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㈠ 很老的英國的著名電影









㈡ 雨中跳舞的男人是什麼電影


影片里一言不合就唱歌跳舞,但是他的唱歌跳舞是很能為表現劇情的,甚至為劇情添加色彩的,經典的一段應該就是男主送女主回家後,一個人在雨中唱歌跳舞《sing in the rain》的那一段了,表現了男主在愛情里歡欣雀躍的心情了,在水中踢踏舞,跳得是真的不錯。



㈢ 「一個外國人拿著傘在雨中跳舞的音樂片」是什麼片子









㈣ 電影singin' in the rain (雨中曲)中全部歌曲的歌詞

singin'消逗 in the rain

Fit as a fiddle
All I do is dream of you
beautiful girl
You were meant for me
You are my lucky star
Good morning
Singin'拿槐賣 in the rain
Would you

Gene Kelly - ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU Lyrics

All I do the whole night through
Is dream of you
And with the dawn
I still go on dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You'明信re every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too
All I do the whole day through
Is dream of you...
All I do is dream of you...
I keep dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You're every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too,
All I do the whole day through.

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor - FIT AS A FIDDLE Lyrics

Don and Cosmo:
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
I can jump over the moon up above.
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

I haven't a worry, I haven't a care,
I feel like a feather that's floating on air,
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Gene Kelly - YOU WERE MEANT TO ME Lyrics

Life was a song,
You came along
I've laid awake the whole night through
If I ever dared to think you'd care
This is what I'd say to you

You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
Nature patterned you
And when she was done
You were all the sweet things
Rolled up in one

You're like a plaintive melody
That never lets me free
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

MOSES Lyrics

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
A Rose is a rose
A Nose is a nose
A Toese is a toese

Hupibi! (ehehehehe)

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

"Would You?"
music by Nacio Herb Brown; lyrics by Arthur Freed
He holds her in his arms.
Would you? Would you?
He tells her of her charms.
Would you? Would you?
They met as you and I,
And they were only friends.
But before the story ends...
He'll kiss her with a sigh.
Would you? Would you?
And if the girl were I
Would you? Would you?
And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor - GOOD MORNING Lyrics

Good mornin',
Good mornin'!
We've talked the whole night through,
Good mornin'
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good mornin' to you.
Good mornin', good mornin'!
It's great to stay up late,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.
When the band began to play
The sun was shinin' bright.
Now the milkman's on his way,
It's too late to say goodnight.
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good mornin', good mornin', to you,
And you, and you, and you!
Good morning,
Good morning,
We've gabbed the whole night through.
Good morning, good morning to you.
Don & Cosmo:
Nothin' could be grander than to be in Louisiana
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
In the morning,
In the morning,
It's great to stay up late!
Good mornin',
Good mornin' to you.
Don & Cosmo:
It might be just a zippy
If you was in Mississipi!
When we left the movie show
The future wasn't bright
But tame is gone
The show goes on
And I don't wanna say good night
Don & Cosmo:
So say, Good Mornin'!
Good Mornin'!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Rainbow is shining through
Good Mornin'!
Don & Cosmo:
Good Mornin'!
Bon Jour!
Don & Cosmo:
Bon Jour!
Buenos Dias!
Don & Cosmo:
Buenos Dias!
Buon Giorno!
Don & Cosmo:
Buon Giorno!
Guten Morgen!
Don & Cosmo:
Guten Morgen!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good morning to you.

Waka laka laka wa
Waka laka laka wa...
Ole, toro, Bravo!

㈤ 求電影 雨中情 的歌曲

美國老電影《雨中情》主題曲——Singing In The Rain


㈥ Singin' in the Rain《萬花嬉春》/《雨中曲》1952:的資料

萬花嬉春 Singin' in the Rain 1952年美國出品 彩色 片長103分 導演: Stanley Donen
Gene Kelly 演員: Gene Kelly
Donald O'Connor
Debbie Reynolds
Jean Hagen Gene Kelly在本片中將好萊塢從默片時期轉變到有聲電影的歷史發展編成一出結合音樂、舞蹈、喜劇與灰姑娘羅曼史的音樂劇。本片自一九六0年以來便經常被列為影史十大佳片的名單之中。Kelly在雨中即興高歌起舞的一段更是影史中最被稱頌的鏡頭之一。影片對於好萊塢電影製作有從內部(舞台後台)觀點所作的呈現,對於這門課能夠給大家一個關於電影製作與電影歷史的愉快簡介。 其實《萬花嬉春》的劇情非常簡單:真基利飾演的Don Lockwood,與Lina Lamont都是默片時代的大明星(不過是面和心不和),Don出席老闆的慶功宴時被熱情影迷圍困,情急下跳上Kathy Selden(Debbie Reynolds飾)的車上,但是卻被後者教訓一頓: 「If you』ve seen one you』ve seen』em all.」 --意即Don演出的電影千篇一律。雖然Don後來發現Kathy不是甚麼演員,而是舞蹈團成員(在老闆的派對演出),但是始終對她的一番話念念不忘。 正當Don與Lina為新片拍攝時,老闆因為看到《爵士歌手》(亦即電影史首部有聲電影)大收旺場,於是下令所有片組都要拍攝有聲電影,豈料拍攝有聲片不是想像般容易,單是學咬字已夠麻煩Lina演出「收音」的一段更是笑破肚皮,結果試映時音效奇差之餘更出現聲畫不同步的狀況,劣評如潮自是不在話下。不過Kathy提出絕妙的建議,將本來的古代騎士電影改成音樂劇(Singing Caveliar),聲線根本不能「出街」的Lina,對白及唱詞則由Kathy代唱,此時Kathy與Don已經打得火熱,Don也在送對方回家後,跳出經典的 「Singin』 in the Rain」 一段。 新版電影成功殺青,在首映時觀眾一致叫好,但是早已受不了過去一眾謝幕詞只由Don獨攬的Lina,在後台「大發雌威」,要求獨自一人上台致謝。但是發現現實與電影中的聲線大大不同的觀眾,卻要求Lina即席演唱「驗明正身」,於是Don、其好友Co *** o(當奴奧康納飾)及老闆,下令Kathy再次幕後代唱,但在唱歌迷中拉起布幕,當眾踢爆Lina根本「冇料到」,本來誤會了Don的Kathy,也終於對方成為佳偶。 不喜歡歌舞片的人常說,歌舞片不真實,演員會說對白說得好端端時,突然音樂響起,然後就唱唱跳跳,最後又回復正常,總之就是非常「突兀」。電影其中一個最大的功能就是娛樂大眾,歌舞片以人人都懂聽的音樂、歌詞及舞蹈去打動觀冊沒眾,令觀眾看得暢快的話,又何必理會它們現實不現實?正如在《萬花嬉春》中,真基利在片末的 「Broadway Melody」 中又唱又跳,雖然與片中劇情無關宏旨(也就是劇中劇),但是觀眾如我者,一聽到真基利大唱 「Gotta Dance」 時,又怎能不隨著音樂打拍子甚至一起唱呢?又或是看那段著名的「在雨中歌唱世姿陵」時,都有跳舞的沖動? 分析與討論: 就影片所呈現的電影歷史而言 我們可以看到早期電影的許多史實被放進影片中。首先片中主角Lockwood(Kelly)在回顧他的成名過程時(當然影片以影片來兔槽他的自吹自擂是喜劇手法)我們可以略微看到電影前身的娛樂主要形式「綜藝場」(vaudville)誇張爆笑的歌舞表演(burlesque)。最主要的則是影片將一九二七年有聲電影發明所帶來的沖擊放進敘事中。我們可以看到默片的表演方式(片中將默片誇大的肢體動作更加誇張化)、製作過程與有聲電影的區別。另外影片也將歌舞片的類型略做瀏覽。尤其不少鏡頭是後來Vicent Minnelie的正字標記鏡頭(如在影片Dames中)。其中Donald O'Connor所跳的"Make them Laugh"那一段被喻為是電影史上最爆笑的三分鍾表演之一。 就一部歌舞片而言 本片屬於歌舞片類型中常見的「後台歌舞片」讓觀眾看到主角們如何讓演出可以進行("the show must go on") 或稱為「自覺搜戚型歌舞片」(self-reflexive或self-reflective musical)。Jane Feuer指出這類歌舞片雖然讓觀眾看到表演是如何被「製造」出來,但是透過三種迷思或假象的安排,觀眾依然會在觀賞中感到一切都十分自然,生活就是個有歌有舞的表演。一是隨意自然的假象,片中的主角似乎都是自然起舞,同時跳舞時隨意地將周遭的東西與景物納入舞中,例如Kelly在發音教授中那一段,或是雨中歡唱中的雨傘與路燈,而不自然的Lina就成了負面角色。其二是融合的假象,前台與後台似乎並無分別,生活與表演也是不相沖突。其三是觀眾的假象,透過在影片中安排觀眾,然後讓我們與這些觀眾認同,於是我們彷彿就被納入影片中,例如影片圓滿的末了,我們看到有情人終成眷屬,而且他們親吻時背後的電影廣告正是我們剛剛看完的影片《雨中歡唱》,我們觀者也成了片中人了。 就一部敘事劇情片而言 影片以灰姑娘愛情故事這個百試不爽的童話劇情放進電影圈的情節里,塑造二個對立的人物表: Lina Lockwood
Co *** os 不會歌舞 歌舞一流 聲音難聽 聲音優美 自私 無私,肯為友/愛犧牲 好名利 喜好表演勝於名利 做作,有心機 天真 一邊是這個聲音難聽,不會唱歌不會跳舞,粗鄙之至,最後甚至心腸惡毒的Lina,另一邊則是完全相反的三個好人(甚至公司老闆都是心腸好極了)來作為劇情推動的主要沖突點。影片圍繞著這個對立的開頭敘述Lockwood成功進入演藝圈的故事,主要劇情則是透過Kathy無私的協助完成了一個滿足觀眾的表演。由於演出在這類歌舞片中的重要性,因此當主角三人想到解救慘不忍睹的影片之道時,正也是Lockwood愛情成就之時,因此他的雨中獨舞正是片中敘事的最高點,配合上Gene Kelly曼妙自然的舞步,十個鏡頭呈現出美國影史最令人懷念的鏡頭。 lib.nctu.e/Multimedia/new/index/DVD/DVD000491' 2007-05-11 14:15:05 補充: Thank you.
============================================== Singin' in the Rain (1952) imdb/title/tt0045152/ 《萬花嬉春》(Singin' in the Rain)是部美國電影,由米高梅電影公司於1952年發行。片中以歌舞片的形式傳達劇情,至今被多數人視為歌舞片相當重要與代表性的作品之一。 Singin' in the Rain 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/f/f9/Singing_in_the_rain_poster/200px-Singing_in_the_rain_poster Release Date: 12 February 1953 (Hong Kong Directed by Stanley Donen Gene Kelly Writing credits Adolph Green (story) and Betty Comden (story) Runtime: 103 min Country: USA Language: English Color: Color (Technicolor) / Black and White ============================================== In 1927
Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a famous on-screen romantic pair. Lina
mistakes the on-screen romance for real love. Don has worked hard to get where he is today
with his former partner Co *** o. When Don and Lina's latest film is trformed into a musical
Don has the perfect voice for the songs. But Lina - well
even with the best efforts of a diction coach
they still decide to b over her voice. Kathy Selden is brought in
an iring actress
and while she is working on the movie
Don falls in love with her. Will Kathy continue to "ire"
or will she get the break she deserves ? ==============================================
參考: zh. *** /wiki/%E8%90%AC%E8%8A%B1%E5%AC%89%E6%98%A5
SINGING IN THE RAIN是gene kelly第一名作,由他主演和監制。 呢首歌令到他跟stanley kubrick面左左,因為後者用了呢首歌作為a clockwork orange發條橙的經典 *** 場面的背景音樂。
《萬花嬉春》(Singin' in the Rain)是部美國電影,由米高梅電影公司於1952年發行。片中以歌舞片的形式傳達劇情,至今被多數人視為歌舞片相當重要與代表性的作品之一。

㈦ 雨中曲和巴比倫河的確切出處

雨中旋律《Rhythm of the Rain》
這首曲子於兆燃1962年12月誕生,原唱是一支於1960年組隊的THE CASCADES的五人男子樂隊。

巴比陸猜虛倫河《River of Babylon》
於1972年創作,最早也出現在一部1972年的早燃電影中《 The Harder They Come》,而第一次以單曲發行是出現在1978年的一支德國迪士高樂隊Boney M(German disco band Boney M)的專輯中。


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