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❶ 電影勇敢的心,英文觀後感

remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was
impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The
acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses
were incorrect. Everything that happens in this movie in unpredicted.
The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a
powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a
great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did
make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while.
The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable, there was barely
any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they
did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who
enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or
maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.

19 November 2005 | by Sheldon Eyzenga

❷ 求助:《勇敢的心》里的經典台詞,英文版的

I am William Wallace.. and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny.
You've come to fight as free men.And free men you are.What will you do with that freedom?
Will you fight?
Aye. Fight and you may die.Run and you'll live at least a while.And dying in your beds many years from now.Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for the one chance...just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,but they'll never take our freedom!

❸ 告訴我電影勇敢的心中的經典語句,中英雙語的~

LIAM WALLACE:「Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now.

Would you be willing to trade?

All the days from this day to that,

for one chance,just one chance,

to come back here and tell our enemies

that they may take our lives,

but they''ll never take our Freedom!



❹ 求電影《勇敢的心》經典英文台詞

「Fight,and you may die.Run,and you』ll live at least a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now.
Would you be willing to trade?
All the days from this day to that,
for one chance,just one chance,
to come back here and tell our enemies
that they may take our lives,
but they』ll never take our Freedom!
Freedom——」 「是啊,如果戰斗,可能會死。如果逃跑,至少還能活。年復一年,直到壽終正寢。你們!願不願意用這么多苟活的日子去換一個機會,就一個機會!那就是回來,告訴敵人,他們也許能奪走我們的生命,但是,他們永遠奪不走我們的自由!」

❺ 電影勇敢的心經典台詞(中英文對照)

William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives.

William Wallace: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!

William Wallace:Not nearly as beautiful as you

William Wallace: Why do you help me?
Princess Isabelle: Because of the way you are looking at me now.


❻ 電影勇敢的心,威廉華萊士說過那些經典的話


❼ 關於電影《勇敢的心》的評論,最好是英文的

Brave heartAs the words in 「I have a dream」 says: 「we can be never satisfied as lo as justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like mighty stream」. 'Brave heart' is a film about freedom. It is a story of Scotland's greatest national hero Sir William Wallace who was the leader of the Scottish resistance forces. I could member it clearly that he always said: 「Every man dies, not every man really lives. They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!」 If he had not have hopes of life, he could not have been a passion man. If he had not have incumbency to his country, he could not have been a hero. What is Brave heart』 real meaning? It means have a brave heart when you are in a force; it means to have a brave heart to facing yourself and never defect you mind; it means to have a hope for what that someone else could not think about. That is the valuable of have a brave heart and your life. The cruel emperor died, the comrade in arm draw down their tear and the killer felt disappointed in this word 「freedom」 in this moment when a hero named Wallace shouted out in the end of his life. He has a brave heard because he could said that he want to lead his army fright with England』 normal army; he could imagine he can beat 「long leg」 in England』 land; he could think his countrymen were all have freedom in their life. Obviously it is a heart from a hero. He never gives up his dream .He was cleared in every fright besides the friendship with Robert: the Earl of Bruce .All of this film is full of blood and wile. However, to have a comfort, two ladies in this film have a kind and mercy heard: Wallace』s wife and the princess in Scotland. Men fraught for power or land and ignored emotions of other things, these two ladies were the only person who cared about person』s sensibility. They are like a tinder rain drop from the red bloody sky. In this cruelly film men are means everything and we can hardly see women, but they are here to give our hero love and warm, they are here to warm this blooding world.To draw a conclusion, from this film I learned to be braved when you are facing your life crossing and never give up your belief and confident, and having a wonderful wish in your future. Yes, like Wallace said in a force your enemy may take your lives, but they'll never take your freedom! Life may make you upset but it will never beat you. Keep your desire of life. You』ll see life is better than it seems. And do not forget the person who always love you or gave love to you.我以前寫的課程作業。哈哈··給你用了··

❽ 《勇敢的心》電影里幾句英文的意思

Every man dies, not every man really lives

peace is made in such way .
slave is made in such way!!!
譯文:和平是用這種方式創造的 而奴役也正是由這種方式而來的

Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while.And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!

❾ 求電影《勇敢的心》英文簡介

【出品公司】福克斯(20th Century Fox)派拉蒙(Paramount)
【影片長度】177 Mins
【導演】梅爾·吉布森(Mel Gibson)
【主演】梅爾·吉布森 Mel Gibson .... William Wallace
詹姆斯·羅賓遜 James Robinson .... Young William Wallace
Sean Lawlor .... Malcolm Wallace
Sandy Nelson .... John Wallace
James Cosmo .... Campbell
Sean McGinley .... MacClannough
Alan Tall .... Elder Stewart
Andrew Weir .... Young Hamish Campbell
Gerda Stevenson .... Mother MacClannough
Ralph Riach .... Priest #1
Mhairi Calvey .... Young Murron MacClannough
Brian Cox .... Argyle Wallace
Patrick McGoohan .... Longshanks, King Edward I
Peter Hanly .... Edward, Prince of Wales
蘇菲·瑪索 Sophie Marceau .... Princess Isabelle




在威廉.華萊士還是孩子的時候,他的父親,蘇格蘭的英雄馬索.華萊士在與英軍的斗爭中犧牲了。幼小的他在伯父的指導下學習文化和武術。光陰似箭,英王愛德華為鞏固在蘇格蘭的統治,頒布法令允許英國貴族在蘇格蘭享有結婚少女的初夜權,以便讓貴族效忠皇室。王子妃伊莎貝拉是個決斷的才女,她知道這道法令會讓英國貴族有意於蘇格蘭,但更會激起蘇格蘭人民的反抗。年輕的華萊士學成回到故鄉,向美麗的少女梅倫求婚,願意做一個安分守已的人。然而梅倫卻被英軍無理搶去, 並遭殺害,華萊士終於爆發了。在廣大村民高呼「英雄之後」的呼喊聲中,他們揭竿而起,殺英兵宣布起義。



❿ 勇敢的心經典英文對白

"We all end up dead, the question is how and why." -- William Wallace
我們最終都會死,問題在於怎麼樣死和為什麼而死。 -- 威廉·華萊士

"Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it." -- Malcolm Wallace
心靈是自由的,鼓起勇氣隨心飛翔! -- 馬爾科姆·華萊士

"It『s all for nothing if you don『t have freedom." -- William Wallace
如果沒有自由,一切都是空想。 -- 威廉·華萊士

Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland『s daughters and sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free. -- William Wallace
回去告訴整個英格蘭,蘇格蘭兒女不再是他們的臣民,告訴他們蘇格蘭是自由的。 -- 威廉·華萊士

Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you『ll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin『 to trade all of that from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take away our lives, but they『ll never take our freeeedoooomm. -- William Wallace
作戰,你也許會死;逃走,你會活下來...至少暫時是這樣,然而多年以後,你會終老而死。你們今天願意用這些來交換一個機會嗎?就是今天,回到這里告訴我們的敵人,他們也許會奪去我們的生命,但他們永遠奪不走我們的--自由!!!! -- 威廉·華萊士

William Wallace : I love you. Always have. I want to marry you.

Royal Magistrate : The prisoner wishes to say a word.

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