabody's help to retrieve Penny, who refused to leave her engagement with King Tut in Ancient Egypt. Penny changes her mind when she learns Tut will die young and she will be executed and buried with him. For trying to stop the wedding, Peabody and Sherman are trapped in a tomb, but escape with Peabody's knowledge, rescuing Penny from the wedding and escaping in the WABAC.With the WABAC low on energy, the three stop in Renaissance Florence to seek the aid of Mr. Peabody's old friend Leonardo da Vinci. While Peabody and Leonardo build a contraption to recharge the WABAC, Penny convinces Sherman to explore Leonardo's workshop with her and they bond by using Leonardo'sflying machine without permission. They crash-land and Leonardo is thrilled that the machine worked but Peabody is angered at Sherman. During the return trip to the present, Penny reveals Ms. Grunion's intention of reclaiming Sherman. An argument ensues between Peabody and Sherman while the WABAC draws near a black hole. They crash-land in the Trojan War where an upset Sherman runs away to join the armies of King Agamemnon. When Peabody and Penny come to retrieve him in the Trojan Horse, they find themselves in the battle and Penny becomes trapped in the Trojan Horse as it races towards a cliff. In a rescue attempt, Sherman and Penny are saved, but Peabody appears to have gone down with the Trojan Horse and is presumed dead.Desperate to save Peabody, Sherman and Penny return to the present minutes before Sherman returned the first time to get Peabody to remedy the situation. However, the present copies of Peabody and Sherman show up along with Ms. Grunion. She attempts to reclaim both Shermans, which causes them along with the copies of Peabody to merge and disrupt the space-time continuum. Ms. Grunion makes another attempt at reclaiming Sherman, hurting him in the process which causes an enraged Peabody to revert to his natural instinct and bite her. As Ms. Grunion informs the police, Peabody, Sherman, and Penny flee to the WABAC. They are unable to travel back in time as several historic figures and monuments rain down into the present. The WABAC eventually crashes in the street as the police converge on the WABAC. Peabody is apprehended by Animal Control who plan on euthanizing him for assaulting Ms. Grunion. Sherman protests by explaining that everything that happened is his fault and declares that he would rather be a dog as good as Peabody than a person. Moved by his speech, every historical figure present, the Petersons, and even the police officers concur. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clintonsupport Peabody's legal custody of Sherman and award Peabody a presidential pardon while Sherman and Penny share a hug.When a vortex in the space-time continuum rips open, Sherman pilots the WABAC while Peabody handles the computations intending to travel to the future by a few minutes and undo the damage with success. The historical figures and monuments return to their respective times with a smitten King Agamemnon dragging Ms. Grunion 。

B. 天才眼镜狗50句经典英文台词



C. 天才眼镜狗经典台词


《天才眼镜狗》(英语:Mr. Peabody & Sherman)是2014年美国一部3D电脑动画科幻电影。影片中角色取自20世纪60年代的美国动画剧集"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show",并以全新故事加以动画特效制成电影。














D. 《天才眼镜狗》和《冰雪奇缘》中有意义的经典台词有哪些


  1. 有些人值得我融化。
    Some people are worth melting for.

  2. 你不能嫁给你刚认识的人。
    You can not marry the man you just met.

  3. 我会在这里。
    I will be right here.

  4. 你想堆个雪人吗?
    do you want to build a snow man.

  5. 不要害怕你的怪物。
    don't be the monster they fear you are.

  6. 有生以来第一次,我的梦想变成了现实。
    Cause for the first time in forever, My dream into reality.

E. 天才眼镜狗中 18:20的时候,皮博迪说了一句话:我也对你怀着深挚感情。 谁能听清楚英文啊,

I have a deep regard for you as well, Sherman.
I will deep regard for you as well, Mr.Peabody.

F. 天才眼镜狗中的好词好句

1--Our story begins high over New York City...我们的故事开始于

2--in the luxurious penthouse apartment...一间纽约市的属于也许是这个世界上最不像天才的…

3--of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known.楼顶豪华别墅里。

4--Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga.对不起,被你撞见我在做瑜伽了。

5--You were expecting downward dog, perhaps?你以为我是一只倒过来的狗?

6--My name is Mr. Peabody.我的名字是皮博迪。

7--And since we're going to be spending some time together...因为我们将会相处一段时间…

8--I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself.所以我愿意先和你介绍一下我自己。

9--You see, ever since I was a pup...当我还是一只小狗的时候…

10--it was clear that I was different.很显然我与众不同。

11--I tried to fit in...我曾试着融进狗群…

12--As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates...随着我逐渐长大,我见到越来越多的“狗友”……


皮博迪(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 配音)是一条与众不同的小狗,它拥有绝伦无比的高智商,因此注定拥有迥异于同类的“狗生”。它持有哈佛学位,成功开发了新能源,圆满解决地缘政治,还创立了属于自己的公司。皮博迪偶然机缘下收养了和它有着类似经历的人类小孤儿舍曼(麦克斯·查尔斯 Max Charles 配音),它如同慈父一般悉心教育着他的儿子,并利用自己开发的时光机带舍曼回到未来每一个重要时刻,亲身经历书本上枯燥的历史事件。转眼舍曼到了上学的年龄,他丰富的历史知识得到老师表扬,却也引来高傲的小姑娘佩妮·彼得森(阿芮尔·温特 Ariel Winter 配音)的嫉妒和欺负。舍曼和佩妮的冲突使皮博迪陷入前所未有的艰难境地,为了保住对舍曼的抚养权,它想尽办法取悦佩妮的父母和相关机构负责人。


G. 天才眼镜狗经典台词





H. 天才眼镜狗 全部英文台词 就是英文台词全部的TAT不要中文的 不要链接



I. 用英语介绍《天才眼镜狗》的内容 简单一点

综述:The story revolves around the world's "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy.

《天才眼镜狗》(英语:Mr. Peabody & Sherman)是2014年美国一部3D电脑动画科幻电影。 影片中角色取自20世纪60年代的美国动画剧集"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show",并以全新故事加以动画特效制成电影。



J. 天才眼镜狗的精彩内容用英文描述五十字

The story revolves around one of the world's "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy, Sherman, and started a wonderful journey. In order to let his son wonderful better able to witness the world, he invented a time machine. Peabody and Sherman through time and space, and the adventure, and make a variety of jokes.

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