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1. 地球上的星星經典台詞(要英文的+翻譯)及!!!!!!

1、Every child is unique. One day, they will go their own way.


2、Dyslexia: Einstein, Da Vinci and Edison can't memorize the alphabet, Picasso can't understand the number "7", Disney can't read, so she is committed to drawing comics. Agatha Christie can't read or write, but she is a world-famous reasoning novelist.


3、Around us, those who see the world with unique eyes have finally changed the world.


4、Their thinking is very unique and often difficult to understand. Once their achievements are known by the world, everyone is shocked.


5、Let's go out and create something different. Use anything you're interested in, wood, stone, stick.


2. 一部印度片《地球上的星星》100字英文觀後感!!!

In psychology, the children with autism called children of the stars, you can see them, but you can't touch it true they, like a star.
Nine year-old Ethan on three grades, the long teeth, big eyes, and it makes people feel sorry for her face.
He is a dyslexic children, in his eyes, the textbooks on the letters are in the swim to swim, homework is never fail or even zero, is the simple letters and numbers he would be wrong, so often be kneeling in the classroom door. His father beat him, called him, thought he was useless, students also despise him, mocking words to him. Only the mother to protect him, love him.
Ethan eventually expelled sent to boarding school, Ethan is very sad, for the survival of the environment is no longer have any passion and interest, nor anyone to speak, put yourself completely blocked up.
The change in" Mr. Carle gone, new young teachers Niku bar appears.
Niku Palestinian teacher meet for the first time to children is no small surprise, no one to hear sound. In cheerful music, clown makeup teacher who appeared in front of the children, the children free romantic nature released. The first art lesson on dancing.
A wise teacher soon discovers that Ethan's out of the ordinary, Ethan is a children with reading disorders, but through his observation Niku Ba decided to home visits, found that Ethan has a genius of painting gift. Although Ethan's father repeatedly that can draw what ah? But the young teacher decided to help ethan. In order to help Ethan self-confidence to face the reality, to collect a lot of information including Niku, won the 1921 Nobel Prize Albert. Einstein, famous artist Leonardo. Da Vinci, Thomas. Edison Alva. These scientists, inventors, artists and other celebrities have the same experience, the same is their small there are difficult to read and write, even can't read, communication difficulties, also have been around people as stupid to look at, but they used painting and music, the invention makes up own insufficiency, Ethan from find resonance, face a smile
Niku, finally said : "why should I tell you these, I want to tell everyone around us, those with a unique view of the world 's people, eventually changed the entire society, their thinking is very unique, are often difficult to understand, they are in the minority, once their achievements known, everyone all shook up, today's art class, we will review these great men, let us put the people in mind, let us go, to create something different. Whatever you are interested in, stone, wood, waste." Ethan in a quiet corner, pulled out a small pocket, there is a rope, stick stone, pencil, plantain leaves, he magically made a with a propeller in water taxiing aircraft, in Niku, classmates and cheers, Ethan quietly left, his heart was not open.
Ethan is still not understood and accepted world shivering.
Niku, with plenty of facts to the headmaster, Ethan is a very clever boy, but he has dyslexia, Ethan's interest in painting, and offered to make up a missed lesson, Ethan, Niku patiently tried various ways to help Ethan memory: wrote in the sand, with the skin sensation, read after the tape, Ethan is very diligent study, daily progress, when Ethan 's father to see their son was very annoyed to devote oneself heart and soul to the blackboard was moved to tears.
Is such a teacher, to paint as a bridge for communication, brush, in his tireless efforts, Ethan finally open the door tightly closed door, out of the haze.
The ending is Ethan in school of painting competition Ethan won first place, when the judges to kiss him and give him the moment, all the people stood up, cheers, applause as one falls, Ethan uncontrollable urge eyes brim over with tears, threw himself into the arms of Niku bar. Eventually Ethan's talent was recognized
Watching the film, one of the tears, not only for the wise teacher, make painstaking efforts to help the disadvantaged students to face life, face the cold environment. More for the Ethan moved and proud, as he wants to be admitted, bravely go out autistic world cheering for him, also can be lucky to meet such a bole teacher happy.

3. 每一個孩子都是獨一無二的,總有一天,他們會走出自己的路 英文地球上的星星《地球上的星星》英文翻譯

你是指那個句子? Every single child is unique, and some day they will walk on a road of their very own.

4. 《地球上的星星》

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1M-Gcv8NMJVnJ-U1O0e7Jww 提取碼: cqc9
《地球上的星星》(Taare Zameen Par)是一部兒童劇情型電影,影片由阿米爾·汗執導並參演,達席爾·薩法瑞,塔奈·切赫達,維品·沙爾馬等主演。影片講述了一個八歲男孩和他所讀寄宿學校的美術老師的故事。影片於2007年12月21日上映。

5. 英語版地球上的星星

This is an amazing movie!! I think its all about the way the movie is shown, very simple story, very simple characters, very simple situations, very simple locations, very simple dialogues, just our life, somewhere we see ourselves or someone close to us or just someone we happen to know. There is no drama, just life!

6. 2009印度電影《地球上的星星》<like stars on earth>高清BD中英雙字幕 迅雷下載鏈接




《地球上的星星》(Taare Zameen Par)是一部兒童劇情型電影,影片由阿米爾·汗執導並參演,達席爾·薩法瑞,塔奈·切赫達,維品·沙爾馬等主演。


對於8歲的男孩伊桑來說,世界是充滿了驚奇和快樂的萬花筒,他正在用一切他能夠想到的方式和這個陌生的世界進行著交流,同時也充分享受著大地萬物慷慨的贈與。可是,這樣的伊桑卻是成年人眼中的問題兒童,他的成績不好,在班上的排名靠後, 腦子里還充滿了各種匪夷所思的鬼點子,在又一次闖下大禍後,忍無可忍的父母將他送往了寄宿學校。


7. 能發下[2008阿米爾汗高分劇情電影][地球上的星星][720P高清][中英字幕][IMDB 8.1]]的種子或下載鏈接么




8. 跪求《地球上的星星》百度網盤無刪減完整版在線觀看,阿米爾·汗導演的


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導演: 阿米爾·汗
編劇: 阿莫爾·古普特
主演: 達席爾·薩法瑞、阿米爾·汗、塔奈·切赫達、薩謝·英吉尼爾、蒂絲卡·喬普拉、維品·沙爾馬、拉利塔·拉伊米、吉里賈·奧克、拉維·汗維爾卡爾、普拉蒂瑪·庫爾卡尼、梅娜·馬里克、索納利·薩查德夫、桑賈伊·達迪克、拉加·戈帕爾·耶爾、布格斯·巴爾加瓦、尚卡爾·薩查德夫、M·K·拉伊納
類型: 劇情、家庭、兒童

製片國家/地區: 印度
語言: 印地語、英語
上映日期: 2007-12-21(印度)
片長: 165分鍾
又名: 心中的小星星(台)、每一個孩子都是特別的、???? ????? ??、Like Stars on Earth

對於8歲的男孩伊夏(達席爾·薩法瑞 Darsheel Safary 飾)來說,世界是充滿了驚奇和快樂的萬花筒,他正在用一切他能夠想到的方式和這個陌生的世界進行著交流,同時也充分的享受著大地萬物慷慨的贈與。可是,這樣的伊夏卻是成年人眼中的問題兒童,他的成績不好,在班上的排名靠後, 腦子里還充滿了各種匪夷所思的鬼點子,在又一次闖下大禍後,忍無可忍的父母將他送往了寄宿學校。

雖然伊夏的新生活並沒有什麼改變,但在內心裡,和父母分離的生活讓他感到悶悶不樂,這時,一位名叫尼克(阿米爾·汗 Aamir Khan 飾)的美術老師走進了他的生活。和以往所見到的固守成規的老師不同,尼克主張讓學生們保留自己的個性和思想,自由的發展。在和尼克相處的日子裡,伊夏和尼克都慢慢的成熟了起來。

9. 求《地球上的星星》百度雲資源


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10. 地球上的星星英文50字影評,簡單點,帶翻譯。




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