‘壹’ "感到厌烦"用英语怎么说
“感到厌烦”在英语里可以用短语feel bored/be tired of来表示,例如:Tired of the same job(对千篇一律的工作感到厌烦)。
‘贰’ 这部电影太乏味了,以至于我看到一半就睡着了,(英语翻译)
The movie is too boring ,that i was asleep when it played a half
‘叁’ 对此感到很厌倦 英语翻译 词组
grow / be tired of
That happens often in special victims cases whenpeople grow tired of the questioning and weary ofreliving the event.
2.get bored with
She got bored with her boyfriend and ditched him.
3. be sick of
Alex is sick of working. He worked seventy hours thisweek.
4. be sick and tired of
I'm sick and tired of you!
5. get bored with
You'll avoid getting bored with running.
‘肆’ 我觉得这部电影很无聊。怎么会呢应怎样翻译成英语
I think this movie is very boring. How will it? 望采纳啊
‘伍’ 我对这部电影感兴趣。用英语怎么说
I am interested in this film.
‘陆’ 这部电影是如此的乏味以至于我们都感到很无聊 英语翻译
The film was so boring that we all felt bored (with it)
‘柒’ 我不能忍受这部令人厌倦的 电影英语怎么说
I can't stand this boring movie.我觉得boring就可以了,tiresome有点过于正式了,用在这种生活化的语言中有点过头。
‘捌’ 看这个无聊的电影,我感到厌烦。翻译
haven seen this movie,find that it was boring,i feel nervous.
‘玖’ 一道英语题,急急急急急
动词后面加 -ed 和 -ing 意思不同。
动词 -ed 形式叫过去分词,讲课时也可以说 -ed 分词。动词 -ing 形式叫现在分词,但也可以叫 -ing 形式。它们都演变成了形容词。
-ed 分词有被动 + 完成的含义,-ing 分词有主动 + 进行的含义。
The film is interesting. 这部电影有趣。电影本身是有趣的,主动含义,能够使人们感兴趣。
I am interested in the film. 我对这部电影感兴趣。我是被电影弄得感兴趣的。
Reading is boring. 阅读是令人厌烦的。主动含义。这个句子中不能用 bored,因为 bored 是“感到厌烦的,被别的人或事弄得厌烦”这个含义,意思显然不正确。
I am bored with reading. 我对阅读感到厌烦。bored 感到厌烦的,被动含义。
-ed 分词与 -ing 分词的区别主要在高中做归纳,学习的例句多了,你就会懂的。
‘拾’ 请教几道高二英语翻译我对昨晚看的电影感到失望,我原
I feel/felt disappointed at the movie/film that/which I saw yesterday evening.