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發布時間: 2022-01-23 21:17:56

1. 急需關於電影方面的賞析(英文的)

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love; castigates evil and conspiracy; shows respect to the principle of the circle of life; and discloses a philosophy of the whole world.
Simba, a young lion, is going to be the future king. But his vicious uncle, Scar, who is so jealous of him and his father, Mufasa, kills Mufasa and makes Simba leave guiltily. After years Simba has grown up and met his best friend, Nala, again and decides not to escape from his guilt any more.
The message is very positive. Disney makes use of the impression the public has of lions to show that even someone that seems to be really strong can be weak sometimes. No matter what comes , you should face it and deal with it instead of running away.
And I have concluded 3 sentences from the message the movie conveys after watching it for 3 times :the first one is "Blood is thicker than water" ;and the second "A friend in need is a friend indeed" ;third one also the last one "you need to have the spirit of looking back bravely and forward hopefully"
This is one of the best Disney's animations and I'm sure both alt and children will enjoy the story and music and won't get bored even if you watch it for a few times.

2. 英語電影賞析課應該怎麼上可以放些什麼類型的電影呢詳細些


3. 經典英文電影賞析的介紹


4. 經典英文電影賞析的內容簡介


5. 歐美經典電影 英文賞析



6. 那裡有英文電影賞析


Green Power

"Shrek" is fun. People who haven't seen this movie, and are wary of seeing what's popular, should give it a try. It's worth watching, and will probably win you over.

Taking a Fractured Fairy Tale approach to a "Beauty And The Beast"-type plot, throwing in a few mild profanities, flatulence jokes, and Michael Myers' over-the-top faux-Scots accent, "Shrek" shows off a very snarky humor, full of jokes that will likely go over the heads of a cartoon's target audience while registering with their parents. 'Sure it's big enough, but look at the location,' Shrek observes upon seeing a giant castle in the middle of nowhere. The kids, though, will love 'Shrek' every bit as much. It's impossible not to be carried along by its merry madness.

Myers, as the title character, is certainly easier to take than he was in his last Austin Powers movie, his voice work registering real tenderness as well as the expected laughs as a misunderstood ogre who would rather tell a group of frightened villagers about the cruelties he will inflict on them and their dead bodies than cause those villagers any genuine harm. He's a bit of a softie, actually, and scared to let anyone know it.

Cameron Diaz is as beautiful to listen to hear as she is to look at in her other films. Her character, Princess Fiona, doesn't have as much room to shine as Shrek (the balance turns out better in the sequel) but she does well with what she's given.

The comic highpoints in terms of voice characterization is Eddie Murphy as Shrek's donkey companion and John Lithgow as nasty Lord Farquaad, who wants to rid his domain of Duloc of all fairy tale creatures. Murphy never stops being funny even as he helps set up key plot moments; in fact he's never been this funny since the first "Beverly Hills Cop" movie. "We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles," the donkey tells a much put-upon Shrek, and you still laugh the fifth time you hear it. Lithgow just makes you smile whenever he opens his mouth, like when he grills a hapless gingerbread man in such a convoluted way it turns into a nursery-rhyme recitation.

Why exactly Farquaad is grilling this gingerbread man so closely isn't clear, and there are similar plot holes throughout the movie. Shrek may be too tame a character; we never really feel any worry around him. The donkey falls into a relationship with a dragon that screams "plot convenience," and there are strange little bits of cruelty, like turning a frog and snake into balloons, which just is thrown out there and let be.

But the central story, about how Shrek and Fiona struggle to overcome the odds and find true love, is really sweet and well-rendered. The animation is spectacular, a revolution for the eyes in its deep-dish panoramas and remarkable attention to textures. And the jokes keep flying, the major ones as well as hilarious bits of filigree you won't notice the first or second time but reward you for paying attention.

This is not a Disney movie, something "Shrek" makes very clear not only with its PG-13 humor but its knocks at Disney characters like Snow White and at the Magic Kingdom in the form of Duloc, where an array of "It's A Small World"-type dolls lecture Shrek and Donkey on all the things NOT to do. Frankly, "Shrek" could use a little injection of Disney heart, but Disney could use some of this picture's freshness as well. A very charming movie worth your time.

7. 英語電影欣賞論文(中文的)一千五百字以上的

每周兩部電影的生活過去了,選修課結課了,老師還不錯,交一篇英文看後感就行,總結這一門課,確實看了不少電影,其中我比較喜歡的有<<兵臨城下>>(神奇狙擊手戰爭與愛情的交織)<<諾丁山>>(Notting Hill)(一個普通市民與好萊塢女明星的愛情故事)<<當幸福來敲門>>(我的論文就寫的關於他的)<<海上鋼琴師》(一個沒上過岸,不懂樂譜卻擁有非凡音樂才華的人的故事)《軍火之王》(通過描寫軍火商反戰)。

最後我寫了一篇《當幸福來敲門》的看後感,Will Smith主演,由真人真事改編。全文如下,第一次寫如此長的English,寫完又列印出來。裡面肯定還有一些錯誤,如果有人閑著無聊,可以溜幾眼,或許對你日後學習英語的信心有幫助。

After seeing the film」The Pursuit Of Happiness」,I』m deeply involved in the thought of life.We live in a big world including the rich and the poor,the optimist and the pessimist.What about you? Do you feel fulfilled? Have you ever made a plan for the happy life? The film supplies us with a man answering them.

Many years ago, a view occupied me that life must be spent in enjoy. But now, especially from seeing the film, my thoughts are changed. Life is not only to enjoy what you have, but also to run after what you haven』t. At the beginning of the film, Chris Gardner can be regarded as a fail. He has no money to rent a place to live in, and his wife departs from him. He and his little son even choose a toilet as a shelter for the nights. But the man never loses the mind to struggle for a happy life; even if he loses his temper when he fights for a sleeping place the governors applies. It』s the spirits to overcome the difficulties that shocks me.

Life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you are goanna got. But if you are working hard with a expectant heart, you will get a satisfactory consequence. So, I think, everyone must have a dream. A dream isn』t the one that you make every night or like a daydream. It』s the one that you can realize in many years. It may be that I』ll possess a big fortune, or I want to be a famous writer and so on. In a word, you must have a goal, which lets you make progresses constantly.

Actually, the most important work is not having a goal but how to stick to it. Most people haven』t a determination to finish what they have promised. What for? I think there are two reasons for it. First, the goal is too big to complete it. You should make a appropriate goal, which it is more likely to realize. Second, you haven』t a reasonable plan for your goals. You『d better make it carefully. For instance, as a college student, you want to get a good job after graation. So your four years』 plan should be made. In first year, your English should reach a certain level. In second year, you want to get a scholarship. In third year, you join in many associations to communicate with different people. In fourth year, you take a part-time job to realize the society. In fact, your plan should be more complicated. Because the college is a long time and you can achieve lots of things ring this time.

Besides what I say above, another point is that you know what you are interested in. You may think it over before you have a try. Someone says that, the interest is the best teacher. The only thing to confine you in the work is the interest.

Nothing is impossible. You never know what you will become in the future. The man in the film finally becomes a very rich man. This is so pleasant and admiring, but we should take it for granted. Chris Gardner has done much for it. No pain, no gain. He has suffered from many pains. His wife leaves him and his son alone. He is anxious about the sleeping place every night and sells a expensive machine to support his life. In order to get through the exam, he learns all over the night and still work in the day. He is so busy that he has no time to call for damages when he was crashed by a car. Fortunately, he finally succeeds.

As a student, we should seize on the expensive time. Let』s begin from now on.

In the old time, the man that was full of encouragement in the war was respectful, and they were called hero. However, you can』t become that kind of man in this peace world. But if you have a remarkable skill, which nobody can match, you also can be a hero. It』s another kind of hero. Maybe the later one is more difficult to become. What you need isn』t the only thing---encouragement. In a word, you will make what you are, and you control yourself in the future.

8. 有沒有英語電影賞析

My view about Scarlett

At the first begening of the film,I have no idea about Scarlett,but later ,I like Scarlett more and more.

Scarlett is not beautiful, as indicated by Margaret Mitchell's opening line, however she is a coquettish Southern belle who grows up on the Georgia plantation of Tara in the years before the American Civil War. Scarlett is described as being 16 years old at the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, which would put her approximate birthdate in 1844 or early 1845. Selfish, shrewd and vain, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald, but also desires to please her well-bred, genteel French American mother Ellen, from a good Savannah family. Scarlett loves Ashley Wilkes, her aristocratic neighbor, but when his engagement to meek and mild-mannered Melanie Hamilton is announced, she marries Melanie's brother Charles out of spite. Her new husband dies early in the war, and Tara falls into the marauding hands of the Yankees. In the face of hardship, the spoiled Scarlett uncharacteristically shoulders the troubles of her family and friends, and eventually the not-so-grieving widow marries her sister's beau, Frank Kennedy, in order to get funds to pay the taxes on her beloved home. Repeatedly, she challenges the prescribed women's roles of her time, as a result, she becomes very disliked by the people of Atlanta. Scarlett's ongoing internal conflict between her feelings for the Southern gentleman Ashley and her attraction to the sardonic, opportunistic Rhett Butler — who becomes her third husband — embodies the general position of The South in the Civil War era.

In the 1939 film version of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara is similar to the character in the original novel, but there are some noticeable differences. In the book, Scarlett gives birth to three children: Wade Hampton Hamilton, Ella Lorena Kennedy, and Eugenia Victoria "Bonnie Blue" Butler. In the film version, only Bonnie Blue is mentioned. (In the novel Scarlett, Scarlett O'Hara gives birth to another daughter by Rhett, Katie Colum "Cat" O'Hara Butler.)

While the studio and the public agreed that the part of Rhett Butler should go to Clark Gable (except for Clark Gable himself), casting for the role of Scarlett was a little harder. The search for an actress to play Scarlett in the film version of the novel famously drew the biggest names in the history of cinema, such as Bette Davis (whose casting as a Southern belle in Jezebel in 1937 took her out of contention), and Katharine Hepburn, who went so far as demanding an appointment with procer David O. Selznick and saying "I am Scarlett O'Hara! The role is practically written for me." David replied rather bluntly "I can't imagine Rhett Butler chasing you for ten years." Jean Arthur, and Lucille Ball were also considered. Susan Hayward was "discovered" when she tested for the part, and the career of Lana Turner developed quickly after her screen test. Joan Bennett was widely considered to be the most likely choice until she was supplanted by Paulette Goddard. However, Goddard's failure to proce a marriage license between her and Charlie Chaplin lost her the part.

9. 英語電影賞析 英文怎麼說呢

English Film Appreciation

Appreciating Cinema

作 者: (英)林恩(Lynn,A.) 著
出 版 社: 外語教學與研究出版社
出版時間: 2005-10-1 字 數: 版 次: 1 頁 數: 467 印刷時間: 2005/10/01 開 本: 印 次: 紙 張: 膠版紙 I S B N : 9787560050775 包 裝: 平裝 所屬分類: 圖書 >> 外語 >> 英語讀物

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