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发布时间: 2022-12-24 02:25:19

1. 谁能将《唐山大地震》这部电影的情节用英文介绍

中文版 《唐山大地震》讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事。




电影《唐山大地震》讲述了一个“23秒、32年”的故事。1976年7月28日凌晨,一场7.8级大地震将唐山在23秒之内变成一片废墟。一个年轻的母亲在面对两个孩子只能救一个的绝境下无奈选择了牺牲姐姐而救弟弟,这个决定改变了整个家庭的命运,让幸存者陷入一个震后32年的情感困境。导演冯小刚说,这部电影的情感力量可以真正传到观众的心灵深处,让人反思在灾难面前人与人之间的情感碰撞和生死考验,是对人“心灵的拷问”。当看到预告片中小女孩从雨中废墟中醒来,周围一片伤亡景象,哭着被人抱走的镜头时,“母亲”徐帆不禁流下了眼泪:“任何一个母亲做出这样的选择都会崩溃,这种情感像喷泉一样从我的身体里爆发出来,很久都难以释怀。”“女儿”张静初在看完预告片后也激动地流下泪水,她表示《唐山大地震》感人至深,是反映中国人情感的动人影片。 英文版The tangshan earthquake "tells the story of a" 23 seconds, 32 years "the story.In 1976, tangshan, truck drivers FangDaJiang wife and her fetus LiYuanNi, dragon,The tangshan earthquake with ordinary happiness of life. One evening in July, tangshan earthquake happened. To save the child, FangDaJiang died, and was the same block the pressure on both sides, regardless of slab people want to save, must give up another. Yuan's ailing brother chose since childhood, but the head of the mother put to hear.After raising son alone, ni, strongly survived, left side by WangDeQing soldiers put into the new couple adopted, and the world. Mother asked, from the lives of...The tangshan earthquake film about a "23 seconds, 32 years" the story. On July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake will TangShanZai 23 seconds to become ruins. In the face of a young mother of two children can save a helpless under cornered choose sacrifice sister and brother, save this changed the whole family, let the fate of earthquake survivors in a dilemma of emotional 32 years. Director feng xiaogang's emotion, said the film strength can truly to audience, let a person think soul in the face of disaster between emotional collision and death trial, is to "soul". The torture When he saw the girl from the trailer and woke up, the ruins of the rain, around a casualties were crying out of the lens, "mother" perfect outfit.but couldn't help shedding tears: "any a mother will collapse, the choice that such feelings like a fountain from my body out, a long time hard." "The daughter" zhang jingchu watching trailer shed tears after excitedly, she says the tangshan earthquake is a reflection of the Chinese people, of the moving film emotion.

2. 报道对唐山大地震的英语作文。time:early morning july 28,1976;Pla

The Tangshan earthquake of 1976 was one of the largest earthquakes in recent years. It occurred on July 28 at 3:42 a.m., Beijing (Peking) local time, and had magnitude 7.8 (revised to 7.5), focal depth of 15 kilometers, and an epicentral intensity of XI on the New Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale; it caused serious damage and loss of life in this densely populated instrial city. Now, with the help of people from all over China, the city of Tangshan is being rebuilt.
Tangshan is located in northern China, 150 km east of the capital, Beijing. Chinese seismologists had for a long time noticed that this region showed characteristics likely to proce major earthquakes. Indeed, this kind of tectonic activity in northern China is comparatively common.

3. 唐山大地震

AfterShock Movie Review:
I find this movie was great, it show a Spirit to everyone saying that although living things were destroyed but we must overcome the difficultly that we faced in real life. Movie climax between the story line was kinda fast but overall still worth it to watch. I rate this After Shock movie: 4/5 stars.

Life is shortness, World is Cruel... 3 second of smile can led you to 30 years of sadness... Well, movie started with the year 1976, Tangshan city area. Family get destroy e to earthquake purpose, ground flooded with bloods and tears and dead bodies.

Tangshan Earthquake happened in 28 July 1976, the day where people was enjoying their night and suddenly, earthquake hits Tangshan area. Few second of earthquake, destroy million of people living in TangShan City.

*You don't understand how it feels to lose someone because you've never lost before.* When a mother is informed by the rescue team, saying that out of your 2 child, we can only save one. She was forced to make the most difficult decision of her life.

Miracle that this young little girl survive after the horror earthquake, she is homeless and parentless, trying to over come everything happen in her real eyes. However, she was adopted by a caring solider, new family form and this continues in her later part of life.

32 years later, the horror happened in Sichuan , this little girl also has grow up and because of the memories of TangShan earthquake, she went back to help those needy in Sichuan earthquake. At last she found back her own real family.

After Shock Plot:
In 1976, Tangshan, truck drivers Fangda Jiang and his wife Li Ni, twins sons and daughters of party registration, Fonda live ordinary happy life. Fang Dajiang often away from home, not easy to come back once, siblings are particularly pleased.One evening in July, Fangda Jiang returned to his home in the street outside the district, Fangda Jiang Yuan Ni hiding in a truck and affectionate, he suddenly - an earthquake. To save a child, Fang Dajiang dead, Fang Teng, and Fonda was pressed on both sides with a floor, regardless of what people want to save one, must give up another. Yuan Ni chosen small sickly younger brother, Fonda, and the sane side board heard her mother's choice. After the earthquake, Yuan Ni alone raising a son, decide to be strong to survive, the surviving party registration by the military Dwelled couple adopted, entered a whole new world. Mother and daughter, siblings from far apart ... ...

The China Earthquake of July 28, 1976 (The Tangshan Earthquake)
No other earthquake in this century has been as catastrophic or has claimed as many lives as the great earthquake that struck the city of Tangshan, in Northern China, on July 28, 1976. Tangshan, a thriving instrial city with one million inhabitants, is located only about 95 miles east, and slightly south, of Beijing. Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil. To make matters worse, The city is located in the center of an area with major crustal faults on four sides. Furthermore, a 25-mile long fault passes through Tangshan, where only few of its structures are earthquake-resistant.

In the early morning hours of July 28, while the city was asleep, the magnitude 8.0 earthquake with its epicenter right on the city broke a five-mile section of the fault. Along the west side of the fault the land moved five feet northward in relation to the land on the east side. The east block tipped downward at the northern end of the break, and upward toward the south end. Over a four-by-five mile area the devastation of the city was nearly total. The force of the quake motions were so strong that people reported being thrown in the air. Within seconds, thousands died. Property destruction was unbelievable. Bridges, railroads, homes, factories were completely leveled. In the harbor city of Tientsin, 60 miles to the southwest, and in Beijing to the west, the quake jolts forced thousands of frightened people into the streets seeking refuge from aftershocks.

来自:http://www.xjpc120.com/download/70.htm 这篇作文写的还不错,主要表达了对这个电影的观后感以及关于唐山大地震的相关英文资料。

4. 急需一篇《唐山大地震》的英文简介,250单词左右,外加中文翻译


Tangshan earthquake in 1976 on july 28, is there in china of the tangshan earthquake 里氏 at rest for7.8 class. create 242769 deaths. are the tangshan earthquake, directed by 冯小刚. according to the 余震 a description of the tangshan earthquake in 1976, and a mother can only choose one of saving sister. the mother finally opted for a brother, sister was a miracle, is survived after the adoption of the 32 years after the reunion, waiting for them to mend the cracks of feeling, once again called forth the people to the bitter memories of the disaster of july 12. by 2010, the tangshan earthquake in hebei province 唐山市 a global premier. in addition, television dramas the earthquake of tangshan.Once again called forth the people to the bitter memories of the disaster of july 12. by 2010, the tangshan earthquake in hebei province 唐山市 a global premier. in addition, television dramas the earthquake of tangshan.

5. 唐山大地震的电影 英文介绍

Description: In 1969, the truck driver Fang Dajiang ushered in prayer their twins sons and daughters: Fang Teng, Fonda. His wife, Li Ni was almost killed because of dystocia, Fortunately, mother and child safe, happy family to leave the hospital, but from ordinary lead a happy life. Time came in 1976, this medium-sized instrial city of Tangshan, a people who, though with only a very small space, but warm and harmonious. Sister Fang Dengming Fonda was more lively than his brother, Fang Dajiang often away from home, finally came back once, siblings are particularly pleased. July ... 1969, a truck driver Fang Dajiang ushered in prayer their twins sons and daughters: Fang Teng, Fonda. His wife, Li Ni was almost killed because of dystocia, Fortunately, mother and child safe, happy family to leave the hospital, but from ordinary lead a happy life. Time came in 1976, this medium-sized instrial city of Tangshan, a people who, though with only a very small space, but warm and harmonious. Sister Fang Dengming Fonda was more lively than his brother, Fang Dajiang often away from home, finally came back once, siblings are particularly pleased. One evening in July, Fangda Jiang returned to his home in the street outside the community, Fangda Jiang and Yuan Ni hiding in a truck affectionate, suddenly - an earthquake.
To save a child, Fang Dajiang dead, Fang Teng, and Fonda is pressure on both sides with a floor, regardless of what people want to save one, must give up another. Yuan Ni chosen small sickly younger brother, Fonda, and the sane side board heard her mother's choice. After the earthquake, Yuan Ni alone raising a son, decide to be strong to survive, the surviving party registration by the military Dwelled couple adopted, entered a whole new world. Mother and daughter, sister and brother from far apart, until 32 years after the earthquake, only trajectories of their lives back together ... ...

6. 急需唐山地震英语演讲稿




Always know the tangshan earthquake tragedy, now people and put it in the form of film screening out, I see again, think there as long as alive, there is very good, because people live this is hope!!!!!

At the time of the earthquake scene to see horrifying let me feel the modern science and technology developed!!!!! The scene at that time can do so lifelike, really didn't make me feel now by more to learn more useful things! The story of mother after the earthquake lost the most important love, that kind of pain if not experience, perhaps can never understand! And even in the most crucial time choose to son or daughter, I want to be the parents if suddenly meet this kind of difficult to choice problem, and how to do? Fact hard to predict, mother chose the son of smaller. But since then lost his daughter! Let a woman to bear so big of pain, is really smells sad listening to tears! But fate stepped, have never thought his daughter didn't die, and is a kind of couples to adopt, the daughter is the day after the adoptive parents received substantial, but a dream at night to see their own parents took on a car from her brother walked past, no matter how she shout, they all ignore her because she always remember when the mother's decision, want a younger brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem, let she can never forgive his own mother! See here I always feel that her daughter for mother's that prejudice, and is now the public the ideas of young people!!!!! What call relatives, family is always in your side can protect you! If do not protect it is not their relatives?? No, because when you have a difficult to choose, you will give up their own children! There is no way, but their love of children, is no one can replace, so we want to good to his own parents, even if parents refuse to some of his own requirement, also don't hate them!!!!! The story also talked about wenchuan earthquake!!!!! When TV coverage of the wenchuan earthquake, many people love of all laid down his love, especially the TangShanRen through an earthquake, it is to go to a local unshakeable relief, help!!!!! They lost a loved one that kind of feeling, but also deep! The plot of the elder sister and brother see earthquake, in succession to go to support!!!!! At that time they do not know they are walking, but the younger brother and other people talk about in the tangshan earthquake only know he is his own everton-star brother, especially knowing his mother has been in for their death, a live the life of living dead, heart finally soft down, decided to go home to visit his mother!!!!! And his mother learned that her daughter home to see her, the in the mind of is helpless sad, because she said he regretted the sentence to the words of the younger brother!!!!! That daughter close to Canada, so far place refused to come back to see her, if it weren't for this once-in-a-lifetime wenchuan earthquake, maybe she will never see daughter, and so this earthquake of wenchuan has made a little small contribution! But this contribution hope don't happen again!!!!! Daughter saw mother, what also don't say! But mother saw the daughter, that uncontrolled flow tears down, said she was the wrong, harm you always bear grudges to me! But this time, I believe, they sure have heart knot between disappear! Also take her to see her father and her graveyard!!!!! In the daughter's graves g up each year to buy her a middle-school of high school books!!! That kind of meticulous love it is to let a person see tears flow away!!!!!

Read the article about the movie let me know how precious life is!!!!! Whether family friendship or love will cherish, because after you have, you wouldn't think that they and how precious!!!!! But once you lose that, then you know they love for you, is how sincere.

7. 跪求《唐山大地震》影评,以英语作文的形式,高一水平

Time flies, 34 years ago that the cruel earthquake has touched the hearts of countless people. Tangshan earthquake, the five terrible word, is just a brief few seconds of a prosperous and peaceful city to ashes, became a vague sound of the ruins. Although I do not own experience, but still I am extremely shocked.

Touched people's hearts to watch the just released "Tangshan Earthquake", I am feeling great. The hero - that the poor have a pair of water Lingling big eyes, a little girl and a lovely mouth, the pressure in a huge stone with his brother, mother, Wu Nai had to reluctantly give up one, chose his brother with tears. She clearly heard in the darkness, the mother said every word - "brother!" This short words that she felt despair. Poor little girl Wang Teng-hard stone of oppression, but also to bear the pain of the biological mother abandoned for less than 10 years of age, she is undoubtedly the most painful to see this emerge in my mind out of the tragic scene of thousands of children homeless. In the face of terrible natural disaster, I do not know how many people will have to face the choice of life and death, even their loved ones. Which are far greater than the pain they suffered in the body, but as long as strong, do not give up the only glimmer of hope, unity will be able to overcome the present difficulties.

, This cute little girl posted the blessing of fortune survived, and a pair of well-meaning People's Liberation Army couple adopted and healthy has become a pretty sensible girl, however, the pain of leaving childhood memories have been surrounded by her, until this China earthquake, Tang actively participated in the rescue work help, inadvertently met her brother - up and back to leave for 34 years, but ever-present in the miss home, and saw the white-haired natural mother, reunion this broken home.

Is a perfect ending, posted on the numerous disasters and parting, and went back to her mother's arms, and happiness, this hard-won happiness, to savor came to realize that this happy ending construction, it should be ordinary couple of the People's Liberation Army - Gordon adoptive parents. Gordon's hope they wake up with love, they make the board feel the warmth of home, have experienced the lowest point in life after re-live the confidence of Gordon, like his own daughter, grew up in Gordon they failed to enjoy a happy life, the mother because the pain never closed his eyes, his elderly adoptive father retired. Their own lifetime care of the injured child, always careful to care about her, made her out of the darkness of the soul. They also know that children will eventually be back to the birth mother's arms, but they are still no regrets, and even saved her a large sum of money, let her go to find the biological mother, this is what a great noble feelings.

"Tangshan Earthquake", of course, bring me the shock is far more than that, even those in the film a positive face gel covered with mud PLA uncles, is equally worthy of our respect of their earthquake relief process, some injured, and some devote their young lives, but not an issue of grievances, are extremely strong, rushed forward bravely struggle with nature! Natural disasters are terrible, and it is difficult to predict, but as long as all of one mind, it will certainly be able to overcome difficulties and win!

8. 求英文《唐山大地震》观后感(初三水平,100词)

《Cruel and beautiful choice——Tangshan earthquake》
"Save the son or daughter save?" This old topic, like the ancient multiple-choice, "mother and wife fall into water, while only save one, first save?" Such binary choice as cruel reality, also needs the instantaneous decision. Mom chose son. As a result, see the tears that momently, daughter, such as from happy with his daughter. Young heart of revenge, increasing the genes. See mother cry at that moment, mom, such as from fear, ever-present in saying sorry, sorry, but so pale and apologize for the opportunity is "no", in addition to the grave, once a year's cry and repent. Long-term consequences are strenuously, daughter, although flash pregnancy, became a single mother, but depend on their own ingenuity created a splendid, also know what is love, what is the pain and what should resolutely discarded, what life waiting. Mother will give birth to sons, and wish to consign, he grew up, because life is not a son, but two life! The son of blood for my sister. Although not in mother's son road design, inherited, hard-working, honest, the spirit of tangshan, brave spirit shame-awareness after the final achievement of his career. The end result, mothers and daughters, got a. In the deep and grave, two lines of tears dissolved all sorrow. Home,, how nice! Mother is always the most warm!
"Lost legs or lose life?" Wenchuan earthquake at the moment when the line again, this is a "1 and 2, who is big?" The problem, kindergarten level. But this kind of choice for a young mother, also cruel reality, also needs the instantaneous decision. Strong mother chose yao, don't legs. As the scene of witnesses, daughter really understand what is the most difficult choice! Binary choice! To really understand how great is the mother! How love family! Love yourself! In a sense, mom, let oneself choice brother bear the guilt, etc. The life of people cheerful go to dead, who live to live more dead than alive. Love, the highest ever. Only at this moment, the knot, naturally in the thaw, heavy heart jumped out from the bottom, see the sun, see the beauty of life.
As the RuLian division ", the film also general sspxike us what is explained. What is dead? What is valuable meaningful alive? How to face life? How to face death?
At the same time, the film into a series of important topics in today's society, roughly: adopt system (mother and mother and son grew up, and the trend of the development of children's mother) is a rational choice of the gap (mother and son of premature socialization), more than 30 years old widowed (live), and not to marry into aging society (son in hangzhou, and her daughter in Canada, a man alone in tangshan in tangshan), rather than with the boss of view (" happiness of contemporary view of line? Torture), home economic development (in tangshan growth growth has the spirit in tangshan town, the career of tangshan, contribute), tangshan earthquake, after the spirit (areas of society, humanities and ecological characteristics, internalizes for a regional culture character, thus to local economic and social development has a far-reaching influence)。


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