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A. 電視和電影的影響 英語作文

影視藝術是在影視合流的大背景下對電影和電視藝術的合稱。但就影視創作的現狀而言,影視並未真正合流。筆者認為,影視合流的真正形式是傳統的電影製作機構參與電視節目的製作,而電視節目機構也加入電影故事片的生產發行。至今, 中國 的各級電視台並沒有投資電影故事片的生產,據說中央電視台曾經決策每年投資數千萬元扶持國產電影,但這個決策的執行並不明晰。國家主管部門用行政命令的方式將中央新聞紀錄電影製片廠和北京 科學 教育電影製片廠劃撥給中央電視台,但這兩個電影製片廠沒有成為電視台的電影製作機構,而是演變成電視台的兩個電視節目製作中心,中央台通過收購節目的方式對其實施經營管理。國家電影事業管理局下轄的電影衛星頻道節目製作中心(電影頻道),雖對外號稱中央台六頻道,但與中央台沒有任何隸屬關系,中央台只為其提供播出服務。電影頻道成立之初的主要節目是播出各電影製片廠各個時期的電影故事片,隨著頻道運作的成熟和觀眾的不斷要求,電影頻道開始製作一些與電影有關的電視專欄節目。1999年,由於片源日漸萎縮,電影頻道開始投資製作電視電影(一種稱作專為電視台播放而製作的影片)在電視上播放,同時,電影頻道依靠豐厚的廣告收入獲取了巨額利潤,先後參與投資了《春天的狂想》、《我的1919》、《橫空出世》等主旋律電影故事片。電影頻道的經營可以看作是影視合流的雛形,也許將來會成長為中國電影電視業的巨人,但現階段由於行業法規不健全、行政手段干預等因素,電影頻道還談不上真正意義的電視節目製作機構,也沒有電影故事片的出品權。 與影視製作分割的體制相適應的電影電視教育體制也呈現一種分割狀態。原屬於廣播電視系統的北京廣播學院曾經是中國電視教育的惟一高等學府,原屬文化系統的北京電影學院曾經是中國電影教育的惟一高等學府。廣播電影電視部成立以後,這兩家學院都劃到統一的旗下,但是電影電視教育並無任何交流。1995年,北京電影學院開始醞釀成立電視系,於1996年招收了第一屆電視節目製作本科生,1998年,電視系成立的事擱淺,96級電視節目本科班轉入導演系 學習 ,明確培養方向為紀錄片導演。北京電影學院導演系負責紀錄片教學的孔都副教授認為:「電影學院導演系增設紀錄片專業,是順應影視事業總體格局演變的舉措」。據筆者了解,近十年以來,國產電影票房直線下降,各國營電影製片廠的生產日漸萎縮,電影學院畢業生求職的眼光從原來的電影廠轉向電視台和一些民間的影視節目製作機構、廣告公司等。電影學院希望成立電視系,建立電視教育體系,擴大畢業生的就業渠道是在這種背景下採取的措施。雖然成立電視系的願望落空,但在電影學院導演系,本科生到三年級後分為三個專業方向,一是傳統的故事片導演、二是紀錄片導演、三是電視節目編導。應該說,電影學院已經意識到影視合流的大趨勢,並順應這個大趨勢在專業教學方面作了相應調整。再看看北京廣播學院,這個中國電視人的搖籃,為中國電視事業輸送了大量記者、播音員、主持人、攝像、節目編導、製片人。隨著電視的普及,觀眾對電視節目的要求越來越高,特別在中國,觀眾有收看電視劇的傳統,電視劇的播出量占整個電視節目播出的五分之一強,但廣院電視劇製作人才的培養在這個領域中的 影響 遠不及電視新聞、播音、紀錄片、專欄節目。究其原因,雖然廣院從1979年就開始招收電視導演專業,但專業培養目標一直不是很明確,凡是與電視有關的導演都納入培養之列,也沒有教師專門 研究 電視劇導演培養的基本 方法 和步驟;第二,由於只有導演專業和攝像專業,電視劇製作的其他專業如表演、錄音、美術、製片都沒有開設,學生在校很難進行系統的電視劇製作練習,同時,學生畢業進入 社會 以後,很難以集團軍的形式集聚創作力量拍攝有影響力的作品。中國電影第五代之所以在世界范圍內產生廣泛影響,很重要的一點就是創作集體的主要成員都是大學同學,觀念容易溝通、創作心態統一,作品也是批量投入社會。與第五代電影導演是同代人的電視劇導演楊陽是廣院79級導演專業的畢業生,1998年因執導電視連續劇《牽手》才在社會上產生廣泛影響,可以說她的成名比第五代電影導演晚了大約14年(第五代的開山之作《黃土地》誕生於1984年)。在2000年1月廣院電視學院影視藝術技術系成立大會上,作為校友的楊陽深有感觸地說,這些年有種單打獨斗的感覺,很羨慕電影學院的同行,他們往往都是同學在一起合作,創作之外的精力消耗就少了許多。看來,以集團軍的方式為培養目標,使畢業生踏入社會後盡快做出成績,從而擴大學校的社會聲譽,是當前影視教育的一個明智之舉

B. 電視節目對人們的影響很大對兒童尤其如此用英語怎麼翻譯


C. 事實證明暴力電視節日對兒童的成長有不良影響用英語怎麼說

越來越多的人開始認識到這樣一個事實:暴力電視節目對兒童的成長有著不良影響(have a negative effect)
More and more people begin to realize a fact that violent TV programs have a negative effect on the growth of children.

D. 以電視對孩子們的影響為題寫一篇英語作文並翻譯

TV is very important in our life.We can get to know all kinds of events around the world.We can know the weather,information,laws,knowledge and so on.After busy work,we can watch some funny programs to relax
TV benifits us,but sometimes it has bad influence.Some students watch TV day and night.It influences their lessons.Some programs are not good for children.
So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages.
Now TV has become necessary in our life.We can get all kinds of information through TV.The world is in front of us.The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy.
Although TV has some benifits,sometimes it has bad influence.Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time.And some programs are not proper for children.
So we should choose some good programs to watch,especially for children.

E. 用英語寫關於大眾傳媒對小孩的影響實例

關於大眾傳媒對小孩的影響實例 An example of the impact of mass media on children 如今,大眾傳媒已經與整個社會深深地結合在一起,成為現代社會的重要輿論載體、信息載體、文化傳播載體和一種主要的文化存在方式。它包括報紙、雜志、圖書、電影、電視、廣播、網路等,作為一種向社會傳送信息的行業,已經滲透進了人類生活的各個領域。它傳播迅速,覆蓋面廣,滲透力強,對於政府的決策的宣傳、社會道德倫理的建構及對於人們的價值取向和生活方式的重塑都具有不可輕視的影響力,尤其是對兒童,大眾傳媒這把「雙刃劍」無時無刻不在發揮著重要作用。 兒童對外部世界充滿好奇,迫切希望獲得新知識,了解新信息,成為被社會認同的一員,因此,他們成了現代大眾傳媒最熱心的讀者、聽眾和觀眾。從生活方式到處世方式,從價值觀到情感交流,小到穿衣戴帽,大到世界觀,人生觀的形成,大眾傳媒為他們提供了眾多的信息及分析、解釋的道理。 以先進科學技術為基礎的大眾傳媒特別是互聯網路,為兒童社會性發展提供了現代化的物質手段,極大地改善了兒童的知識、道德教育的物質條件,豐富了教育的內容,達到省時、省力、低投入高產出的效果。如傳統的課堂教學運用了電視、錄音、錄像、投影等傳媒形式,增強了吸引力,大大提高了兒童社會性發展的效率和效果,還有電視、報刊、網路的應用,出現了不受時間和空間限制的遠程教學和網上教育,這種教育不僅變傳統的被動式接受「灌輸」教育為互動式、引導式的宣傳教育,而且變傳統的單純語言表達為藉助聲音、圖像、動畫等多傳媒手段形象的表達,加深了印象,強化了效果。 大眾傳媒娛樂活動的多樣性賦予兒童樂觀向上的生活觀念,使他們能在娛樂中忘記煩惱,這為兒童提供了寬松和諧的生活環境,使他們的生活色彩多樣化,而且大眾傳媒為兒童提供了更廣闊的生活空間,各種文化場所與虛擬的網路世界為兒童提供了更多的交往機會,尤其是電子化生活已成為兒童所追求的時尚,並且開始處於上升的趨勢,電腦與網上世界對兒童具有極大的吸引力,網路對於兒童來說,最重要的不是一種信息收集渠道,而更多的是一種交友娛樂方式。 大眾傳媒傳播信息的速度快、容量大,使得大眾傳媒上的信息豐富多彩,浩如煙海,為兒童學習研究提供了大量的資料,開拓了他們的眼界,豐富了他們的生活,但是這些信息良蕎不齊,各種信息都可能存在,真實的和虛假的、科學的和愚昧的、健康的和污穢的、先進的和落後的信息同時並存,廣大兒童如果有意無意地瀏覽了其中的一些不良信息,就可能會產生極壞的影響。尤其是互聯網路的發展,不僅形成了影響力強大的虛擬環境,而且使得國內文化和西方文化直接發生碰撞和激盪,特別是世界觀、價值觀、人生觀尚在形成,求知慾、探索欲十分強烈的兒童,很容易受其負面影響。受大眾傳媒的影響,部分兒童會或多或少的染上一些青春文化病,主要表現在享樂主義的物質文化取向。而且大眾文化的世俗性使兒童的審美趣味走向低俗,兒童審美的低俗化在兒童審美對象的選擇上表現為古典嚴肅的文學藝術受到冷落,通俗淺薄的文學作品在兒童中流行,牛仔褲、文化衫成為時尚;在審美方式上,他們追求淺顯直接,更願意從詩歌走向對話,從交響樂走向通俗歌曲,從學術專論走向隨筆漫談。這些嚴重弱化了大眾傳媒對兒童社會性發展的積極影響。 因此,面對大眾傳媒這把「雙刃劍」,無論是社會、家庭、學校以及兒童本身都應理性看待,以求得到大眾傳媒給兒童及社會帶來更多積極影響。 Nowadays, the mass media has been deeply combined with the whole society, which has become an important public opinion carrier, the carrier of information, the carrier of culture and a major cultural existence. It includes newspapers, magazines, books, movies, television, radio, Internet, etc., as a kind of instry to send information to the community, has penetrated into all areas of human life. It quickly spread, wide coverage, strong penetrability, and for the decision of the government publicity, social ethics construction and for the people's values and way of life of remodeling have not underestimate the influence, especially for children, mass media, which is a "double-edged sword" no moment in plays an important role. Children outside the world is full of curiosity, eager to get new knowledge, understanding of new information, becoming a member of the social identity, so they became the most enthusiastic readers of modern mass media, the audience and the audience. From the way of life to the way of life, from the values to the emotional exchange, small to clothing, big to the world outlook, the formation of the concept of life, the mass media to provide them with a large number of information and analysis, interpretation of the truth. On advanced science and technology as the foundation of the mass media especially the Internet, provides the material means of modernization for the children's social development, greatly improve the material conditions of children's knowledge, moral ecation, enrich the content of ecation, to achieve effects of time saving, labor saving, low input high-yield. Such as the traditional classroom teaching by the media form of TV, audio, video and projection, enhances the attractiveness can greatly improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of children's social development and television, newspapers, Internet applications, emerged from the limit of time and space of distance ecation and online ecation, the ecation not only change the traditional passive accept the "indoctrination" ecation is interactive, guide the publicity and ecation and the traditional pure language expression with sounds, images, animation and other multi media image expression, deepen the impression, and strengthen the effect. The diversity of mass media entertainment give children optimistic idea of life, so that they can forget the troubles in the entertainment, which provides a comfortable and harmonious living environment for children, to diversify their life color, but also provides a broader living space of mass media for children, a variety of cultural sites and virtual network the world for children provides more opportunities for exchanges, especially electronic life has become the pursuit of children fashion, and began an upward trend, and the online world of children's computer network has a great attraction for children, the most important thing is not a collection of information channels, but more is a kind of entertainment dating the way. Mass media dissemination of information speed, large capacity, the mass media of information rich and colorful, voluminous, for the children's study provides a lot of information, broaden their horizons, enrich their lives, but these information good buckwheat not neat, all kinds of information may exist, both true and false, science and ignorance, health and filthy, advanced and backward information, the majority of children if intentionally or unintentionally through some bad information which may have a very bad impact. Especially the development of Internet, not only the formation of the powerful virtual environment, but also makes the domestic culture and the western culture directly collide and agitation, especially world view, value view, life view is in the formation, knowledge desire, desire to explore children very strong, easily by its negative effects. Influenced by the mass media, some children will more or less stained some youth culture disease, mainly in the hedonism of the material and cultural orientation. And the secular nature of mass culture make the children's aesthetic taste to vulgar, children's aesthetic vulgarization in the choice of children's aesthetic object performance for the serious classical literature and art has been in the doghouse, popular shallow literary works are popular among children, jeans, T-shirt become fashion; in the aesthetic way, they direct the pursuit of simple, more willing to from poetry to dialogue, from symphony to popular songs, from the academic monograph to essays ramble. These have seriously weakened the positive impact of mass media on children's social development. Therefore, in the face of mass media, this "double-edged sword", whether it is social, family, school and children themselves should be ra

F. 關於蘋果寫一篇英語作文還有一篇關於看電視對兒童的影響的作文

1.everybody likes eating apples,USA and France have the heaviest proce in the world.
2.apple is colorful,american people like it very much ,new yorker go to work and school with apples.
3 .apple juice and apple pie are popular food.
4.Washington, D.C. has highly apple proce ,each people per apple could be provided by its output of apple.

G. 戰爭片對兒童的影響 英文 謝謝 急

The impact of military movies on children

H. 寫一篇英語小短文。關於兒童看電視的不利

with the development of society, TV sets have entered most of homes and children become increasingly interested TV. However, every coin has its two sides. On the one hand, TV can introce children to new knowledge with visual delights. On the other hand, TV has its own disadvantages. Some parents think some programmes are not suitable for children and they will have bad effects on children. Long time of watching TV does harm to children's eyes, which will result in shortsightedness in most cases. In addition, it will influence children's sleep and study. what's worse, more children tend to become couch potatoes for a lack of physical exercise. apart from the above, by watching TV, we will waste electricity power, which goes against the appeal of the low carbon life style.
So, don't leave your children to TV as a babysitter.

I. 關於兒童看電視的英語作文

英文【】Watching television has become our main means of entertainment, and now children are usually like to watch TV, but do you know of television on children that are favorable and the harmful effects? First of all, that the beneficial aspects of television, good television programs for children of the Enlightenment in favor of ecation, increase knowledge, broaden their horizons, as the introction of scientific knowledge and natural knowledge, as well as historical, cultural and tourism programs and children's programs for our children. First of all, the harmful factors of the health effects of child care, television is the use of scanning as fast our eyes can not see that this scan will harm the fragile eye care, eye disease and lead to myopia, the more children age small, television time should be shorter, 2-year-old can not be more than half an hour ago. TV by the electron gun also fired a number of harmful radiation, the child's body a long time to receive radiation on early childhood development and health of the body much harm. The role of the television screen there is st, through the electric field, the st will be concentrated around the TV screen toward the viewer in the face, the adverse health, so we must face before going to bed, the harmful factors to replace only the LCD screen after screen tube can be mitigated. Children watch television will be able to increase knowledge, but all questions be answered through television, but also limit the brainstorming Children initiative. Television programs now everywhere is full of bloody violence and sex cases, murder, robbery, terrorist plot alts everywhere, the people have always believed that small children also do not know, and now intellectual development of children than we are a good number of those days Do not underestimate the child's intelligence, Moreover, even if children do not always give the children but some subtle role, which even animals can be affected. These adverse circumstances of the exposure time to repeat, for children in the initial phase of very harmful to the young soul like a white shadow on the add, young children do not have the capacity to judge right or wrong is very easy to have a psychological or behavioral abnormalities mimic, even the development of a tendency for violence and selfishness. I have observed around the 6-year-old child has the program affected by the bad language and behavior, such as imitation of the pet phrase of some bad behavior and bad, this is definitely a negative impact can not be ignored and, therefore, parents of children watching television time should be healthy and beneficial to choose television programs, more than usual for the transfer of a variety of other recreational activities of children's dependence on television, in this era of television entertainment rule was determined to TV for children to minimize the negative impact.

J. 很多電視節目容易誤導兒童,對他們的成長有害英語翻譯

Many TV programs are easy to mislead children, and they are harmful to their growth.

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