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《狮子王2》是迪士尼公司出品的动画电影。该作剧情接续《狮子王Ⅰ》,在刀疤死后,他的余党吉娜决定向辛巴展开复仇,于是她计划把她的养子高孚培养成刀疤的接班人,准备开始一场权位争夺战,夺取荣耀王国的统治权。但后来辛巴的女儿琪拉雅居然爱上了高孚 ,他们的爱情要能修成正果就必须化解上一代的恩怨,然而在一连串误会中,却让琪拉雅与高孚逃离荣耀国,而双方父母的战争却迫在眉睫。辛巴最后明白必须化消上一代的恩怨,才能化解父女关系的危机,并让荣耀国恢复和平。

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NO. 2 The Lion King狮子王

1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

2. I laugh in the face of danger.

3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.

4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.

5. It’s like you are back from the dead.

6. You can’t change the past.

7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.

8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will?

9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.

10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

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The Script

The Presentation of Kiara

{Sunrise over the Pride Lands. Animals of all types make their way to Pride Rock: Elephants, giraffes, wildebeest, antelope, hippos-- all very much as in the opening of TLK.}

[ He Lives In You ]

BS: Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

MS: Night
And the spirit of life

BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Mamela
BS: Oh, oh, iyo

MS: And a voice
With the fear of a child

BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Oh, mamela
BS: Oh, oh, iyo

{Rafiki is standing on the tip of the Pride Rock promontory, exhorting the animals gathering below him.}

RAFIKI: Ubukhosi bo khokho
We ndodana ye sizwe sonke

MS: Wait
There's no mountain too great
BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Hear the words and have faith
BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Have faith

BS: Hela hey mamela

{Mufasa appears in the clouds; Rafiki is blown by the wind, and he gestures to all the gathered animals below, who bow down before the image.}

CHORUS: He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you

{On "In your reflection", a giraffe looks up, and Zazu flies in towards Pride Rock. Simba and Nala are there; Rafiki takes Kiara from Nala's mouth and holds her up before the assembled crowd. The animals all cheer, and Simba and Nala are blown by the wind from the approving figure of Mufasa.}

{third verse repeats}

{chorus repeats}

{Kiara struggles playfully in Rafiki's grip. After much cheering from the crowd, he lowers her to be nuzzled by Nala. Timon and Pumbaa stand nearby.}

TIMON: Ah, Pumbaa-- look at that little guy. A chip off the old block! And you gotta know who's gonna raise 'im...

PUMBAA: His parents?

TIMON: {pause} Okay sure, get technical. But who's gonna teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch? {burp} And dig for grubs? {jumps down} I'm telling ya, buddy... it's gonna be like old times. You, me... and the little guy.

RAFIKI: {chuckles} It is a girl.

TIMON: ...Girl.

TIMON and PUMBAA: Girl?! ...Oy!

{Timon and Pumbaa collapse in a dead faint. Cut to title.}

Another Cub

{Thunder and wind. Camera passes some calmly grazing antelope; we close on Rafiki's tree.}

RAFIKI: Asante sana
Squash banana
We we nugu
Mi mi apana!

{We see he is painting on the trunk of the tree: a new cub, with the ceremonial mark across the forehead, next to the old drawing of Simba}

{laughs} Ahh, Kiara...

{Wind blows Rafiki's hair wildly, signifying Mufasa's presence}

Ooh, Mufasa! Such a day this has been! Princess Kiara's birth... another Circle of Life is complete, and the Pride's future is once again secure.

{Wind blows at the paintings, scattering some of the markings}

Aaah! Stop it, stop it, stop it! Mufasa-- look what you are doing! The Circle is broken now. Why do you--

{He pauses, understanding}

Ooh... there is trouble in the Pride Lands. {he looks toward the edge of the painting, at a rough black lion figure} There is another cub? Hmm... where could this be? {realization comes to him with a puff of wind} In the Outlands...

{Camera switches to the Outlands, slowly zooming in. The landscape is a barren desert, with strange rock formations everywhere. Rafiki's voice continues in narrative.}

But that is where Simba banished Scar's followers. Including his most loyal... Zira.

{An insect lands on the ground; immediately, Kovu appears, pouncing.}

KOVU: Rrrah!

{Kovu opens his paws to reveal the insect, buzzing; he smiles and opens his paws, releasing it to fly away.}

ZIRA: Kovu!

{Camera switches to Zira, who is supervising. She snatches the insect from the air and smashes it to the ground.}

Don't let it go. What's the matter with you?

KOVU: But Mother! He wasn't hurting anyone--

ZIRA: There is no room for weakness here, my son. Remember... Scar took you in and accepted you as his own son.

{Zira has moved close and pulled Kovu against her. Kovu seems doubtful.}

KOVU: But he wasn't my father.

ZIRA: No... but he chose you to become the next King. When you rule, we shall no longer be forced to live in these dry, barren, disgusting, pathetic, termite-infested Outlands!

{Zira is swatting at the ground, railing against fate. Kovu looks down, in quiet agreement. Suddenly, Nuka and Vitani come bounding in from off-screen, fighting to be the first back with the news.}

NUKA and VITANI: Mother! Mother! Mother!

{Nuka and Vitani are speaking over one another, trying to get the first word in.}

NUKA: We were there-- in the Pride Lands. We saw the whole thing!

VITANI: At Pride Rock. We saw everything!

NUKA and VITANI: We saw Simba's cub!

ZIRA: What? Vitani-- what did you see?

VITANI: Simba's new cub is a girl!

ZIRA: A girl! {laughs} Scar, my beloved... did you hear that? This couldn't be more perfect.

NUKA: Who's she talking to?

VITANI: Ssshhh. Scar.

NUKA: {gasps} Where? Where?

VITANI: Scar's dead... genius.

ZIRA: Yes! Because of Simba... if not for him, Scar would still be King. And I, Zira-- his loving, devoted Queen!

NUKA: You know, speaking of kings... I was thinking, since I am the oldest... maybe I should be King! Huh?

ZIRA: Uh? Don't be a fool, Nuka.

NUKA: Heh heh... just a thought.

{Nuka has rolled over subserviently on his back.}

ZIRA: Kovu is the chosen one. We must fulfill Scar's dying wish, and train Kovu to become King.

NUKA: Oh... yeah.... oh, yeah. I can do that!

{Zira climbs up on a rock point to gaze out over the land. The others follow.}

ZIRA: Look... at the Pride Lands, my pets. So green... so inviting. That is our home... that is where we belong. And soon, my beloved Scar... we shall reclaim your kingdom.

"Who Does She Remind You Of?"

{Camera zooms slowly back to Pride Rock, where Kiara is playing at Simba's paws atop Pride Rock, gazing down over the side.}


{She giggles continuously, and Simba catches her as she comes near the edge.}

SIMBA: Whoah. Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?

{Kiara wriggles in Simba's grasp as he moves her to safety.}

KIARA: Daddy! Let go!

{She keeps giggling as she tries to escape}

SIMBA: Well, I just want you to be careful.

{She pounces after a butterfly; Simba steps on her tail to pin her down.}

Kiara... are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt, or stepped--

{Kiara says this well-practiced line along with Simba, and finishes it for him.}

KIARA: ...Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost.

SIMBA: And remember,... I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all--

KIARA: At all times, I know. {She's testy at the repetitive warning; she continues reciting} And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go now? Please?

{Nala and Zazu enter. Simba exchanges a glance with Nala, reminiscent of when they played out this same scene as cubs}

SIMBA: Hmm. Very funny.

NALA: {laughs gently} Mind your father, Kiara.

KIARA: {giggles} Yes, mom.

SIMBA: And stay away from the Outlands.

ZAZU: Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders!

SIMBA: Zazu's right... you can't turn your back on them.

{Kiara is curious.}

KIARA: Really? How come?

SIMBA: Mmm... never mind. Just run along now.

KIARA: But Dad, I--

SIMBA: You'll understand someday. Go on.

KIARA: Dad...

{He runs a paw over her, then nudges her off; she resumes giggling and runs off down Pride Rock.}

SIMBA: And stay on the path I've marked for you!

NALA: {chuckles} Simba. Who does she remind you of? Hmm?

SIMBA: {cluelessly} Huh? What? Who?

NALA: She's just like you were when you were young.

SIMBA: Exactly. Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?

{She tackles Simba and puts him on his back.}

NALA: You mean the dangers YOU put us in.

{They chuckle and nuzzle for a few moments, then Nala gets up.}

NALA: She'll be fine.

{She moves off. Simba waits till she is out of earshot.}

SIMBA: Hey, Timon. Pumbaa. Come here.

{Timon enters, on Pumbaa's back.}

TIMON: Good morning, mon Capitan.

SIMBA: I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. You know she's bound to run off.

TIMON: No worries, Simba. We're on her like stink on a warthog!


TIMON: It's the hard truth, Pumbaa. Live with it.

SIMBA: Guys, I'm counting on you. Danger could be lurking behind every rock.

{Timon looks quizzically at Simba, then takes him mock-seriously.}

TIMON: Ah hah. {He and Pumbaa begin looking theatrically from side to side, scanning behind every rock...}

{Camera shifts out to the open savannah. Kiara is walking through the tall grass, chasing a butterfly.}

KIARA: Hey! Wait! Come back! I just wanna play! {She sees the butterfly land, and crouches to attack} Ahhh... the mighty hunter has cornered her prey. {snarls} Errrrh!

{Kiara's pounce takes her up the side of a small rise, from which she can see a distance into the Outlands.

KIARA: Whoah... cool! The Outlands! I wonder what's out there...

{A rustling in the grass behind her draws Kiara's attention. She turns, and the grass separates.}

KIARA, TIMON, and PUMBAA: Eeeeek! {squeals of fright and surprise}

{Kiara is frightened backwards, and falls off the far side of the knoll into a pool below. Pumbaa gets set to leap after her; Timon jumps off just as he throws himself into the pool.

PUMBAA: Oooh, don't worry, Kiara-- Uncle Pumbaa's comin'!

TIMON: Oh, no... ohh... uh... uh... let's see, uh... {he goes in-character as though talking to Simba} Gee, Simba. The good news is, we found your daughter. The bad news is, we dropped a warthog on her. Is... there a problem with that?

PUMBAA: {looking from side to side in the water} Kiara? Kiara?

TIMON: Pumbaa! Let me define "babysitting"!

PUMBAA: {He finds Kiara underneath him, spluttering, and he gets off.} Sorry. Now, Princess Kiara... as Simba's daughter, you know better than to go off all alone. You could have been hurt!

KIARA: But... but...

TIMON: Hurt! Oh... Simba would kill us! You didn't slip a disc, did you?

KIARA: B-but--

{Timon checks to make sure Kiara is intact}

TIMON: Catch a fever? Get a hangnail?

{Timon is examining her claws; she pulls her paw away.}

KIARA: Nnngh! Timon...

TIMON: I had one once.

PUMBAA: Very painful.

TIMON: Excruciating!

{Timon is holding a fern branch over Kiara's head, shading her.}

TIMON: Darling... with your complexion, you should stay out of the sun. {She swats the branch away} Whaaat? Do you wanna wrinkle?

KIARA: Would someone please just listen to me?

TIMON: I'm sorry; I wasn't listening. Did you say something, Princess?

KIARA: I'm not just a princess, you know. That's only half of who I am!

PUMBAA: Oh, uh... who's the other half?

KIARA: Uh... well, I, uh... um...

TIMON: Well, while you're figuring it out, let's eat. {He snaps his fingers, and Pumbaa lifts up a log} Grubs!

PUMBAA: The other white meat!

TIMON: {offering a leaf-full of grubs to Kiara} And so high in protein!

KIARA: Eww! Gross!

TIMON: No? How 'bout you, big boy?

PUMBAA: {sniff} Aaah. Love grubs!

TIMON: Not like...


{Timon tosses a bug into Pumbaa's mouth; he crunches and coughs on it a little, then hiccups and spits the fragments back onto the leaf, coating them all with saliva.}

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H. 《狮子王2、3》电影下载

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I. 《狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀》百度云免费在线观看,马修·布罗德里克主演的

链接: https://pan..com/s/14cYhsNdwEGjfEckrzRdarA

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《狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀 The Lion King II: Simba's Pride》
导演: 达雷尔·鲁尼、罗布·拉杜卡
编剧: 弗利普·科布勒、辛迪·马库斯、Jonathan Cuba、马克·麦科克尔、比尔·莫兹、格雷戈里·波伊莱尔、鲍勃·罗斯、罗伯特·斯库利、Linda Voorhees、Jenny Wingfield
主演: 马修·布罗德里克、莫伊拉·凯利、内芙·坎贝尔
类型: 喜剧、动画、冒险
制片国家/地区: 美国、澳大利亚
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1998-10-27
片长: 81分钟
又名: 狮子王2
辛巴(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 配音)的女儿琪拉雅(内芙·坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 配音)调皮好动,喜欢到处奔跑,受辛巴所托看护她的彭彭和丁满实在无计可施。在另一处,刀疤的余党吉娜意图把儿子高孚训练成刀疤的接班人,并蓄谋一场复仇之战, 篡夺荣耀国的统治权。好奇的琪拉雅偷偷去森林外冒险遇到高孚,他们在玩耍时掉进鳄鱼湖。勇敢的琪拉雅救了高孚,两人成为莫逆之交。

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