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发布时间: 2022-12-12 19:07:25

⑴ 好莱坞电影众所周知,它与迪士尼有何关系









⑵ 好莱坞必看的20部电影







⑶ 好莱坞电影是什么

不复制了 词条有
好莱坞 英文是 HOLLYWOOD 网络图片有 山坡上面 牌子的标志性景观..
特别要说的是 好莱坞是最早美国 电影市场的发源地 外景的拍摄地。。 所以说 好莱坞是一个电影城。。 所以 大家常常说起 “好莱坞电影” 。。 意思并不是说 在好莱坞 拍摄 或者在那里制作的电影。。 而是代表 全美国 一流电影公司 制作的电影 都可以称作‘好莱坞电影’
迪士尼 是美国的一个电影公司 如上而论 当然可以算 好莱坞电影
其他不错的电影公司 像1线的有 华纳 20世纪福克斯 哥伦比亚 这三个算领头羊。。 其次是 环球 新线 狮门 米高梅(倒闭) 像你提起的 迪士尼 和梦工厂 大多制作 动画片 和魔幻片为主。。

⑷ 美国好莱坞的有名电影有哪些


1. Citizen Kane·1941 大国民;公民凯恩
2. Casanblanca·1943 北非谍影
3. The Godfather·1972 教父第一集
4. Gone with the Wind·1939 乱世佳人;飘
5. Lawrence of Arabia·1962 阿拉伯的劳伦斯;沙漠枭雄
6. The wizard of Oz·1939 绿野仙踪
7. The Graate·1967 毕业生
8. On the waterfront·1954 岸上风云;码头风云
9. Schindler's List·1993 辛德勒的名单;辛德勒名单
10. Singing in the Rain·1952 万花嬉春;雨中曲
11. It's a wonderful life·1946 风云人物
12. Sunset Bouevard·1950 日落大道
13. The Bridge on the river Kwai·1957 桂河大桥;桂河桥
14. Some Like It Hot·1959 热情如火
15. Star Wars·1977 星际大战;星球大战
16. All About Eve·1950 彗星美人
17. The African Queen·1951 非洲皇后
18. Psycho·1960 惊魂记
19. Chinatown·1974 唐人街; 中国城
20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest·1975 飞跃杜鹃窝;飞越疯人院
21. The Grapes of Wrath·1940 怒火之花
22. 2001: A Space Odyssay·1968 2001太空漫游
23. The Maltese Falcon·1941 枭巢喋血战
24. Raging Bull·1980 蛮牛
25. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial·1982 外星人
26. Dr. Strangelove·1964 奇爱博士
27. Bonne and Clyde·1967 我俩没有明天;雌雄大盗
28. Apocalypse Now·1979 现代启示录
29. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington·1939 史密斯先生上美京
30. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre·1948 碧血金沙
31. Annie Hall·1977 安尼·霍尔;安尼荷尔
32. The Godfather Part II·1974 教父第二集
33. High Noon·1952 日正当中;龙城歼霸战
34. To Kill a Mockingbird·1962 梅岗城故事
35. It happened One Night·1934 一夜风流
36. Midnight Cowboy·1969 午夜牛郎
37. The Best Years of Our Lives·1946 黄金时代
38. Double Indemnity·1944 双重保险
39. Doctor Zhivago·1965 日瓦格医生
40. North by Northwest·1959 北西北
41. West Side Story·1961 西城故事;西区故事;梦断城西
42. Rear Window·1954 后窗
43. King Kong·1933 大金刚
44. the Birth of a Nation·1915 国家的诞生
45. A Streetcar Named Desire·1951 欲望街车;欲望号街车
46. A Clockwork Orange·1971 发条橘子
47. Taxi Driver·1976 计程车司机;的士司机
48. Jaws·1975 大白鲨
49. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs·1937 白雪公主
50. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid·1969 虎豹小霸王
51. The Philadelphia Story·1940 费城故事
52. From Here to Eternity·1953 红粉忠魂未了情
53. Amadeus·1984 阿玛迪斯; 莫扎特
54. All Quiet on the Westernfront·1930 西线无战事
55. The Sound of Music·1965 真善美; 音乐之声; 仙乐飘飘处处闻
56. M*A*S*H·1970 外科医生;风流医生俏护士
57. The Third Man·1949 黑狱亡魂;第三者
58. Fantasia·1940 幻想曲
59. Rebel Without a Cause·1955 善子不教谁之过;阿飞正传
60. Raiders of the Lost Ark·1981 法柜奇兵
61. Vertigo·1958 迷魂记
62. Tootsie·1982 窈窕淑男(宝贝)
63. Stagecoach·1939 驿马车
64. Close Encounters of the Third Kind·1977 第三类接触
65. The Silence of the Lambs·1991 沉默的羔羊
66. Network·1976 荧光屏后
67. The Manchurian Candidate·1962 谍网迷魂
68. An American in Paris·1951 花都舞影(一个美国人在巴黎)
69. Shane·1953 原野奇侠
70. The French Connection·1971 霹雳神探(法国贩毒网)
71. Forrest Gump·1994 阿甘正传
72. Ben-Hur·1959 宾汉(宾虚)
73. Wuthering Heights·1939 咆哮山庄;呼啸山庄
74. the gold rush·1925 淘金记
75. Dances with wolves·1990 与狼共舞
76. City Lights·1931 城市之光
77. American Graffiti·1973 美国风情画(美国往事)
78. Rocky·1976 洛基第一集
79. The Deer Hunter·1978 越战猎鹿人
80. The wild Bunch·1969 日落黄沙
81. Modern Times·1936 摩登时代
82. Giant·1956 巨人
83. Platoon·1986 前进高棉;野战排
84. Fargo·1996 冰血暴风;雪花高城
85. Duck soup·1933 鸭羹
86. Mutiny on the Bounty·1935 叛舰喋血记
87. Frankenstein·1931 科学怪人
88. Easy Rider·1969 逍遥骑士;迷幻车手
89. Patton·1970 巴顿将军
90. The Jazz singer·1927 爵士歌手
91. My Fair Lady·1964 窈窕淑女
92. A Place in the sun·1951 郎心如铁
93. the Apartment·1960 公寓春光;桃色公寓
94. good fellas·1990 四海好家伙
95. Pulp Fiction·994 黑色追缉令(庸俗小说)
96. the Searchers·1956 搜索者
97. Bringing up Baby·1938 育婴奇谭
98. Unforgiven·1992 杀无赦
99. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner·1967 谁来晚餐;谁来付宴君且猜
100. Yankee doodle Dandy·1942 胜利之歌

⑸ 美国电影介绍


英译:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.

从那以后,许多电影公司在好莱坞落户,着名的电影公司有:米高梅电影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,简称MGM)、派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、华纳兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷电华公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,简称RKO)、环球公司(Universal)、联美公司(United Artists)、哥伦比亚影业公司(Columbia Pictures)。

英译:By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).


⑹ 请介绍十部英文电影

乱世佳人》 《罗马假日》 《角斗士》 《爱国者》 《魂断蓝桥》 《指环王》(任意一部) 《黑客帝国》(任意一部)《珍珠港》 《哈里波特》

1.燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall 1994
关于成长,亲情和爱情的故事 是一幅波澜壮阔的美国西部画卷,一部经典的唯美派电影,一个恍如隔世的成人童话。
主演:Brad Pitt
Anthony Hopkins(安东尼· 霍普金斯,英国演员,主演过出演过《教父》三部曲。获得2006年第63届金球奖终身成就奖( Award),绝对的好莱坞老牌巨星)

2.肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption,1994)
主演:Morgan Freeman( 摩根 弗里曼)
Tim Robbins (蒂姆 罗宾斯)

3.变脸 (Face Off,又译夺面双雄,1997)
主演:Nicolas Cage(尼古拉斯·凯奇)
John Travolta(约翰·特拉沃尔塔)

4. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump(1994 )
经典台词:“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”(生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。)
主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯

又译《逍遥法外》Catch Me if You Can (2002)
主演:Tom Hanks
Leonardo Dicaprio6.泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)
Kate Winslet 凯特·温斯莱特 7. A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)
主演:Russell Crowe 罗素·克罗
8. 这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
主演: 让·雷诺 Jean Reno
娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman

⑺ 谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍

"Hollywood" is a word often used to refer to the American film instry, e to many of the country's best-known film company was set up in this, so often and American movies and movie stars link up, Hollywood is world famous film center, held every year in the Academy Awards ceremony is the film world event.
Hollywood is not only the birthplace of the global fashion, is the world's music film instry center, has the world's top entertainment instry and luxury brands, to lead and represent the highest level in the world of fashion, such as DreamWorks, Disney, twentieth Century Fawkes, Columbia Pictures Instries Inc, Sony Corp, Universal Studios, WB (Warner Bros.) and paramount the film giants like RCAJ Interscope and IV E Records's top record companies have together in Hollywood areas, fashion and technology here contain each other, nature is not artificial, with profound connotation and majestic fashion technology support, has been imitated all over the world.
好莱坞不仅是全球时尚的发源地,也是全球音乐电影产业的中心地带,拥有着世界顶级的娱乐产业和奢侈品牌,引领并代表着全球时尚的最高水平,比如梦工厂、迪士尼、20世纪福克斯、哥伦比亚影业公司、索尼公司、环球影片公司、WB(华纳兄弟)派拉蒙 等等这些电影巨头,还有像RCAJⅣE Interscope Records这样的顶级唱片公司都汇集在好莱坞的范畴之内,这里的时尚与科技互相牵制发展,自然是不造作的,拥有着深厚的时尚底蕴和雄壮的科技做支持,一直被全球各地争相模仿。

⑻ 谁能给我所有好莱坞的电影啊,尽量全就可以,英文名中文名都要,还有就是导演演员的中英文名拜托了各位

1、《Casablanca卡撒布兰卡、北非谍影》 2、《The Godfather 教父》 3、《Gone With The Wind乱世佳人》 4、《Lawrence Of Arabia阿拉伯的劳伦斯》 5、《The Wizard Of OZ绿野仙踪、奥滋国历险记》 6、《Psycho精神病人》 7、《One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest飞越疯人院》 8、《2001: A Space Odyssey 2001环游太空》 9、《Taxi Driver出租汽车司机》 10、《The Sound Of Music音乐之声》 11、《Patton巴顿将军》 12、《Silence Of The Lambs沉默的羔羊》 13、《Platoon野战排》 14、《Pulp Fiction低俗小说》 15、《异形 Aliens》 16、《离开拉斯维加斯 Leaving Las Vegas》 17、《Terminator 2: Judgment Day终结者2:世界末日》 18、《普通嫌疑犯 The Usual Suspects》 19、《七宗罪 Seven》 20、《肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption月黑高飞,刺激1995》 21、《Forrest Gump阿甘正传》 22、《燃情岁月 Legends Of The Fall》 23、《泰坦尼克号 Titanic》 值得一提的是,本片荣获1998年奥斯卡最佳影片等11项大奖,并创造了18亿美金的累积全球票房记录, 这一记录至今无人能破。 24、《心理游戏 The Game》 25、《新娘不是我 My Best Friend's Wedding我最好朋友的婚礼》 26、《新小妇人 Little Women (1994)》 27、《夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire》 28、《勇敢的心 Brave Heart》 29、《拯救大兵雷恩 Saving Private Ryan》 30、《老大靠边闪 Analyze This》 31、《The Matrix黑客帝国》 32、《Blade Runner银翼杀手》

⑼ hollywood的英文简介

A district of Los Angeles, California. Consolidated with Los Angeles in 1910, it has long been a film and entertainment center.
A city of southeast Florida on the Atlantic Ocean north of Miami Beach. It is a resort and retirement community with varied light instries. Population, 121,697.

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