當前位置:首頁 » 女生電影 » 歐洲電影兩個女人1979年


發布時間: 2023-02-14 01:15:04

① 在義大利酒店裡面發生的兩個女人的愛情故事的電影


② 誰知道電影 兩個女人 講了什麼內容


③ 有個外國電影,記得是兩個女人有個外國電影,記得是兩個女人,其中有一個女人是黑人,


④ 一個老電影火力 女主角是索非亞羅蘭

代表作品: 《兩個女人》《昨天、今天、明天》
1 "Graffiti 60" (2005) ..... Herself (archive footage)
2 "Lives of the Saints" (2004) ..... Teresa Innocente
3 Peperoni ripieni e pesci in faccia (2004) .....
4 Charlie Chaplin - Les années suisses (2003) ..... Herself
5 Cleavage (2002) ..... Herself (archive footage)
6 陌生人之間 Between Strangers (2002) ..... Olivia
7 Francesca e Nunziata (2001) ..... Francesca Montorsi
8 The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1999) ..... Herself
9 第71屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film & 'La vita è bella' Film Clip
10 Sophia Loren: Actress Italian Style (1999) ..... Herself
11 心中的太陽 Soleil (1997) ..... Maman Lévy
12 脾氣更壞的老者 Grumpier Old Men (1995) ..... Maria Ragetti
13 雲裳風暴 Prêt-à-Porter (1994) ..... Isabella de la Fontaine
14 第65屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) ..... Herself - Co-Presenter: Honorary Award to Federico Fellini (uncredited)
15 Edward R. Murrow: The Best of 'Person to Person' (1993) ..... Herself (archive footage)
16 Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992) ..... Herself (archive footage)
17 Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (1990) ..... Herself
18 7th Annual American Cinema Awards (1990) ..... Herself/presenter
19 Sabato, domenica e lunedì (1990) ..... Rosa Priore
20 "The Fortunate Pilgrim" (1988) ..... Lucia
21 Ciociara, La (1988) ..... Cesira
22 Michael Jackson: The Legend Continues (1988) ..... Herself
23 Hollywood Sex Symbols (1988) ..... (archive footage)
24 Courage (1986) ..... Marianna Miraldo
25 奧羅拉 Qualcosa di biondo (1984) ..... Aurora
26 Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage)
27 Sixty Years of Section (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage)
28 Notre Dame de la Croisette (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
29 Sophia Loren: Her Own Story (1980) ..... Herself/Romilda Villani
30 Firepower (1979) ..... Adele Tasca
31 Angela (1978) ..... Angela Kincaid
32 血染西西里 Fatto di sangue fra e uomini per causa di una vedova - si sospettano moventi politici (1978) ..... Titina Paterno
33 Brass Target (1978) ..... Mara
34 特殊的一天 Giornata particolare, Una (1977) ..... Antonietta
35 卡桑德拉大橋 The Cassandra Crossing (1976) ..... Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain
36 Pupa del gangster, La (1975) ..... Pupa
37 Verdict (1974) ..... Teresa Leoni
38 旅行 Viaggio, Il (1974) ..... Adriana de Mauro
39 Brief Encounter (1974) ..... Anna Jesson
40 Man of La Mancha (1972) ..... Aldonza/Dulcinea
41 Bianco, rosso e... (1972) ..... Hermana Germana
42 Mortadella, La (1971) ..... Maddalena Ciarrapico
43 Moglie del prete, La (1971) ..... Valeria Billi
44 第二個月亮 Girasoli, I (1970) ..... Giovanna
45 Sophia: A Self-Portrait (1968) ..... Herself
46 Questi fantasmi (1968) ..... Maria Lojacono
47 Lionpower From MGM (1967) ..... (archive footage) (uncredited)
48 C'era una volta... (1967) ..... Isabella Candeloro
49 香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) ..... Natascha
50 With Love, Sophia (1967) ..... Herself - Hostess
51 Arabesque (1966) ..... Yasmin Azir
52 The 38th Annual Academy Awards (1966) ..... Herself - recalling her award (pre-recorded)
53 Judith (1966) ..... Judith
54 Operation Crossbow (1965) ..... Nora
55 The Love Goddesses (1965) ..... Herself (archive footage)
56 蘭黛夫人 Lady L (1965) ..... Lady L/Louise
57 義大利式的結婚 Matrimonio all'italiana (1964) ..... Filumena Marturano
58 Visitando a las estrellas (1964) ..... Herself
59 羅馬帝國的覆滅 The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) ..... Lucilla
60 Sophia Loren in Rome (1964) ..... Herself
61 Showman (1963) ..... Herself
62 昨日,今日,明日 Ieri, oggi, domani (1963) ..... Adelina Sbaratti/Anna Molteni/Mara
63 The 35th Annual Academy Awards (1963) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Actor
64 萬劫餘生情海恨 Sequestrati di Altona, I (1962) ..... Johanna
65 Madame Sans-Gêne (1962) ..... Catherine Hubscher, dite "Madame Sans-Gêne"
66 Lykke og krone (1962) ..... Herself
67 黑夜五哩行 Couteau dans la plaie, Le (1962) ..... Lisa Macklin
68 三艷嬉春 Boccaccio '70 (1962) ..... Zoe (segment "La riffa")
69 萬世英雄 El Cid (1961) ..... Jimena
70 戰地兩女性 Ciociara, La (1960) ..... Cesira
71 A Breath of Scandal (1960) ..... Princess Olympia
72 Heller in Pink Tights (1960) ..... Angela Rossini
73 碧港艷遇 It Started in Naples (1960) ..... Lucia Curcio
74 百萬富翁 The Millionairess (1960) ..... Epifania Parerga
75 That Kind of Woman (1959) ..... Kay
76 The 31st Annual Academy Awards (1959) ..... Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Song
77 The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Director
78 船屋 Houseboat (1958) ..... Cinzia Zaccardi
79 Desire Under the Elms (1958) ..... Anna Cabot
80 The Black Orchid (1958) ..... Rose Bianco
81 The Key (1958) ..... Stella
82 寶城艷姬 Legend of the Lost (1957) ..... Dita
83 Boy on a Dolphin (1957) ..... Phaedra
84 氣壯山河 The Pride and the Passion (1957) ..... Juana
85 Fortuna di essere donna, La (1956) ..... Antonietta Fallari
86 Bella mugnaia, La (1955) ..... Carmela
87 Donna del fiume, La (1955) ..... Nives Mongolini
88 Pane, amore e... (1955) ..... Donna Sofia
89 Segno di Venere, Il (1955) ..... Agnese Tirabassi
90 Tempi nostri (1954) ..... The girl
91 Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954) ..... Lina Stroppiani
92 Miseria e nobiltà (1954) ..... Gemma
93 那不勒斯的黃金 Oro di Napoli, L' (1954) ..... Sofia (Pizze a credito segment)
94 Carosello napoletano (1954) ..... Sisina
95 Attila (1954) ..... Honoria
96 Giorno in pretura, Un (1954) ..... Anna
97 Due notti con Cleopatra (1953) ..... Cleopatra/Nisca
98 Africa sotto i mari (1953) ..... Barbara Lama
99 阿依達 Aida (1953) ..... Aida
100 Domenica della buona gente, La (1953) ..... Ines
101 Ci troviamo in galleria (1953) ..... Marisa
102 Paese dei campanelli, Il (1953) .....
103 Pellegrini d'amore (1953) .....
104 Tratta delle bianche, La (1953) ..... Elvira
105 Sogno di Zorro, Il (1952) ..... Conchita (as Sofia Scicolone)
106 Lebbra bianca (1952) ..... A girl in the boardinghouse (as Sofia Lazzaro)
107 È arrivato l'accordatore (1952) ..... Amica di Giulietta (as Sofia Lazzaro)
108 Favorita, La (1952) ..... Leonora (as Sofia Lazzaro)
109 Era lui... sì! sì! (1951) ..... Odalisca (as Sofia Lazzaro)
110 慾海慈航 Anna (1951) ..... Night club assistant (uncredited)
111 Milano miliardaria (1951) ..... Extra (as Sofia Scicolone)
112 Mago per forza, Il (1951) ..... La Sposa (as Sofia Scicolone)
113 暴君焚城錄 Quo Vadis (1951) ..... Lygia's slave (uncredited)
114 Padrone del vapore, Il (1951) ..... Ballerinetta (as Sofia Lazzaro)
115 Sei mogli di Barbablù, Le (1950) ..... Ragazza rapita (as Sofia Lazzaro)
116 Io sono il capataz (1950) ..... Segretaria del Dittatore (as Sofia Scicolone)
117 Cuori sul mare (1950) ..... Extra (uncredited)
118 Voto, Il (1950) ..... Un popolana alla festa di Piedigrotta (as Sofia Scicolone)
119 Totò Tarzan (1950) ..... Una tarzanide

⑤ 一部歐美古裝電影 是關於兩個女人之間的愛情


故事以二十年代英國煤礦小鎮的一對姐妹為主角,她倆都是當地學校的教師,在一次婚禮上認識了熱情洋溢的學校督察員魯珀特和年輕英俊的礦場主人傑拉德。姐姐與魯珀特結婚後,四人前往瑞士度假,妹妹對傑拉德逐漸感到厭煩,愛上了一位德國的雕塑家。傑拉德激憤之餘企圖殺死妹妹不果,在風雪迷朦中走向深谷中凍死。 二十世紀二十年代的英國煤礦小鎮上,姐姐厄休拉和妹妹古德蘭都是學校的教師。一次婚禮上,她們結識了學校督察員魯珀特·勃金和礦工傑拉德·克奇。不久,厄休拉嫁給了勃金。婚後,他們四個人一起去瑞土渡假。在這個過程中,古德蘭對克奇失去了興趣,而愛上了一個德國青年雕塑家。克奇想要殺死古德蘭,沒有成功。於是,在風雪迷漫之中,他獨自一人走向深谷,心力交瘁地凍死在雪地上。

⑥ 義大利著名女星,主演了<兩個女人>,<卡桑德拉大橋>是誰


原名:Sofia Villani Scicolone










索菲亞·羅蘭 Sophia Loren
演員 cast

1 "Graffiti 60" (2005) ..... Herself (archive footage)
2 "Lives of the Saints" (2004) ..... Teresa Innocente
3 Peperoni ripieni e pesci in faccia (2004) .....
4 Charlie Chaplin - Les années suisses (2003) ..... Herself
5 Cleavage (2002) ..... Herself (archive footage)
6 陌生人之間 Between Strangers (2002) ..... Olivia
7 Francesca e Nunziata (2001) ..... Francesca Montorsi
8 The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1999) ..... Herself
9 第71屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film & 'La vita è bella' Film Clip
10 Sophia Loren: Actress Italian Style (1999) ..... Herself
11 心中的太陽 Soleil (1997) ..... Maman Lévy
12 脾氣更壞的老者 Grumpier Old Men (1995) ..... Maria Ragetti
13 雲裳風暴 Prêt-à-Porter (1994) ..... Isabella de la Fontaine
14 第65屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) ..... Herself - Co-Presenter: Honorary Award to Federico Fellini (uncredited)
15 Edward R. Murrow: The Best of 'Person to Person' (1993) ..... Herself (archive footage)
16 Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992) ..... Herself (archive footage)
17 Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (1990) ..... Herself
18 7th Annual American Cinema Awards (1990) ..... Herself/presenter
19 Sabato, domenica e lunedì (1990) ..... Rosa Priore
20 "The Fortunate Pilgrim" (1988) ..... Lucia
21 Ciociara, La (1988) ..... Cesira
22 Michael Jackson: The Legend Continues (1988) ..... Herself
23 Hollywood Sex Symbols (1988) ..... (archive footage)
24 Courage (1986) ..... Marianna Miraldo
25 奧羅拉 Qualcosa di biondo (1984) ..... Aurora
26 Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage)
27 Sixty Years of Section (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage)
28 Notre Dame de la Croisette (1981) ..... Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
29 Sophia Loren: Her Own Story (1980) ..... Herself/Romilda Villani
30 Firepower (1979) ..... Adele Tasca
31 Angela (1978) ..... Angela Kincaid
32 血染西西里 Fatto di sangue fra e uomini per causa di una vedova - si sospettano moventi politici (1978) ..... Titina Paterno
33 Brass Target (1978) ..... Mara
34 特殊的一天 Giornata particolare, Una (1977) ..... Antonietta
35 卡桑德拉大橋 The Cassandra Crossing (1976) ..... Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain
36 Pupa del gangster, La (1975) ..... Pupa
37 Verdict (1974) ..... Teresa Leoni
38 旅行 Viaggio, Il (1974) ..... Adriana de Mauro
39 Brief Encounter (1974) ..... Anna Jesson
40 Man of La Mancha (1972) ..... Aldonza/Dulcinea
41 Bianco, rosso e... (1972) ..... Hermana Germana
42 Mortadella, La (1971) ..... Maddalena Ciarrapico
43 Moglie del prete, La (1971) ..... Valeria Billi
44 第二個月亮 Girasoli, I (1970) ..... Giovanna
45 Sophia: A Self-Portrait (1968) ..... Herself
46 Questi fantasmi (1968) ..... Maria Lojacono
47 Lionpower From MGM (1967) ..... (archive footage) (uncredited)
48 C'era una volta... (1967) ..... Isabella Candeloro
49 香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) ..... Natascha
50 With Love, Sophia (1967) ..... Herself - Hostess
51 Arabesque (1966) ..... Yasmin Azir
52 The 38th Annual Academy Awards (1966) ..... Herself - recalling her award (pre-recorded)
53 Judith (1966) ..... Judith
54 Operation Crossbow (1965) ..... Nora
55 The Love Goddesses (1965) ..... Herself (archive footage)
56 蘭黛夫人 Lady L (1965) ..... Lady L/Louise
57 義大利式的結婚 Matrimonio all'italiana (1964) ..... Filumena Marturano
58 Visitando a las estrellas (1964) ..... Herself
59 羅馬帝國的覆滅 The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) ..... Lucilla
60 Sophia Loren in Rome (1964) ..... Herself
61 Showman (1963) ..... Herself
62 昨日,今日,明日 Ieri, oggi, domani (1963) ..... Adelina Sbaratti/Anna Molteni/Mara
63 The 35th Annual Academy Awards (1963) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Actor
64 萬劫餘生情海恨 Sequestrati di Altona, I (1962) ..... Johanna
65 Madame Sans-Gêne (1962) ..... Catherine Hubscher, dite "Madame Sans-Gêne"
66 Lykke og krone (1962) ..... Herself
67 黑夜五哩行 Couteau dans la plaie, Le (1962) ..... Lisa Macklin
68 三艷嬉春 Boccaccio '70 (1962) ..... Zoe (segment "La riffa")
69 萬世英雄 El Cid (1961) ..... Jimena
70 戰地兩女性 Ciociara, La (1960) ..... Cesira
71 A Breath of Scandal (1960) ..... Princess Olympia
72 Heller in Pink Tights (1960) ..... Angela Rossini
73 碧港艷遇 It Started in Naples (1960) ..... Lucia Curcio
74 百萬富翁 The Millionairess (1960) ..... Epifania Parerga
75 That Kind of Woman (1959) ..... Kay
76 The 31st Annual Academy Awards (1959) ..... Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Song
77 The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) ..... Herself - Presenter: Best Director
78 船屋 Houseboat (1958) ..... Cinzia Zaccardi
79 Desire Under the Elms (1958) ..... Anna Cabot
80 The Black Orchid (1958) ..... Rose Bianco
81 The Key (1958) ..... Stella
82 寶城艷姬 Legend of the Lost (1957) ..... Dita
83 Boy on a Dolphin (1957) ..... Phaedra
84 氣壯山河 The Pride and the Passion (1957) ..... Juana
85 Fortuna di essere donna, La (1956) ..... Antonietta Fallari
86 Bella mugnaia, La (1955) ..... Carmela
87 Donna del fiume, La (1955) ..... Nives Mongolini
88 Pane, amore e... (1955) ..... Donna Sofia
89 Segno di Venere, Il (1955) ..... Agnese Tirabassi
90 Tempi nostri (1954) ..... The girl
91 Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954) ..... Lina Stroppiani
92 Miseria e nobiltà (1954) ..... Gemma
93 那不勒斯的黃金 Oro di Napoli, L' (1954) ..... Sofia (Pizze a credito segment)
94 Carosello napoletano (1954) ..... Sisina
95 Attila (1954) ..... Honoria
96 Giorno in pretura, Un (1954) ..... Anna
97 Due notti con Cleopatra (1953) ..... Cleopatra/Nisca
98 Africa sotto i mari (1953) ..... Barbara Lama
99 阿依達 Aida (1953) ..... Aida
100 Domenica della buona gente, La (1953) ..... Ines
101 Ci troviamo in galleria (1953) ..... Marisa
102 Paese dei campanelli, Il (1953) .....
103 Pellegrini d'amore (1953) .....
104 Tratta delle bianche, La (1953) ..... Elvira
105 Sogno di Zorro, Il (1952) ..... Conchita (as Sofia Scicolone)
106 Lebbra bianca (1952) ..... A girl in the boardinghouse (as Sofia Lazzaro)
107 È arrivato l'accordatore (1952) ..... Amica di Giulietta (as Sofia Lazzaro)
108 Favorita, La (1952) ..... Leonora (as Sofia Lazzaro)
109 Era lui... sì! sì! (1951) ..... Odalisca (as Sofia Lazzaro)
110 慾海慈航 Anna (1951) ..... Night club assistant (uncredited)
111 Milano miliardaria (1951) ..... Extra (as Sofia Scicolone)
112 Mago per forza, Il (1951) ..... La Sposa (as Sofia Scicolone)
113 暴君焚城錄 Quo Vadis (1951) ..... Lygia's slave (uncredited)
114 Padrone del vapore, Il (1951) ..... Ballerinetta (as Sofia Lazzaro)
115 Sei mogli di Barbablù, Le (1950) ..... Ragazza rapita (as Sofia Lazzaro)
116 Io sono il capataz (1950) ..... Segretaria del Dittatore (as Sofia Scicolone)
117 Cuori sul mare (1950) ..... Extra (uncredited)
118 Voto, Il (1950) ..... Un popolana alla festa di Piedigrotta (as Sofia Scicolone)
119 Totò Tarzan (1950) ..... Una tarzanide

⑦ 求一部老電影 有關兩個女人和一種變年輕的葯水

飛越長生(Death Becomes Her )是羅伯特·澤米吉斯(Robert Zemeckis)執導的一部鬼怪類型的喜劇。劇中介紹了作家海倫攜男友恩尼斯至百老匯觀賞好友瑪德琳表演,未久瑪德琳即與恩尼斯步入禮堂成婚,海倫遭此橫刀奪愛之恨,七年後成臃腫不堪的胖婦人,又遇七年海倫為出新書青春永駐亮相,容貌身材大為改變,恩尼斯驚為天人!本片深刻刻畫女人為保青春永駐,彼此間的猜忌、虛榮心態。

⑧ 歐美電影兩個女人牽手的畫面的電影叫什麼名字


⑨ 有部電影是兩個女人去法國找真愛是什麼電影


卡特琳娜·格蘭厄姆 波瑞斯·科喬 威廉·萊維 莎朗·莉爾 塔莎·史密斯

⑩ 求一部電影,裡面兩個女人,有一個好像叫什麼玫瑰。


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