‘壹’ 考上北京电影学院用英语怎么说
口语:i got in Beijing Film Academy - -
书面:i was accpeted by Beijing Film Academy 。。。
一楼的不要随便翻译学校的名字谢谢- -
‘贰’ 英语翻译我一生只想去一个的方那就是北京电影学院
I only want to go to a party that is Beijing Film Academy.
‘叁’ 在线等,请英语达人帮我翻译一下。词汇不要求太高。
1、I attended a summer training camp, this is our team mirror image. 2、This is this school movie studio, you may see that some 30 about camera, also has a very big gate probably in that side, it is said that this gate may advance a tank.
3、This is Cinema institute's chief, she is a deaf person, but she may understand the lip language. Her pronunciation and inaccurate, therefore we are not very easy to be able to understand.
4、This is the classroom building outer wall, the glass reflection may arrive at Australia's blue sky white clouds.
5、In this room, you may see probably a trumpet's movie studio, uses for in here to manufacture 3D the animation.
6、This is in an institute building restroom, the contour is classical, resembles the castle to be the same.
7、This girl is designing the game, in here, the people may use the stroke directly on the screen, the probably direct picture equally is convenient on the paper.
8、This some are some student's work displays, this is only a small part, is pasting student's painting in entire school nearly all wall surfaces.
9、This is one classroom which attends class, other people pat quite clearly, only then among this black is fuzzy, because he is warm, very happy has greeted with me, he moves is quick, therefore pats not clearly.
10、This is a depositing camera and other tool's room, has the many type specialized cameras in here, on the table, ground, the periphery cabinet sub-above put fills the camera, the mirror to be prime, unusual comprehensive.
11、This is library one jiao, because it has the blue color wall and the red fish looked the unusual multi-colors, study the mood in here to be very also happy, but we are only the white walls, the color is unitary, looks like is very sad.
12、This classroom is a special classroom, chooses this class schoolmate will complete a task in here belt three months, looked that here has a yellow then label to write this schoolmate's name, in here this period of time this computer is she special-purpose, the inside data may preserve directly on the computer. Side has a reception room, some companies will come here to discuss the project with schoolmates.
13、This is another library electronic reading room.
14、This is together the colored floor tile.
15、Tas a opening to the outside world park among this school district, is situated in the river bank, has the eruptive fountain and the sand beach swimming pool.
16、This is Principal QCA, is explaining here one kind of unique plant for us.
17、This is Griffith Graate Centre, inside has teacher to explain the difficulty specially for you.
18、This is a creation special-purpose factory, in here people are spreading the pigment in the wall and ground or on clothes, they prepare in the game to create naturally the painting.
19、This is a huge converse canvas shoe, does with the cardboard, suspends in entrance staircase under.
20、QCA is a very beautiful school district, here has filled with the artistic breath, if where goes to study fortunately, certainly unusual joy. Thanks.
‘肆’ 英语翻译 谢谢
‘伍’ 英语翻译..
Not One Less
‘陆’ 地址翻译
北京电影学院 2号公寓 818室
Room 818, No.2 Apartment, Beijing Movie College, No.4 Xi Tu Cheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing
‘柒’ 帮忙翻译出这些英语的意思
1.Film 电影/影片
2.China 中国,或者指中国的陶瓷.
3.Film 电影/影片
4.China 中国,或者指中国的陶瓷.(重复了)
5.Tv 电视的缩写(电视)
6.Movie 电影
7.Play 戏剧(名词),做动词意思是"播放/玩",
8.Cartoon 卡通/动画片
9.Online Movie 在线电影
10.Game 游戏
11.Music 音乐
12.Film School 电影学院/学校
13.Online Payment 网上付款
14.Cotton 棉花
15.Watch Movie Online 在线/网上观看电影
16.Movie Film 电影影片
17.Films 影片(复数形式)
18.Free credit Report 免费信用报告
19.Dvd Film (DVD电影)或DVD 影片
Digital Versatile Disc/Disk 数字化多功能光盘�(按其性能和功用的不同, DVD 可以分为 DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM 和 DVD-R 五种格式)�
20.Chinese Movie 中国电影(俗称国产电影)
21.0Games 游戏(Games前面有数字,一般是一种网络游戏的版本)
‘捌’ 将"北京电影学院"翻译成英文
beijing film academy!
‘玖’ 英语翻译
1. They failed because of their carelessness.
2. We found Mr. Li’s home easily.
3. What role did you play?
4. He is one of the best directors in movie instry.
5. What do you think of the ending of the movie?
6. His idea was to enter the film school. He did not make it because he got a low score.