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㈠ 求电影 驯龙高手 英文简介和故事概述,英文的都是~


Plot Summary for "How to Train Your Dragon"

Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can't bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he bs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world.

Synopsis for "How to Train Your Dragon"

A Viking boy called Hiccup introces his village of Berk ("it's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new"). The village is attacked by dragons, who steal food (mostly sheep) and set things on fire (hence all the new buildings). The villagers grab weapons and try to fight the dragons off. Despite being told by every alt in sight to go indoors, Hiccup hauls out a bolas-shooting cannon he made himself and shoots a dragon out of the night sky. (As assistant to the village blacksmith, Gobber, Hiccup has access to tools and materials and knows how to use them.) The dragon lands in the woods some distance form the village and no one believes that he hit anything, so it's the next day before Hiccup can go looking for it. It turns out to be a rare and deadly Night Fury, but Hiccup can't make himself kill it. Instead he releases it -- whereupon it also refrains from killing Hiccup -- and it flies off through the trees.

Hiccup discovers that the dragon (which he eventually calls Toothless because of its retractable teeth) has holed up in a steep-sided valley because it can no longer fly more than a few feet at a time. While sketching the dragon, Hiccup realizes that it's missing a tail fin. He makes a prosthetic tail fin out of leather. The new fin helps, but Toothless can't control it and inadvertently takes Hiccup for a ride, giving him a clear idea of what's needed to help the dragon fly right. In a series of workshop and test flight scenes, Hiccup builds and perfects a saddle, a control mechanism for the tail fin, and a safety harness.

Meanwhile, Hiccup's father Stoick has signed him up for dragon training with Gobber, which is very different from the training he's already doing with Toothless: he's going to learn to fight dragons. At first, he's the worst student in the class. Since Hiccup has always been an accident-prone klutz, this comes as no surprise to his classmates Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and her twin brother Tuffnut.(Hiccup's a little sweet on Astrid.) Before long, Hiccup is able to use some things he's learned while working with Toothless to soothe and manage the school's practice dragons. (It turns out dragons are just big kitty-cats: they like to be petted, there's a kind of grass that's like cat-nip to them, and they love fish (but hate eels).) When Stoick returns from a failed search for the fabled nest of the dragons, he's surprised but thrilled to hear that his son is doing brilliantly at dragon training. He gives Hiccup a horned helmet made from one of his dead mother's breastplates. But Hiccup, as usual, is unable to get around his father's expectations and speak frankly, so he can't explain that his success at dragon school is unlikely to lead to the slaying of any dragons.

When Hiccup subes a practice dragon, unintentionally earning the privilege of killing it before the entire village, he's horrified and decides to flee with Toothless. However Astrid, having noticed Hiccup's frequent disappearances and secretive behavior, is suspicious. She follows him to the hidden valley and sees Toothless. Unable to explain his relationship with the dragon, Hiccup takes her flying, and she's captivated. But they get caught up in a flock of dragons returning to their nest carrying food. The dragons fly inside a mountainous island and drop the food into a pit, which turns out to contain a huge, terrifying, and very hungry dragon that eats the smaller ones if they don't bring it enough food. Hiccup and Astrid and shocked to realize that the dragons have been stealing their sheep to keep from being eaten themselves. When they get home, Hiccup convinces Astrid not to reveal the location of the dragon nest. Before she goes, she punches him in the arm and says "That's for kidnapping me." Then she kisses him and says "That's for everything else."

Everything goes wrong at the dragon-killing ceremony. Hiccup discards his weapons in an attempt to show the Vikings that dragons only fight to defend themselves, but Stoick and others intervene and the dragon attacks. Toothless comes to the rescue and is on the verge of killing Stoick when Hiccup calls Toothless off. Despite Hiccup's protests, the angry Vikings chain Toothless up. When he ineptly tries to explain, Hiccup lets it slip that Toothless took him to the nest of the dragons, and Stoick resolves to use Toothless to find the nest again. He won't listen to Hiccup's warnings about the giant dragon. He loads Toothless on his ship and the Viking fleet sails off with all the warriors in the village, disowning Hiccup and leaving him behind. When Hiccup wonders aloud why he didn't kill Toothless when he had the chance since it would have avoided all of this, Astrid challenges him to explain why. In doing so, Hiccup comes to an epiphany about his moral character, his personal strength and Astrid's faith in him. Inspired, Hiccup and his classmates mount the practice dragons and fly off in pursuit of the fleet.

At the dragons' island, the Vikings use catapults to break open the side of the mountain in which the giant dragon is trapped. When it comes out, Stoick realizes that he's made a mistake. He resolves to fight it himself to buy the other Vikings time to escape; Gobber volunteers to join him. While Stoick and Gobber prepare to sacrifice themselves to distract the dragon, the kids arrive to join the battle. They do manage to distract the giant dragon a little, but it sets the Vikings' ships on fire. While his comrades keep the giant dragon occupied, Hiccup tries to rescue Toothless (who's still in chains) from the burning ship, but they end up under water and Stoick rescues both of them. Then Toothless and Hiccup go after the giant dragon together. They draw it up into the clouds and away from the Vikings, trying to get it to crash on the island. In the end Toothless releases a blast into the giant dragon's open mouth and it crashes and burns, apparently taking our heroes down with it -- we see Hiccup fall toward the fire as Toothless tries desperately to catch him. On the ground, a heartbroken Stoick approaches the wounded Toothless wondering what has become of his son; Toothless opens his wings to show that he saved Hiccup. ("Well, most of him," Gobber remarks cryptically.)

Back at home, Hiccup wakes up and Toothless urges him out of bed. Hiccup finds that he lost his left foot in the battle with the giant dragon. However, Gobber has made him a new one, ingeniously spring-loaded. (Hiccup and Toothless now have matching disabilities.) They go out into the village, which is full of swooping, frolicking dragons; the Vikings now treat them as pets. Astrid greets Hiccup with a kiss. Supplied by Gobber with a new tail fin prosthetic and saddle for Toothless, Hiccup takes flight with Astrid and his friends as he exults at the new alliance of Vikings and Dragons.

㈡ 电影《驯龙高手》中有哪几种龙哪只龙最好

英文名:night fury 无牙是被当地人称为夜煞的神秘种类的一员,闪电与死神的不洁之子,他有着隐形轰炸机一样的体魄。严格意义上讲,他所喷出的是极具冲击力的强有力的雷电,而不是像其他人那样的火焰,可以对对手造成致命的打击。 他是龙族非常稀有且最危险聪明的龙。这种全黑的巨龙是维京人最害怕的敌人,因为它能隐藏在漆黑的夜色中,突然发出致命的一击。它和其他龙的造型很不一样,融合了猫科动物的体型以及野狼般的眼神。它们拥有所有龙类中最大的翼展比,可以飞得比其他龙都要更高更久;而他们那种不可思议的“重力比”则赋予它们垂直起飞的能力。 他也是敏捷而又灵活的飞行者,但他却并不像他的其它同伴那样粗暴,他们从不偷取食物,人们对他凶残的理解是错误的,他实际上很温顺、很可爱、有丰富的面部表情,被驯服后就忠诚无比,愿意冒着危险救出主人。正因为比起其它的“杀手”,它更像一只招人喜爱的宠物。这一点,无牙的竞争力实在不容小看。 进攻:等离子闪电,在触及目标后才会爆炸,能让目标在闪亮的蓝白色震荡波环的照耀下爆炸。 最典型的攻击方式:在日落后飞上高空,再像一颗子弹一样疾速俯冲,在最后一刻猛然刹车,同时喷出烈焰炸开最致命的一击……然后,它就会再度消失在黑暗之中。 夜煞对目标唯一的警示大概就只有俯冲时发出的爆裂声,如疾风般的攻击、谨慎的行为和聪明的思考能力,使得夜煞成为了维京人毁灭性的对手,击倒它就能获得非凡的成就。
英文名:Deadly Nadder 他是龙族最漂亮、精力最充沛的一员,皮肤色彩斑斓,有鹦鹉一样的习性、 鸸鹋的步态和雷克斯暴龙的姿势,是鸟类的祖先。纳德的性格暴躁,经常发脾气。在对手攻击失败时,会庆幸的笑笑,然后盯着对手看看,再闻闻。闲暇时,会像鸟一样啄啄翅膀。视野较小,盲点在鼻子前面,脑袋向右转后左眼只能看左边,看不见右边。纳德满身尖刺,从而获得了一项引人注目的独特技能:它能使周身82根尖刺呈扇形弩张,形成一道防御系统;也能使利刺抽离身体,如长鞭出鞘,刺向对手。他的火力明亮得好似烟火,以镁粉助燃,在一团白色的朦胧中喷薄而出,如繁星闪烁。 进攻:火柱.
英文名:Monstrous Nightmare 烈焰狂魔是电影中对这条龙最经典的诠释——他是最凶猛、最顽固、最难对付的龙。在战斗中,他总是第一个到达、最后一个离开。在他致命的下巴上排列着97颗牙齿。这条壮观的龙有21米高,翼展18米长。早期的烈焰狂魔只有一对翅膀,后来又增加了一对,有别于龙类的“经典造型”。烈焰狂魔会像火焰喷射器一样,射出可以像液体一样向下倾泄的火焰,不像一般的火升腾而上。 进攻:凝胶状火油物质,浑身着火把对方点燃。
英文名:Hideous Zippleback 除了片尾的巨兽外,他是最大的。虽然他在各种龙中拥有最好的视力和地面攻击能力,但他的身体比例极不利于他飞行——他长27.7米,翼展却只有22.9米。这种让人难以捉摸的龙还有一个劣势——他有两个独立思考的脑袋。他的两个长脖子可以像拉链一样平行合拢,也可以互相缠绕在一起。同时,还保持摆动的独立性。从技术上讲,这种龙喷的并不是火,而是一个喷出瓦斯,同时另一个头打火,将气体点燃形成爆炸。或许,“打火龙”的名字更适合他。 进攻:爆炸。
英文名:Terrible Terror 又称骇龙,是龙族最小的龙,数量却是最多的。他长1.8米,翼展1.8米,可以捧在手心里。恐怖龙活泼可爱,像海鸥一样有点小邪恶,他不能飞太久。恐怖龙在地面上可以直立,火力好比丙烷火炬,喷射出黏性而不是流动的火焰。由于在他喷火前会先大张着嘴喘几口气,让对手有攻击的机会——有一条小龙就这样被没牙喷呛了。 进攻:火球。
英文名:Gronckle 葛伦科看上去就像一堆鹅卵石一样,他的尾巴可以发出像攻城锤一样的重击,他的嘴巴能喷射爆炸性的熔岩球。但这种倔强的龙却酷爱睡眠,“像岩石一样沉睡”用在他身上再合适不过了。葛伦科长4米,有龙中另类的壮硕形象,飞行时伴随着摩托车一样的轰鸣。虽然他有龙类中最好的机动技能,但他的重量(平均2596千克),加上极弱的视力,使他成为最慢的飞行者之一。 进攻:六枚火球。
英文名:BoneKnapper Dragon 体形与烈焰狂魔差不多。永不停止地寻找完美的骨头来升级盔甲。咆哮能力相当强,可以令你骨肉分离。皮肤白色,全身用骨头包裹着,尾巴有一个用骨头做的圆形带刺锤子。

㈢ 求 电影驯龙高手1百度网盘下载(英文版中文字幕)





㈣ 驯龙高手2英文简介100词

he story takes place in a mythical Viking world where a young Viking teenager named "Hiccup" aspires to follow his tribe's tradition of becoming a dragon slayer. After finally capturing his first dragon, and with his chance at finally gaining the tribe's acceptance, he finds that he no longer has the desire to kill it and instead befriends it. The film was released March 26, 2010, to generally positive reviews. The film overcame a disappointing opening weekend at the box office to become DreamWorks Animation's most successful film in the United States and Canada outside of the Shrek film series and Kung Fu Panda.
Young brave the Viking warriors little hiccup (Jay subaru cher Jay Baruchel) to tame the injured dragon, more to become friends with it. After five years, bork island residents thoroughly into the dragon's breath of life. Bok island has a Viking with dragon peaceful coexistence of heaven.
Growth, however, means that responsibility. In order to find the answer, the little hiccup and loyalty no teeth wang began their adventure, but the result is unexpected. On the one hand, a little hiccup found mysterious how to train your dragon knight, is missing years of mother wall card (Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett); Addicted to power, on the other hand, DE reg (germaine · si su Djimon Hounsou) Mr Leite with dragon hunter (kitt harrington, Kit Harington) alliance, a threat to the blog on the island of people and the peace of the dragon.
In order to protect the dragon's beloved, o silk cui DE (America, ferreira America Ferrera), grace (Craig Ferguson Craig Ferguson), virgin companions: slug (Jonah Hill Jonah Hill), fish foot department (Christopher maze - prather Christopher Mintz - Plasse bbing), and twin nutter (Kristen Wiig Kristen Wiig), who Mr Nath (Todd T.J. Joseph Miller, Miller) help, add a little hiccup, the father of the chiefs of the tribes, many amraphel (Gerard Butler Gerard Butler) and mother's hands. During this time, little hiccup has been looking for the answer in imperceptible in unexpected ways appeared.

㈤ 驯龙高手的感受.英语版50


The film "How to Train Your Dragon" mainly tells about a little boy named Gege, who lives in the scarf tribe, and his father leads the whole tribe.

Because many dragons hurt the people on this island, Gege's father led the people on the island to fight back.


Gege became the dragon's best and closest friend. In a decisive battle with the dragon in the dragon spiral, Gege sacrificed one of his legs and became an iron hook leg, so Gege became the bravest child on the island.

Since Gege killed the dragon, the other dragons are not as fierce as before and become docile.


Moreover, the people also set up a paradise for dragons on this small island. After watching this movie, I learned that animals are also flesh and blood and have feelings.

As long as each of us learns to care for and protect animals, animals won't hurt you. Let each of us take action to protect animals and the harmonious nature.


㈥ <<驯龙高手>>主要内容(英语)

A long time ago, when the world has not been poured into the steel jungle, when the technology has not yet made up invincible, Scandinavian masters of the land, based on hunting, fishing as the main livelihood of the nomadic Vikings. West down the sun rises in the east, strong, tall Viking and their wives and children, live a happy life comfortable. Just as people today can be flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs, like those nasty guys disturb and threaten the Vikings have bothered the "pests" - Long. Those flying flame, the canine teeth of the dragon's violations, so Viking no peace. Thus, generation after generation of pirates with tribal chiefs subjects, and the dragon fight to the death battle.
If He Kapu (Jieyibulu Thatcher) father's father's father's father, Dragon heroes are each generation, then as a pirate guide (Gerard Butler) his son , it is no good did not inherit the family lineage. The hand can not blame the children put the shoulder does not challenge, even ants are not trampled to death, the upper and lower body strength of character to find any little pirates. By looking at his skinny little body, he dreams to become a great Viking's "lofty aspiration" was always in exchange for peer ridicule.
When puffing flames of animals again attacked the residence of the Vikings, with his help the blacksmith's master tried to persuade him to hide a bit further.
Small He Kapu partial afraid of evil. Not 6 the abdominal muscles, and his intelligent mind is the most powerful weapon! Build out their own catch a long rope, he secretly with equipment, ready to do the first one caught the "Night evil" people. Qiao was also said that he cat with three legs of the martial arts really caught a lucky hit with the night evil. But no one believed that he hit the most ferocious dragon legends - night ghosts. Disappointed him alone to the jungle to find the night evil figure, fell to the floor when he saw the night when evil, it almost did not wet his pants, he was scared. The courage to bring a knife, He Kapu Yingzhuoxinchang ready to end the knife by ropes tied the dragon only lives! Fear can be evil when you see the eyes of the night, he should not have the unwavering courage is lost. He cut the rope tied to the dragon, but also in fear fed fish, and it established a wonderful friendship, and discovered that in fact the nature of Chun-liang Long warm, perfectly tame. But when the father did not think so commanding, affable chefs do not think he likes the little girl 艾丝特蕾德 (Asia and the United States 莉卡费雷拉) do not think so. One long battle about to begin, in time to prevent the outbreak of small He Kapu absolutely no need to struggle Why?中文意思如下很久很久以前,当世界还没有被浇筑成钢铁丛林,当科技还没有发达到所向披靡,北欧大地上的主人,是以狩猎、捕鱼为主要生计的游牧维京人。太阳东升西落,强壮、高大的维京海盗和他们的妻子儿女,过着快乐惬意的生活。可就像现代人会被苍蝇、蚊子、老鼠、臭虫这些可恶的家伙打扰一样,威胁维京人的也有烦心的“害虫”——龙。那些飞天喷火、尖牙利齿的巨龙的侵犯,让维京海盗寝食难安。于是,一代又一代的海盗首领们带着部落子民,和飞龙誓死大战。

㈦ 驯龙高手2HowtoTrainYourDragon2(2014)由杰伊·巴鲁切尔主演的高清视频在线观看求免费分享或下载地址













㈧ 电影驯龙高手(驯龙记)1、2英文简介

驯龙高手1Beijing island young little hiccup is tribal and great rick's son, he is very like his father personally slew a dragon, the dragon is the vikings herding sheep on the island's main natural enemies - but every time he appears in the tribal slew a dragon battle will only give you increase trouble. In a battle to fight the dragons, Mr Karp shot Long Qi wounded a secretly use only the most mysterious \"night fury\", and carry people released and captive, even to tame the dragon, giving it the name \"no teeth\". Karp's mysterious behavior caused a train slew a dragon skill girl astrid's suspicions. Astrid found Mr Karp's secret, but at the same time be yourselves riding a \"toothless\" ride on the great winds fly nice experience. Gray decision slew the alt ceremony to returning expedition stowe rick and people to speak the truth, convince people to abandon slew a dragon, but it happened that self-defeating, had \"no teeth\" captured, a greater disaster is just around the corner. 驯龙高手2
Young brave the Viking warriors little hiccup (Jay subaru cher Jay Baruchel) to tame the injured dragon, more to become friends with it. After five years, bork island residents thoroughly into the dragon's breath of life. Bok island has a Viking with dragon peaceful coexistence of heaven.
Growth, however, means that responsibility. In order to find the answer, the little hiccup and loyalty no teeth wang began their adventure, but the result is unexpected. On the one hand, a little hiccup found mysterious how to train your dragon knight, is missing years of mother wall card (Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett); Addicted to power, on the other hand, DE reg (germaine · si su Djimon Hounsou) Mr Leite with dragon hunter (kitt harrington, Kit Harington) alliance, a threat to the blog on the island of people and the peace of the dragon.
In order to protect the dragon's beloved, o silk cui DE (America, ferreira America Ferrera), grace (Craig Ferguson Craig Ferguson), virgin companions: slug (Jonah Hill Jonah Hill), fish foot department (Christopher maze - prather Christopher Mintz - Plasse bbing), and twin nutter (Kristen Wiig Kristen Wiig), who Mr Nath (Todd T.J. Joseph Miller, Miller) help, add a little hiccup, the father of the chiefs of the tribes, many amraphel (Gerard Butler Gerard Butler) and mother's hands. During this time, little hiccup has been looking for the answer in imperceptible in unexpected ways appeared...

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